Friday, April 26, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 4/26/2024 Season 2, Episode 6

Mid-States Wrestling 4/26/2024 Season 2, Episode 6

Last week's show is here:

El Matador Uno vs Jimmy Fiasco

Uno weighed in today at "65 gallons of authentic hispanic salsa". Nigel Rabid says different countries have different units of measurement.

Jimmy hits a shot and Uno goes down. Uno tries to belly bump him but and push him but Jimmy doesn't budge. Uno hits him in the gut and side headlocks him. Uno drops him with a punch. Jimmy counters a side headlock then nails Uno in the head. Jimmy running hip attacks him and Uno hits wind-up punches. Jimmy distracts him, grabs him by the nose then smacks his hand down.

Jimmy corner splashes him then death valley drivers him. Jimmy then wins it.

It was a silly squash here with Uno being purely comedic and not getting anything serious in. 

Gabe The Babe and Ernie Elwood talk. Gabe says Ernie's his biggest fan and Ernie said he's his best friend. Ernie says tonight it's gonna be big time.

Colton Theron Vaught does a promo. He said he has only racked up wins and give people the best matches possible. He said being a little insane is the best path to victory. Gary Roosevelt Gram comes in. He says he's bad and you know it, clap your hands.

Gabe The Babe and Ernie Elwood vs Colton Theron Vaught and Gary Roosevelt Gram

Gary runs around the ring with a dog collar and leash on and CTV does the same. Their entrance was nice with the crowd popping for it.

Gary and Gabe start us off. Gary throws him over and pretends to pee on him like a dog. CTV snapmares Gabe and kicks him in the chest. CTV then pretends to pee on him like a dog. Gabe gets mad and Ernie gets in.

CTV tries shoulders on Ernie but can't move him. Ernie slams him and CTV tries shot to the gut that don't register. Gabe  hits shots on CTV. CTV headflips out of a wristlock and side headlocks Gabe. CTV hits a nice dropkick then Gram 2nd rope dropkicks him. Gabe spinning headscissors Gary then Gary blocks one and hits a sitout powerbomb.

Gabe low blows Gary. Ernie bangs Gary's head off the buckles and splashes him. Gary hits shots to the gut then Ernie splashes him in the corner. CTV tries to rile the crowd up then Gabe boots Gary in the corner.

Gary is snapmared then Ernie stands on his gut. Ernie slams Gary then misses a splash. CTV is hot tagged in. He lariats Gabe down several times. Gary hits a spinning razor's edge on Gabe then CTV top rope splashes Gabe to win it.

It was fine for what it was. CTV and Gary have just insane energy and really make for a fun face team. Ernie's gear is ridiculous but it's supposed to be.

Overall thoughts: Only two matches as usual here. It is an indy so I won't be too hard on it, but it would be nice if we could get some matches built up, some storylines and some feuds going on. The opener was a mostly comedic squash. The main event was fine with Gram and CTV making for a good face team. I wouldn't recommend it but it was fun.

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