Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 4/15/2024 Gaisen Sakura Pro Wrestling
This is an outside event at a festival and not the usual TJPW fare.
Miu Watanabe vs Haru Kazashiro
The website for this called Miu "Miki". They trade basic holds. Miu shoulders her over then Haru snapmares her. Haru hits chest forearms then Miu bangs Haru's head off the buckles. Miu goes up and over in the corner then shoulders her over.
Miu double axe handles her then hits a big slam for 2. Miu spinning slams her then Haru hits chest forearms. Miu drops her with a chest forearm then Haru running back elbows her. Haru hits chest forearms then dropkicks her in the corner.
Miu drives her in the corner then splashes her. Miu shoulders her over and Haru throws her back, putting on an armbar. Haru crossbodies her for 2 then does a bridge pin for 2. Miu swinging backbreakers her then giant swings her. Miu then tapes her out with an over the shoulder backbreaker.
It was a simple and basic match. Haru obviously never had a chance here. They kept it moving and it was average for what it was.
Mizuki vs Pom Harujuku
Pom scares her with gestures somehow and rolls her up. Pom snapmares her and hits her bad clubs on the chest for 2. Pom walks up the buckles and armdrags her off the 2nd rope twice. Miz blocks an irish whip and Pom shin kicks her. Miz takes off Pom's shoe on a spin kick attempt and throws it outside.
Miz top rope crossbodies her for 2 then Pom retrieves her shoe. Pom runs in the crowd and gets hit with a traffic cone. Miz then puts the cone on Pom's head and hits it. Miz hits Pom with a fan's shoe. Miz then slaps Pom with a Pom handheld fan.
Pom is whipped into the post outside then Miz brings in the one former TJPW wrestler, Nodoka Tenma (I think). The wrestler splashes Pom against the post and falls over. Pom is put back in the ring and rolls out. Pom taunts Miz and uses a kid as a shield. Miz goes to hit Pom and Pom moves. Miz tries to make friends with the kid and Pom cries.
Pom shin kicks her and throws her back in the ring. Pom basement dropkicks her then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Miz double stomps Pom then dropkicks her through the ropes. Pom rolls into a pin attempt on Miz for 2 then basement dropkicks her.
Pom facebusters her then misses a step up legdrop. Miz rolls Pom into a double stomp for 2. Pom tries to hit her with a shoe and misses then Miz hits Pom with the shoe. Miz fallaway slams her and wins it.
It was a mostly comedic match here thought it was entertaining. It got a little silly at times, there should have been some DQ's for weapons shots and I would have shaved a few minutes off of it. They had a lot of fun with it though.
Nao Kakuta & Rika Tatsumi vs. Arisu Endo & Mahiro Kiryu
Rika takes a shot at MK on the apron to start. She avoids a lock up with Endo and poses. Endo dropkicks her then Rika chokes and foot chokes her in the corner. Rika elbow drops Endo. Nao hair thruws Endo then throws her backwards.
Nao cobra clutches Endo and Rika goes into the crowd for some reason. Endo dropkicks Nao and tags MK in. MK slams Nao. Endo dropkicks MK in the corner. Nao is put on the ropes and MK kneels on her. MK double knees her on the ropes then Nao face kicks her on the ropes. Nao goes for the tag but RIka is in the crowd eating food.
Endo and Nao fight. Endo dropkicks her then leg lariats her on the ropes. Endo double axe handles her then cobra clutches her as Rika continues to eat food. Nao hammerlock flatliners Endo. Rika finally lets herself be tagged in and she hip attacks Endo.
Endo trips Rika on the ropes and misses a kick there. Rika backbreakers her for 2. Endo flying neckbreakers her and MK tags in. MK dropkicks Rika for 2 then running elbows her in the back of the head. Rika rolls her up and dragon screws her. Rika figure fours MK.
MK side slams Rika then Endo forearms MK. Nao cross arm ddt's Endo then Rika cutters MK. Rika top rope hip attacks MK and wins it.
I didn't like this at all. It went on too long and Rika screwed around outside for most of it. Rika then being able to pick up the win despite not wrestling half the match made the other team look bad as well.
Aja Kong & Raku vs. Shoko Nakajima & Yuki Aino

Shoko hits forearms on Aja that are no sold. Aino is tagged in and tries shoulders but is knocked back. Shoko gets on Aino's shoulders and hits Aja. Raku then gets on Aja's shoulders and hits Shoko with a pillow, knocking her down. Raku hits Aino with a pillow and Aja sends Shoko into the seats. She hits Shoko with a chair and throws her into the seats again.
Raku lays Aino on a pillow, then gets on Aja's back to walk on Aino. They then both drop down on her. Aino slams Raku then back body drops her. Aino sentons her for 2.
Shoko and Raku fight. Shoko hits stomps in the corner then slingshot swantons her. Raku hits chops on her then facebusters her. Aja gets in and lariats Shoko. Aja lariats both opponents over then backdrops Aino. Aja's opponents try offense on her but can't knock her over and get double lariated.
Aja gets on the buckles then Tenma comes in from earlier in the show and slaps her in the butt. Aja is slammed off the buckles then Shoko hurricanrana's her. Shoko 619's her. Raku chops Aino the low dropkicks her. Raku gets on her back then code red's her for 2. Aino sentons Raku then vader bomb elbows her off the ropes for 2.
Raku chops Aino then Aino gutwrench suplexes her. Raku slingblades Aino for 2. Raku grabs her pillow and Aja grabs her can. They nail their opponents with them in front of the ref and both take attacks. Aino reverse ddt's Raku then Shoko topes Aja. Aino double underhook suplexes Raku and wins it.
I thought they did a decent job of putting Aja over here as a force. I didn't like both teams cheating here in front of the ref. I thought it could have been a little shorter.
The crew then pose together at the end of the show.
All of the winners got prizes for winning here except Miu.
Overall thoughts: The crowd wasn't that great here since they likely weren't fans and that did hurt the show a little. I thought the matches should have all been shorter. I didn't like the wrestlers cheating in front of the ref during this or Tenma interfering in so many matches. They did do a decent job of working the crowd though and trying to find ways to entertain people who maybe weren't fans and it was a quick show to get through.
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