Saturday, April 20, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 4/19/2024 Season 2, Episode 5

Mid-States Wrestling 4/19/2024 Season 2, Episode 5

Last week's show is here: 

Wrex Amadeus does a promo. He said he's the man with the world's strongest mustache. He says he will put a dent in the ring the size of Blue Bolt. Blue Bolt does a promo. He said Wrex is strong but he's quick. He said Wrex will only hear the 1-2-3 when he hits his code blue finisher in the ring. 

Wrex Amadeus vs Blue Bolt

They lock up and Bolt hits armdrags. Bolt dropkicks him then is pulled into the buckles. Wrex russian legsweeps him then elbow drops him for 2. Bolt hits double axe handles on him then back body drops him.

Wrex pushes the ref into the ropes, causing Bolt to get crotched. Wrex then hits an attitude adjustment and uses the tights to pin Bolt.

I didn't like the ref getting pushed around here. The match was real short and not that special.

Nigel Rabid and The Rabid Empire are interviewed. Nigel said we will soon see tag team gold around their waists. He said the sun never sets on The Rabid Empire. Music then hits and Iron Mountain come out. Iron Mountain said they see a bunch of jokers over here flapping their gums. They said they also see an empty ring and don't see some big meaty men slapping beef. They say let's save the talking and get to action. 

Iron Mountain (Diamond Duke and Handsome Jack) vs The Rabid Empire (Lord Ateu and Dredd)

Nigel Rabid is out there with Rabid Empire. Lord locks up with Diamond Duke (gold and black tassles) and hits a shot. Lord takes shots back and takes a corner lariat. Lord hits a big slam then Duke is beaten up in the corner. Duke takes a double suplex then a legdrop.

Dredd chops Duke then takes a nice spinebuster. Jack hits shots on Duke then takes a knee from the apron by Lord. Dredd uppercuts his opponent. We go to break and return.

Lord chokes Jack over the ropes then Nigel Rabid chokes Duke's partner as well. Dredd legdrops Duke's partner on the apron. Nigel hits Jack with his cricket bat. The ref gets shoved over and they all fight outside. Duke's head is put on a chair outside but his partner saves him. Lord is sent into the post outside and Dredd pounds on Duke.

The ref calls this a double DQ as all control has been lost.  Duke is 2v1'd then Jack saves him by swinging a chair around.

Duke's partner is Handome Jack. It was a decent match here with some fun brawling outside after. I'm sure this is leading to something and I'm looking forward to it.

Overall thoughts: Only 2 matches here. The main was fun with some good brawling but the opener was too short. I wouldn't recommend it but it was only 21 minutes and was real easy to get through.

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