Stardom 1/29/2022 Nagoya Supreme Fight 2022
I'm not a huge Stardom fan. I followed it regularly for a while but when they got bought out, they became really shallow, stopped pushing a lot of the former stars and poached a bunch of talent from other feds. Dave Meltzer also overhypes its matches and that doesn't make me like it any more.
Future of Stardom Title - Hanan (c) vs Lady C
C does a facekick to her early then takes a hip throw. They trade chops for chest forearms and C hits some very weak chops. Hanan comes back with a twisting crossbody from the 2nd rope then double arm suplexes her for 2. C puts her in a cobra clutch over the knee but Hanan hits the ropes. C goes for a chokeslam but gets put into an armbar. Hanan hits an STO then does a suplex for 2.
C comes back with a face kick then a big chokeslam. Hanan then hits a fameasser and puts her in a backdrop hold for the win.
This was only a little over 5 minutes. It wasn't that good and they were rushed here to get in what they could.
SWA World Women's title - Mina Shirakawa (c) vs Thekla
Thekla sits up top and then jumps down and mocks Mina. they then taunt at each other. Thekla goofs around by taunting her and Mina wants her to fight outside the ring. Thekla chases Mina in and they trade forearms. Thekla hits a bunch of chest slaps.
Mina takes her down with a flying clothesline then Thekla hammerlock ddt's her. Thekla then chickenwing stretches her and she has to hit the ropes. Mina does a nice overhead suplex on her then Thekla does a silly sell for a diving forearm from the top. Mina bridge ddt's her then Thekla bridges out of a lariat. Mina hits a Thesz press for 2. Mina hits a lifting ddt for 2.
Thekla comes back with a high kick then does a twisting butterfly slam. Thekla hits another high kick and does a twisting butterfly ddt for the win.
This was not good at all with Thekla mostly goofing around.
Wonder of Stardom Title - Saya Kamitani (c) vs Unagi Sayaka

Unagi hits a nice face kick to Saya. Saya grabs her by the hair and they trade forearms. Saya dropkicks her then chinlocks her. Uangi was hanging over the middle rope and Saya face kicked her then axe kicked her. Saya laughed at Unagi's forearms and downed her easy at 5 minutes.
Unagi tried a stun gun but was too short and they missed the ropes. Unagi then hit an unusual ddt like move bridged from the apron on Saya. They came right back in though quickly and Unagi did a spinning facebuster. Saya came back with a nice jumping hurricanrana then did a springboard and plancha'd her. Unagi then reversed something on the floor and ddt'd her there.
They traded forearms on the floor then Unagi did a Gori special stretch on her on the outside. Unagi put her in a dragon sleeper inside the ring but Saya hit the ropes. Saya hit a spinning heel kick then a bad step kick. She then did it again for 2. Say then hit her spinning neckbreaker move again while Saya was on the ropes.
They trade forearms then Saya missile dropkicks her in the back from the top for 2. Unagi hits a blade runner then they trade face kicks. Saya does a really nice roll into a suplex for 2. Say went up top and got hit with a dominator for 2. Unagi then hit a frog splash for a very close 2. Saya then hit a hurriancana and a spinning heel kick. Saya rolled up Unagi into brainbuster type of move for 2 and won with a phoenix splash.
I liked the first part of this when they were focusing more on how much they hated each other than the 2nd half where it mostly just all kick outs and big moves without much selling.
World of Stardom Championship No. 1 Contendership Match - Mayu Iwatani vs Giulia
This was supposed to be a three way with Tam Nakano but she pulled out due to medical issues. Giulia is super tan here to the point of looking black. They went to the mat early. Mayu pulls her by the hair as she is stuck in the ropes. Mayu then dropkicks her as she sits against the bottom rope and gets hit with an umbrella as she tries to tope her. They get back in and Giulia high kicks her then hits a big shotgun dropkick.
Giulia works the arm some and slams Mayu for 2. Giulia grabs Mayu off the top rope and bearhug suplexes her on her arm. Mayu then hits a nice dropkick to the face of a kneeling Giulia. Mayu then superkicks her a bit later before hitting a northern lights suplex variation for 2.
Mayu misses a double stomp from the top then gets put in an octopus stretch. She quickly drops backwards to get out of it. Mayu tries to dive on Giulia on the outside but nails a bunch of other people instead. They fight outside and the ref tries to stop it, but Giulia pulls the ref down and jumps off his back to dropkick Giulia. Mayu superkicked her in the face as she knelt then tombstone'd her on the floor.
Giulia got right back up though and draped her across the ring apron then neckbreakered her. They went back in and headbutted each other then Giulia hit a wheelbarrow suplex that was no sold. Giulia then no sold a german and Mayu no sold a german, then they both went down.
May hit a flying kick on her in the corner then shotgun dropkicked her from the top. Mayu then hit a dragon suplex for 2. Mayu tried to moonsault her from the top but Giulia got her knes up and triangled her. Giulia then missile dropkicked her for 2. Giulia hit a falcon arrow which was no sold then shotgun dropkicked her. Giulia hit a nasty release backdrop and a knee, but Mayu kicked out at 1. Mayu then hit a crucifix driver for 1.
Mayu hit a top rope hurricanrana then dove on her from the top to the floor. Mayu then moonsaulted her from the top for 2 then did it again for another 2. Mayu made Julia's chin bleed from that. They headbutted each other and the 30 minute time limit ran out.
I was not a fan of this. There was very little selling, no real story and they just did a bunch of big moves without any reason. And because it went so long, all of those problems were magnified.
World of Stardom Championship Match - Syuri (c) vs MIRAI
They went to the mat early. Mirai ducked some kicks and ran the ropes to shoulder block her down. Syuri then went outside for a breather. Mirai went out after her then Syuri went back in. Mirai then ran the ropes and got caught with a nice armdrag.
Syuri hit a suplex for 2 then hit some kicks to her back. Mirai hit a big bodyslam at about 10 minutes, then dropkicked her from the top. Syuri hung her over the top rope then draping ddt'd her down. Syuri tried to kick her off the apron but got pulled down. Mirai then hit a twisting vader bomb for 2.
Syuri hit a couple of face kicks then a knee combo in the gut on Mirai. She then codebreakered her. Syuri hit more stiff kicks to the chest. Mirai fought back with a bunch of forearms and Syuri gave her some back. Mirai pounded on her with some weak forearms then armbarred her.
Syuri hit a fireman's carry into a gutbuster for 2 at 20 minutes then she took a belly to belly esque suplex off the top. Mirai hit a wrist clutch belly to belly for 2. Syuri hit a release german and Mirai blocked her follow-up kicks, then hit a wheelbarrow suplex variation. Mirai backbreakered her then dropped her. Mirai then airplane spinned her into an F-U for 2. Syuri hit a high kick then got a big lariat for 2.
Syuri hit a buzzsaw kick for another 2 then hit a high kick. Syuri then won it with an electric chair into a death valley driver.
This went longer than it needed to at 26 minutes. I liked the general story of Mirai being the underdog and trying to upset Syuri, but because they went too long, they did a lot more than they needed to and the selling suffered.