NWA Power Hour 8/5/1990
Note - Many places have this marked as being on 8/3/1990. It was not and we know that as they said it would be on after NWA Main Event 8/5/1990.
Jim Cornette runs down today's show.
Tommy Rich vs Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
Rich does an inset promo on Stan Hansen. He says he's ready for Stan. He says he's a winner and not a quitter. He said he never backed down from anyone and won't now.
Ric drags Buddy down off the lock-up. Buddy side headlocks him. Rich hiptosses and armdrags him. Rich then armlocks him. Rich drops a knee on the arm. Buddy knees him in the gut and is monkey flipped. Buddy side headlocks him. Rich trips him and pulls on the leg. Buddy ropebreaks.
Buddy side headlocks him and Rich kneebreakers him. Rich spinning toe holds him. JR says it should be called the spinning leg lock since it affects the leg more. Buddy punches Rich and stomps on him on the apron. Buddy slams him then elbow drops him for 2. Buddy chinlocks him.
Rich reverses it into a hammerlock. Buddy escapes and gets put back in it. Rich knee drops the arm. Buddy hits shots to the gut and Rich back body drops him. Rich armlocks him. Buddy clubs on Rich's spine then backbreakers him. Buddy powerslams him for 2.
Rich bends over and is kicked. Buddy knee drops him for 1. Buddy chinlocks him. Rich shoulders him over then misses a crossbody. Rich snapmares him and chinlocks him. Rich misses a dropkick then Buddy elbow drops him.
Buddy hits shots in the corner. Rich boots him out of the corner. Rich 2nd rope thesz presses him and pins him.
Thoughts: It got close to 10 minutes for some reason and was pretty average. They mostly stuck to the basics here and didn't follow up on any of the limb work they did.
Jim Ross talks about the rest of the show.
The Samoan Swat Team (Fatu and The Samoan Savage) vs Lee Scott and Mark White
Fatu is Rikishi here and The Samoan Savage is Tama. The jobbers get hit before intros are done. Lee takes a huge double back body drop and Mark is punched down by Savage. Savage hits a side slam. The SST hit a double headbutt on Mark. Fatu hits a powerslam and a headbutt on Mark. Fatu calls for The Steiner's.
Mark takes a top rope chop from Fatu then takes a samoan drop. Savage hits a nice to prope splash on Mark and wins.
Thoughts: This was a good squash. The SST had great offense here and moved well. Lee's double back body drop bump was really nice.
Sid Vicious vs Scott Williams
Sid boots Scott and clubs him. Sid forearms him then chinlocks him between the ropes. Sid chest clubs him. Sid blocks a sunset flip and lifts him up by his throat. Sid chokes him and lariats him. Lex Luger comes out and stares down Sid. Sid tells Lex to come to him now.
Sid hits a whirlybird and asks Lex if he can take that. Sid then powerbombs Scott for the win.
Thoughts: It was the usual Sid squash where he dominated his opponent. Sid looked good as usual. Lex came out to watch like he did on Main Event earlier in the day as Sid was involved in an attack on Lex that we didn't see.
Tim Horner is interviewed by Jim Ross. He says he knows Bam Bam Bigelow is big and bad. He says it won't be a cake walk. He says he will come at Bam Bam from so many directions that he will think he's surrounded. Tim says every dog has his day and says today may be his day.The Z-Man and Brian Pillman vs Fred Avery and Joe Cazana
Fred slams Z to start. He then hits a second one and poses. They shoulder battle. Z superkicks him over. Fred does a nice sell for it then tags in Joe who gets lariated by Z. Joe eye rakes BP. BP boots him and sits him up top. BP dropkicks him down then Z dropkicks Fred.
BP dropkicks Joe through the ropes. Fred tries to help out Joe. Joe pounds on BP in the corner. BP ducks a double clothesline then hits his own. Joe is held in the air for a BP dropkick. BP then slingshots Z in for a splash. Z then pins Joe.
Thoughts: It was a fun squash here with Brian doing some nice flying offense and the heels doing a good job in bumping for the faces. Fred in particular took some interesting bumps.
We see clips from WCW 7/29/1990 with Lex coming out with ripped clothes and swinging a stick around.
Cornette interviews Sid Vicious and Ric Flair. Sid says when you mess with The Horsemen, something bad might happen to you and says it may happen to Sting. Flair calls Lex a primadonna. He says when you play with fire you get hurt and says Lex must have done something. Flair says Lex and Sting think they run the wrestling world. He says what happened to Lex happens to Sting tomorrow. He says it's no ones fault, it's just the world of hard knocks. He says the big boys survive and the little boys fall by the way side. Flair says to learn to love it as they are the best thing going today.
Bam Bam Bigelow vs Tim Horner
Bam Bam comes out with Sir Oliver Humperdink. Bam pushes Tim off the lock-up twice. Bam headbutts Tim then throws him hard on his shoulder. Bam headbutts Tim's gut in the corner. Bam misses a corner splash and Tim slides out.
Bam hits Tim as he gets in. Tim hits some shots back and wristlocks him. Bam misses a corner charge and Tim wristlocks him again. Bam hits headbutts. Bam misses a corner splash.
They do a double knuckle lock. Tim stomps Bam's foot and wristlocks him. Bam hits shots on Tim but Tim goes back to the wristlock. Bam hits some shots and blocks Tim's sunset flip. Bam misses a butt drop and an elbow drop.
Tim makes Bam chase him around the ring. Tim stomps on Bam's hand and hits some nice punches. Tim double boots Bam out of the corner then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Tim 2nd rope body presses him. Humperdink gets on the apron and Tim goes after him. Bam hits Tim from behind and drops him with a shot. Bam hits some headbutt drops then headbutts him out.
Bam suplex throws Tim in then headbutt drops him for 2. Bam cranks Tim's head. Bam hits headbutts on Tim. Tim is caught on a crossbody and is spinebustered down. Bam hits some headbutt drops. Bam chokes Tim on the ropes. Bam then rebounds Tim back off the ropes. Bam misses a shot and is eye raked.
Tim hits punches then corner punches. Tim then bites Bam in the face. Tim misses a 2nd rope dive and Bam headbutt drops him for the win.
Thoughts: I didn't like this that much. It went longer than it needed to. Tim's offense was really basic and Bam didn't bully him around enough to help make Tim's comeback better.
Jim Ross asks Gordon Solie about the attack on Lex Luger. Gordon thinks The Horsemen were involved in it. They talk about Lex being silent. Gordon says Lex has the killer instinct and is seeking revenge. JR asks if Sting is next. Gordon says The Horsemen may want to take out The Dudes with Attitudes first then Sting.
Overall thoughts: It wasn't the most exciting edition of Power Hour. The main and the opener both ran long and neither were that good. The Z-Man/Pillman tag was the best thing on here though it was just a squash. I also liked The SST squash. We also got no answers on who attacked Lex which sucked. I wouldn't really recommend this one and thought it was just average due to the two long matches not being good.
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