Monday, March 3, 2025

WWE Main Event 2/27/2025

WWE Main Event 2/27/2025

Last week's show is here:

Alba Fyre vs Natalya

Nat wristlocks her and Alba grabs the ropes. Alba clubs on Nat's back and neck. Alba knee drops her. Alba has new gear that's more shiny than her previous gear. Nat catches Alba's foot in the corner and Alba slides out.

Alba walks up the aisle and is hit from behind. Nat throws Alba into the ring. Alba knocks her over on the floor then sends her into the rail. Alba stomps on Nat then hammerlocks her.

Alba butt drops Nat's back and stomps her face into the mat. Alba pulls Nat's arm around the ropes. Alba misses a move on the ropes and goes out. Nat baseball slides Alba.  Nat hits punches on Alba then lariats her. Nat germans Alba.

Alba rolls up Nat for 2 then superkicks her for 2. Nat gets a 2 count on her. Alba tries to backroll her but Nat sharpshooters her off of it. Nat then taps out Alba to win.

Thoughts: It was the usual so-so Natalya match. There's no just great logic to matches and no real big high spots or anything to make up for it. There was nothing notable or great about this one. 

Grayson Waller vs Dragon Lee

GW throws him down off the lock-up. GW writlocks him then Lee reverses it. GW kips up and down to escape it then is flipped over by the arm. GW 2nd rope diving armdrags Lee then taunts him.

Lee cartwheels out of a wristlock. Lee walks up the buckles, does a seated flip and armdrags him. Lee dropkicks GW out then mocks his taunts. Austin Theory trips Lee from the outside then Lee fliny headscissors GW.

Lee kicks the buckle in GW's face and is pulled down on a spirngboard attempt by Theory. GW baseball slides Lee out then slides out into a lariat on Lee on the floor. We go to break and return.  Lee hits shots to GW's gut. Lee is stuck on the 2nd rope and GW spinning forearms him in the back of the neck. GW throws Lee hard into the buckles. He then pounds on the back of Lee's neck. Lee hurricanrana's GW. Lee hits punches on GW then Lee flying forearms him. GW handstands on the top rope and Lee superkicks him. Lee hits combinacion cabron on GW.

Lee cope con hilos GW and Theory outside. Lee corner dropkicks GW for 2. Lee misses a top rope move and GW hits a reverse fireman's carry drop for 2. GW hits knees to the head then is pulled over the top. GW rolls in and gets hit with a pumping knee. Lee hits Theory on the apron.

Lee is stuck up top. GW gets put in tree of woe then Lee top rope double stomps him. Lee hits destino on GW and wins.

It was okay. I liked the spot where GW rolled in and Lee hit a pumping knee. This was what you would expect and it was an athletic match. I don't like Waller losing but it's clear this regime doesn't value him or Theory much. He should be one of the top guys, not someone losing on Main Event.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual and as usual, the men's match was a lot better than the women's match. I liked the men's match but neither of the matches were anything great. I wouldn't recommend this one, but you can get through the new content in under 15 minutes.

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