Saturday, April 13, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/1/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/1/1990

Last week's show is here: 

I reviewed Summerslam 1990 here: 

Next week's show is here:

Vince McMahon welcomes us to the show and says it's Labor Day Weekend. He then brings in Roddy Piper. Piper said he was an "A-Student" in school. He said he was like "eh, what's in your lunch box?" and "eh, give me your book report". He then said "eh, let's get rowdy".

The Bushwhackers vs Duane Gill and Barry Hardy

The jobbers miss stereo dropkicks when the BW's hold onto the ropes. The BW's then hit stereo clotheslines. Barry's head is banged off of Butch's boot then Butch knees him in the gut. The Orient Express do an inset promo. Fuji says The BW's are a very strange team that is very hard to figure. He says they will exterminate them and put them out of their misery.

Barry takes a knee drop then Luke bites him on the mouth. Butch knee lifts Barry then Butch hits punches in the corner. Luke eye pokes Barry then back elbows him. Luke knee drops and headbutt drops him. Barry eye rakes Butch then Gill misses a corner splash on Butch. Gill takes a battering ram then takes a double gutbuster.  

The jobbers lasted longer here than I expected.

The BW's lick the ref after.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

We see Sapphire leaving Dusty for Dibiase at Summerslam and we see clips from the 2/3 falls tag title match at Summerslam.

The Warlord vs Scott Colantonio  

Piper says he can't blame Sapphire for turning on Dusty as she'd be cleaning toilets otherwise. Scott dropkicks him and gets his second dropkick swatted away. War flying shoulders him then slams and fist drops him. War gutwrench suplexes him then clubs Scott's back. War suplexes him then hits a short arm lariat. War hits a running powerslam and gets the win.

It was a total squash here with Scott getting nothing in but a dropkick. 

Tugboat is on a ship on the docks. He said Quake and Bravo thought they had him down and out. He said he was down but not out. He said he is still feeling pain but he said Hulk told him no pain, no gain. He said he's back and ready to come after them, full speed ahead.

I really don't know why they did this since they pulled Tug out of the Summerslam main event yet seem to want to continue the program with him and Hulk vs Quake and Dino.

Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs Barry O

Piper says theirs no love loss between him and Snuka but says Snuka doesn't know the meaning of the word "die".

Barry O is Randy Orton's uncle. Barry is armdragged then Snuka hits a single leg dropkick. Snuka armdrags him then Barry pulls him down by the hair. Barry hits a stomp, slam and elbow drop for 2.

They criss cross and Snuka drops down. Snuka chops him then hits a suplex. Snuka then hits a top rope splash to win it.

I was surprised by how much Barry got in here as they made it seem like he had a chance.

Like a true face, Snuka throws Barry out after. Vince asks how many generation he's removed from (likely the caveman) and Piper says he's still walking on all fours.

Sgt. Slaughter vs Sonny Blaze

Blaze kind of looks like he could be related to Rick Martel. Nikolai Volkoff does an inset. He asks if Sarge is jealous of him. He said Sarge has hate in his heart. He said the people like it and the people from Russia who fight for freedom like it.

Sarge takes a while to get ready here. Sarge boots him in the gut and drops him on the ropes throat first. Sarge short arm clotheslines him multiple times, hitting some weak ones. Sarge stomps and chokes him.

Sarge slams him twice then lariats him. Sarge then gives him an atomic noogie and taps him out.

Hahahahah oh this was funny. Sarge legit won with a noogie. I can't believe they actually did this. It's easily one of the worst finishers ever. The rest of the squash wasn't much better here with Sarge looking slow and having bad offense.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Chris Duffy

Duffy has an ugly single strap bright green singlet. Duffy gets some punches in then takes a big hiptoss. Jim lariats him over the top and throws him back in. Duffy eye rakes him and tries to slingshot him in, but is slingshotted to the floor.

Duffy begs off inside then Jim back body drops him. Jim hits a three point stance lariat and wins it.

Duffy's bump to the outside was nice here and he lost as expected.

They show a fan in the audience who is dressed up like Brother Love.

The Brother Love Show

Rick Martel is on the show. He said Arrogance is a way of life and says it's the most powerful potion in the world. Rick lets Love hold his Arrogance bottle. He then pulls out binoculars he calls "The Model Vision". He said scent is very important as is vision. He said seeing is believing and he has it all.

This wasn't good and made little sense.

The Legion of Doom vs DK Brauch and Paul Perez

DK is knocked off the apron then Paul takes a flying shoulder from Hawk. Hawk lariats and shoulderbeakers Paul.  Hawk hits a standing dropkick. Animal corner lariats Paul. Demolition do an inset. They said the LOD cost them the belts and said they don't know how deep the hole they dug themselves is. Crush said their mistake will be their career. Smash says they will break their bodies and see how tough they are.

Animal hits shots on DK then DK takes a doomsday device. Hawk then picks up the pin.

It was a short but entertaining squash with the LOD looking big and bad here. 

The Genius wears a blonde wig and does a poem. He talks about being happy summer is over and the kids having to go to school. He said the kids will never be as smart as him because he's born that way.

Earthquake vs Ron Cumberland

The Big Boss Man does an inset promo. He said justice was served at Summerslam. He said Quake got a small sample of what justice is all about and he can't wait to get him 1v1.

Quake backs up Ron and clubs him on the ropes. Quake elbows Ron's neck then back elbows him. Quake hits a nice dropkick. Bobby Heenan then does an inset. He said he's had it with Boss Man. He tells him to keep his mush out of his business. He said he wouldn't have turned out like trash if his mother did a better job raising him. He said maybe she's trash.

Quake chokes Ron on the ropes then hits a big powerslam. Quake elbow drops him then butt drops him. Quake picks up the win.

We had a rare double inset promo here. Not real sure what Heenan was referring to with Boss Man. Quake's dropkick was awesome here.

Quake hits aftershock butt drops after. Quake flips the stretcher after though Ron isn't on it.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

9/15/1990 is the next Boston Garden show. Power and Glory do a promo on The Rockers. Slick says they were tougher than they thought but Power and Glory are here to eliminate them. Roma said they were too kind and Herc says no more Mr. Nice Guy.

Jim Duggan does a promo on Rick Rude. He said he's no cover boy, table dancer, altar boy or chess player. He said he makes a living wrestling. He said we are out there trying to survive. He says to hit him with his best shots because he's not stopping until Rude goes down.

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper close the show and hype up next week's show as usual.

Overall thoughts: Not a lot going on in this one. We saw Sgt. Slaughter's awful atomic noogie finisher and they seem to be continuing the Tugboat feud with Dino Bravo and Quake for some reason. There was no Hulk, Warrior or Macho on this one either and the WWF seems to be figuring out where to go next after Summerslam. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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