Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 4/21/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 4/21/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/southern-illinois-championship.html

Drew Abbenhaus and Mauler McDarby are on commentary. Mauler says it's Drew's pleasure that he is here. Bobby D and Gil Rogers vs Ayers and Uber Destroyer is the main event tonight. Billy McNeil fights Shawn Shantell. We will see Kenny Kingston and Glenn Williams as well.

The Top Guns (Brandon Baretta and Joe Vinetti) vs Shogun and Shawn Douglas

Andy Anderson is our ref here. Brandon side headlocks Shogun then shoulders him over. Shogun gets a guillotine choke on Brandon then Brandon fisherman suplexes him out of it. Shogun takes a corner lariat and a powerslam. Joe basement dropkicks Shogun then slams him. Brandon is lifted into a splash on Shogun.

Brandon drops down and Joe dropkicks Shogun. Shawn snapmares Joe when he gets in and PK's him. Joe slingshot rolls into a codebreaker on Shogun then Brandon spinebusters Shogun. Brandon picks up the win.

It was a quick one here with Shogun taking the loss as expected. I felt like we saw a new move or two out of the faces but I'm not sure.

Mauler McDarby has some words with The Top Guns after.

Glenn Williams and Sean Vincent are interviewed by Drew. Sean has a knee brace and cane due to his injury. Sean said Fanfest 2 and the raceway show are coming up and he's out. He said he's out because them Canadians take their health more seriously than Americans do. He said he got injured doing hardcore Canadian pilates. Drew asks if it's ECW pilates.

Sean said he can focus more on Glenn now. He said he's Glenn's Mr. Miyagi, Splinter or Chuck Norris. He said he will take him to the next level and said he will be the greatest champion ever. Drew asks Glenn what's next.

Glenn said they worked for almost a year as a team. He said he normally knows what he's gonna do. He said he doesn't know where he's gonna fit in and pretends to cry. He said Wildfire sheds some tears and everyone feels bad for her. He said he shows emotion and is made fun of. He said like his hero Lizzo, he has haters. He said he let himself feel the emotions.

He said he heard Bobby D has an open challenge contract. He said he wants gold and he wants to face him next week. He said he's going to make a moment.  He said he's the face of SICW, saying he's on the poster. He says he will see Bobby next week.

Shawn Santel vs Billy McNeil

Shawn waistlock takedowns him then armlocks him. Billy rolls and kips up out of a wristlock. He does an armbreaker on Shawn then armlocks him. Shawn grabs the hair and is side headlocked. Billy side headlock takeovers him. Billy crossbodies him for 2 then is deadlifted and slammed.

Billy hits forearms then Shawn back elbows him. Shawn wraps Billy's arm around the ropes and pulls. Shanw suplexes him then armlocks him. Billy get caught on a crossbody then Shawn fallaway slams him. Shawn hits forearms and Billy urakens him. Shawn calls for his partner Mauler McDarby. Mauler gets on the apron, Shawn is sent into him and Billy pins Shawn.

It was an okay match here with the heels trying to cheat and Billy outsmarting them. It was a pretty simple match.

Mauler complains about Billy attacking him. Mauler said he was on the apron to get an interview. Drew says you don't do it during the match. Mauler said it's his first time trying to do this. That was funny.

Glenn Williams vs CK Cosmic

They lock up and CK wristlocks him. CK side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him. Glenn headscissors him and CK knees his way out. CK shoulders Glenn over. Glenn hits a knee to the gut then CK armdrags him.

CK suplexes Glenn then CK 2nd rope corkscrew legdrops him. Glenn eye rakes him and cobra clutch russian legsweeps him. Glenn then gets the pin.

It was a short one here. CK is very young and green, but he has Dusty Rhodes style energy that you just can't teach. There may be something there. Glenn's finisher looked good here and Glenn mouths off after.

Destiny Lynch interviews Stephen E., Peyton Ayers and The Uber Destroyer. E says there's an injustice here. He says they don't want to see him suceed. He said he's mad a woman is interviewing him. He said she needs to cover her face and says it's disrespectful. E says the injustice won't stop them from doing what they do.

E says he has the money and everything it takes to take it to the next level. He said there's a problem here in SICW. He said there's people in black and white ref stripes that should be wearing yellow. E says Danny Boy Hawkins has been sticking his nose in their business too much. E says he wants to buy SICW and he wants it now. He says he will bring the attorney general and justice system to make this happen.

E says they are the most devastating organization in wrestling. He said nobody will stop them when they purchase SICW.

E was real fired up here and cut a good promo.

Richard Shaw vs Kenny Kingston

I don't know if either one of these guys have gotten a win yet here. Somebodies 0 must go. Kenny gets jumped from behind during intros. Shaw clubs on him then chokes him in the corner. Shaw bites him then corner splashes him.

Shaw chokes him on the ropes then hiptosses him. Shaw hits a low diving clothesline for 2. Shaw misses a 2nd rope splash, just hitting the knee. Kenny hits a big uranage then a running senton. Kenny running back elbows him then hits a splash. Kenny slams him and get the win.

This was a fun heavyweight sprint. Not the cleanest match ever but I thought it helped sell how big these guys are. These two really hustled here and Kenny can move well for his size. 

Promoter's Corner

Herb Simmons interviews Tito Santana. They talk about Tito being at SICW Fanfest. Herb said Tito had a long line of fans the last time he came and said he treated the fans well. Tito says without the fans, none of them would be anybody.

They talk about Sgt. Slaughter. Tito says he's one of the nicest guys in the business. He said he was a world champ and he enjoys talking to him on the road. Tito said they tried to start their own league in the AWF. He said the sponsor lied about the money and closed shop. He was disappointed as he thought they had a good product.

He says Bob Orton comes from a big family of wrestlers. He said he got to wrestle Bob's father. He said he appreciated him helping him. He said Bob Orton Jr. and Bob Roop were over in 1977 and said his son Randy is as good as it gets. Herb says hopefully Randy can come and see his dad inducted in the SICW Hall of Fame.

Tito says Haku is one of the toughest but nicest guys in the business. He said he had a great career. Tito says Jimmy Hart is still setting up chairs and is a never ending battery that just keeps on going. Herb says he's a pinball. Tito said he never heard Jimmy say anything negative about anyone.

Tito talks about The Godfather. He said he wrestled him on a dark match at Wrestlemania IX. He said he's a good guy that has always been good to the fans.

Herb says Bruiser Brody's widow will be with them. He said he worked with him once in Chicago in the AWA. He said he saw a photo of him playing football at West Texas State University recently. He talks about how Brody was in Japan.

Herb brings up Greg Gagne. Tito says people knock Greg but he was a general in the ring and gave him a lot of advice.

Devastation Incorporated (Payton Ayers and The Uber Destroyer) vs Bobby D and Gil Rogers

Gil and Uber lock up. Gil escapes a shot in the corner. Uber takes a double shoulderblock then D armbreakers Uber. Uber takes a double armwringer and arm yank.

Uber knees Gil in the gut. Bobby armwringers Payton and bangs his arm off his shoulder. Bobby armlocks him then Gil 2nd rope elbows Payton in the arm. Payton clubs on Gil then chokes him on the ropes. Uver chokes Gil and holds him for a shot from Payton. 

Payton hits corner spears on Gil then corner spears him. Payton steps on Gil's back then bearhugs him. Payton shoulders Gil over. Uber elbows Gil in the corner then hits punches. They trade shots and Uber chokes him. Gil is sent hard into the buckles.

Payton chokes Gil over the middle rope. Uber punches and elbows Gil then Gil crossbodies him. Bobby D is tagged in. He hits big lariats on both opponents. Uber knees Bobby in the gut then lariats Uber over. Bobby spin kicks Payton then Uber throws Bobby over the top. Uber is DQ'd for it.

Bobby gets back and runs Uber over. He flurries on Payton then Gil helps beat up Payton too. Devastation Inc then goes out and Stephen E backs them off.

Well, the DQ finish was disappointing. It wasn't a bad match here with the faces getting worked on and the heels stopping their comeback by throwing Bobby over the top.

Overall thoughts:
It was an okay hour of wrestling here. All the matches were on the shorter end or were squashes. There was nothing must see here, but I enjoyed it.

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