Tuesday, April 16, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/6/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/6/1990

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-9291990.html 

Next week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-10131990.html

Roddy Piper and Vince McMahon put over Columbus Day. He talks about Columbus discovering America and asked what are the odds of him doing it on Columbus Day (that's a joke you see). Vince is confused and Piper says let's get rowdy.

Macho King Randy Savage vs Reno Riggins

Sherri has cat makeup on and Vince says it reminds him of Battle Kat who is supposed to debut here, but seems like he won't be. Sherri does an inset promo with an Ultimate Warrior buddy. She slaps it around and says it does absolutely nothing when you slap it around, making a crack at how she hit Warrior on Superstars.

Macho backs him up on the ropes. He misses a punch. RR side headlocks him then takes an elbow. Macho knee lifts him then chokes him on the ropes. Macho chokes him more and Sherri chokes RR with her panty hose.

Macho throws RR over the top to the floor. Macho then jumps off the top and double axe handles RR. Macho slams him then hits a top rope elbow drop. Macho then picks up the win.

It was a quick squash as expected with Reno getting only a side headlock in. I liked Sherri's inset promo here as it was pretty creative.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about a recent match from Prime Time where Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan came out after Nikolai Volkoff had beaten Boris Zhukov. Adnan nails Nik from behind then Sarge hits Nik from behind. Sarge hits Nik with a riding crop multiple times and referees come in to stop it.

Sarge and General Adnan talk after. Adnan talks in his language. Sarge says Nik got a taste of what happens when they declare war on someone they don't like. 

"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs The Black Demon

Demon jumps Snuka from behind and clubs on him. Snuka hits chops and punches back. Snuka boots him in the gut and bangs his head off the buckles. Demon eye rakes him then side headlocks him. Demon shoulders him over then Snuka leapfrogs and chops him.

Snuka jumping headbutts him then slams him. Snuka hits his superfly splash and gets the win.

It was a quick squash here. Demon got a fair amount of offense in on this one.

Snuka throws him out after.

We cut to a giant egg on a platform. Vince says it has to be a giant turkey egg. Piper says it's a turkey. Of course, the egg will turn out to be The Gobbedly Gooker. 

Mr. Perfect vs Jim Evans

Perfect shoves him into the corner and they reverse each others hammmerlocks. Jim pushes back on Perfect then hiptosses him. Perfect then drops down on Jim's leg. Texas Tornado does an inset promo. He said he proved Perfect wasn't the perfect IC champ and he said now it's up to Perfect to prove he's the perfect challenger.

Perfect bangs Jim's leg off the post then toe holds him. Perfect hits a perfectplex and gets the win.

Jim got a little shine here getting some offense in on Perfect being before put down. 

We see a shot of Bobby toweling off Perfect after and Vince wonders if Bobby does windows or floors.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

He hypes up the 10/6/90 Boston Garden show. Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. He says Tug might be big but he ain't bad, that's Quake. Quake said a lot of people have stepped in the ring against him but left on stretchers. He said Tug has already felt the tremors and been sent out on a stretcher. He tells him to come on and said he will be out on a stretcher again.

Tito Santana said he loves competition. He knows there will be lots of it against Dino. He said he loves to prepare for it but doesn't love to prepare for someone like Jimmy Hart getting involved outside. He said he will prepare for Dino and Jimmy. 

The Hart Foundation vs Bob Bradley and Tony Burton

Bob pounds on Jim then Jim lariats him. Jim slams him then shoulders him over. Bret counters Bob's hiptoss with one of his own. Bret pounds on Tony then backbreakers him. Rhythm and Blues do an inset promo. Jimmy says they have gold records and chains and are missing the gold belts around their waist. Honky says they only need one more hit to have the belts around their waist. Hammer says it's just a matter of time until all the gold is around their waists.

Tony is double teamed and takes a shot to the gut. Jim pounds on Tony then eye rakes him. Bret snapmares and legdrops Tony. Jim clubs on Tony then Tony takes a hart attack. Bret then gets the win.

It was a quick squash here. Bob got a few punches in, Tony got nothing in and that's about it. 

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

He hypes up the 10/6/90 Boston Garden show. Ted Dibiase does a promo with Sapphire and Virgil. He said he's filthy rich and says Dusty's a common man. He said that makes him better than him. He said Dusty will be begging him for mercy and his money when he's done with him.

Dusty Rhodes does a promo. He said Ted made his play in public and humiliated him by proving money can buy some things. Dusty said all the money in the world can't buy Dusty. He said he will feel the force of The American Dream all over him. 

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Red Tyler

Ted does an inset promo. He said Dusty will be on his knees begging, maybe not for money but for mercy. Ted knees Red in the gut then back elbows him. Ted suplexes him then hits a stiff clothesline. Ted hits a nice powerslam then puts him in the million dollar dream. Ted puts him to sleep with it and get the win.

It was a quick squash here. Ted hit a nice clothesline here and Red's butt was hanging out of his tights here.

Ted puts money in Red's mouth after.

The Brother Love Show

Rick Martel talks about Arrogance. Love says he needs Rick's services this week. Love says his guest is said to be sick in the head because he carries that slimy, dirty snake. He then brings out Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Rick sprays Arrogance towards Jake as he walks in. Love says "Welcome, Brother Stinky". Jake says there's nothing about a snake that stinks. He said if anything stinks in here it's Love's upper lip or the wide backseat he has got. Love says the snake smells. Jake says the only thing that smells is the people he hangs with or his attitude. Jake says he will pull out Damien and show that it doesn't stink. Rick Martel sprays Damien with Arrogance.

Jake says not to play games with him and says he doesn't care much about love. Rick sprays Damien with more Arrogance and Jake tries to stop him. Rick Martel sprays Jake with Arrogance in the eyes. Jake is blinded and rolling around. The Big Boss Man comes out to help him along with various WWF backstage staff. Boss Man pours water in Jake's eyes to get the Arrogance out.

Vince says after that they haven't been able to get the Arrogance out of his eyes. Jake says he won't let anyone touch his eyes.

It was a good angle here. I wondered why Martel was with Love so much lately and it was to build up to this. It made sense that he would try to spray Damien with Arrogance and Jake sold being blinded well.

Dino Bravo vs Kevin Kruger

Dino hits him from behind and hits a big lariat. Dino takes off his weight belt and backdrops Kevin on his head. Tugboat does an inset promo. He says Quake is as close to Dino as the barnacles on Tug's ship. Tug says Hulk Hogan is always the captain of his ship.

Dino slams and elbow drops Kevin.  Dino does a nice airplane spin on Kevin then side slams him. Dino then gets the win.

It was a real quick squash here. Dino had a nice airplane spin.

Earthquake butt drops Kevin after. Piper says someone needs to stop him and this is getting ridiculous.

Survivor Series Report with Mean Gene

Gene says it's feast or famine at Survivor Series where only the strong survive. He runs down the card.  So far it's The Warriors vs The Perfect Team and The Hulkamaniacs vs The Natural Disasters. Gene says all of the survivors of the matches will meet at the end in a "grand final, match of survival". He says the turkey egg we saw is slated to hatch at Thanksgiving time and could hatch at Survivor Series.

Vince says Jake is being taken out of the arena to seek medical attention.

The Big Boss Man vs Tom Jones

Boss backs Tom up and shoves him. Tom hits him in the gut. Boss blocks a boot to the gut then throws him back. Rick Rude does an inset promo. He said Boss is upset because of what he said about his mama and tells him to come and try to shut him up. Boss step up enzugiri's Tom, totally dropping him.
Boss punches Tom then leg lariats him on the ropes. Boss then hits a sidewalk slam and gets the win.

It was a quick squash here. Boss as usual wasn't exactly the purest of faces here. I liked Boss Man's enzugiri.

Boss handcuffs Tom to the ropes after and pokes him with his night stick. Boss tells Rude he's coming after him.

We cut to the turkey egg again after and Vince asks what will come out of it. Piper says Rick Rude.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up today's Boston Garden show. Warlord does a promo. He said he's been watching Jimmy Snuka. He tells him only the strong survive. He said there's no way he's going to go down to him. He said he will seek him out and destroy him. Slick says it takes brains to be afraid and said Snuka is too dumb to be afraid. He said Warlord will squash him like a bug.

The Hart Foundation do a promo. Jim calls Honky's signing a horrible sound. Bret says Rhythm and Blues will find out that they are the champs of the world and will stay that. Bret tells Jimmy to bring the megaphone and guitar because they are ready.

Vince and Piper close the show. Piper says in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He said it's not as blue anymore and it's a shame.

They hype up next weeks show.

Overall thoughts:
No Warrior or Hulk here on this one, though Warrior not being on the show is almost a formality most weeks despite him being champ. Survivor Series is coming and the card is finally being put together. They had a good angle with Jake and Martel here which was the big point of the show. Wrestling wise it was all squashes and not must see, as usually is the case.  I wouldn't really recommend this one but I liked it.

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