Friday, April 19, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/13/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/13/1990

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper open the show as usual. They said they are in the home of The Mudhen's, a minor league baseball team. Vince says Warrior returns to The Brother Love Show. Piper said Sherri slapped him around last time on it and he did nothing about it. He asked if Warrior would strike out or hit a grand slam this time.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Paul Diamond

We haven't seen Paul for a while. Jim pushes him back then hits an atomic drop. Jim lariats him over the top. Jim Duggan does an inset promo. He said this "hoooo" is for all the service members in the Middle East. Jim shoulders Paul over then Paul hits shots to the gut. Jim spinning slams him then hits the three point stance lariat. Jim then gets the win.

It was a quick squash here. Paul took a nice bump to the outside and Duggan was over here.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about Rick Martel spraying arrogance on The Brother Love Show lately. Then he shows clips of Rick spraying Damien and Jake with Arrogance. Gene said there was great damage to Jake's eyes.

Jake is at the ophthalmologist office. He is told there is vision impairment. The doctor said all they are doing is removing the dressing from his eyes and are putting eye drops in his eyes that he says will burn. Jake struggles to open his eyes and said they will be able to determine the full extent of his impairment next week.

Rick Martel does a promo. He said he was on The Brother Love show. He said Jake shoved him and Arrogance went into his eyes. He said it was an accident. Rick then apologizes with a slezy smile on his face.

Demolition vs Brad Kramer, Earl Dennis and Scott Colton

There were no intros for the jobbers here. Ax double axe handles one of the jobbers then chokes him on the ropes. Smash gets shots to the gut in and hits a slam. Smash clubs on another jobber here then Crush stomps on one of their heads. Crush hits a belly to belly suplex.

Crush clubs on a jobber then backbreakers him. Ax hits a clothesline. The Legion of Doom do an inset promo. Animal said the odds were against them all their lives. They said they don't run from nobody. A jobber is laid on the top rope and gets clubbed. Demolition then hit the demolition decapitation and grab the win.

It was a quick squash as expected with the jobbers getting nothing in.

Demolition hits two more demolition decapitation's after. 

We see kids touching the Survivor Series turkey egg. Vince says it's gonna be the greatest turkey ever in WWF history.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They pimp the 11/11/1990 Boston Garden show. A 20-man bunkhouse brawl is the main event of this one. Sean says wrestlers can wear anything they want to the ring. They say Dino Bravo will wear Montreal Canadien's attire and Duggan will wear New England Patriot's attire.

Warlord talks about the bunkhouse brawl. He says it'll be every man for themselves. He says every man can bring whatever they want to the ring. He says he only needs himself but says he will bring his staff as reinforcement. Tug says it's the biggest thing since the Boston Tea Party. He says do what you want, bring ropes, chains, harpoons and whatever you can drag. He says he has Earthquake and Bravo on his sights.

This was a fun little segment here. They sold me on that one, but it never aired anywhere. 

Dusty Rhodes vs Al Burke

Dusty is still in the red polka dot's here with the black. Dusty Rhodes does an inset promo. He said dirty money bought Sapphire and humiliated him. He said Ted must pay his price and it's pain and agony.

Al whips Dusty into the corner then takes an elbow to the head. Dusty clubs Al's chest then slams him. Dusty hits elbows then elbow drops him.

Dusty got the win as usual here. Al got nothing in. I'm really not a big fan of Dusty squashes as they are usually limited to elbows and punches.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They pimp the 11/11/1990 Boston Garden show. More talk about the bunkhouse brawl here. Roddy Piper has a stool and says he was told he could do anything he wants to. He said Demolition is proof that twins shouldn't get married. He gets excited about being able to bring anything he wants.

Rhythm and Blues do a promo. Jimmy says we are looking at the two winners here. Honky says you can bring anything you want and it's every man for himself. Greg says we aren't talking about a Boston creampie and says they will be after The Hart Foundation.

Ted Dibiase and Virgil do a promo. Ted says he will be Dusty two times at the Boston show, once in their match then once in the bunkhouse brawl. He says Dusty can hide, but he will find him and humiliate him.

The Barbarian vs Kent Carlson

Piper says if it were 50 years ago, Barb would have been a pirate. Vince says he would have looked like a Sunday school teacher.

Barb grabs him by the throat and chokes him. Vince and Piper talk about Barb being a former sumo wrestler. Barb chinlocks Kent then clubs on him. Heenan yells "harder". Barb stands on Kent's throat then chokes him on the ropes. Heenan says he wouldn't waste his time hitting Kent. Barb trips him and hits a face kick. Barb hits a top rope diving clothesline and wins it.

It was your usual Barb squash here. Barb looked good as usual and Piper had fun making pirate references.

The Brother Love Show

Rick Martel is wearing cowboy attire and sprays Arrogance. He says "if it smells good, do it". Love says his guest today is afraid of Macho King Randy Savage and afraid of a woman. He says he's afraid of his own shadow. He then brings out The Ultimate Warrior.

Love says "Welcome, Brother fraidy cat". Love asks him if he remembers what happened here last time. Warrior said his warrior's have no trouble remembering the past. Love says he remembers Sherri slapping him well and said he ran away like a scaredy cat.

Warrior said he misunderstood and said he needs not to fall to the steps of degradation and strike a woman. He said he went on a hunt for Macho King instead. He said Macho hides behind the skirt of Queen Sherri. He said he brought a present for Love and said Macho is running out of places to hide. He then pulls out a blonde wig. Warrior tells him to put it on and grabs him. Love puts it on and it falls off. Warrior says to leave it on. Warrior then gives Love a pink dress.

Warrior says his warriors say to put it on now. Love puts it on along with the wig. He says "look at you" and puts him on his knees. He asks him if he can feel the love. He said he no longer walks as Brother Love, he walks as Sister Love. He said Macho King now has one more place to hide.

I'm a Warrior fan so I'm a little biased, but Warrior gets the weirdest stuff to work with when he is given various storylines. This was awkward and bizarre and I'd swear Vince or Hogan were intentionally sabotaging him with this one. This felt like some weird prison shower scene or something. I also didn't like them ripping Warrior for letting Sherri hit him as that's a no win situation.

From Pressing Catch (Spain's version of WWF Superstars) - Macho says Warrior can dress people up anyway he wants and he says he will get his belt back. He tells Miguel Alonso (the interviewer) to tell everyone that right now. We cut ahead and Sherri says Macho controls him. Macho says he will take the belt and there's nothing Warrior can do about it.

The Orient Express vs Major Yates and Ronnie Garvin

It sucks that Ron is doing jobber duty here. Sato and Ron lock up. Sato chops him then Ron chops back. Ron headloks him. The Bushwhackers do an inset promo eating rice with chopsticks. They say anything The Express can do, they can do better. They can't make the chopsticks work then just eat the rice with their hands.

Ron takes an enzugiri on from the apron then Tanaka hits chops. Tanaka is thrown into Sato then Ron hits the garvin stomp on Tanaka. Piper says "In America, we eat potatoes". Sato chops Ron off the buckles from behind. Ron avoids a double team chop drop then bangs thier heads together.

Yates hits a nice dropkick on Tanaka then Tanaka does his flying twisting forearm. Sato side kicks Yates then sitout powerbombs him for the win.

It was nice to see the jobbers get a little in here. Yates' dropkick was nice. It sucks to see Garvin doing jobber duty though and I wouldn't be shocked if he's gone soon.

Survivor Series Report with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene runs down the card so far. The Dream Team (Koko, Dusty and The Hart Foundation) vs The Million Dollar Team (Ted Dibiase, Rhythm and Blues and a surprise partner) is announced here. He talks about the grand finale match of survival and says it's a first. He said the turkey egg is slated to hatch around Thanksgiving. 

Saba Simba vs Black Bart

A fan dances to Saba's music. Akeem and Slick do an inset promo. Slick said Saba went back to Africa to trace his roots and is a real African. Akeem says he's the true African and he had the ceremony to prove it.

Bart hits Saba from behind then gets some shots in. Saba hiptosses him then hits a headbutt. Saba hits a single leg dropkick then Bart eye rakes him. Saba samoan drops him and gets the win.

It was just a quick squash here with Bart getting a decent bit of offense in.

Saba then does the hot coals dance after.

We see the turkey egg again. Vince says there will be a hatching at Survivor Series.

They cut off the last WWF Event Center here.

Piper and Vince close the show. Piper said we got rid of Brother Love and got Sister Love. Shane Douglas debuts next week and we will see Koko B. Ware vs Sargeant Slaughter. They also talk about this weekend's Saturday Night's Main Event but don't mention it by name or tell us the time or channel.

Hulk Hogan and Tugboat will be fighting Rhythm and Blues at Saturday Night's Main Event(which I reviewed here). Hulk and Tug then do a promo. Hulk says it'll be three men overboard. Tug says it'll be three men treading water with no life preservers. The Ultimate Warrior and Legion of Doom do a promo. Warrior says Demolition will be pushed into the darkness where there will be no return. Animal says to get ready for battle as they are coming to fight.

Piper says SNME will be WWF Oktoberfest. He asks how Mean Gene will look and we see a picture of him in German attire then we see cake all over his face. Piper says we will have ourselves a food fight then throws food at the camera.

Overall thoughts: The Ultimate Warrior was given another horrible segment to work with here and Brother Love got put in a dress and wig. There's an SNME this weekend that they didn't mention much here. Ron Garvin was on jobber duty and they hyped up what sounded like a fun bunkhouse brawl that took place on a house show. It's not real hard to see why the WWF had to move Wrestlemania 7 at this point due to a lack of interest. I wouldn't recommend this.

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