Tuesday, April 30, 2024

WWE NXT 4/30/2024

WWE NXT 4/30/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/wwe-nxt-4232024.html

Trick Williams comes out. He says he's the new NXT champ. He thanks Ilja Dragunov for everything he did him, his career and NXT. He tells him to do his thing and said Raw just got a good one. He says it's the "Whoop That" era. The crowd then chants it. He said they will break records and continue to make history in this era.

Lash Legend comes out. She says congratulations and said he looked fine last week. She comes into the ring. She says he's such a gentleman and the hottest star in NXT. Trick said she tried to smack him the last time they met in the ring. Trick said he's got gold around his waist and now she wants a taste.

Trick says she thinks he's her Reese cup and said he thinks she wants him to take the gold off and go straight for the chocolate. Lash said she likes Kitkat bars. She said Trick isn't focused and she has something for him. Trick asks if she's got some autographs she wants him to sign for MetaFour, referring to the envelope she's carrying.

Lash says she's got the truth in her envelop. Lash says to enjoy the NXT title run as soon it's gonna come crashing down. She said soon things will get really really hot.

Gigi Dolin and Arianna Grace are at a restaurant. She tries to teach her how to act and said they are proper ladies. Gigi said we won't see that tonight and talks about the NXT Underground match. She shows her how to drink water. Gigi drinks it and burps. Grace says she's become a savage. Gigi says a savage could become champ in Ivar vs Oba for the N-A title. They do this for the other matches. Grace says they have a new champ and says let's raise a glass towards that. Gigi then drinks more and burps as Grace is grossed out.

We see Lola and Natalya arrive earlier with their seconds.

WWE NXT North American Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Ivar

They push each other and Oba clubs on him. Ivar shoulders him over then lariats him over the top. Ivar cannonballs him off the apron. Ivar spinning slams him. Oba uranage backbreakers him then flips him on an irish whip in the corner. Oba is sent into the steps then Ivar crossbodies him through one of the rails.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade headbutts on the buckles then Ivar top rope flip dives him outside. They trade shots in the ring. Ivar rolls over Oba's back. Ivar backs springboards and they just fall over together. Oba hits a spinning forearm then hits running euros. Ivar spinning heel kicks him.

Ivar is picked up from the 2nd rope and torture rack dropped backwards for 2. Ivar spinning heel kicks him then hits a top rope moonsault. Oba gets his feet on the ropes. Ivar sit down butt drops him in the corner. Ivar is electric chair dropped then Oba powerbombs him for the win.

It was a fun heavyweight match here as expected. Oba held up his end of the bargain just fine and they packed in a lot of action in the time they had. It couldn't have went much better than it did.

Wes Lee then comes out after, making his return. He appears in the stands. They stare down and Oba holds his title up at him.

Thea Hail is all pumped in the back with Chase U and Fallon Henley. Thea begs her to come out with her and Fallon does.

Thea Hail vs Jacy Jayne

They slap each other. Jacy takes her down and pounds on her then Thea returns fire. Jacy misses a baseball slide and Thea topes her and pounds on her. Thea misses a top rope crossbody then Jacy sentons her.

We go to PiP break and return. Jacy kicks her in the gut then throws her down backwards. Jacy misses a senton. Thea rolling sentons her and back springboards, getitng caught with a Jacy neckbreaker. Jacy misses a corner cannonball then they headbutt each other. Both fall down.

They trade shots and Thea hits flying sledgehammer shots. Thea roll of the dic neckbreakers her then hits a michinoku driver for 2. Jacy back rolls her then superkicks her.

Thea goes out on the floor. Jazmyn Nyx misses a kick on her and nails Fallon with it on accident. Thea kimura's Jacy and taps her out.

It was a shorter but good match here. They wrestled like they had some real heat and they kept this one moving. The finish could have been better as the Jazmyn Nyx spot wasn't done that well and the finish was out of nowhere. Jacy's nose got busted open here.

Fallon grabs Thea as she goes to leave then nails her. I don't like that at all as Fallon had been doing a good job as a face.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont are interviewed. They said they met at junior college. Dupont said he moved here from Haiti at 9 years old. They said he went viral for a hammer throw video. Dupont says Igwe is the smartest guy he ever met and said he's a nerd. He says Igwe studies human anatomy in his spare time. They say they always push each other and the first step in their NXT journey takes place tonight. 

Natalya is training with Karmen Petrovic ahead of the NXT Underground match. Karmen tells her she's ready and Nat says she will break Lola.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

Igwe pushes Karl back then hits corner spears. Dupont hits a big corner splash on Karl. Dupont shoulders Karl over then Karl takes a double shoulderblock. Igwe hits knees to the gut of Karl then running face kicks him. Dupont splashes Karl for 2.

Luke hits shots on Igwe and bangs his head off the buckles. Igwe punch flurries him in the gut. Luke hits elbows on him then chinlocks him. Dupont gets in and hits a big shoulder then a big splash. Dupont dropkicks Karl then does a nice Tim Horner style side slam. Dupont running euros Karl then kips up.

Luke takes a double spinebuster. Karl superkicks Igwe in the gut then Igwe spears the post when Karl moves. Karl spinebusters him then Luke clearly misses a face kick on Dupont. Igwe takes a magic killer and wins it.

I don't like Igwe and Dupont losing on their debut. However, this was the best outing Igwe and Dupont have had so far and a good little match. Dupont is the star of this team and really can go as the agile powerhouse. All of his offense looks good.

Ava Raine talks on the phone. She is talking to Adam Pearce and says she has a big announcement.

We see clips of NXT wrestlers being drafted to the main roster. We hear the NXT trainers talk and they say they feel proud. They said the new talent blows their mind. They say the future of NXT has never been better.

Ava Raine is in the ring to talk. She said nothing makes her prouder than when their wrestlers get to show what they can do on Raw and SD. She said she wonders who will step up and take their place. She said there's a massive opportunity at NXT Battleground as they crown the NXT Women's North American champ. She said the new champ will be crowned in a ladder match. She said the female roster will compete in a combine and the wrestlers who impress the most will go into qualifiers to be in the Women's N-A title match.

She said they have the best women's roster in NXT history. Jaida Parker comes out. She said if you want to see the next history maker, she's it. She said she will demolish every woman in the locker room and won't break a sweat when she does it. Sol Ruca interrupts. She said Jaida isn't missing confidence but said she won't be the first Women's N-A champ. Sol said you can find her at the top of the leaderboard in the combine and can find her at the top of the ladder in Vegas.

Arianna Grace comes out and says to keep your decorum. She asks why we must be so aggressive. Grace asks why they can't decide who will be champ by....then she is interrupted. Michin then comes out. She said did somebody say ladders? She said she has unfinished business in her old stomping grounds. She said she will be in the combine as she wants in at Battleground. Grace says it's so nice to meet her and introduces herself. She said it pains her and says she's disqualified. Michin nails her then all kinds of girls come down to fight as chaos breaks out.

Frazer, Axiom and The Street Profits talk in the back. Ax says they need to stay focused. The Profits say tonight will hurt but said they will show the world why they belong. Dawkins said AOP doesn't have the heart to get it done. Ford says always remember to never slow down. They then all hug and shake hands.

Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler are are training together. 

Shawn Spears vs Ridge Holland

SS hits a punch, ducks some shots and hits some of his own. SS slides out. We go to PiP break and return. Ridge back elbows him then SS neckbreakers him for 2. SS hits crossface shots and camel clutches him. SS front facelocks him. Ridge puts him on the apron to break it.

Ridge gorilla press slams SS then hits corner spears. Ridge lariats him in the back of the neck then swinging side slams him. Ridge ties him up in the ropes and hits shots. A QR code comes on the screen. Ridge face kicks him between the ropes then corner death valley drivers him. Ridge lifts him and does a ddt to win it.

It was a short one. Ridge looked good but the crowd didn't want any part of this and didn't care a single bit. It's not surprising as this crowd decided they didn't like him a long time ago.

Roxanne Perez asks Ava Raine why she wasn't drafted. She said she's the greatest champ. She said she blames Ava. She said Ava has a weird vendetta against her and probably told her not to draft her. Ava says champions are protected and stay on the same brand. Ava said she called her here to talk to her and Perez said she doesn't want to hear it.

Josh Briggs goes up to Ivar in the back. He says he's the only man who can beat Oba and thanks him for softening him up. Wes Lee comes in. He says kudos to them for having great outings against Oba and trying to take his title. Wes said it's time for him to throw his hat in the ring. Josh says this isn't 5 months ago and tells him to leave like he did before. Wes said it got disrespectful for no reason at all. He said he's not leaving and he can just beat him to get a title match. Briggs said we will see if his back is healed or not. Ivar says he's not done with Ivar.

The Final Testament do a promo. Paul Ellering says the tag divisions are living on borrowed time as they are coming for all the titles. He says NXT get ready.

The D'Angelo Family talks in a car. Tony said he wants The Heritage Cup and tells his true to set it up. Rizz says they will have a nice spot for the cup at the restaurant. Tony tells Stacks he wants video of all the Heritage Cup matches as this is a different animal and he needs to know all the ins and outs. He said the kids of NQCC need to pay up.

WWE NXT Tag Titles - Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs The Authors of Pain

NF = Nathan Frazer

The faces rush AOP to start. Ax superkicks an AOP then another one takes a double superkick from the faces. Ax is lifted into a flying kick on an AOP then Ax and NF hit topes outside.

NF takes a big lariat then an exploder. Razar stomps NF then beale throws him across the ring. NF takes knees in the corner then has his head cranked by Akam. NF his shots on Akam then takes a big german. We go to PiP break and return.

NF gets tagged in and hits forearms. NF stunners an AOP over the top rope then superkicks him. NF hits a shot flurry in the corner then does a jumping ddt. NF goes for a tope outside, is caught and banged into Ax. NF is dropped into a knee from Razar.

Razar is pulled over the top by NF. Akam takes a double enzugiri in the corner. Scarlett prevents Akam from being thrown off the top then is kicked out with Kross. New Catch Republic helps the faces out then NF superkicks Akam. Ax rolls up Akam and wins it.

It was an okay tag here. The faces got a lot more in than expected. It didn't have a ton of time though and they didn't let them go out to have the classic they probably could have had here. 

Chase U is with Thea in the back. She asks why people keep turning on her. Ridge asks Chase how she is. Chase says she's tough and will be okay. Ridge says you can't trust anyone in this business. Chase asks how he is. Ridge says he's trying to stack the wins up and Chase says one day at a time. Thea then flips out.

Meta Four is interviewed in the parking lot. Dar says if Trick wants to know the truth, be their guest on Supernova Sessions. Kelani Jordan talks to Fallon Henley out there saying this isn't her. Fallon said she doesn't want to talk about this now and says it's time to put herself first.

The NXT ring is taken apart for NXT Underground.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade talk in the back. Blade said he was worried about him as the mirror they broke is 7 years of bad luck. Enofe says he's okay as it was a plastic mirror. Blade says Enofe is cooked. Brinley Reece comes in. She said they thought they would need cheering up.  She then brings kittens in. Blade plays with one. Enofe says don't they know what black cats mean? Blade and Reece then realize it means bad luck.

NXT Underground Match - Natalya vs Lola Vice

Lola hits a punch and some kicks. Nat drives out out of the ring to the floor and pounds on her. Nat throws her back in. Lola hits a shot to the gut and then hits knees and kicks. Nat rolls her into a kimura attempt.

Nat takes her down and hits mounted shots. Nat leglocks her then Lola axe kicks her. Lola hip attacks her off the ring into people. We go to PiP break and Lola chops her outside. Nat hits shots then is sent into the steps. They get back in the ring and Nat hits shots.

Lola takes her down, hits forearms and armbars her. Nat pounds on her then suplexes her. Nat goes for another arm submission and Lola rolls her over. They go back outside and Lola is suplexed on the floor. Nat gets swept while standing on the commentary table and lands hard. 

Nat pounds on her in the ring and is rolled into the post. Lola stomps on her then hits chest kicks while she is down. Lola goes for the triangle. Nat hits mounted shots and Lola grounded guillotines her. Nat slams her down to stop it but Lola hooks it on again.

Lola isthen slammed on the outside. Lola's leg is banged off the post then Nat leglocks her around the post. Shayna Baszler tries to get involved and Karmen Petrovic jumps on her. Shayna then pulls Nat off from a sharpshooter. Shayna is thrown out onto people then Nat sharpshooters Lola. Lola tries to grab people to break the hold. Shayna puts Karmen in a choke outside. Nat lets the hold go then fights with Shayna. Shayna is thrown into the rails then Nat pounds on her. Shayna grabs Nat's leg. Lola uraken's her then Lola hits mounted forearms. Lola then wins it.

I didn't like the ref stoppage finish here. They were mounting each other and hitting shots the whole match so it seemed to silly to end it like that. Lola also totally missed on the uraken, maybe hitting her in the chest at best. It was a decent effort overall but not a classic. 

Roxanne Perez talks to Ava Raine in the back. She said neither Nat or Lola can touch her. Ava said she was going to tell her who her opponent is when she told her to stop. Ava said she's facing Chelsea Green next week. Green is in there. She says Ava is so smart smarter then Nick and Pearce. Green says the title will look so good in her jewelry box. Green says she will love it here and says Ava is the best.

Overall thoughts: Every match was fine here so this was definitely a good show. I don't like Fallon turning heel and I didn't really like the finish to the main. I don't know where the Trick/Lash storyline is going with the envelope but we will find out soon. It's going to be a different looking show without Bron, Ilja and Melo around but NXT is a developmental show at the end of the day and new wrestlers will come.

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