Thursday, March 7, 2013

WWE NXT 3/6/2013 Results and Review

WWE NXT 3/6/2013 Results and Review

Last week's show is here:

Dusty Rhodes announced Conor O'Brian vs Bo Dallas vs Corey Graves for the #1 Contendership to the NXT title. Oh no. Not another O'Brian main event.

Oliver Grey and Adrian Neville vs Judas Devlin and Scott Dawson
Oliver Grey didn't come out.

"This is a little bit weird. I don't know where Oliver Grey is. We arrived at the arena today, he was up and ready and then he disappeared. Honestly, I don't have a clue where he is." - Adrian Neville
"I'll take on both of you guys by myself. Hey, let's go, let's go." - Neville

"All of his tattoo work is nature themed." - Dawson
"Devlin said, nature doesn't lie, people do." - Dawson

The finish
Adrian Neville got the win with the corkscrew shooting star press. The story here was that Oliver Grey was kidnapped by The Wyatt Family. The Wyatt Family brought him out during the match. Neville tried to go see his partner but his opponents wouldn't let him and even threw him back in the ring a few times. However, he's Neville and he took them down for the win.

Leo Kruger vs Yoshi Tatsu
Yoshi makes TV! Hooray!
The finish - Nigel McGuinness' London Dungeon
Leo Kruger beat Yoshi Tatsu with The London Dungeon. Leo Kruger, where have you been all of my life and when did you learn llave? Holy crap. This was the best Leo Kruger match I've ever seen. He  busted out the T2P Llave! I loved this. Kruger went to work ramming Yoshi's shoulder into the buckles, doing two really cool submissions then he busted out the London Dungeon. If Kruger is going to do this from now on, he's going to be my favorite wrestler. This was fun. Rating:***

Sasha Banks, Cameron and Naomi vs Audrey Marie, Aksana and Alicia Fox
The Funkadactyl's did their big entrance and it was pretty cool. Would have been even better if Sasha got involved. I'm really surprised she didn't, but maybe after the match she will.
"What do you say to a competitor who pauses to dance during the action?" - Dawson
"Do you mind if I join you?" - Regal
"Come on, let's get around to something. When are you gonna come and take my twin daughters out? I keep asking you. Doris and Gladys. I know you know about them. They're conjoined twins, but they're twins nevertheless." - William Regal
"They're in England at the moment because it is the only place Gladys gets to drive." - Regal
Okay, you are probably wondering does William Regal have conjoined twins? And what in the world is he talking about? After doing some research, he apparently created this joke on the 1/30/2012 edition of Raw in a segment where Johnny Ace asked him about his son. He said he didn't have a son and had conjoined twin daughters. It must have been some kind of odd in-joke like the Terry Garvin School of Self Defense. Last time he made the joke, he added that the girls are both in 5th grade. Are they real? No. What is the real meaning of it? I have no idea.
"The most beautiful bridge I've ever seen in the wrestling industry." - Regal
"The body scissors was one of the most popular submission holds in the early 1900's. Did you know that?" - William Regal
Naomi beat Audrey Marie with a leg lariat. The structure and pacing of the match was good but Naomi basically missed her last two moves completely and the match kind of fell apart at that point. It was decent as a whole but the finish wasn't very good.

We then went backstage with Tom Phillips:

Bo Dallas talked and his voice is absolutely horrid for a wrestler. He sounds alot like Michael Jackson. Bo said that Graves can say all that has happened to him is luck and that's when Bray Wyatt came in.
Bray Wyatt said he wouldn't have been attacked by The Shield last week if he had joined The Wyatt Family. Bo instructed him to stay away from him.

They announced that Alberto Del Rio will be on NXT next week.

Renee Young interviewed Summer Rae:

"Here is my guest, Summer Rae." - Renee Young
"Renee, we have been through this. The only way you are to ever refer to me is as the First Lady of NXT, Summer Rae." - Summer Rae
"So, why don't you try it again?" - Summer Rae
"You're not serious, are you?" - Renee Young
"I'm not serious? Did you see what I did to Paige?" - Summer Rae
"I put her out of NXT. She's gone." - Summer Rae
"And she's never coming back." - Summer Rae
Summer Rae said the fans only liked Paige because Paige is obtainable, and she is not. Rae also said she will treat Emma like trash next week, presumably in their match, as she did Paige.
"Any questions? Got it, sista?" - Summer Rae
The Shield interrupted the feed and cut a promo:

"We see everything, we're always watching, we're always judging you." - Dean Ambrose
They said that they had been busy but were still keeping an eye on NXT and you never know when they would attack. They talked about justice and Rollins said it is a big injustice that he never got a rematch.
"Believe in The Shield." - Roman Reigns
#1 Contendership to the NXT Title - Corey Graves vs Conor O'Brian vs Bo Dallas
"I was never any good in these kind of matches as a competitor as I'm too methoditic. You have to be explosive." - Regal

Conor O'Brian got the win on Bo Dallas with a full nelson slam after Bray Wyatt distracted Bo. #*$%! That's my thoughts on this game of bad wrestling russian roulette. The wrestling wasn't very good in the match but I liked the storyline of Bray Wyatt hanging around and eventually screwing Bo. Conor O'Brian winning though is no buys. Conor O'Brian vs Big E Langston was so awful the first time that I cannot for the life of me understand why it is being booked again. I am already dreading having to watch that. Bo vs Big E may have been better to be honest as Big E would have destroyed him but O'Brian vs Big E is going to be lethargic. This was a no win for me though as 2 out of the 3 were bad endings. As for the match, it wasn't special. The bulldog spot was fine and I liked the triple submission for the second it was in, but that's about it. It was just alot of punching and kicking though and the commercials cut through most of the match, which may have been a good thing.

Overall thoughts: The show was good as a whole with the with Leo Kruger being the highlight. T2P Leo Kruger is someone to watch and I hope he continues. I liked the divas match too for the most part and Summer Rae was fine in her interview. The main event wasn't that great though and the result of it is something from my wrestling nightmares.

1 comment :

  1. aaaand .. why the hell does leo kruger not do this anymore ?!

    summer rae was fantastic here.
