AEW Collision 1/11/2025
Last week's show is here:
Harley Cameron plays a guitar and says feel the wrath. Mariah May says they do hot girl graps tonight. She says she's the women's champ and the woman from hell. She says she will rip out Harley's vocal chords and she won't sign again.
The Learning Tree talks. Bill says Cope shortened his name and he will shorten his career. Jericho says they proved Cope is a dope and will prove Harwood is no good. Keith says it will be a sweep and has a broom. FTR and Cope talk. Cope says he's been called the lumberjack as tonight he will chop him down a redwood.
Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone are on commentary.
Cope vs Big Bill
They lock up and Bill pushes him hard into the corner. Bill is tripped into the steps then has his head banged into the rails and apron. Bill's head is then banged off the commentary table in front of Chris Jericho. Bill clubs on Cope over the 2nd rope then facekicks him as he hangs. Bill drops Cope face first on the commentary table. Bill bangs Cope's head off the apron and steps. Bill chops up Cope on the rails. Bill clubs on Cope on the apron then drops him throat first on the rails. We go to PiP break and return. Bill cranks Cope's head and neck. Cope hits short arm clotheslines. Cope hits knees to Bill's head then lariats him from behind for 2.
Bill hits a black hole slam for 2. Jericho gets on the apron. Bill pulls the top buckle off.
Cope pulls Bill's throat down over the top rope. Cope gets stuck on the buckles. Bill's head is banged off the exposed buckles then Cope hits a sitout powerbomb for 2. Cope tries to spear Bill but goes into the exposed buckle. Bill facekicks him for 2.
Cope impaler ddt's Bill. Cope then gets a 2 count on a spear. Cope is shocked and makes faces. Cope hits another spear then hits a downward elbow flurry. Cope does a grounded sleeper to Bill and Bill is out. Cope wins.
Thoughts: It was acceptable but nothing too special. Cope really took a big bump on the sitout powerbomb here. This go out to a slow start.
The Learning Tree attack after then FTR help out Cope. Various refs come out then security comes out to stop the fight.
We get a package on Kenny Omega.
Adam Page does a promo. Page says he has worked hard to protect his family from the intrusions a small amount of fame can bring. He said all of it was undone and nearly tore his family apart. He said he was ashamed. he said he knew he had to make a decision - remain the husk of a man he was or do something about it. He said he found Swerve and made sure he did not hold the AEW Title. He said he severed the ties that Swerve had to build a family and home like Page had. He said he spilled his brains.
He understands what Christopher Daniels is saying to him. He says he humored him. He said he met him as a kid. He said he listened for too long and CD crossed a line when he laid hands on him. He says he will pay the price and will fight him in a texas death match on the next Collision. He says he would rather injure and maim than be the man he was last year. He said CD made his bed and now he lays him down in it forever.
Thoughts: I never liked it when Page does the "cowboy with feelings" gimmick and that was on display here.
Pac vs Komander
Pac cravates him. Kom flips out of it. Pac side headlock takeovers him and then side headlocks him. Pac shoulders him over. Pac flips out of a monkey flip then Kom flying headscissors him out. Kom then backflips on the ropes and headscissors him onto the floor. Kom rope walks and corkscrew dives out on Pac. Kom springboard crossbodies Pac for 2.
Pac foot chokes Kom then throws him out. Pac sends him into the rails. Pac foot chokes Kom. Pac points at Alex (who is with Kom) outside. Kom misses a corner dropkick and takes a pump kick. Pac grabs Alex outside. Kom walks up the ropes and blind moonsaults Pac outside.
Kom rolls up Pac and hits a cutter. Kom's asai moonsault is caught and he hits a tornado ddt off of it. Kom gets crotched on the top rope. Kom hits 2 superkicks on Pac then hits a springboard canadian destroyer. Kom 450's off the top and Pac gets his knees up. Pac taps out Kom with the brutalizer for the win.
Thoughts: I didn't like the finish. The springboard canadian destroyer meant nothing and the brutalizer finish was a bit random. It was okay prior to that though but I wasn't a fan of this.
Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta come out to beat up Kom. The Outrunners then come up and fight CC and Yuta.
The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) vs The Death Riders (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta)
The match starts with all 4 men not even being in the ring. Truth and Yuta trade shots in the corner. Truth chops Yuta down. Yuta takes a snapmare then has his head pulled forward. CC lariats Turbo from the apron. Turbo has his legs split then he takes a boot.
CC slams Turbo then double stomps him. Turbo hits a thesz press on CC then hits mounted punches. CC takes a knee lift and backdrop. CC and Yuta take stereo lariats over the top.
We go to break and return. CC facekicks Truth. Truth takes a hart attack for 2. Yuta suplexes Truth and CC 2nd rope elbow drops him. CC is back body dropped over the top. Turbo is hot tagged in. He hits shots on Yuta then slams him and CC. Turbo slams Truth onto Yuta.
The Runners hits a double elbow drop. CC euros Turbo from the outside the Yuta back rolls Turbo. Turbo sunset flips Yuta for 2. Turbo gets a 2 count on him, twice. Yuta throws Turbo backwards and basement dropkicks him.
Turbo suplexes Yuta for 2. CC giant swings Turbo into a basement dropkick from Yuta. Turbo is crotched up top. CC 2nd rope gutwrench suplexes Turbo. Yuta then is rocket launched onto Turbo and pins him.
Thoughts: It was average. The Runners didn't get that much offense in and didn't get enough time to shine as they should have. And they ended up losing for no real reason here which hurt things some as well.
Powerhouse Hobbs does a promo. He says everything Mox wants is in front of him. He says he took initiative and won the casino gauntlet. He said Mox backed away when he stood up to him. He said there is nothing Mox can d to him. He says he will make Mox his b!tch.
Mariah May vs Harley Cameron
HC gets in her face then rolls her up twice. HC cradles her then is headbutted. May stomp flurries her in the corner. May chops her in the corner. HC lariats her then hits knees to the gut. HC russian legsweeps her for 2. HC step up enzugiri's her.
May shotgun dropkicks her for 2. We go to PiP break and return. May does a straightjacket choke. May headscissors her off the buckles. They both fly at each other and double facebuster each other. HC gets some chants from the crowd.
HC hits forearms then hits a corner spear. HC hits a corner splash then neckbreakers her. HC rolls her up for 2 then May hits a hard knee to the chin. HC storm zero piledrivers her and wins.
Thoughts: It was an average match. Both are pretty limited in what they can do but they didn't botch anything. Harley also got some cheers so that's a win to some degree.
Christopher Daniels says he was never approaching Page as an AEW official and was trying to be a friend. He said he saw his friends and fans desert him. He said Page responded with a punch. He said it hurt when Page asked what he did in wrestling. He said he helped build 2 wrestling companies from the ground up. He said maybe 2024 wasn't the best in-ring year of his career. He says he's not an EVP anymore and just someone who is sick and tired of being disrespected.
Brody King vs Trevor Blackwell Brody chops him down and throws him. Brody chops him as he lays on the top rope. Brody chops him down outside then hits a running lariat. Brody corner cannonballs him then hits an over the shoulder piledriver for the win.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash as expected that didn't do much but fill time.
Lexi interviews Brody King and Julia Hart. Brody says it's a confusing time for The House of Black and himself. Cope comes up to Brody. He says he hopes he knows he respects him, Hart and Buddy. He says he has a world of potential at his feet. He said he wanted to be a group with Buddy. He says it's time to take the reigns and run.
AEW TNT Title - Daniel Garcia (c) vs Katsuyori Shibata
They lock up. They trade chops. DG side headlocks him. KS chops him down. DG hits more chops. KC hits a corner dropkick to the head. KS twists DG's foot. We go to PiP break, full break and return.
DG hits corner punches. DG hits a twist and shout for 2. KS goes for the figure four and DG cradles him. They trade facekicks. DG backdrops him. KS hits an STO. They chop each other. KS does a cobra twist. DG ropebreaks then dragon screws him.
DG ankle locks him and KS rolls him into his own ankle lock. DG does a sharpshooter. KS turns that into a leglock. KS kicks him in the back. DG avoids a PK. KS blocks a dragon screw. KS hits a big slap. DG jack knife pins him and wins.
Thoughts: It was okay but nothing too special. They did a bunch of slaps and facekicks here with some good technical wrestling at times. Garcia winning was no surprise as this was a random title shot.
They shake hands after and hold each other's arms up.
Renee does a video on the Women's Casino Gauntlet.
Chris Jericho vs Dax Harwood
This is a weak main. And this is post-Rampage where there's only one other show each week to book.
They lock up twice and back each other up in the corners. They go out and lock up again. They go into the rails with it and get back in. They lock up again. CJ hits chops and Dax chops back. Dax dragon screws him. Dax bangs CJ's leg off the post. CJ pulls Dax into the post with his legs. CJ knocks Dax over the rail in weak fashion.
Dax throws CJ over the rail. They fight outside. Dax brainbusters him for 2. CJ 2nd rope hurricanrana's Dax down. We go to PiP break and return. CJ slaps Dax around. Dax hits punches. CJ shoulders him over twice. CJ hits a top rope crossbody but Dax backrolls through it for 2. Dax germans him twice.
CJ rolls Dax and catapults him into the buckles. CJ lionsaults him for 2. Dax dragon screws CJ over the 2nd rope. CJ pushes Dax into the post shoulder first and rolls him up for 2. CJ waves to the crowd up top and is hit. Dax top rope superplexes him.
They trade forearms on their knees then get up and chop each other. They choke each other then slap each other down at the same time. Dax is pushed into the steps. CJ codebreakers him on the floor.
Dax sharpshooters him. CJ misses a belt shot and is backdropped. CJ pulls the ref down. Dax top rope flying headbutts CJ. CJ hits Dax with the belt for 2.
CJ spinning back elbows Dax and wins.
Thoughts: They definitely botched the finish. I think Dax was supposed to do a top rope diving headbutt onto the belt but the belt was too far away. The match was average and nothing too special.
Bryan Keith and Big Bill stomp on Dax after. Cope and Cash Wheeler come out for the save. The Death Riders come out and beat up both teams sans Mox. The Outrunners then come out and join the fight. Cope spears Pac after taking some shots. Mox then comes out and ddt's Cope. Cope is about to take a conchairto. Powerhouse Hobbs then comes out and runs through the heels. Mox chairs Hobbs and Hobbs no sells it. Hobbs swats the chair down, Mox runes away and Shafir gets in Hobbs way. Yuta tries to jump on Hobbs but is uranage'd on the commentary table.
Overall thoughts: It was a pretty weak Collision. Nothing was that great here and all the stars were definitely not out for this one. It wasn't awful but you didn't miss that much if you skipped this one. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and would not recommend it.
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