Saturday, August 17, 2013

WWE Superstars 8/17/2013 Results and Review

WWE Superstars 8/17/2013 Results and Review

Last week's show is here:

Zack Ryder vs Heath Slater

There were "Let's Go Ryder/3MB" dueling chants.

Flashes and I have a love/hate relationship. Today was a good day.

Zack Ryder got the win after a reversing a sunset bomb from the top. The match was okay but really a throwaway. 3MB got involved a couple of times and aside from Slater getting backdropped to the floor, they didn't do too much. I did like the finish though just because you usually don't see someone win off of a reversal like that.

The Prime Time Players  vs Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler

Kofi got the win with the Trouble in Paradise kick in a quick match. It was pretty decent and they really kept it moving fast here. Actually, it was too fast as I couldn't even get many pictures out of this. I liked Dolph's sell of the overhead slam and I liked the oddity of seeing a Ziggler/Kofi team on Superstars. DY got a bloody lip during this, probably from the Kofi TIP kick.

Overall thoughts:
This was fine. Nothing great here but it was a decent 20 minutes or so of wrestling.

1 comment :

  1. I know how darren got the bloody lip... lol.
