WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/30/2013 Results and Review
Last week's show is here: http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/08/wwe-friday-night-smackdown-8232013_23.html
I did a podcast on this show here:
Miz brought out The Big Show and Dolph.
Show and Ziggler were too bummed to talk and then Triple H came out.
Triple H talked about this not being personal, just business. He said Orton being on top means more money for all of them. HHH said Miz was probably jealous since he had the title once and hadn't had it since. Therefore, he made Miz vs Randy Orton for the title.
HHH said Dolph was mad at getting his butt kicked by The Shield, so he'd fight them all in a handicap match tonight.
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"I want you to watch every single thing that happens in this ring tonight and I want you to do absolutely nothing about it." - Triple H |
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"Now run along and go get in your chair. Go." - Triple H |
Triple H sent Dolph off and told Miz, he'd have his match now.
WWE Title - Randy Orton vs The Miz
Randy Orton won with an RKO. I didn't like this one. It was just a lot of headlocks with no guy doing much or being that over. The match didn't really pick up until Miz put on the Figure Four, which is about when it ended with Orton getting a random RKO.
The Shield did a beat down and then DB cleared house with a chair. The one thing that is missing from this angle is any kind of explanation of The Shield's involvement. I can't figure out why they would care or waste their time being guards. Someone needs to explain that.
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"You know what you were out there? You were a bully. You bullied Orton and The Shield." - Vickie | "In my world, he who bullies, gets bullied back." - Vickie |
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"If there's one thing the big guy can't stand, it's a bully. See ya out there, shrimp." - Ryback |
They made DB vs Ryback indirectly.
Rob Van Dam vs Damien Sandow
RVD basically beat DS in a squash with a five star frog splash. He got most of the offense in and cleared him off pretty quickly. RVD was also moving pretty fast here.
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"RVD, just remember this - when you sleep with that dog, you get flea's." - Alberto Del Rio |
The Shield vs Dolph Ziggler
Reigns beat Ziggler with a spear. This was a quick squash and really had nothing to it at all minus the cool finish. They cut to the Big Show about 10 times here.
The Shield then hit the triple powerbomb.
Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman came out.
Paul said Punk should still worship him.
Paul said he was afraid of the upcoming match, because he would get a whooping if Punk gets his hands on him. Paul said to watch out though because when he was scared before, he took care of Punk. However, when he has to face his fears, he could do much worse.
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"At Night of Champions, Curtis Axel and I will own CM Punk." - Paul Heyman |
Rowan won with a splash in a quick squash. Harper looked good hitting a big boot and a lariat and that was about it here. Tensai got laid out after.
ProWresBlog Title - Daniel Bryan vs Ryback
DB is the ProWresBlog champion after beating Cena at Summerslam. I don't count MITB cash-in's for title changes, so he kept the belt.
Daniel Bryan beat Ryback by DQ when Orton ran in. The crowd was into it and both guys were fine but I didn't like the match structure. DB made his comeback too quickly and ended up controlling a lot of the match, when it really should have been the other way around. The finish was also pretty lame and didn't have much thought put into it.
The Shield attacked after.
Big Show made the save and Triple H ran down to stop it.
Triple H made Show leave and he tried to not cry. The crowd chanted "F*** him up".
The Shield and Orton beat up DB after and Randy Orton spraypainted "No" onto Daniel Bryan.
I did not like The Big Show's angle one bit. I can't buy it at all. WWE tried to play this as Big Show needing to not do anything so he could keep his job. NEWS FLASH, THE BIG SHOW IS RICH. HE COULD RETIRE TOMORROW AND BE BETTER OFF THAN ALL OF US. Show also looked like such a sissy the whole night. He basically cried near the end and really got punked. Yeah, Show has been portrayed as a wuss at times, but this was pretty bad. He never got his heat back either which made it worse.
They also spent too much time on The Big Show. He was the focus for 3 matches with 10-15 cut away's per match which was way too much.
Overall thoughts: I hated this show. This whole episode revolved around watching The Big Show make faces then look like the world's biggest wuss at the end of the night. The matches were mostly all squashes and were all too fast to be anything good. This was a lazy show and it wasn't very good.
This is not fair,why triple H allow those hurt DB.this is very boring some of us we are not happy about what is happing here in WWE.
ReplyDeleteif you're not happy, then the "heels" have done their job right and made you hate them and want their heads to get kicked the f*ck in by daniel bryan.
DeleteI don't understand your comment about The Shield, why wouldn't they want to get on Triple H's good side? Did you forget the whole thing about them being paid by Paul Heyman for months? It doesn't take a leap of imagination to understand the storyline. This show was great.
ReplyDeleteWoah man, this was one of the best smackdowns this year in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI think how much you liked this show depended solely on the Big Show's angle, as there really wasn't much else to it. I didn't really buy into it so I didn't really want to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteRe: The Shield - I'd like to see some explanation for why they are being bodyguards. We've seen in the past that they have no respect for rules so I'd think they wouldn't want to do everything HHH says. If they are getting paid big to do this, fine, just explain it.
Bad, bad, bad review. This show was about building a new corporation, about HHH establishing his rule with Orton as his champion, think corporation Rock! The worst part was the further burying of the Wyatts. Bryan is being given the face by the people and he is performing admirably but he doesn't have the Rock/Y2J/Stone Cold factor so for now I want to see HHH make everyone's life a misery until a nee torchbearer appears. Shame Zigler is poor on the mic...
ReplyDeleteThe Shield can be a great team who legitimately care about one another, but are also heartless scumbags. Their current storylines as HHH's bodyguards is a great example of that.
ReplyDeleteThey are, irrefutably, a TEAM. They’re in this together. They’re a bunch of NXT guys who decided to improve upon the Nexus formula by showing up as a unit, raising hell and actually sticking together and winning instead of developing supporting cast Decepticon drama. You’re never gonna see a Shield “Corre.”
They’re also terrible, opportunistic, violent people. The backstage segment where they were intimidating to Vickie but sorta licked Vince’s boots was the first sign of them being liars about the whole “justice” thing. They want to topple old regimes and jack legends who are hogging the spotlight, sure, but they want it for THEMSELVES, because they are wrestlers who are trying to win and keep their jobs on the main roster. This is when remembering NXT exists comes in handy. NXT is all about “who’s gonna make an impact and go to the main roster.” All about it. The Shield made the biggest impact of ANYONE, won a bunch of title belts to justify their spots, and do whatever they can to keep them. Purposeful DQs, working as Triple H’s thugs in a long con, whatever.
Believe in The Shield, even when they’re lying.
I, too, disagree with you about big show here. while wwe seems to have forgotten about his F*CKING IRON CLAD CONTRACT AND THAT HE CAN'T BE FIRED ! AND EVEN IF HE WAS, HE'S ONE OF THE RICHEST WRESTLERS EVER (this actually surprised me when I read it, but it seems that show has saved a good amount of money over his career and is now one of the richest 20 wrestlers of all time in real life ! ofcourse, the rock is the richest ever) !!, but at least, show didn't lose his sense of justice .. so, he wants to help ! and him not being able to help makes him frustrated and disappoints the fans that he cares about. so, it makes sense if you ignore the mistakes. and show's performance of acting here was amazing and got the crowd behind him. and got them hating orton and hhh. so, job well done ?
ReplyDeleteyeah, this smackdown sucked. all the matches were squashes or boring as hell ...
this smackdown as a whole was just a live replay of what happened before on raw just to emphasize things.
it looks like we're getting bryan, show, ziggler, miz and ? vs randy, the shield and ? at survivor series. I can imagine punk joining the good guys and either axel or lesnar joining the bad guys.
"Therefore, he made Miz vs Randy Orton for the title."
ReplyDeleteNo, it wasn't for the title. But it wasn't too good of a show either.