Last week's show is here:
In a quick preview, Joe and MEM talked about kicking Ace's butt tonight and making one of them go.
Bully talked to supposedly Brook on the phone and said tonight is about them.
Anderson said Bully hasn't been returning calls and he didn't know about Tito joining them.
Roode, Kaz and Daniels came out:
Roode congratulated Bully and said his crew were gonna take the belt from him.
Roode bragged about his win and being in 2nd place in the BFG Series.
Kaz said the same about his win and Daniels said he is the king of the streetfighters. They said their group name was the Extraordinary Gentlemen's Organization (Thanks to lordpeepness).
Kaz then tried to recruit Aries.
Storm told B.I. that Roode will turn on them when he is done with them and Roode said he is jealous. Storm told Roode that he'd drink, take off his hat then come over and deck him and he did. This led to a match.
James Storm & Gunner vs. Frankie Kazarian & Bobby Roode in a non-title match
Roode won with a low blow. The match wasn't real special and near the end they tried to knock out the ref. They ended up distracting him with Roode hitting the low blow there.
Aries talked about being wanted by multiple groups and said he didn't trust Roode and Co.
Manik vs. Sonjay Dutt in a non-titlematch
Suicide won with his weird Lungblower finisher. This was all action and was totally fine. These two didn't take a break and went hard here.
Ace's talked about being ready for tonight.
The MEM were plotting for tonight.
Christopher Daniels vs. Hernandez vs. Joseph Park vs. Jay Bradley in a street fight with 20 BFG points at stake
They showed Kaz and Roode coming down during the break.
Joseph Park beat Bradley with the Black Hole Slam after "Parking Up". Aries ran in during this and teased joining Roode. They did High 5's and he brainbuster'd Daniels before leaving. The match wasn't real special or interesting and was quite weak for a street fight.
Sting talked about how they failed last week. Magnus said they don't need anyone else, as they can fight 4 on 5 on their own.
Bully and Tito came out.
Bully talked about fooling us all again and then told us his name again. Does Bully only know how to cut one promo? It seems so, as I know I heard this many times. Bully said Sabin's title win was a fluke and he didn't recognize it.
Tito said he knocked out Rampage one and will do it again.
Bully brought out Brooke. Not Brooke Hogan, as she's fired, but Brooke Tessmacher who is his new girl. I have no problems with this as she is a big upgrade over Brooke Hogan.
Bully then posed with the title.
ODB vs. Gail Kim
Gail won with a crucifix pin. This went a really long time and was okay, but it didn't need the time it got. Nothing really special here aside from ODB kicking Gail in the crotch and a superplex. Gail also drove ODB on her head in some type of botched shoulderbreaker.
Aries said he gave an answer tonight. He said he doesn't need anyone, just himself.
& Rampage Jackson & Samoa Joe & Magnus & mystery partner
vs. Devon & Ken Anderson & Wes Brisco & Garett Bischoff
& Knux with the loser of the fall having to leave TNA forever
Anyone else hoping everyone in this loses in some weird deal where a space ship lands in the ring and they all go away? Anyone?
Anderson asked Bully Ray to come out and watch this.
Anderson told MEM they could pick someone to lay down for them to save the beating.
AJ Styles came out as the MEM partner. He took off his jacket and had his old music back, dropping the gimmick.
AJ Styles beat Devon with a Styles Clash to get him fired from TNA. See ya Devon. The match was okay but it not being no-DQ hurt it and it was kind of funny that Ace's didn't interfere in one of their most important matches ever. The crowd was hot for this and helped it along and I didn't have any issues with the finish.
Overall thoughts: Eh, it was a TNA show. They've had worse but this wasn't that great and I thought AJ's face turn was the best thing of the night, aside from the show ending.
Great job man. You do a ton of work on keeping up with so much wrestling.