Friday, April 19, 2013

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 4/19/2013 Results and Review

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 4/19/2013 Results and Review

Last week's show is here:

Fandango vs Santino Marella

Fandango hit on Lillian and tried to dance with her but then dropped her, saying she can't dance.
Santino came down and was angered by all of this. He called him "Fandingo". He said his Cobra was his dance partner.
 Santino then did the Fandango dance which appeared to actually be the Urkel dance.
The finish
Fandango won with the swinging reverse STO. Well, the Fandango craze is over and done with. No one sung his theme, he got booed and he got chants of "You Can't Wrestle". WWE will obviously still try to push that he is such a big sensation, but it is done with. This may be the quickest ending trend that I've seen in a while. This was a Santino match and you know what you are getting. Santino did his 2 failed kip-up spots into a third successful kip-up and got beat with the overused swinging reverse STO. This is one of those moves like the Play of the Day and Pumphandle Slam that WWE always gives to people and it never gets over. Bray Wyatt is also currently doing it in NXT.

Booker T said things have changed and he ripped Teddy for making the match on Raw until Big Show came in.
Show thanked Teddy for actually giving him a tag team partner and not putting him in a dangerous handicap match. He said Teddy had the foresight to protect one of this top superstars.

Champion vs Champion - Kofi Kingston vs Wade Barrett

"I'd like to thank Wade Barrett for the coke all over my lap." - Cole after his coke fell when Wade hit Kofi off the table

Kofi Kingston won with a surprise crucifix pin in an absolute joke of a match. THEY GOT SIX MINUTES FOR A CHAMPION VS CHAMPION MATCH. Think about that. The match had nothing to it at all and it was mostly a complete waste of time.

"You've attacked Sheamus. Why?" - Renee Young | "Because I can. That's just what I do." - Mark Henry
Whoever made the comment about WWE always having loose pipes laying around in brawls, they're back.
"Hey, that's what I do, fella." - Sheamus
Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger
Del Rio got the win with a cradle. The match was okay to good but really not what it should have been for two guys being so heavily pushed. Swagger is just not over as a main event talent and really isn't over at all while Del Rio is a little bit over, but mostly due to Ricardo. They did a lot of holds in this match and both worked their injuries with Swagger's arm and Del Rio's leg. It just didn't click for me though. They just don't match-up well together and I hope this is the last time we see this.

The Shield said they could see Cena laying on his back Monday and said Taker's time is up on Monday.

The Great Khali, Hornswoggle and Natalya vs Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes

They showed what led to this match. Rosa and The Colon's stole The Great Khali's parking space. No, I'm not making this up. Epic build right here folks. Then they argued and Khali put the L sign on his forehead for losers.
The Great Khali won with a Punjabi Plunge. This sucked. Cole even hinted to it when Josh talked about going to replay by saying, "you like torture, don't you?".

Randy Orton and Sheamus vs The Big Show and Mark Henry

"17 world championships between these four superstars." - Josh
Big show got the win with the chokeslam. This was what you would expect with the monsters controlling things and the faces making failed comebacks until the end. I wasn't very interested in this one but it wasn't that bad.

Overall thoughts:
Not a good edition of Smackdown. Nothing really caught my attention and the show was just uninteresting. Skip this.

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