WWE Monday Night Raw 4/29/2013 Results and Review
Last week's show is here: http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/wwe-monday-night-raw-4222013-results.html
Tonight is probably going to be a less interesting Raw than usual. Cena's injured and probably not doing a match, CM Punk is gone for a while and Brock Lesnar and The Rock will not be there. This leaves us with Ryback, The Shield, maybe The Undertaker and Triple H. I expect The Shield to attack at least once, if not twice tonight. I also expect Ryback to do some kind of angle where they officially have him injure Cena. Besides that, I think we can expect some sort of deal with Ziggler/Swagger/Alberto, though I don't know what. Alberto vs Ziggler could be possible but since I have a feeling it will be a program in the future, I think it may not happen. We will also have something with Sheamus and Randy Orton vs Big Show and Mark Henry and AJ talking about being the #1 contender.
No DQ - Big E Langston vs Ricardo Rodriguez vs Zeb Coulter
The winner of this chooses the stipulation. Big E beat up on his two opponents as expected
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"Oh my knee. My knee!" - Zeb Coulter |
Ricardo got the pin here. This was ridiculous but fun. Everyone interfered and Zeb argued with the ref and got rolled-up for the pin after an AJ distraction. Ricardo threw a bucket at Big E at one point.
They announced John Cena and Ryback vs The Shield for tonight.
They did a very nice segment with John Cena and three make-a-wish kids. They made then honorary superstars.
They said Randy Orton would "grace us with his presence" next. LOL.
Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes
They made all kids of goofy references and said it's back to the future. King then said Genghis Khan had a nice mustache.
Randy Orton got the win with an RKO out of a Disaster Kick. Good match here that got at least 16 minutes of time. Orton kicked out of the Cross Rhodes and his finisher was good and sudden. Cody flipped out when Randy kicked out of the Cross Rhodes.
Orton got interviewed by Striker after and Cody tried to attack only to get hit with an RKO.
The Bella Twins talked about the reality show they will be in called Total Divas and then said the other divas wouldn't know about it.
Nikki Bella vs Naomi
Naomi got the win by DQ after the ref reversed her getting pinned due to twin magic. Naomi and Cameron got beat up after by The Bellas. This was short and useless. I'd also like to note that the faces didn't do their usual booty bumping entrance as they instead did splits.
The Shield cut a long promo about all they have done and we got a lot of highlights from that.
3MB came down and said they were mad about The Shield beating them up weeks ago and tried to jump The Shield. The Shield won out. Team Hell No came down, ran off The Shield and beat up 3MB.
Ryback ran into Cena in the back and Cena said he was hurt but not injured. Ryback said he can't take that chance.
They talked about Domino's pizza's and King ordering one. The man who had the heart attack and should be eating healthy is eating pizza.
Champion vs Champion - Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston
I swear we see Champion vs Champion every other week now.
They announced Antonio Cesaro vs Kofi Kingston for the US title on Main Event. They said Cesaro turned in his rematch clause.
Dolph Ziggler won with a Zig Zag after a missed Kofi splash. Good match here that got a lot of time and had a lot of action. Kofi kicked Dolph hard in the face early on and took a hard bump on the missed splash near the end. There was a spot where they traded roll-ups that really got the crowd going and made this great. Rating:***
Big E hit two Big Endings on Kofi after.
There was a weird segment with AJ and crew, Kaitlyn and Natalya. Kaitlyn and AJ argued about AJ getting a match and called each other names. Kaitlyn then received a gift, which was a spike leather hat. She loved it. There was some secret admirer letter with it. NXT just did this and Audrey Marie was behind it. So if you are wondering, who wrote the secret admirer letter to Kaitlyn? That's my guess. I'd prefer it was Demolition Smash who loaned some of his spikes for the hat, but I don't think it is the case.

Ryback said he wouldn't fight a handicap match with Cena injured tonight. Vickie said they'd do The Shield vs Team Hell No and Ryback instead. Ryback said, "No". Ryback was talking like a robot here.
King was looking for his pizza but the fans got it instead. What I took from this is that not only is Domino's slow but they are stupid and can't deliver pizzas to the right people.
Jack Swagger vs Zack Ryder
Zack Ryder showed Zeb Coulter losing earlier.
Jack won here with a Patriot Act. Zack got offense in and almost looked good here. After the match though, Zeb Coulter sonned Zack and hit him. During the match, Jack Swagger turned Ryder around in mid air and hit a Doctor Bomb which was cool.
Mark Henry was walking around with a rope.
Ryback left during the break.
Mark Henry beat both members of Tons of Funk in a tug of war match.
Sheamus asked for a match and said Henry was scared when he didn't accept at first.
I don't know who won the tug of war. They said Sheamus should be disqualified from it for letting go of the rope and making Mark fall. After the match, Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick on Henry.
Kane was angry in the back and said he wanted a handicap match due to The Shield beating up Taker.
John Cena called Brad Maddox - Braden Walker and Bed Mattress. Cena said he wanted to be in the match and then bullied Maddox into it. Hey, BE A STAR everyone. Bully people!
Antonio Cesaro vs Alberto Del Rio
Antonio Cesaro accidentally pulled down Alberto Del Rio's pants on a move, showing Alberto Del Rio's butt.
King called Cesaro "Sbarro" on accident, which is a brand of pizza.
Alberto Del Rio won with an armbar. The match was good but not as good as it should have been. Cesaro didn't get enough in and they did more holds. Alberto did a great german and a superkick to the face on Cesaro.
Alberto Del Rio announced at Extreme Rules it will be a ladder match between Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger vs Dolph Ziggler.
Dance-Off - The Great Khali vs Fandango
Summer Rae did a version of the Emma dance in her entrance and then couldn't do a full split. Jerry Lawler did a great Fandango intro. He should be the permanent announcer.
Great Khali danced and JBL called it, "Khaliing".
They judged Khali as the winner of the dance contest even though the crowd cheered Fandango more. Fandango hit his legdrop and a bad russian leg sweep on Khali.
They announced Dean Ambrose vs Kane for Smackdown this week. I'll be reviewing it here.
The Shield vs John Cena and Team Hell No
Reigns got the win with a spear in a good match. Ambrose bumped around big time to make this one good. He really went the extra effort. I loved the Reigns spear to win and overall this was a good match. Cena's Achilles tendon went out near the end so Reigns could pick up the win.
Overall thoughts: The show had a lot of good wrestling since a lot of names were out so it gets good marks from me. There were at least three good matches here and that is a rare thing on Raw.