Big Japan Pro Wrestling - 12/18/2016 - Ryuji Ito and Toshiyuki Sakuda vs Isami Kodaka and Yuko Miyamoto
I did a podcast on this match here:
Order in the pic is Ito, Sakuda, Miyamoto and Kodaka |
The bump knocks the light tubes down |
The finish |
Isami Kodaka and Yuko Miyamoto got the win with a top rope double knee and a cage moonsault. Sakuda was the star here doing the selling for everyone and getting some great facials in. He's really a breath of fresh air because he's so small and does a lot of flippy stuff in BJPW. The only bad thing is he is legit super small and even gets towered by Isami, who isn't a big dude by any means. I hated the part where Sakuda no sold a superplex but other than that this was perfectly fine wrestling. Funny spots here with the light tubes falling from a basic bump and Sakuda jumping into Isami but doing it so weakly that the tubes against him didn't even break. Rating:***1/4
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