WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/5/1991
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WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/5/1991 |
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-9281991.html
We are in Ottawa, Canada.
Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper, and Randy Savage are on commentary. Piper talks about getting jumped by Flair last week. Piper says he's no mild-manner reporter and wants to fight Flair.
The Legion of Doom vs Jobbers
I'm not sure who the jobbers are here as there are conflicting listings. Hawk hits shots on the one jobber, who is absolutely huge. Hawk hits a nice dropkick. Animal powerslams the jobber then elbow drops him. The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Typhoon says their talking is done in the ring. Quake says it's not a fight for the titles, it's a fight for The LOD's life. Hawk flying shoulders the jobber then Animal powerslams the jobber. Animal hits a jumping elbow drop.
Animal boots the jobber out of the corner. Hawk fist drops the jobber then snapmares him. Animal hits a flying shoulder. Animal hits a corner lariat then the jobber takes a doomsday device. Hawk then gets the pin.
Thoughts: It was all squash as usual. I was shocked by how big the one guy was as he had several inches on Hawk. I have no idea who either guy was as the line-ups for this one floating around online are not correct.
WWF Update
Mean Gene shills WWF toys. He talks about the incident last week with Ric Flair and Piper.
Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair do a promo. Ric said when he came to the WWF, he was gonna turn the heat up. He tells Piper to do something about it as he doesn't like it. He tells Piper to call him champ until then.
The Berzerker vs Scott Taylor
We got young Scotty 2 Hotty here. Berz whips his belt around and front kicks Scott. Berz does an inset promo with Fuji. he says he's the guy who breaks bones and is the guy who will get his hands on you. Berz talks to Fuji then chops Scott over. Berz chokeslams Scott. Berz boots Scott over.
Scott is tied up in the ropes and bootz Berz. Berz hits a world's strongest slam on Scott then does it again. Berz throws him over the top and wins by countout.
Thoughts: It was the usual Berz squash with him winning with ease by countout.
WWF Event Center
Jim Duggan does a promo. He says he's the meanest man in the WWF. He says he sees big men in strange outfits in the WWF. He brings up Undertaker and calls Paul Bearer "Gomez". He says he's not a hard man to find and says the 2x4 is not hard to find.
Big Bully Busick and Harvey Wippleman do a promo. Bully says you might think the Tornado is an unpredictable forecast and The Dragon can breathe fire. He says nobody can do what he does and says not to say a word to his friend Harvey Wippleman. Harvey says if you mess with them, you will get hurt.
Virgil vs Mike Williams
They lock up. Virg uppercuts him and atomic drops him. Virg lariats Mike over the top. Virg then hits a nice plancha on him. Ted Dibiase does an inset promo with Sherri. Ted says Virgil is best at polishing and doing spit shines and says he wants his title back in its original form.
Mike hits shots Virg's gut. Virg spinning neckbreakers him. Virg slams Mike. Virg hits punches and flips Mike. Virg puts him in the million dollr dream and wins.
Thoughts: Virg looked pretty good here as he hit a nice dive and seemed motivated. Mike did a flip sell off of a punch which you don't see a lot of.
WWF Event Center
Slick and The Warlord do a promo. Slick says the first time he say War, he thought this was a man he had to sign. He says War is the future of the WWF and the future world champ. War says he works and trains hard. He says it doesn't matter who has to fight - he wants a chance at the title and will get one.
The British Bulldog does a promo on The Mountie. He says Mountie will need more than his portable electric chair/shock stick when he faces him. He says he bite Undertaker down to size. He says he has seen his tombstone and asks if he saw his powerslam. He says he will put Taker in a casket.
Irwin R. Schyster vs Jim Powers
IRS does a promo. He says he's been criticized for being tough on tax cheaters. He says your tax cheating opinion means nothing to him.
IRS slams Jim then hiptosses him. IRS boots him on the ropes. Jim hiptosses and slams him. Jim hits a nice dropkick and gets a pop from Macho for it. Jim's head is banged off the buckles. IRS snapmares then elbow drops him. IRS does an abdominal stretch.
Jim bangs IRS' head off the buckles. IRS boots him in the gut then hits a samoan drop for the win.
Thoughts: It was nice to get a somewhat competitive match here for a change. It has been a long time since we have seen that, sadly. Jim looked good and hit a nice dropkick here before being put down.
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer welcomes us to The Parlor. He says his guest is about to experience the bite of the snake and it's Sid Justice. Paul says it won't be too long until Sid feels the bite of the snake and comes to his mortuary in a different way. Sid asks what that smell is. He says it's the same smell that was here last week. He says it's the same death smell of Jake Roberts. He says Jake is a low life and is a serpent. He says he's a symbol of the devil. Sid says when it's all over, they will say that justice was served.
The Nasty Boys vs Joe Milano and Martin Roy
Knobbs locks up with maybe Roy. He pounds on him and sends him chest first into the bucles. Saggs chokes him on the ropes. Joe gets in and is backdropped by Saggs. Saggs hits a pumphandle slam. Knobbs bangs Joe's head off the mat. Knobbs corner splashes Joe off an irish whip. He throws Joe down into the mat. Joe takes a powerslam then a top rope Saggs elbow drop. Joe is then pinned.
Thoughts: It was all squash here with The Nasty's getting the pin. There wasn't much to speak of here. Vince messed up The Nasty's names which isn't the first time.
We see Tito Santana in a bull ring. He's trying to become El Matador. We see him trying to stab a fake bull. He says it'll take many months before he's ready. He says with a real bull, his first mistake could be his last. He says he will become El Matador.
Thoughts: They have apparently been doing these on other episodes, but for some reason they have not been included in the versions I had. I don't really think this is going to work out that well and I'm not sure Tito needs a re-package.
Sgt. Slaughter is at Arlington National Cemetary. Sarge says solders fought and died for the country and he let all of them down. He says there's one soldier he really turned his back on here. He says he wishes he could take one of the dead soldier's graves. He says they didn't turn their back on the country like he did. He says he doesn't care if he gets into a wrestling ring again. He says he doesn't care about titles anymore. He says he's here to beg for forgiveness. He says he wants his country back.
Thoughts: Sorry Sarge. I'm still not buying it. They just went too far with the heel Sarge angle for me to go along with this.
The Dragon vs Mike Durham
Mike looks like Jack Victory. Ricky leapfrogs him then running crossbodies him. Ricky hits an armdrag and armlock. Mike eye rakes Ricky. Ricky jumps over him off the ropes then hits armdrags. Mike slams Ricky. Ricky upkicks Mike then elbows him in the gut. Ricky backfists him.
Skinner does an inset promo. He says everyone is scared of his fire. Skinner says he will stomp the fire out with his boots then skin him alive. Ricky bangs Mike's head off the buckles and mat. Ricky punches Mike then side kicks him. Ricky hits a top rope chop to the head. Ricky top rope crossbodies Mike and wins.
Thoughts: It was all squash here. This wasn't too long and Ricky won as expected.
WWF Event Center
Sean says the competition in the WWF has never been hotter. Jake Roberts does a promo with a cobra. He says you gotta make a lot of decisions in life. He says you gotta decide whether to go right or left and survive. Jake says some people feel he went over the line. He asks what will you do about it? He says when you get bit by one of these snakes, you don't see them no more. Jake says to beware as he's always waiting around the corner.
The Rockers do a promo. Marty says they have been on a roll in Europe and Japan. Marty says they were told they are now #1 contenders to the tag titles. Marty says they have wanted the titles for a long time. Shawn says you leave for a little while and who knows what happens. He says The Nasty Boys have done a lot of whining. He says they never needed belts to hold up their pants as in their wardrobe, belts are optional.
The commentators talk about next week's show. They say we will find out the main event of Survivor Series 1991.
Overall thoughts: There wasn't too much of note going on in this one. Sarge is trying to turn face. Tito's becoming a bullfighter. We had one match that wasn't a total squash and we are building to Macho vs Jake or Taker, The LOD vs The Natural Disasters and maybe Piper vs Flair instead of Piper vs Hogan. I'm surprised nobody was punished for the Piper/Flair fight from last week and Vince didn't even talk about it much. I would not recommend this one and didn't think it was that good.
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