Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Stardom 1/26/2025 Award 2024 In Takadanobaba Day 2

Stardom 1/26/2025 Award 2024 In Takadanobaba Day 2

Maika vs. Yuria Hime

This is Hime's official debut though she has had some exhibition matches to lead up to this.

Hime gets off to a bad start here with some floppiness. Maika mounts and slaps her. Hime does a ground facelock and Maika armbars her. Maika boots and stomps her. Maika slams her twice.

Hime fires back with some forearms then is forearmed over. Maika slams her sixe times in a row. Maika crabs her then switches to the half crab. Maika misses a corner charge and Hime legdrops Maika while she's seated. Maika slams her down. Hime facekicks her and shotgun dropkicks her.

Hime hits a big slam for 2. Hime does a step up legdrop. Hime hits chest forearms. Maika suplexes her for 2. Maika running lariats her. Hime slaps her then Maika chinlocks her. Maika does a grounded sleeper and submits her.

Thoughts: The crowd was really generous for Hime here. I didn't think Hime's debut was that good. She didn't botch anything but her offense was weak and slow and she seemed pretty hesitant out there. It went a little longer than it needed to as well.

They hug after.

UWF Rules Match - Kiyoka Kotatsu vs. Aya Sakura

KK = Kiyoka Kotatsu

They each avoid high kicks to start. Aya hits kicks to the body and KK gets some in. Aya hits knees off the clinch. They trade leg and body kicks. KK hits a couple in a row and drops her with a high kick.

KK blocks a takedown. KK mouts her and they get back up. Aya blocks a kick and takes her down. KK hits mouned shots. Aya goes for the armbar. KK hits slaps, knees and kicks. KK hits a bunch of shots in the corner and the ref makes Aya do a standing 10-count. Aya hangs on and goes for an armbar. KK step up enzugiri's her. Aya answers the 10 count at 9 but is dazed. KK grounded sleepers her.

Aya knees her in the face then kicks her in the face. KK goes down and beats the 10 count. Aya hits a strike flurry then water wheel drops her. Aya goes for the armbar. Aya hit another strike combo. KK push kicks her, brazilian kicks her then rolls her into a leglock. Aya then taps out.

Thoughts: I would have preferred a knockout finish here since it was mostly strikes. It was a worked shoot match here. A lot of the shots didn't look that lethal. Aya did a decent job selling here though and making it seem like she was back into this one after almost losing.

KK has words for her on the mic after and offers a hand. Aya slaps it hard. 

God's Eye (Hina, Lady C & Saki Kashima) & Matoi Hamabe vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Mina Shirakawa, Rian & Waka Tsukiyama)

Waka wristlocks Matoi. Matoi rolls, kips up and reverses it. Matoi side headlocks her. Matoi misses a dropkick and takes a hip attack. Waka snapmares her and does more hip attacks. Rian comes in and sentons then dropkicks Matoi for 2. The two trade forearms and Rian hits a nice dropkick.

Hana comes in and slams Matoi twice. Matoi hits chest forearms then Hana forearms her over. Hina hip throws Hana then Matoi dropkicks Hana. C comes in and facekicks Hana over. C gets double teamed but does a double abdominal stretch out of it.

C and Hina double flying neckbreaker Hana for 2. C and Hana shoulder battle. Hana knocks her over then C knocks her over. Mina comes in and figure fours Saki. Saki takes a double elbow in the corner and Hana slams Saki. Hana drops Mina onto Saki for 2.

Mina spinning forearms Saki then urakens her. Saki takes a cross-legged northern lights bomb from Mina then Rian leapfrogs Mina onto Saki. Rian hits dropkicks on Saki. Saki facekicks Rian over. Rian does a nice flip into a backslide on Saki. Matoi shoulder throws Mina.

Rian hits forearms on Saki. Rian takes a 3D from C and Hina. Saki pedigree lifts Rian into a knee and pins her.

Thoughts: I liked it. It was fast paced with a lot of people coming in and out. Rian and Matoi had decent showings here.

C and Hana fight outside after. 

STARS (Hazuki & Koguma) vs. God's Eye (Ranna Yagami & Syuri)

Ran has new red gear and has her hair slicked back and it makes her look like Yumiko Hotta. Kog wants to do her taunt. Ran teases doing it with her and rolls her up. Kog rolls her up for 2. Kog hit forearms on Ran. Syu running knees Kog then Ran dropkicks Kog. Ran teases doing Kog's taunt while she has her in the camel clutch position then just chinlocks her.

Ran kicks her in the back. Syu snapmares Kog and kicks her in the back. Kog hits chest forearms and is booted over. Syu stomp flurries her then Kog hits a ddt. Haz comes in, half-nelson slams Syu then sentons her. Haz then goes for the crossface by Ran breaks it up. Haz sentons both opponents at once.

Haz facewash kicks Syu on the ropes. They trade forearms. Syu flurries her and is backrolled into a basement dropkick. Kog gets on Syu's back and is driven into the buckles. Syu shotgun dropkicks her then underhook suplexes her for 2. Ran gets in and dropkicks Kog. She running dropkicks her again for 2.

Ran evades a cutter and kicks Kog in the back. Kog and Haz get caught on the buckles and thrown down. Ran hits chest kicks on Kog and drops her. Kog cutters her. Kog goes to camel clutch Ran and Syu breaks it up. Haz hits a double codebreaker. Kog goes for her pose on Syu and Ran kicks her in the back.

Haz hits a top rope dropkick as Kog hits a ddt. Kog top rope dropkicks Ran for 2. Kog grabs Ran and spins her in the air and Syur breaks up the hold. Syu takes a double ddt. Kog and Haz sit on their opponents backs at the same time. Kog does her taunt on Syu and Ran watches on in horror.

Ran hits forearms on both opponents. Kog cutters Ran. Haz is pushed into Kog and Ran leg lariats both together. Ran hits mounted shots on Kog. Ran high kicks Kog for 2. Kog takes kicks from both opponents. Ran takes a codebreaker then is rolled up for the pin.

Thoughts: This was all about Ran and Kog with Ran not wanting to do Kog's taunt. This is what happens every time they go at it but it's okay as it is entertaining. This went a little too long though for my liking and that brought this one down for me.

Kog and Ran talk on the mic after.

STARS (Hanan, Mayu Iwatani, Momo Kohgo & Saya Iida) vs. Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Sayaka Kurara, Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori)

Poi and Saya go at it. Poi rolls her up for 2. Saya avoids kicks then is snapmared. Poi basement dropkicks her in the back for 2. Sayaka takes double stomps from all of her opponents and a 4 person basement dropkick. Saya hits chops on Sayaka. Han comes in and chinlocks Sayaka off a snapmare.

Mayu comes in and slingshot double stomps Sayaka. Mayu camel clutches Syaaka. Mayu ties her up in the ropes and dropkicks her. Sayaka running dropkicks her. Tam gets in and top rope crossbodies Mayu for 2. Han kicks Tam in the back when she runs the ropes. Poit and Tam do stereo cartwheels, dropkicks, headhunters and rope attacks on Han and Mayu.

Mayu and Tam forearm each other. Tam hits a spinning high kicks. Mayu superkicks her. Yuna and Momo go at it. Yuna rolls her up and they trade chest forearms. Momo dropkicks her then hits a 619 for 2. Han leg lariats Yuna on the ropes. Yuna takes a double team then a double back elbow from Saya and Han for 2. Yuna flying forearms her.

Yuna does a headscissors + armlock on Han and it is broken up. Han fallaway slams Yuna. Sayaka takes down Han and Tam high kicks Han. Poi superkicks Han then Yuna running lariats Han for 2. Mayu and Momo hit stereo superkicks. Momo springboard plancha's out onto multiple opponents. Yuna hits a double lariat. Yuna ties up Han's arms on the mat and the hold is broken up.

Yuna is lifted in the air and takes a double facebuster. Han cuty specials Yuna and pins her.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too good. People would wrestle 1v1 for about a minute then multiple people would jump in and do it again until it ended.

Wonder Of Stardom Title #1 Contendership Match - Saori Anou vs. Rina

They lock up and go to the ropes. Anou clean breaks her and is thrown by the hair. Anou throws her by the hair then foot chokes her. Anou trips her then indian deathlocks her. Anou axe kicks her in the back and facekicks her on the ropes.

Rina hits forearsm and is facekicked over. Rina dropkicks her. They trade chest forearms. Rina stomps Anou's foot and facekicks her on the ropes. Rina basement dropkicks her. Rina hip throws Anou then STO's her for 2. Rina 2nd rope double knee drops Anou for 2.

Anou step up enzugiri's Rina then northern lights suplexes her. Anou does a heavenly lock to her. Rina ropebreaks. Anou fisherman suplexes her for 2. Anou top rope dropkicks her. Rina does an octopus to her then pulls on the leg as well.

Rina goes up top and gets hit. Anou fisherman suplexes her off the ropes and Rina no sells it. Rina overhead suplexes her. Rina grabs a whip but misses shots with it. Anou facekicks her and they trade facekicks. One of Rina's buddies distracts the ref and she whips Anou with it. The ref sees it and doesn't care. Rina pushes the ref and Anou rolls her up for 2.

Rina crucifixes bombs her and is german'd. Rina no sells the german and escapes Anou's backslide. Rina then gets the upset win over Anou.

Thoughts: This was a first time match up between these two. It was nice to see something different and Rina winning was a nice surprise. I didn't like Rina being able to cheat in front of the ref and Rina no sold a couple of things here. It was nice just to have a normal singles match for a change though instead of the usual 6 and 8 girl tags.

Rina, Anou then Starlight Kid talk on the mic after. Kid holds her title up at her and goes face to face with her. 

Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki, Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora, Ruaka, Saya Kamitani & Thekla)

Suzu ducks a pump kick from Saya to start. Saya is rolled up into a basement dropkick from Suzu. Saya takes a double basement dropkick. Saya throws Miyu back by the hair then slams her. Miyu hits chest forearms on Momo then gets stuff spit in her face by Tora. Miyu takes a PK from Momo and a splash from Tora for 2.

Thek comes in and clubs on Miyu. She then bangs her head off the mat. Thek indian deathlocks Miyu. Miyu hits chest forearms on Thek. Thek then forearms her over. Miyu ddt's Thek.

AZM comes in, trips Thek, PK's her and basement dropkicks her. 4 girls get in and Kid and Mei hit stereo springboard moves at the same time. AZM then hits a dropkick off the buckles. Thek and AZM do bridges out of moves. AZM high kicks her then Thek spears her.

Suzu and Saya get in and trade forearms. Suzu hits forearms on Saya. Suzu running back elbows her and Saya running forearms her. Suzu rolling spears Saya. Suzu ducks multiple spin kicks from Saya. Saya rolls her into a double stomp. Suzu high kicks her then takes a spinning high kick.

Ruaka comes in and sentons Suzu. Ruaka crossfaces her. Ruaka misses a corner charge and takes corner attacks from all her opponents. Ruaka shoulders over Suzu. The girls go outside and the faces are sent into the seats.

Suzu takes running corner attacks from the heels. Ruaka fisherman suplexes Suzu for 2. Miyu hits a pendulum ddt on Ruaka. Ruaka takes a 5 girl basement dropkick. Ruaka takes a diving codebreaker into a german.

Multiple girls come in to do a move then take a move. Kid and Miyu then jump off the top with plancha's to the outside. Ruaka short arm lariats Suzu for 2. Suzu tequila shots Ruaka and pins her.

Thoughts: It was the usual Stardom tag with tons of people coming and out as they pleased. There wasn't as much heel cheating and stuff as usual. It was fast paced and it was okay but nothing that good.

Suzu and Saya talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: We got 3 singles matches here which was nice and got to see a debut. The show was okay overall and not great. Hime didn't really impress in her debut. Rina/Anou was a fresh match but had some isues with bad reffing and no selling. The main was acceptable and I liked the match with Matoi. I was also okay with the Hazuki match though it went a little long. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 overall, but I wouldn't recommend it.

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