Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Marigold 10/13/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 4

Marigold 10/13/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 4

CHIAKI vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

KM dropkicks her to start. They test strength and Chi gets on top of her bridge. Chi then pokes her over while she bridges. KM is shouldered over and has her head banged off the buckles. Chi rakes KM's face on the ropes then facewash kicks her.

Chi slams her and tries to pin her with her foot. Chi crabs her. KM hits chest forearms then dropkicks her over. KM trips her and rolls her up for 2. KM then armbars her. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then cartwheel double knee drops her back. KM ddt's her the narmbars her.

KM flatliners Chi while on the 2nd rope then rolls over her back with a ddt. Chi powerslams her for 2. Chi sitout reverse torture rack bombs her. Chi does a spinning torture rack bomb and pins KM.

Thoughts: It was just your usual opener and not too much of note. No one looked bad or anything here. Chi won as expected.

Chi mounts her and they trade slaps after.

Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz and Misa start us off. Yuz armdrags her and they cartwheel over each other. Yuz springboard armdrags her and they stand off after leg sweeps. Kiz and Rea trade chest forearms then Kiz running knees her. Rea cradles her for 2.

Rea corner dropkicks Kiz then facebusters her. Rea slams Kiz and crabs her. Rea switches to the half crab and Kiz ropebreaks. Misa running knees Kiz on the ropes then suplexes her for 2. Misa camel clutches Kiz and lets go of it.

Misa stands on Kiz's back and dropkicks her in the knee. Kiz armbars her and Misa ropebreaks. Kiz boots Misa out of the corner then rolling armbars her. Misa hits a lariat + bulldog combo. Misa basement dropkicks Kiz then  Kiz pulls her down. Yuz gets in and dropkicks Misa. Yuz flying headscissors her then superkicks her on the ropes.

Yuz dropkicks Misa in the head. Misa kicks Yuz in the leg on the ropes then Misa crossbodies Yuz off the apron. Misa flying knees Yuz. Misa knees Yuz on the ropes then Yuz dropkicks her. Misa rolls her into a double stomp. Misa fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Misa dropkicks Yuz off the buckles then Yuz takes corner attacks. Yuz takes a double suplex for 2. Rea goes for cattle mutilation and Yuz breaks it up. Rea takes a double basement dropkick.

Yuz hip throws Rea three times for 2. Misa runs in and flying knees Yuz then Rea does a pin attempt on Yuz for 2. Rea dropkicks Yuz 4 times then eats a superkick on the 5th attempt. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Rea takes a double suplex and Yuz curcifixes Rea for the win.

Thoughts: It was rookies style match and it was fine for what it was. Rea had a better showing here than the day before and Kizuna continues to look good.

Myla Grace vs. Chika Goto

Chika throws her in the corner off the handshake then hip attacks her on the ropes. Myla spin kicks her then basement dropkicks her for 2. Myla corner euros her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Myla twisting suplexes her for 2. Chika slams Myla and spin kicks her. Myla backdrops Chika for 2.

Chika has a bloody mouth and cobra twists Myla. Chika hip attacks Myla. Myla rolls Chika into a submission off a giant swing and Chika ropebreaks. Myla sitout slams Chika for 2.

Myla is stuck on the 2nd rope then Chika giant swings her. Myla gets a 2 count on a pin attempt. Chika snapmares her then Myla superkicks her. Chika hits a big lariat for 2. Myla is on the 2nd rope and is chokeslammed down. Chika picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good as expected. Myla went back to doing all of her spin kicks that don't look that good and there was just little of value here. Both are also essentially faces so there wasn't even any face/heel thing going on here either.

Mai Sakurai vs. Nao Ishikawa

Nao hits Mai as she poses on the ropes and knocks her down to the floor. Nao boots her outside and they trade forearms. Mai is sent into the post then thrown into the seats. Nao gets thrown into the seats and the post. Mai's head is banged off a table then Nao takes a slam on the floor.

Mai top rope dropkicks her on the inside for 2. Mai leg slices her for 2 then lays on her with a sleeper. Nao ropebreaks. Mai hits facekicks on the ropes then Nao lariats her. Mai facekicks her and Nao dragon screws her. Nao ankle locks her and Mai ropebreaks.

Nao dropkicks Mai's leg on the ropes. Mai facekicks Nao over then Nao blocks a half-crab attempt. Mai and Nao trade chest forearms. Mai forearm flurries the back of Nao's neck. Nao hits chest forearms and Mai flying knees her.

Mai northern lights suplexes Nao for 2. Mai slams her and gets caught up top. Nao superplexes Mai then hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Nao hits an elevated sitout pedigree on Mai for 2. Mai backdrops her. Nao fires up and germans her. Mai hits a shining enzugiri and Nao rolls her up for 2. Nao tries a bridge pin where she lays on her for 2. Nao sitout spinebusters her for 2. Mai STF's her and Nao taps out.

Thoughts: I would have liked a better finish. Nao had one of her best outings to date here and wasn't outclassed by Mai at all. She showed some spirit and does seem to be getting it. I liked this and thought Nao dod a good job here.

Nao and Mai grab each other by the hair after.

MIRAI, Nanae Takahashi & Utami Hayashishita vs. Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki, NT = Nanae Takahashi

Mirai and Kouki go at it. They test strength and Mirai double upkicks her. They trade wristlocks then a side headlock for a hammerlock. Mai side headlock takeovers her and they stand off soon after.

Nat and Utami get in. Nat is knocked over then dropkicks her. Utami drives her into the corner and shoulders her over. Nat takes chops from NT and Mirai then takes a double shoulderblock. Nat then is shouldered over by Utami.

NT works Nat's leg then half-crabs her. Nat ropebreaks. Nat hits chest forearms then NT forearms her over. Nat is beat up in the corner by NT and Mirai. Mirai slams Nat.

Mirai chinlocks Nat and NT ties up Nat's legs while she does it. Mirai reverse figure four's Nat's legs then pushes her up in the air while Utami and NT help out.  Nat step up enzugiri's Mirai.

Kouki facekicks Mirai then falling splashes her for 2. Mirai side headlocks Kouki. Mirai does a drop on Kouki. Utami comes in and sliding lariats Kouki. Utami does a samoan drop on Kouki.

Kouki powerslams Utami for 2. Miku dropkicks Utami in the corner and kicks her in the gut. They lariat battle and Utami goes down. Utami lariats Miku down twice.

NT boots Miku's head and lariats her over. Miku leg kicks NT then NT hits forearms. Miku slap flurries her and NT slaps back. Miku blocks an enzugiri and double underhook suplexes her.

Nat comes in and flurries on NT with various shots for 2. NT hits mounted forearms on Nat then Nat does the same to her. Nat armbars NT and Nat's partners break it up. NT takes corner attacks then NT dragon screws Nat from the buckles. Mirai throws Nat by the leg then NT figure fours Nat.

Nat is held in the air and takes a double bulldog. Nat hits chest kicks on NT then NT lariats her over. Nat rolls NT up for 2. Mirai flying back elbows Nat and gets facekicked for it by Kouki. Utami germans Kouki then gets lariated by Miku. NT takes a sandwich kick then Nat meteora's NT.

NT backdrops Nat then falcon arrows her for 2. NT hits a wrist-clutch emerald flowsion on Nat and NT gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a good tag with Miku and Utami having a good section and NT and Nat having a good section. It would have been nice if some of the leg work went somewhere but it was really good otherwise. It felt like both teams were going for the win and it was really stiff. The crowd wasn't that good for this one sadly which is a shame because these girls put the work in. This was good main event.

NT has words for Nat after on the mic. NT's slaps hands with Mirai and Utami talks to NT. NT then closes the show with Marigold's tag line.

Overall thoughts: The main was strong and easily the best thing on the show. It wasn't must see but it was one of Marigold's better matches and maybe one of their top 20 matches so far. The semi-main was pretty good with Nao stepping up big against Mai. Kizuna's tag was okay and the other two matches weren't. I wouldn't really recommend this one as the crowd was not that loud, a lot of people were missing and the undercard wasn't that good.

Marigold 10/12/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 3

Marigold 10/12/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 3

Myla Grace vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

Myla has new gear with tassles. They lock up and trade wristlocks. MYla trips her and side headlocks her. Myla hits kicks and bridges out of a pin. KM dropkicks her then corner back elbows her. Myla facewash kicks her then hits a twisting suplex for 2. KM rolls her up for 2 then armbars her.

Myla crossfaces her and KM ropebreaks. They trade chest forearms. Myla spin kicks her then backdrops her for 2. KM flatliners her off the ropes then dropkicks her several times. Myla superkicks her then sit out slams her.

Myla goes up top and nearly slips on a cancun tornado for the win.

It wasn't anything special as expected. Myla's trying but really limited athletically and KM is a rookie.

Miku Aono vs Rea Sato

They lock up. Rea wristlocks her and Miku reverses it. They trade waistlocks and Miku armdrags her into an armlock. Rea armlocks her and Miku ropebreaks.

Rea dropkicks her and Miku kips up. Miku dropkicks her then bodyscissors her. Miku pulls back on Rea's arms and stretches her. Miku hair throws her. Rea is layed on the 2nd rope and Miku kicks her in the ribs. Rea croner dropkicks her.

Miku corner dropkicks Rea for 2. Miku snapmares her and hits kicks to the back. Rea ducks a PK and rolls her up for 2. Rea basement dropkicks her then corner dropkicks her. Rea facebusters her then low dropkicks her for 2.

Miku slams her and they trade chest forearms. Rea backslides her for 2 then does cattle mutilation. They mess up a dropkick spot then the next spot after. Miku slams her and hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Rea backslides Miku the cradles her for 2.

Rea keylocks her and Miku ropebreaks. Miku lariats her over and tries a cuty special. Miku sliding lariats Rea for 2. Miku buzzsaw kicks Rea and wins.

It started off okay and went downhill in the middle with two botches and never recovered. The first half of this was mostly all dropkicks.

CHIAKI vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Chi ducks lock-ups and side headlocks her. Chi shoulders her over and stomps her back. Chi camel clutches her the n spears her back on the ropes. Chi hair throws her and does facewash kicks. Yuz dropkicks her and flying headscissors her. Yuz then hits a basement dropkick. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then cartwheel double knee drops her.

Chi eye rakes her then Yuz hip throws her. Yuz hits a lightning spiral and a northern lights suplex for 2. Chi rolling spears her. Chi puts her in a torture rack and sitout torture rack bombs her. Yuz cradles her then rolls her up for 2. Yuz superkicks her and Chi powerslams her for 2.

Yuz superkicks her then hits an abdominal stretch bomb for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one. They kept it moving and they had an okay match together. Yuz winning was maybe a small upset

Utami Hayashishita vs. Nao Ishikawa

They shoulder battle to start and Utami knocks her over.  Utami slams her for 2. Utami basement dropkicks her in the back. Utami camel clutches her. Utami shoulders her over then Nao shoulders her over.

Nao flying neckbreakers her then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Utami tries to side slam her but Nao rolls on her and turns it into a press. Utami germans Nao then Nao no sells it and germans her back. Nao backdrops her then sitout pedigrees her for 2.

Nao takes a stun gun then a samoan drop. Utami running lariats her for 2. Utami forearms her over and stomps her head. Nao slaps her then Utami hits an air raid crash for 2. Utami lariats Nao over then germans her for the win.

Thoughts: It was one of the better Nao matches I've seen. She went to toe with Utami and didn't look out of place at all. She hit her stuff clean and it really couldn't have gone much better than it did. It wasn't great but there was nothing wrong with it.

They fight more after and Nao takes a boot to the head.

Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Nanae Takahashi

NT = Nanae Takahashi, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz hits a hard dropkick on Chika to start. Chika shoulders her over for 2 and Kiz bridges out. Kiz flying knees her then crossbodies her for 2. Chika throws Kiz over and bangs her head off the buckles. Kouki slams then falling splashes Kiz. Kouki then crabs her.

They trade chest forearms and Kouki shoulders her over. Chika forearms her down then hip attacks her on the ropes. Kiz takes an atomic drop into a facekick then a double boot.

Chika is sent into Kouki then Kiz pulls Chika down. NT shoulders Chika over and works her leg. NT misses a splash. Chika hits a chest forearm flurry. NT hits a double bulldog on Chika and Kouki. NT figure fours Chika. Kouki tries to break it then gets put in a facelock while NT has the figure four on.\

Chika slams NT. NT takes corner attacks with Kouki hitting a flying facekick. Kouki hits another facekick for 2. Kouki hits chest forearms then NT rebound germans Kouki. NT lariats Kouki for 2.

Kouki takes corner attacks. Kiz rolling armbars Kouki. Kiz top rope dropkicks Kouki for 2. Kouki and Chika hit stereo facekicks. Kiz rolling armbars Kouki. Kiz fisherman suplexes Kouki for 2. Kouki spinebusters Kiz for 2. Kouki facekicks Kiz over for 2.

Kouki 180 splashes Kiz off the top and wins.

Thoughts: It was one of the better efforts by Kouki and Chika so far. Chika really seems like she's starting to get what she should be doing and is growing a lot. They didn't overdo it with Kouki and Kiz did fine showing spirit here which helped this out. I had no problems with this one.

Kouki and Kiz talk on the mic after and seem to set up something. Nanae and Chika end up getting fired up and a match seems to be set up for Korauken.

Misa Matsui & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

We're 5 matches in and we haven't had a draw yet. Could it be?

Nat boots Mirai and Mirai takes corner attacks from both opponents. Nat kicks Mirai in the gut then armbars her. Nat hits chest forearms on Mirai then dropkicks her on the ropes. Nat half crabs Mirai.

Misa bodyscissors Mirai then bow and arrows her. Mirai dropkicks Misa. Mai gets in and facekicks Misa. Mai then hits a double dropkick. Misa's eyes are raked on the ropes then she takes a double dropkick. Mirai and Misa snapmare each other.

Mirai shoulders Misa over. Mirai then shoulders Misa over. Mirai slams Misa for 2. Mirai hair throws Misa then Mai facekicks Misa several times. Mai and Misa trade. Misa 2nd rope crossbodies her then basement dropkicks her. Nat PK's Mai then Mai suplexes her. Mirai basement dropkicks Mai. Mirai slams Nat down then vader bomb corkscrew elbow drops her. Nat rolls up Mirai for 2 then Mirai slams her for 2. Mirai pulls on Nat's chin.

Mirai works Nat's back in the corner and Nat dropkicks her in the corner. Nat corner meteora's her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Mirai shoulders Nat over then Nat does an octopus on her. Nat armbars her.

Mirai takes attacks against the bottom rope. Mirai then takes a bridging ddt for 2. Mirai samoan drops Misa and Misa curcifixes her for 2. Mirai half-nelson suplexes Misa for 2.

Misa takes a stunner and running back elbow. Mai top rope dropkicks Misa. Mai legslices Misa for 2. Misa rolls Mai into double stomps for 2. Mirai slams Misa. Mai suplexes Misa for 2. Mai gordbusters Misa. Misa hits a top rope plancha onto both opponents outside.

Mai takes a double flying knee then Misa falon arrows Mai for 2. Mirai makes Nat ddt Misa then Misa takes a lariat + flying knee combo. Mirai cradle shocks Misa then Mai top rope elbow drops Misa for 2. Mai and Mirai backdrop their opponents. Nat and Misa take an STO together and Mai taps out Misa with an STF.

It went long. The crowd wasn't that into it and it wasn't that great of a match. I didn't really buy that Misa and Nat were going to win and it could have used some more exciting moments. It wasn't awful but just average.

Mai and Misa talk on the mic after. Mirai and Mai close the show

Overall thoughts: Chika and Nao having the best matches on the show wasn't something I expected but that happened. It was a house show and there was nothing great here. The first two matches weren't that good. I'd put this one at average overall.

Stardom 10/12/2024 Stardom in Komatsu 2024

Stardom 10/12/2024 Stardom in Komatsu 2024

Saori Anou vs Ranna Yagami

Ran waistlocks her and Anou wristlocks her. Ran snapmares her then Anou facekicks her. Ran is thrown by the hair then Anou chokes her wiht her leg. Anou rolls into an indian deathlock on her then axe kicks her back.

Ran dropkicks her and runs into a facekick. Anou bridges on a figure four. Anou bullies her around. Ran hits chest forearms. Ran chest kicks her then running dropkicks her for 2. Ran hits some bizarre rocker dropper type of move then armbars her.

Anou dragon screws her and chest slaps her. Ran dropkicks her then hits a running kick in the corner. Ran kicks her in the back for 2. Ran slaps her then does a leg lariat for 2. Anou fisherman suplexes her for 2 then top rope dropkicks her. Anou northern lights suplexes her with a bridge for 2.

Ran high kicks her then takes a german. Anou picks up the win.

It went a little longer than it needed to and wasn't anything special. Ranna had no chance of winning here and lost. Her offense could have looked a bit better at times but Anou was on point. 

Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Sayaka Kurara & Yuna Mizumori) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki)

SK = Sayaka Kurara

Yuna and Mei go at it. Yuna shoulders her over and Mei kips up. Yuna catches her crossbody and slams her. They try pins and stand off. Miyu and SK get in. SK hits forearms then corner dropkicks her. Miyu ddt's her and dropkicks her in the back. SK takes a double basement dropkick then a bunch of corner dropkicks from Mei.

AZM boots SK around. SK fights back with forearms and is knocked down with forearms. AZM slams SK. SK dropkicks AZM. Aya gets in and takes an elbow on the ropes. Aya pulls AZM and Miyu into each other and hits chest kicks. They botch a spot then Aya dropkicks AZM.

Aya chest kicks Miyu down then hits a spinning heel kick on two opponents in the corner. Aya slams AZM for 2. Yuna shoulders over AZM and misses a dive off the buckles. AZM then armbars her off of it. Yuna rolls AZM into a lariat.

AZM suplexes Yuna. Mei crossbodies Yuna for 2. Yuna takes a double bsement dropkicks on the ropes then hits her own flying shoulderblock. Yuna splashes Mei for 2. Yuna and Mei trade forearms and they lariat each other on the ropes.

Yuna takes a triple basement dropkick in the corner then a running headhunter from Mei for 2. Mei takes a double basement dropkick and a sliding lariat. Yuna half-crabs her and Mei ropebreaks.

Mei is flipped over by all 3 opponents. Yuna cradle shocks Mei and they trade pin attempts. Yuna crucifixes her for 2. Mei hits a dropkick on Yuna and Yuna no sells it. Yuna lariats Mei over.

Mei gets out of an electric chair and rolls Yuna up into a pin to win.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced match here. It was too fast for its own good at times as they had trouble keeping up and hitting things clean.

Mei and Yuna talk on the mic after and seem to set up a match.

STARS (Hazuki & Saya Iida) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Waka Tsukiyama & Xena) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe & Saya Kamitani)

Xena and Iida shake as Hate hangs out outside of the ring. Iida and Xena shoulder battle and trade chops. Haz and Waka get in. Waka hits dropkicks and chest forearms. Haz dropkicks her over. Haz does faceash kicks then is tripped by Hate outside. Kamitani then finishes off the facewash kicks.

Kamitani throws Waka by the hair and Waka takes a double boot on the ropes. Kamitani axe kicks Waka. Momo chest kicks Waka down then Waka flatliners her while seated on the 2nd rope. Xena double undehrook suplexes Momo and corner splashes her. Xena hits a bulldog + lariat combo. Xena and Waka do hip attacks on Hate. Xena hits a double lariat on Stars.

Xena lariats Momo over for 2. Xena high kicks Momo then triangle kicks her using the ropes. Xena plancha's Momo outside. Momo stomps on Xena inside and chairs her. Momo does some horrible chair shots to the knee. Haz dropkicks the chair away from Momo.

Haz and Momo trade forearms. Haz pump kicks her then Momo hits chest kicks on her. Haz pump kicks Momo then Iida 2nd rope diving shoulders Momo. Waka hip attacks and sliding hip attacks Iida on the ropes. Iida hits elbows on Waka for 2. Xena is carried off as she has injured her leg.

Waka takes a sandwich kick from Hate for 2. Kamitani apron dives on opponents outside then Momo b-drivers Waka for the pin.

Thoughts: It was going well up until Xena's injuries. Then they had to work on the fly and the quality dipped some. Hopefully Xena is okay. I liked the Hazuki vs Momo sections here. Momo did some of the worst chair shots ever here trying not to injure Xena further.

STARS (Hanan, Koguma, Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Maika, Mina Shirakawa & Rian)

Momo misses a dropkick on Hana then goes up and over her. Momo trips her into a basement dropkick. Hana misses a corner splash and catches Momo's 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Hana backbreakers her. Rian gets slammed by Momo.

Rian is rolled into various attacks from her opponents. Rian then takes a 4 person dropkick. Kog slams Rian then stands on her back. Mayu stomps on Rian then snapmares her. Mayu armbars Rian and Rian ropebreaks.

Mayu stomps on Rian then Han slams Rian. Rian and Han hit forearms and Rian crossbodies her. Maika gets in and shoulders over 3 people. Maika hits a double corner lariat then takes a PK and a basement dropkick. Maika drops Mina onto Han for 2. Han hip throws Maika then running back elbows her.

Kog top rope crossbodies Maika. Kog takes a corner lariat from Maika then a big powerslam for 2. Rian hits dropkicks on Kog then Kog dropkicks her. Rian headscissors Kog out of the corner then basement dropkicks her for 2.

Rian slams Kog for 2. Han hip throws Rian. Rian avoids a 4-person move then Kog takes a suplex into a backbreaker. Rian fisherman suplexes Kog for 2. Kog forearms Rian and they do a neat pin spot.

Han crossbodies a bunch of people off the apron. Rian is lifted for a double bulldog for 2. Kog top rope splashes Rian and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag. They kept things moving here and had some nice spots. Mina didn't get much in here while Rian was in this for the majority of it. Rian didn't really impress and her small stature makes it harder for her to do a lot of stuff to her opponents.

Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Tam Nakano) vs. God's Eye (Lady C & Syuri)

 Poi and C start us off. C wants to test strength and Poi can't reach, so Poi goes on the ropes. Poi's then too high for C and C just hits her. C chokeslam lifts her and Poi escapes. Poi and Tam do a double dropkick and a double headhunter. C giant swings Poi for 2.

Syu kicks Poi in the back then sleepers her. Poi ropebreaks. Syu hits knees to the gut then underhook suplexes her for 2. C chop flurries Poi in the corner. Syu boots Poi around. Poi hits chest forearms and Syu stomp flurries Poi.

Poi cartwheels into an armdrag on Syu then basement dropkicks her. Tam hits corner attacks on both opponents then does a ddt + reverse ddt comb on both for 2. Syu and Tam headbutt each other at the same time then trade forearms. Syu hits knees to the gut. Syu germans her and Tam no sells it just to hit her own german. Syu codebreakers her and knees her for 2.

C shoulders Tam over then neckbreakers her for 2. Tam bridges out of C's lariat then dropkicks her. Tam pumping knees C on the ropes. Poi top rope crossbodies C then goes for an armbar. C ropebreaks.

Poi dropkicks C through the ropes and gets a 2 count. C flapjacks Poi for 2. C and Syu do stereo cobra twists on their opponents. C facekicks Poi on the ropes for 2. Poi rolls up C out of a chokeslam then double armbars her.

C facekicks Poi. Poi hits kicks and C chokeslams her for 2. C running facekicks Poi in the corner. C ducks a double superkick then Syu and C take stereo germans. C takes a double superkick and Poi 180 splashes her off the top to win.

Thoughts: It was just average. It started off well but C was in there for a while and didn't bring a lot to the table. Poi also had to do a lot of the selling and didn't get to do as much of her offense as I wanted.

Poi and C then Tam and Syu stare down after. Tam and Poi talk on the mic after.

Neo Genesis (Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Ruaka)


The heels attack before the bell and throw the faces out. Suzu and Ruaka get sent into the seats. Tora and Suzu duel chairs outside. Suzu then hits Tora with a chair. Tora beats Suzu with a bat then throws her into the chairs.

Kid takesa double shoulder and a double spinebuster. She then takes sentons from both opponents for 2. Tora suplexes Kid. Ruaka chokes Kid. Kid foot slaps Ruaka and is eye raked for it. Kid flying headscissors Ruaka. Tora and Suzu fight. Tora sentons her then corner lairats her. Suzu running knees her in the corner. Suzu hits a double spear.

Kid is caught on a springboard by Tora then Tora shoulders her over. Kid hits a kick on Tora then goes to work on the knee. Kid standing moonsaults the knee then stretch mufflers her. Tora lariats Kid over for 2. Tora is up top and is armdragged down. Tora cradle shocks Kid and Kid gets a 2 count on her.

Kid cross-legged fisherman suplexes Tora. Suzu and Ruaka get in. Suzu snapmares her and Kid hits a basement dropkick on Ruaka. Suzu and Kid do a double driveby kick on Ruaka. Suzu and Ruaka trade forearms.

Ruaka crossbodies her for 2 then crossfaces her. Ruaka crossbodies her on the ropes then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kid pushes the heels into each other then does a headlock and headscissors takeover. Kid then does a plancha on 2 people outside.

Suzu takes a corner cannonball from Tora then Ruaka is flipped onto her. Suzu hits high kicks on Ruaka then Ruaka double chokeslam bombs her for 2. Kid dropkicks Tora in the knee. Suzu germans Ruaka. Ruaka lariats Suzu over for 2. Momo gets in the ring and hits Ruaka with a bat on accident then Suzu rolls up Ruaka and wins.

I didn't like the blatant weapons use in front of the ref or the ref counting a pin with people in the ring. It was just an average match and nothing too special as expected. Kid's knee work is better suited for singles matches than multi-person matches.

Kid and Suzu talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was just an average show as expected with nothing being must see. Xena got injured on this show I would say maybe the Mina tag was the best thing on here but it wasn't great. I wouldn't recommend this one.

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/14/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/14/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/wwe-monday-night-raw-1072024.html

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Rhea Ripley heads to the ring. She says this thing with Liv doesn't end until she gets her women's title back. She tells Liv and Raquel to come to the ring. Tiffany Stratton comes out instead. Tiff says she's here and has a message from Nia Jax. She says to stay out of her business or Rhea will have a big problem. Rhea says she doesn't have time for this. She says she gets her hands on Liv or Raquel or can welcome her to Raw the Rhea Ripley way. They shove each other. Raquel and Liv then jump both of them from behind. Raquel boots Rhea down then Liv hits Tiff with the MITB briefcase. Liv then poses and laughs with Raquel.

We get a video for the women's tag title match.

Rhea Ripley talks to Adam Pearce in the back. She says she wants Liv and Raquel tonight. Adam says she got it but she can't do it by herself. She says it'll be a tag match and she needs to find a partner. Rhea says she doesn't need a partner. Tiffany Stratton walks in and says Nick Aldis would never do something like this to her like adam did. Adam asks if Rhea would team with her. Rhea says "fine". Tiff asks what that means and Adam tells her to figure it out.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill (c) vs Damage Ctrl (Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane)

Lash and Jakara are watching in the seats. Iyo cartwheels off the ropes and backflips. She dropkicks Jade then Jade shoulders her over. Iyo is double hiptossed into a double powerbomb. BB is tripped and takes an axe kick. BB takes a double basement dropkick.

Iyo top rope crossbodies Jade outside. We go to break and return. Iyo crossfaces BB and BB tries a pin out of it. Iyo hits shotei's then rolls her into a double stomp. Iyo flips out of a back body drop and takes a spear. Jade comes in and takes a backfist from Sane. Sane hits chops. Sane is on her back and sleepers her.

Jade throws her over. Sane boots her out of the corner. Jade catches her on a crossbody and swinging backbreakers her. Jade powerbombs Sane for 2. Jade tries to slam BB on Sane but Sane moves. Iyo hit a springboard dropkick on BB. Sane is popped up into an elbow drop on BB.

Iyo misses a top rope moonsault. Sane is swung into the rails outside. Jade and BB argue with Lash and Jakara. Iyo asai moonsaults both. Iyo then argues with them and gets forearmed by Lash. BB hits a KOD on Iyo and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with a dirty finish. They hid Jade's weaknesses well and Damage Ctrl flew around some. I thought they were turning Damage Ctrl face but they were definitely not the faces here. It seems like they are setting up a Damage Ctrl vs Jakara and Lash match.

Finn Balor is with JD McDonaugh asks Adam Pearce when his rematch with Damien Priest is. Adam says this has nothing to do with that. He says he's concerned about the tag titles and says he's setting up a tag tournament for a title shot. JD says he doesn't care and Adam says he should. Liv, Dom and Carlito come in and ask when Finn's match with Damian is. Finn walks off and there is no rematch. Liv then introduces Raquel to them. Carlito looks love struck.

We see American Made riding around in an army truck. Chad talks about greatness and Brutus says a photo of them should be there when you look it up. Ivy says everyone has an opportunity to get their teeth kicked in by the greatest athletes in the world. Chad says this country needs a hero and says they will be that hero for them. He says to sit back and watch and says they will show the world what it means to be American Made.

Thoughts: This was a different segment. I don't know if it was a parody, but it came off as one. It didn't work as it should have.

Bron Breakker does a video. He said Jey Uso lucked out when he beat him and says he won the biggest lottery of his life. He said he congratulated him with respect and said Jey threw it back in his face. He says Jey never said he respected him. He says they aren't the same. Bron says he's doing things on his own and doesn't need his family's name while Jey does. He says Jey's been sucking off his family's legacy for 14 years and said if Jey wants to do it on his own, he'll take an @ss kicking on his own. He says he's coming back for his IC Title. He says Jey's family can't save Jey from him.

We see Adam Pearce and Bronson Reed talk from last Saturday. Reed just wants to talk business. Adam says he gives him and the rest of the roster the leeway to handle things they want. He says Reed put the WWE Universe at risk vs Braun. Reed says he apologizes and asks when the match vs Seth will be made. Adam says he won't think of that until they are on the same page. Reed says he did all of that to get to the main event. He says to make the match and says he just wants the spotlight in the 1v1 match with Seth. Adam says Reed is a man of his word now and said he will talk to Seth. Reed says Adam is a smarter businessman than he looks.

#1 Contenders to the Tag Titles Tournament First Round - Alpha Academy (Akira Tozawa and Otis) vs The War Raiders

Wow, we haven't seen The Raiders in a while.  Ivar boots Otis and rolls over his back. He cartwheels and Otis lariats him. Akira corner spears Ivar. Ivar slams Akira then Erik slams Ivar on top of him. Akira takes knees from both opponents then takes a running forearm. Otis lariats Ivar over. Otis goes for the caterpillar and takes a spinning high kick.

Akira top rope dropkicks Ivar. Akira takes a double team pop-up powerslam. Erick knees Akira in the head. Akira is thrown into a mid-air splash from Ivar and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick one and a bit rushed. The Raiders thankfully won here in their return and it's always good seeing them. Their new finisher is really cool. I wish we could have gotten more of this.

Adam Pearce talks to Seth Rollins in the back. Seth asks if the match between him and Reed is set. Adam said Seth hasn't been healthy for any his matches this year and he's worried about it. Seth says injuries are part of the game and say when you are at the top of the jungle like him, upstarts come and try to make a name. Seth says there's a reason he runs this place and says Reed and Adam forgot. Seth says he needs this fight.

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. He talks about the history of wrestling here in St. Louis. He says we heard, "We Want Cody" for the first time here. He asks what we want to talk about then Gunther comes out.

Gunther says there's not much negative to say about Cody. He says the company is in a boom period built on Cody's back. He says he respects Cody but says Cody just loves to be everybody's darling. Gunther says everyone's friend is nobody's true friend. He says he expects the best version of Cody at Crown Jewel.

Cody says Gunther breaks when it gets uncomfortable. Cody says Gunther has never been in the ring with him. Gunther says he's spoken like a true secondary champ. Cody says Gunther has become a frightening beast. He says he beat the most dominating champ in company history and said he has already slayed a frightening beast. Cody offers a handshake. Gunther accepts it and say "good luck to me, the champ".

It wasn't that strong of a segment and that's no real surprise. These guys are not the strongest mic guys in the company.

We see Kofi and Woods talk last week. Kofi said Jey Uso would be one of the first ones to help if he was getting beaten up. Woods also says he remember Kofi telling him he's the QB but Woods says that hasn't been happening lately.

We get a Dragon Lee video. He says he has become stronger and better than before with every setback. 

Kofi Kingston vs Bron Breakker

Kofi dropkicks him and hits punches in the corner. Bron shoulders him over. Kofi is sent into the corner chest first then back first. Kofi springboard dropkicks him out of the corner and Bron running bodyblocks him out.

We go to break and return. Bron chinlocks him. Bron misses a corner spear and hits the post. Kofi dropkicks him then springboard crossbodies him. Kofi boom legdrops him. Kofi hits a ranhei for 2. Kofi is caught on a double axe handle and takes a belly to belly suplex. Bron hits a running spear and wins.

Thoughts: It was shorter match but what we got was fine. Bron hit his hard running moves on Kofi and won as expected. 

Bron grabs Kofi after and Woods saves Kofi. Bron then nails Woods and Jey Uso comes out. Woods superkicks Bron then spears him. 

Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley talk in the back. Rhea says she doesn't want him out there tonight. She says it's Tiffy's time to stand on the apron and look pretty.  Rhea says it's time Priest gets his title. Priest says as long as Rhea has beef with Judgment Day, he does too. Priest says it's time to be champ again. 

Jey Uso walks into a room and Jimmy Uso is there. He asks him if he has a second and Jey walks away.

The Miz vs R-Truth

Miz isn't wearing wrist tape today. Truth offers a handshake. Miz takes it and Truth wants to pose with him. The Wyatt's interrupt the feed for a second. The Final Testament come out. Truth rolls up Miz from behind and wins.

Thoughts: Well, that wasn't much of a match or real sporty of Truth.

Truth hugs him and the ref after. He then fist bumps Kross as he leaves. Kross says to get him. AOP throw Truth in the ring and Miz hits a skull crushing finale and makes mean faces.

Jimmy Uso goes looking for Jey Uso. He finds him. Hey stares at him and Jimmy says to hear him out. Jey says, "I said no, and get out my face, man".

Rhea Ripley and Tiffany Stratton vs Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez

Liv slaps Rhea then takes a headbutt. Rhea drops her down on her head and chest then basement dropkicks her. Rhea and Raq stare down. Tiff and Raq go at it. Tiff cartwheels and flips over her. Tiff bridges out of a shot.

Raq goes out, Rhea goes after her then Tiff and rhea argue. Liv is thrown powerbomb style on Rhea and Tiff.  We go to break and return. Liv suplexes Tiff and shining wizards her. Tiff takes a corner splash from Raq then Raq does a weird looking suplex for 2.

Raq pounds on Tiff. Raq stretches Tiff over her knee. Rhea bangs Liv's head off her knee then lariats her when she gets in. Liv is caught on a springboard and dropped down. Rhea running knees her then hits riptide for 2. Raq is thrown out and Rhea goes after her. Tiff misses a prettiest moonsault ever. Nia Jax then attacks Rhea on the floor causing the DQ. Nia then sends Raq into the post as well.

Rhea headbutts Nia then is clipped when she goes to slam her by Liv. Liv kicks Rhea around and pounds on her. Nia headbutts Liv and samoan drops her. Nia then legdrops her. Nia then hits a banzai drop on her.

Nia tells Tiff to go cash in on Liv. Tiff talks to the ref and Dom pulls Liv out.

The match wasn't that special. Liv and Rhea should have been focused on more and they should have been a bit rougher with each other. They did accomplish a lot though like teasing the cash-in and getting Nia involved.

Overall thoughts: It was just an average show. It was paced better than last week's show was but half the roster is missing from the show and the matches don't gt enough time to be anything special. There was nothing must see on this one and I didn't think anything was great.

Monday, October 14, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 10/14/2024 King of Pro Wrestling 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 10/14/2024 King of Pro Wrestling 2024

Mistico vs. Hiromu Takahashi

HT has a rice cooker with Mist's mask for some reason. Mist hits an armdrag and headscissors earlier. Mist armdrags him again and legsweeps him. They then stand off. Mist flying headscissors HT out. Mist flying headscissors HT out. Mist topes him.

Mist hits a chop and HT dragon screws him. Mist runs up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags HT. Mist springboard headscissors him out then corkscrew plancha's him outside. They corner lariat each other. HT superkicks him then Mist superkicks him back. HT rebound germans him.

Mist hits a top rope spanish fly. Mist canadian destroyers him. HT blocks a la mistica and rolls him up for 2. HT springboard crossbodies him then stops a la mistica. HT then takes him out with a figure four crab type of submission.

Thoughts: It was a quick and rushed match. There wasn't a ton of selling but it was fast paced and they did some flying. It was pretty tame by HT's standards and they didn't have time for an epic here.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match - BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Clark Connors & Drilla Moloney) (c) vs. Intergalactic Jet Setters (Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA)

Drilla dropkicks Kevin to start then Kush is thrown out.  Kevin and Clark go at it. Kevin hits a nice dropkick. Drilla is trpped and takes a frogsplash by Kevin. Clark is pulled into the post crotch first. Kevin takes a big bump into the seats. 

Clark chairs Kush outside. Clark takes a flatliner into a chair. Kevin jumps off the apron and dropkicks Clark who is seated in the chair. Kevin goes for a big dropkick and is german'd in mid air. Clark and Drilla hit stereo spears.

Kush hits leg kicks on Drilla then takes a snap powerslams from Clark. Drilla is sent into Clark. Kush tags to Kevin. Kevin hits a springboard double clothesline and lariats the heels. Kevin then hits a ddt + reverse ddt combo.

Kevin misses a corner splash. Kevin hits a bad pele kick on Drilla. Kevin and Kush do stereo baseball slides. Kevin hits a springboard plancha into the seats.

We go back in and the faces botch a double team on Drilla. Clark takes a dropkick from the electric chair. Kush takes a spinebuster. Drilla is back body dropped onto the apron. Kush handspring kicks Kevin on accident then takes a pounce from Clark. Clark spears Kevin off the apron. Drilla throws Kush from the powerbomb into a Clark neckbreaker. Drilla rolling spears Kush. Clark hits a big spear on Kush. Kush takes a high/low for 2.

They mess up something then Kevin gets the pin on Drilla to win.

Thoughts: It started off okay but got sloppy towards the end and lost its steam. Something got messed up near the finish here as well which didn't help things.

IWGP Tag Team Title Match - TMDK (Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste) (c) vs. BULLET CLUB Rogue Army (Bad Luck Fale & Caveman Ugg)

TMDK get hit before the bell and Shane takes a foot press from Ugg. Ugg then splashes him. Ugg waistlock uranages Mikey. Fale corner pslashes Shane and Ugg does a corkscrew crossbody on Shane. Fale hits an elbow drop on Shane for 2.

Mikey is put on a table and takes a splash from Ugg off the apron. Fale stands on Shane's back. Ugg does a running boot to Shane and Shane flies backwards off of it. Shane tornado ddt's Fale and goes for the tag but Mikey is down. Ugg takes boots from Shane. Ugg catches Shane in the air and fallaway slams him.

Ugg corkscrews at Shane and is dropkicked. Shane pumping knees him. Mikey gets in and hits shots on Ugg. Mikey ddt's Ugg then sliding lariats him for 2. Mikey blue thunders Ugg for 2.

Fale takes a double backdrop variation. Ugg then takes a  rock bottom + powerbomb combo. Ugg takes a double gorilla press slam and is pinned.

It was an average match here with Ugg getting a decent bit of shine. It was fine but nothing you would remember.

Great-O-Khan and Henare challenge for the tag titles after.

NEVER Openweight Title Match - Shingo Takagi (c) vs. Ryohei Oiwa

Oiwa dropkicks him to start and rams his shoulder into the buckles. Oiwa armlocks him. Shingo hits a punch and a ddt. Shingo lariats him over the top. Oiwa is thrown into the rails.

Shingo suplexes him inside then hits downward elbows. Oiwa hits forearms and shoulders him over. Oiwa hits nice lariats then hits a top rope splash for 2. Shingo hits another punch and lariat. Shingo corner lariats him and superplexes him. Shingo lariats him for 2.

Oiwa hits a spinning forearm and takes a lariat. Oiwa germans him, Shingo no sells it and lariats him. Oiwa backdrops him. Shingo lariats him from behind then hits a made in Japan for 2. Shingo hits forearms then Oiwa germans him for 2.

Oiwa hits a big lariat then gutwrench bombs him. Shingo lariats him for 2. Oiwa hits a dropkick and Shingo backdrops him. Shingo hits a lariat then powerbombs him. shingo running lariats him. Shingo hits a last of the dragon and wins.

Thoughts: It was a rushed sprint here with them hitting big shots and moving on to the next one. It was entertaining and I liked it but this was not designed to be a classic. I was hoping for a long singles match here. They made the best of what they got, but they weren't really given what they should have been.

They tease Kosei vs Shingo some after which I'd like to see.  

NJPW World Television Title Match - Jeff Cobb (c) vs. Ren Narita vs. Yota Tsuji

Ren gets double teamed to start. Ren gets chopped up. Ren takes a double shoulderblock then a standing moonsault. Cobb shoulders Yota over. Yota armdrags Cobb. then slams him. Ren pulls Yota out and throws him into the rails. Ren bangs Cobb's knee off the mat then butt drops it.

Ren rolling armbars Yota. Ren facekicks Cobb off the apron then Yota topes Cobb outside. Yota is sent into the rails outside and knocks out a tv monitor. Yota gets sent into the seats.

Cobb flying uppercuts Ren in the corner. Cobb blocks Yota's flying headscissors and throws him on a slam. Cobb dropkicks Yota. Cobb does a double samoan drop. Cobb back body drops Yota while he goes for a slam on Ren. He then slams Ren onto Yota.

Yota superkicks Cobb and does a double pin after a curbstomp for 2. Cobb throws down Yota then lariats him while he's laying. Cobb blocks a curbstomp. Yota then does a drop on Cobb from his shoulders for 2. Ren hits a top rope knee press on Yota then ankle locks Cobb.  Yota tries to do a top rope curb stomp on Cobb. Yota headbutts Ren over then flying knees Cobb. Cobb hits a tour of the islands slam on Yota and the ref is pulled out on the count.

Ren hits Cobb with a push-up bar then facebusters Cobb for the win.

Thoughts: It was a three way and had the usual limitations those matches have. Ren winning was a big surprise and not exactly a good one. They did okay with it but it would have been better as singles matches. 

They show The Young Bucks in a taped video. They say they are coming back for Wrestle Dynasty and get no pop for it.

El Phantasmo, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shota Umino vs. House Of Torture (EVIL, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi)

Tana's team all wore gladiator gear out to the ring. HoT throws the faces out while Kanemaru works on ELP in the ring. ELP leg lariats him then Tana cheers him on as he does a dragon screw. ELP is sent into the exposed buckle as is Shota and Tana.

ELP gets worked on by the heels outside and Yujiro tries pins on him. Kanemaru dropkicks him in the knee. Kanemaru goots ELP out of the corner then ELP suplexes him. ELP tags in Shota. Shota cleans house on the heels then fisherman suplexes Evil for 2.

Shota is thrown into the exposed buckle then he exploders Evil. Tana flying forearms Yujiro when they get in. Tana slams him then 2nd rope swantons him for 2. Tana takes a turnbuckle pad shot from the outside then takes corner attacks. Tana then takes a 2nd rope chop to the crotch from Togo. Yujiro tries to hit Tana with a cane but Shota stops it. Shota gives the cane to Evil and shows the ref. Shota and ELP then do stereo plancha's out. Tana slingblades Yujiro then top rope splashes Yujiro to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual HoT match that we have seen a zillion times over. It was generic and nothing special.

Tana gets on the mic after. Tana says the finish line is in sight and says he will retire on January 4th, 2026. He says he will give it all he has for another year.

Evil and Togo attack Tana after. ELP makes the save. Ren nails ELP with a push-up board. Evil says Tana should retire now. He says Tana doesn't get to decide when he's done, Evil does. 

Thoughts: Tanahashi has been done for the last 3 years. He isn't doing singles matches anymore and is reduced to being the third man in trios matches. The Tanahashi we all liked basically retired a while ago and I don't have any issue with him moving on.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match - DOUKI (c) vs. SHO

Sho is beaten up as he enters and has his jacket ripped off. Sho throws a young lion into the ref and chairs Douki. Sho then hits a shock arrow on the floor. Sho rips off Douki's facemask. Douki has kabuki paint under it and red mists Sho. He then hits him with the wrench and is doing a kKshin Liger impersonation. Sho dragon suplexes him and flips through it into another then wins.

Thoughts: This was a short joke of a match with Douki doing Liger impersonations. If someone told me this took place at a DDT show, I would have believed them.

Kanemaru spits mist at Douki after then chairs him in the back of the leg. Master Wato comes out and clears out Kanemaru. Wato says he will challenge Douki for the IWGP Title.

IWGP Global Heavyweight Title Match - David Finlay (c) vs. Hirooki Goto

Goto forearms him when he's back up on the ropes and they trade forearms. DF eye rakes him then hiptosses him. DF eye rakes him against the rail outside. DF flips off Goto's kids outside and pounds on him inside.

Goto double throat thrusts him then lariats him off the ropes. DF takes a lariat over the top. Goto is rammed into the rails outside. DF sets up a pile of chairs and gets back body dropped onto them. DF is then sent into the post.

Goto spinning heel kicks DF against the post. DF charges at DF and goes into the rails. Goto bridges DF on the rails and elbow slices him down. Goto top rope elbow drops him for 2. DF hits an irish curse. They trade forearms. 

DF spinning forearms him. DF lariats him. DF hits a dominator for 2. DF hits crossface shots. DF buckle bombs Goto then Goto lariats him. Goto sleepers him, DF tries to snapmare him over but Goto holds on. Goto ushigoroshi's him then hits a GTW for 2. Goto hits a side pendulum slam. Gedo gets in the ring and DF hits oblivion on Goto. DF hits Goto with a shillelagh shot for 2. DF powerbombs him for 2. DF hits overkill and wins.

Thoughts: It was nothing special as expected. They spent the first half of this match outside then had a dirty finish to cap this one off.

Goto's kid cries after and DF mocks her. Goto consoles his kids then DF gets on the mic. DF nominates Yuya Uemura as his next challenger but Yuya is injured.  Taichi comes out and challenges him. Taichi shoves him, DF tries to hit him with the belt then takes a back body drop.

IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match - Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Zack takes him down by the arm. Naito trips him and Zack  tries a pin attempt. Zack is taken down by the leg. Zack headscissors him and Naito leglocks him. Zack ties up his legs and goes for the armbar. Naito then goes for an armlock.

Naito back rolls him. Naito does his pose and Zack goes for the armbar. Naito leg sweeps Zack on the apron and basement dropkicks him off. Zack's head is banged off the apron then he pushed into the rails. Zack twists Naito's neck with his feet over the middle rope.

Zack does an indian deathlock. Zack hits euros. Naito rolls him and twists his neck with his feet. Naito back elbows him and baseball slides him. Naito neckbreakers him.

Naito wraps his legs around Zack's shoulders. Zack hanging triangles Naito over the ropes. Zack headscissors Naito.  Zack hits euros. Naito spits at him and hits back elbows. 

Naito tornado ddt's him. Naito hits a 2nd rope hurricanrana. Naito side headlock takeovers him then does a koji clutch. Naito hits back elbows. Naito hits diamond dust then destino for 2. Zack really cranks back on Naito's arm.

Naito brainbusters him. Zack hits a gotch style piledriver. Zack PK's him and Naito barely hits a destino out of a slam. Naito cradles him out of a tornado ddt and Naito hits a bad koppo kick. Zack lariats him.

Zack michinoku drivers him for 1 then does another for 2. Zack hits a 3rd michinoku driver and wins.

I wasn't a fan of the match. It was the usual Zack match where it's a submission exhibition with no greater purpose. Then he just dropped all of it at the end to do michinoku drivers. Naito's offense looked terrible here. I'd be happy about Naito dropping the title normally but not to Zack. Zack winning is just a sign of how bad the promotion has fallen and culmination of various failures over the last few years. They were relying too hard on Okada/Tana/Naito, they took too long to develop new stars, they wasted too much time on disloyal foreigners, they did start and stop pushes on Shingo and Shingo and they wasted a lot of time on House of Torture.

Zack talks in Japanese after. SANADA then comes in. Sanada says it's his last chance to become champion. They agree to a title match on Sunday at Royal Quest. Shota Umino comes out and gets booed. He challenges Zack for the title. Shingo Takagi then comes out.

Shingo congratulates Zack and challenges him, saying they are 1-1 against each other. Shota says he beat Shingo. Zack says he will face Sanada first and says he'll think about the rest after. He then tells them to shut up and get out of the ring. Zack says TMDK will be on top of NJPW and says the mighty don't kneel.

Overall thoughts: If this was the king of pro wrestling, the kingdom is in shambles. It was a depressing show from NJPW. The top 4 matches were not that good with the junior title match barely even being a match. The best match on the show got about 10 minutes in Oiwa/Shingo. Shota Umino got booed just for trying to challenge for a title. Tanahashi announced his retirement, but due to him being broken down, no one was even that upset over it. The Young Bucks announced they were coming in and nobody cared. And Zack Sabre Jr, a long time NJPW midcarder became champ due to a lack of any other options. The show was a disaster and did not give much confidence for the future of the company. I would not recommend this one.

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 10/13/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 10/13/2024

Last wee's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/southern-illinois-championship.html

Drew Abenhaus and Lucky P. Larson welcome us to the show. Larson has the SICW Classic Title and is showing it off as we learn Kowalski beat The Big Texan for it. Larson says Kowalski is a triple crown champ in SICW and says he has won all titles in SICW.

They run down the card.

Joey Vinetti vs Cade Maxen

Cade waistlocks him and Joey throws him off. Joey armlocks him and Cade ropebreaks. Joey side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Cade leapfrogs and Joey hiptosses him. 

Joey armdrags and dropkicks him. Cade ducks a lariat and hits a slingblade. Cade step up knees him in the corner then running neckbreakers him for 2. Cade hammerlocks him then misses a lariat. Joey hits some lariats. Joey top rope dropkicks him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Joey losing as expected. They kept it moving and Cade got some offense in before going down.

Joey offers a handshake after and Cade ignores it.

Drew interviews Herb Simmons. They say Glenn Williams is the new Central States champ, beating Bobby D and Herb congratulates Herb. Herb says Bobby D has nothing to be ashamed of and will be back in the title hunt soon.

Herb implies Big Texan wasn't focused leading up to the Kowalski match. He says if they hadn't had the contract signing, maybe he would have won. Herb says Texan will be chasing the title again though. 

They talk about a contract signing for a match involving Danny Boy Hawkins, Ron Powers and Gary Jackson vs Khan, The Barbarian and Haku at a recent show. They also talk about a coward waves the flag match coming up and say they will discuss it later. Herb says he has put the fate of SICW in the hands on Ron, Danny and Gary.

"Roughcut" Rick Ruby vs J'quan Wright

I've seen Wright's name spelled two different ways so I don't know which is correct. Ruby misses a charge and takes a bunch of forearms. Wright lariats him then hits a nice dropkick. Ruby lariats him over then clubs Wright. Ruby leg lariats him on the ropes. Larson makes fun of Drew for saying Texan held the title for 500 years earlier.

Ruby suplexes Wright then clubs on him. Ruby hits a backdrop into a uranage. Ruby hits a nice legdrop and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent squash here with Wright showing some fire and a dropkick and Ruby bringing some heavy offense.

Travis Cook and Stephen E are interviewed by Destiny Lynch. E says today isn't a good day as the contract signing didn't go the way it was supposed to. He says his investors have more money than anyone in the state. He said Herb had him sign a contract for the Barb/Haku/Khan match. E says they will take the company during the match.

Cook says brings up that it would have been Skandor Akbar's 90th birthday recently if he were still alive. Cook says Akbar formed Devastation Inc in the 80's. He said Akbar mentored E as a wrestler and a businessman and eventually sent it over to him. Cook says expansion is everything in the world of business. He says Devastation Inc is expanding into promotions and says SICW will die if it doesn't expand.

Cook says they weren't prepared for what happened at the contract signing. He rips Gary, Danny Boy and Ron Powers. He says the three of them face Khan/Barb/Haku. Cook says if this is going to be a war then it will be a war. Cook says they gave him a chance to do this the easy way and they turned it down. Cook says they will own SICW and replace Destiny with someone who doesn't show as much skin as she does.

SICW Central States Title - Bobby D (c) vs Glenn Williams

We join this in progress and Glenn hits a big uranage. Glenn hammerlocks Bobby then hammerlock ddt's him. Glenn pump kicks him for 2. Bobby hits gutwrench suplex for 2. Glenn goes out and gets chopped by Bobby. Glenn is backdropped on the apron and Bobby legdrops him there for 2.

Glenn eye rakes him then hits a flying shoulder. Glenn is hit while on the 2nd rope and Bobby hits a 2nd rope belly to belly suplex. Bobby goes for the crab and Sean Vincent distracts the ref on the apron. Bobby nails Sean. Glenn then hits Bobby with Sean's selfie stick and gets the pin.

We only the tail end of this one as it was joined in progress but what we saw didn't look bad. The crowd really liked it.

Glenn Williams and Sean Vincent are interviewed by Drew Abenhaus. Glenn says "what a time to be alive" and shill an energy drink. Glenn says he earned the sponsorship like he earned the title. Glenn says he wasn't shocked he won. He says him and Bobby D have been going back for months. He says it's poetic that he is holding a title that Sean Vincent made so famous.

Glenn said he took Bobby D to his limit and Drew says he took a pedigree on a table. Glenn says he slipped. Glenn said Bobby slipped into their trap in their match. He says he's the rookie of the year and is the SICW Central States champ. Glenn says it's The Big Nasty Era and says he's running The Big Nasty Era's Tour. He says to feed him anyone and says he fears no man. Promoter's Corner

Drew Abenhaus is with Bobby D. They talk about Bobby's upcoming match this Saturday in a rematch against Glenn Williams. Bobby says his foot was in the ropes and Sean Vincent interfered. He says The Shriner's want a cage match and asks to have their match become a cage match. Drew says it'll be up to the booking committee. Bobby says no one can run or interfere and it'll be a clean match.

Drew interviews Glenn Williams. Glenn says he got sponsored last year and says with great power comes great responsibility. He says everything is done on his terms. He says he has never done a cage match. Glenn says "sure" to fighting Bobby in a cage but wants to make it interesting. He says let's go old school with it and make it escape rules only. Glenn says he will be the winner. Drew says they don't usually do cage matches under those rules. Drew says it sounds like Glenn is trying to run from Bobby D. Glenn says he's a trendsetter and wants to do something for the first time in SICW. He says it's the only way Bobby gets a shot at his title.

Drew interviews Herb Simmons about the possible cage match between Glenn Williams and Bobby D. Drew asks what he thinks about making it official. Herb says if Shriner's want a cage match, they will give them one. Herb says if Bobby wants that, he will make the match. H e says Bobby wants to whoop the tail of Glenn Williams and makes the match official.

We go back to the studio/arena and Drew interviews Bobby D. Bobby said he had Glenn tapping out in the sharpshooter then Sean interfered. He said his foot was in the ropes too. He said what is done is done. He says he's been watching and studying Glenn and will beat him. He says he will be on point like a pencil and take his title back. Bobby says he's mad and he doesn't care who he has to take it out on in his match tonight.

Bobby D vs Peyton Ayres

Bobby waistlocks him and Peyton rope breaks. Bobby side headlocks him then works his arm. Peyton forearms him over. Stephen E chokes Bobby on the ropes. Peyton misses a move on the ropes then takes a dragon screw on the ropes.

They fight over a suplex and Peyton suplexes him. Peyton chokes him in the corner and rakes Bobby's back. They say Lillith Khan will make her in-ring debut this weekend. Bobby dropkicks Peyton in the knee and works the foot.

Peyton misses a corner charge then Bobby rolls him up for 2. Bobby clubs on him then ddt's him. Bobby kicks him in the leg and dragon screws him. Bobby sharpshooters him. Stephen E interferes and hits Bobby with the riding crop. Peyton Ayres is DQ'd.

Thoughts: Bobby worked the leg some up until the dirty finish. It made sense but the finish brought it down.

Overall thoughts: They talked a lot about a contract signing that set up stipulations for a later show but we didn't get to see the contract ceremony, which made that tough to follow. They hyped up some stuff for the show this weekend and we got a lot of interviews. There was nothing must see wrestling wise on this one. The commentary was good as usual and while I enjoyed it, I wouldn't recommend it.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 10/13/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 10/13/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/cmll-on-televisa-puebla-1062024.html

Hombre Bala Jr., Futuro and Max Star vs Rey Samuray, Pegasso and Stigma

1st Fall - Bala and Stig start us off. Everyone is wearing white here which is going to make this miserable to call. Stig side headlock takeovers him and Bala headsicssors him. Bala legsweeps him and gets legswept. They then stand stand off and shake hands. Peg and Fut go at it.

Peg throws him over twice then armdrags him into an armlock. Fut armdrags him and is swept. They trade armdrags and headflip up together before staring down. Max and Rey get in. Rey throws him down. Max trips him.  Max tope con hilos him.

Stig and Bala get in. Stig crossbodies him off the buckles then hits a top rope splash. Peg canadian destroyers Fut and both pick up wins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Fut does cartwheels. Fut springboard tornillo armdrags Stig. Peg head drags Fut over then flying headscissors him. Bala armdrags Peg then pump kicks him.  Rey flips over Bala's back then springboard headscissors Bala. Fut springboard back armdrags Rey then bodyscissors him over.

Peg and Stig take armdrags. Fut's team then hits triple stereo topes. Fut is popped up into a dropkick on Stig. Bala flying headbutts Stig in the corner and pins him. Bala's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Fut northern lights suplexes Rey then running knees him. Fut springboard splashes him for 2. Fut is popped up and bangs his head off the buckles. Stig top rope splashes Fut for 2. Max rolls into a canadian destroyer on Stig. Peg hiptosses Max over then does a tequila sunrise. Bala breaks it up and sentons Max in the head on it. Bala cradle shocks Peg for 2. Rey throws Bala down then asai moonsaults him for 2.

Fut is sat on the top rope. We get a tower of doom spot with Fut getting superplexed. Bala's team tries triple pins and gets nearfalls. Peg and Rey hit stereo headscissors then stereo plancha's outside. Fut plancha's out and Bala does a kneeling springboard rolling senton outside.

Fut is popped up and hurricanrana's Stig but Stig rolls it into a pin attempt. Fut superkicks him. Stig backrolls him into a bridge. The ref says both wrestlers had pins though and this is declared a draw.

Thoughts: That's a rare finish. I don't think I've ever seen a trios match draw before in lucha. This is probably leading to a rematch. This was all fast paced high flying as you would expect and was entertaining.  Bala's kneeling and rolling springboard to the outside was cool and they gave Futuro some room to shine here. There were no real heels in this one.

Mexican National Light Heavyweight Title Match - Esfinge (c) vs. Valiente

Esf = Esfinge

Val pushes him over and crucifixes him. Esf rolls him into a single leg surfboard style move. Val then camel clutches him. Esf rolls forward and they ropebreak when they have each other in submissions at the same time.

Val ties his legs up. Esf headstands into a headscissors on Val. Esf kicks him from the apron then is pulled down face first on it. Val chops him up and boots him. Esf's leg is yanked over the middle and bottom rope. Esf flying headscissors him out then topes him. Esf then hits another tope.

Esf ties up Val's legs but Val boots him off. Esf misses a springboard swanton and Val hits a hard tope. Val lag magistrals him for 2. Val takes a monkey flip then a 2nd rope. Val hangs over the apron and is kicked.

Esf springboard splashes him for 2. Esf is armdragged off the ropes for 2. They chop each other. Val misses an asai moonsault. Esf springboard splashes him for 2. Esf running powerslams him and picks up the win.

: It wasn't boring but it wasn't a good match logically. They spent a good portion of this doing legwork that went nowhere then they just had a normal match after. I thought they should have been more aggressive with each other too considering they were in a mask vs mask match together.

Atlantis Jr., Neon and Mascara Dorada vs Stuka Jr, Gran Guerrero and Ultimo Guerrero

MD = Mascara Dorada, UG = Ultimo Guerrero

1st Fall - Atlantis and Gran go at it. Atlantis kimura's him and is flipped over by the arm. Gran armbars him then Atlantis camel clutches him. Gran ties his legs up.  Atlantis crucifixes him and they stand off. Atlantis single leg crabs him.

Gran flips him then takes an armdrag. Atlantis shoulders him over and they stand off. Neon and UG go at it. UG elbows him over then Neon fly headscissors him. Neon's mask is pulled on then Stuka lariats him. Neon takes a back body drop and Stuka rips at his mask more.

Neon is popped up into a kick to the gut. Stuka chops Neon down. MD and Atlantis are bridged on the ropes on top of each other and Gran is popped up into a butt drop on them. MD takes a 2nd rope double gorilla press slam. Stuka top rope splashes MD. MD and Atlantis are put on top of the each other then take a double surfboard together. They submit and Stuka submits Neon with a gori special at the same time.

2nd Fall - Neon is triple stomped in the corner and Stuka throws him out. Atlantis is grouped up on by the heels then takes a flipping neckbreaker. Atlantis then takes a magic killer. Gran baseball slides MD off the apron.

Neon takes a kick to the leg then Stuka rips Neon's mask. Neon is bridged on the ropes and takes a pop-up butt drop. Neon is triple teamed with Stuka hitting a bunch of boots to the face. Neon flying headscissors UG then dropkicks Stuka out. Neon topes Stuka.

MD 450's UG off the top and gets the pin then Atlantis picks up the pin on Gran at the same time. Atlantis' team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Stuka's arguing with fans in the crowd. Stuka makes Neon chase him. UG and Atlantis go at it. Atlantis gets nailed from behind by Gran. Atlantis flying kicks Gran then headscissors UG. Atlantis monkey flips Stuka. Stuka chops down Neon.

Stuka goes out and Neon goes with him. MD tags in. He flips over Stuka's back then tilt-a-whirl's off UG to headscissots Stuka. MD flips off the ropes and armdrags UG. MD flips off of Gran's chest then hits a sattelite headscissors on him.

Neon and Stuka go at it. Stuka slides out again. UG takes a flying headscissors from Neon. Neon double srpingboard headscissors Gran out. Neon walks up the ropes and flips into an armdrag on Stuka. Neon tope con hilos Stuka outside.

UG and Gran are sent into each other. MD is popped up and hits a double dropkick on UG and Gran. MD and Atlantis do topes outside. Neon springboard crossbodies Stuka. Stuka pulls off Neon's mask for the intentional DQ. Neon's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a stupid match. Stuka avoided Neon all match long, sliding out any time they were in the ring together. He then ripped his mask off near the end and got his team DQ'd. It was a total waste of time that felt like a real ripoff.

Stuka talks to Neon on the mic after and wants a one on one match. Neon replies and I think says he'll do it next week. Stuka then whips him with a belt.

Overall thoughts: The opener was the best thing on here. The semi-main wasn't that good logically with poor selling. The main was a total joke that builds to a Stuka vs Neon match that hopefully actually happens. I wouldn't recommend this one and felt like I wasted my time with it.