Thursday, October 17, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/16/2024 Lunacy Episode 8

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/16/2024 Lunacy Episode 8

Last week's show is here:

Note - This is the season finale of Lunacy. I believe they are going to run events weekly moving forward, but they won't be TV shows, just live streams of shows.

Nick Gage and Madman Pondo talk outside. They say it's a shame they never had a match in Japan. Pondo says they should and says they can do it but they can't be friends. Gage says no friends are needed and he will carve that motherf**ker up.

Violent J says he has to come to terms and the terms are that he wants to punch Kerry Morton in the face. He says he will insert himself in a tag match with The Brothers of Funstruction vs The Southern Six. He says he will watch Morton at ringside and make sure there's no funny business.

The Brothers of Funstruction (Silas Mason and Alex Taylor) vs The Southern Six (Yabo and Ruffo)

Ruffo is in the blue and Yabo is in the red. Violent J comes out as promised to watch after Kerry Morton. The fight starts outside and Silas gets bitten. Yabo whips Alex and Silas with his tie. Silas takes a double back body drop. Ruffo tries to hit Silas in the crotch wit ha mallet. Alex falls back and drops it on Silas though the mallet part falls off.

Yabo chops Alex with the tie. Alex takes elbow drops. Yabo juggles and throws the juggling balls at Alex. Silas is tripped into Alex's crotch in the corner. Silas takes an atomic drop. Silas slams Yabo and Alex top rope elbow drops Yabo. Silas atomic drops Yabo.

Yabo takes a suplex then he is choked on the ropes. Alex double underhook suplexes Yabo for 2 then camel clutches him. Alex dropkicks Yabo. Silas sticks a rubber chicken up Yabo's butt then puts it in his mouth.

Silas chokes Yabo via his tie. Yabo puts popcorn in Silas' mouth. Silas pulls Yabo's throat down over the top. Silas backdrops Yabo then misses a 2nd rope move. Ruffo and Alex get in. Ruffo hits shoulderblocks and punches. Ruffo crossbodies Silas. Yabo his a top rope plancha on both opponents outside. Ruffo pump handle sitout slams Alex and pins him.

Thoughts: If you can ignore the clowns using ties and popcorn on opponents, it was acceptable. The heels controlled most of this and The Clowns made their comeback and won.

Violent J and Kerry Morton fight after in the aisle and J get the edge. 

JCW World Title - Willie Mack (c) vs Officer Colt Cabana

Colt has Deputy Dickhead shine his shoes as he enters. They let off some odd fireworks sound and says it's the special ring bell for this match. Colt clubs on Mack and bangs his head off the buckles. Colt hits a corner spear. Mack ducks a clothesline and crossbodies him.

Colt goes up to Deputy near commentary and slaps him. Mack catches Colt's boot and slaps him. Colt is knocked silly and takes a backhand. Colt goes for the sleeper but Mack escapes and hits a thesz press. Mack hits mounted punches then elbow drops Colt.

Mack misses an elbow drop and Colt throws the ref into Mack. Colt ddt's Mack. Colt is caught off the 2nd rope and takes a uranage for 2. Mack comes off the 2nd rope and is hit in the gut. Mack suplexes him.

Mack is caught on the top rope then Mack hits a stunner for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short and average match. They built it like it was going to be a long one but it was not. 

We get a long JCW music video.

Violent J talks. He says he is presenting Madman Pondo vs Nick Gage in a Deathmatch.

Deathmatch - Madman Pondo vs Nick Gage

They each have light tubes as this one starts. They miss tube shots and Nick forearms the tubes into Pondo. Nick is pushed into the buckles and his head banged off a tube. Pondo kicks a tube into Nick's crotch. Pondo stabs Nick with the tube. Pondo slices Nick's head with a knife on the ropes.

Pondo slams Nick onto tacks. Nick low blows him then hits him with tubes. Nick ddt's him on the tacks for 2. Nick stabs Pondo with tubes. Pondo hits him with tubes then russian legsweeps him. Nick spears Pondo through a door. Pondo vader bomb elbow drops the door into Pondo.

Nick facewash kicks tubes into Pondo's head. Nick throws weapons in the ring. Pondo hits punches then uses a saw stick on Nick's nuts and back. Pondo then rakes it on Nick's head. Pondo hits Nick with a stop sign. Nick is layed on a bridged door and Pondo legdrops him through it off the buckles. Pondo then picks up the win.

Thoughts: You know what this was. It was nothing but hardcore spots at a slow pace. There was little wrestling involved here. 

JCW Bloodymania 17 8/17/24 - JCW American Title - Battle Royale

Violent J comes out with the title. He thanks everyone for coming. He says this isn't the United States championship, it's the American title. He says we will have an ultimate throwdown in the form of a battle royal for it.

We have Breyer Wellington, Superbeast, Kongo Kong, Kaleb Konley, Deputy Dickhead, Painful Paul, MLB, The Backseat Boys, Ominous Ramirez, Chris Maludo, Matt Cross, The Green Phantom, 2 Tuff Tony, Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor competing in this. J says may the best man win.

Everyone fights. Ramirez and Alex Taylor are thrown out early. Dickhead is sent out and Cross grabs Kaleb by the crotch. Morton and Paul get thrown out. Beast and Kong go at it. Kong throws Beast out.

Tony hits chops on Phantom. Cross headscissors Tommy of the Backseat Boys out. The Phantom is sent out with the hel of 3 people. Kong is gets pounded on by 4 people and breaks it up. Kong chokeslams and eliminates JP of The Backseat Boys. Tony back body drops Kong over the top.

Conley is beaten up on by Tony and Cross. Tony lights his hand on fire and punches Cross. Kaleb throws Cross out and punches Tony in the nuts. Kaleb throws out Tony and picks up the win.

Thoughts: Battle royales are tough to film due to all of the action and we likely missed some of the eliminations here. Battle royales are also rarely great and this was not the exception. Thankfully it didn't go too long though. Tony lighting his fist on fire to hit a punch was one of the dumbest spots I've ever seen.

JCW Bloodymania 17 8/17/24 - JCW World Title - Willie Mack (c) vs Matt Cross

Mack does a pre-match promo from the parking lot. He says he has to go up against one of his best friends. He says he's up 2-0 by him and says he was told this is Matt's last chance. He says it's go hard or go home. He says he plans on carrying the title on to the new millennium.

Matt Cross does a promo. He said his quest began 21 years ago in 2003. He says he's been all over the world, trying to do what he does on his terms. He says he gets a shot against Mack tonight. He says Mack has everything it takes but says there's no more friendship for one night only. He says this is his destiny and says third times the charm. He says he's coming for Mack.

Mack flying headscissors Matt but he cartwheels through it. Matt then tries it and Mack cartwheels through it. Matt wristlocks him then Mack armdrags him. Mack step up enzugiri's him. Mack misses a corner cannonball.

Mack's head is banged off the buckles. Mack gets his feet up on a split-legged moonsault then pop-up forearms Matt. Matt pump kicks Mack twice. Matt 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Mack. Matt top rope double stomps Mack's back then hits a standing moonsault for 2.

Matt is caught on a crossbody and takes a slam. Mack standing moonsaults him for 2. Matt takes a shot while on the ropes. Matt backslides Mack for 2 and hits a handspring cutter. Matt top rope ssp's him and wins.

Thoughts: The match wasn't anything special. They didn't play up the friendship angle much at all and there wasn't a lot of build for Cross winning the title. They got a decent amount of time for it but it was an indy style match. They were also outside and not in front of a true wrestling crowd which hurt the heat.

They shake hands after. 

We get a music video on Cross' time in JCW and him winning the title. Jerry Lynn, Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Glacier, Nick Gage, Facade, Dani Mo, Matt Riddle, The Kiss Demon, Sonny Kiss, Vanilla Ice and George South congratulate Cross for winning the JCW Title.

Thoughts: It was a nice video. They put over Cross and the title win big, probably better than they actually put over the road to the title.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer episode at 1 hour and 23 minutes. 2 of the 5 matches were taped a week before the show started airing. None of the matches were that great. They told a nice story with Cross finally winning the title but they didn't do a great job building up to it and didn't get the most out of it that they could have which hurt it. There also wasn't any interaction between Cross and Mack since their last meeting when promos between the two to build this match would have helped the story and program out. 2 Tuff Tony lit his hand on fire in a stupid spot in a battle royale. Colt Cabana vs Willie Mack was average. Nick Gage and Pondo had a deathmatch. And The Brothers of Funstruction vs The Southern Six was acceptable. I wouldn't recommend this one.

Pro Wrestling NOAH 10/14/2024 NOAH Star Navigation Premium ~ Akitoshi Saito Ridge Road Last Korakuen ~

Pro Wrestling NOAH 10/14/2024 NOAH Star Navigation Premium ~ Akitoshi Saito Ridge Road Last Korakuen ~

Pre-Show Match - HAYATA vs. Daiki Odashima

They go through some basic holds fast. Haya upkicks him then side headlocks him. Haya shoulders him over then Daiki dropkicks him. Haya atomic drops him then dropkicks him in the side of the head. Haya atomic drops him. Haya slams him then suplexes him.

Daiki hits chest forearms. Daiki slingshot sunset flips him for 2. Haya snapmares him, falls over then boots him. Haya slams him then 2nd rope moonsaults him for 2. Daiki hits some dropkicks. Daiki misses a top rope dropkick. Haya elevated underhook ddt's him.

Haya grabs his title belt, puts it on his shoulder and knees on Daiki to pin him.

Thoughts: Daiki looked really good here. He can move really well and hit everything he did clean. It's just a shame he's so small because I'd be raving hard over him if he was bigger. He actually looked better than Haya did here. It was mostly a rookie vs vet match with Haya getting most of the offense in.

Eita & Shuhei Taniguchi vs. Alpha Wolf & Galeno Del Mal

Here is uh something alright. We got some different styles here and I don't know how it will work. Mal and Shu start us off as they trade basic holds. Mal shoulders him over for 2. Shu hits forearms then takes a dropkick.

Wolf and Eita go at it. Wolf bites him then shoulders him over. Eita hits armdrags and they try to dropkick each other at the same time. Eita kips up and Wolf dropkicks him.

Mal boots Eita then misses a running splash. Eita pulls Wolf off the buckles, making him dropkick Mal. Eita back body drops Mal then tags in Shu. Shu slams both opponents and slams Wolf onto Shu. Mal boots Eita then is pulled over the top. Wolf superkicks and headbutts Shu for 2.

Wolf misses a top rope moonsault. Shu lariats and waistlock bombs him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one that ended before it really developed into anything. 

AMAKUSA, Dragon Bane, YO-HEY & Yuto Kikuchi vs. Junta Miyawaki, Kai Fujimura, Tadasuke & Yu Owada

Everyone fights to start. Bane kips down out of Kai's lariat then Kai gets his knees up on Bane's standing moonsault. Bane misses another standing moonsault. Kai does a tilt-a-whirl into an armdag and dropkicks Bane.

Yu and Yuto go at it. Yuto shoulders him over. Yuto walks up the buckles and ropes with Yu's arm then armdrags him from there. Yuto flying headscisssors him.  Yu flips over Yo using the buckles then dropkicks her. Yo basement dropkicks Junta. Junta running forearms him then hits mounted corner forearms.

Junta corner basement dropkicks Yo. Tada then blindsides yo with a lariat. Tada spinning toe holds ama and is stopped. Ama flying headscissors him. Ama does a hard tope outside and Yuto springboard dropkicks Yu. Kai springboard lariats Yuto. Bane hits a handspring back elbow on Ka. Bane walks up the buckles and does a blind moonsault outside.

Yo superkicks Junta then meteora's him for 2. Junta rolls up Yo and wins.

Thoughts: It was another one that was too short. What we got was fine though with them keeping it moving and not overdoing it.

Kai and Bane have words after.

Daga & Jack Morris vs. Anthony Greene & LJ Cleary

Daga and Jack come out with a guy in a hood, long jacket and skull mask with an X on it. AG and LJ hit topes to start. They fight outside and Jack gets beaten up on the commentary table. Daga is sent into and over the rails. AG is dropped throat first on the rails. LJ is thrown in the rails. Jack then is sent into and over the rails.  The masked guy stomps on AG outside.

Jack stomps on AG in the ring. Daga bites AG's head. Daga spits at LJ. Daga beats up on AG. AG back body drops him and tags in LJ. LJ enzugiri's Daga. LJ rolls Daga and uses the momentum to ddt Jack. LJ flying knees Daga then Daga spinning heel kicks him.

AG hits mounted punches on Jack then lariats him. AG chinbreakers him and neckbreakers him. Daga is thrown over the top. LJ double stomps Jack's back and tope con hilos outside. AG rope walk twisting crossbodies Jack for 2. AG hits a neat driver on Jack for 2.

The masked guy trips LJ. Jack gets a bat and the ref takes it. Jack then uses another bat on AG and tiger drivers him for the win.

Thoughts: It was another shorter on here. It was okay for what it was. The finish was dirty.

The masked man beats up LJ after and chokes him with a bat. Jack gets on the mic after and says he doesn't owe the fans anything. 

He says he gave everyone the most precious thing he could give - his time. He said he sacrified and worked twice as hard as anyone else. He says he wasn't paid nearly enough for it. He says the company keeps pushing the same 2 people. He asks if he has to dye his hair blonde and be a Mutoh impersonator to get a push. He asks if he has to stand like an @sshole with his fist out like Kenoh. The masked man then takes the mask off and it's Yoshitatus with facepaint on. Yoshi talks in Japanese. Jack says they are Team 2000X and says they will stop this ship from sinking.

I'm not a big fan of shoot promos. This is supposed to be real, not fake. Pushes wouldn't exist if this was real.

GHC Tag Team Title Match - Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura (c) vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro & Kenoh)

Ken and Ale hit kicks to start and Ale plancha's Sugi. Ken chest kicks Maru down and PK's him. Ken top rope double stomps Maru for 2. Maru hits a shiranui. Sugi misses a corner charge and is dropkicked by Ale. Ale springboard dropkicks him and taunts him. Ale dropkicks him in the knee then hits a short ddt for 2.

Sugi suplexes him. Ale is thrown into the rails. Sugi slaps Ale around and Ale slaps back. Sugi knees Ale in the gut. Sugi hits forearms on Ale in the corner and running knees him. Maru does Ken's fist pose.

Ale bodyscissors rolls Maru then dropkicks him. Ken hits forearms and a facekick on Maru. Ken kicks both opponents. Maru takes a double stomp from Ken then Ken suplexes Maru. Ken PK's Maru. Maru hits hook kicks and pumping knees Ken.

Sugi corner facekicks Ken then superplexes him for 2. Ken and Sugi trade. Sugi knees him in the gut and Ken back elbows him. Ale top rope dropkicks Sugi then tope con hilos him. Ale slingshot splashes Sugi for 2. Ken lifts Ale into a double boot on Sugi then Sugi lariats both opponents over. Sugi and Maru double team Ale. Ale fights back. Ken hits a top rope double stomp on Sugi then Ale top rope splashes Sugi.

Ale shiranui's Maru (his own move). Ale tries to olympic slam Sugi and does after help from Ken. Sugi 2nd rope olympic slams Ale and wins.

Thoughts: It was a great tag here. Ale was the underdog face and punked out both opponents, doing their own moves to them. They really made you feel like Ale could pull off the upset and I thought it got Ale over. The vets did their part and this felt like something out of the early 2000's when times were better.

Kazuyuki Fujita & Masakatsu Funaki vs. Josh Barnett & Ulka Sasaki

Ulka leg locks Funaki. Funaki front facelocks him then goes for the armbar. Ulka side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Funaki hiptosses him. Josh and Kaz get in. They wrestle on the mat and Kaz takes him down. Josh goes for the armbar.

They trade forearms. Josh hits leg kicks then takes knees. Funaki then breaks them up. Funaki takes him down and leglocks him. Funaki and Josh roll on the mat. Funaki hits leg kicks on Josh. Kaz hits forearms on Josh then running back elbows him. Kaz suplexes Josh for 2.

Josh hits kicks and totally misses a spinning heel kick.  Josh backdrops him. Ulka hits chest kicks and forearms on Kaz. Kaz slams Ulka. Ulka is thrown off on a sleeper from Kaz and is lariated. Funaki hits a PK and sentonon Ulka.

Ulka pumping knees Funaki then Josh backdrops Funaki for 2. Ulka flying kicks Funaki then Josh lariats Funaki. Funaki hits a koppo kick on Josh's chin for 2. Funaki tries to triangle him then Josh giant swings him. Josh then does a leg lock. Funaki then taps him out with a toe hold.

It wasn't that interesting as expected. It had a sudden finish and was all shoot style wrestling here.

They announce an upcoming Shinsuke Nakamura vs Ulka Sasaki match.

GHC National Title Match - Manabu Soya (c) vs. El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.

Soya side headlocks him. Hijo hits a strike combo then is lariated over. Soya is sent into the rails then boots Hijo as he charges in. Soya shoulders him over outside. Hijo hits chops and eye pokes him. Hijo goes up and over in the corner then gets speared.

Soya suplexes Hijo. Hijo hits him from behind and step up knees him. Hijo hits a corner meteora for 2. Hijo hits chops and Soya flying lariats him. Soya neckbreakers him for 2. Hijo hits three amigos then hits a top rope frogsplash for 2.

They trade chops. Soya flying headscissors him then Hijo lariats him. Hijo michinoku drives him. Soya death valley drivers him for 2. Hijo running lariats Soya then michinoku drivers him for 2.

Soya running lariats him for 1 then hits another for 2. Soya jumping ddt's Hijo and wins.

Thoughts: It was about an average strong style match. Hijo didn't bring a lot to the table here and Soya had to carry things as usual. 

Soya gets on the mic after and thanks Hijo. He challenges Go Shiozaki.

AKIRA, Akitoshi Saito & Shiro Koshinaka vs. Atsushi Kotoge, Go Shiozaki & Mohammed Yone

Shiro hits hip attacks on Yone. Yone suplexes him. Saito gets in. He trades forearms with Yone. Saito shoulders him over. Akira and Kotoge go at it. Akira cartwheels out of a wristlock then Kotoge headscissors him down. Akira ddt's Kotoge. Shiro comes in and hits hip attacks on Kotoe. Shiro slams him then Kotoge takes a double shoulderblock.

Kotoge takes clubs from all of his opponents. Kotoge's legs are split. Saito takes a double shoulderblock. Go comes in and knee drops Saito. Yone hits forearms on Saito then foot chokes him in the corner.

Yone corner lariats Saito. Saito uranages him. Shiro comes in and hits a hiptoss and slam on Go. Akira planchas out then takes a dropkick through the ropes of Kotoge. Shiro then hip attacks off the apron.

Shiro russian legsweeps Yone for 2. Akira enzugiri's Yone then flying lariats him. Go flying shoulders Akira.  Go hits machine gun chops on Akira. Akira dropkicks Go in the knee then enzugiri's him. Saito knees Go in the gut. Go and Saito trade then Go chops him over. Kotoge running knees Saito then they trade shots. Saito claw slams him for 2.

Kotoge running knees Saito then Saito fights off all 3 opponents. Shiro top rope diving hip attacks Kotogoe then Akira top rope splashes Kotoge. Saito fisherman suplexes Kotoge then hits a falcon arrow type of move on Kotoge to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special and Kotoge ended up doing the job as expected. It was basically  a nostalgia match. The work was fine and all but this was not going to be a classic. I thought it also went longer than needed.

GHC Heavyweight Title Match - Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs. Masa Kitamiya

Masa side headlocks him then Kaito headsicssors and dropkicks him. Masa hits chops and a dropkick. They trade forearms. Kaito back elbows him then 2nd rope twisting forearms him. Kaito goes to tope con hilo him and takes a belly to belly suplex over the top rope to the floor/apron.

Masa works the arm outside and sends Kaito into the post. Masa wraps Kaito's arm around the rails and kicks it. Kaito's arm is banged off the mat then he is hiptossed. Masa stomps on Kaito's arm then pulls on it. Masa yanks on the arm and Kaito euros him. Masa back body drops him.

Masa bulldogs him then Kaito flying lariats him. Kaito hits some running shots then top rope dropkicks Masa. Kaito euros him then dropkicks him in the knee multiple times. Masa double chops him then takes a dropkick to the knee.

Kaito flying knees Masa then Masa lariats him. Kaito dragon screws him then Masa backdrops him. Kaito backdrops him and they trade tiger suplexes. They trade forearms.  Kaito dropkicks him in the knee then dragon screws him. Kaito top rope dropkicks him in the knee then backdrops him.

Kaito hits shining wizards for 2. Masa samoan drops and sentons him for 2. Masa prison locks him then kimura's him on top of it. Masa yanks Kaito around by the arm then piledrivers him. Masa misses a top rope senton.

Kaito walks up the buckles and shining wizards Masa. Kaito shining wizards him in the back of the head. Masa slams him down. Masa hit a big spear on Kaito for 2. Kaito rolls him up for 2. Masa lariats him twice for 2.

Masa backdrops him for 2. Kaito figure fours him and taps him out for the win.

Thoughts: This was a limb work match with Masa working the arm and Kaito working the knee. Kaito eventually won out. It was fine and made sense logic wise but I would have rather seen Masa throw Kaito around and see Kaito make a comeback to win. Outside of the belly to belly suplex over the top there weren't many big spots or big moments here that would have helped put this over the edge. I also didn't really buy that Masa was beating Kaito.

Sugi and Marufuji come out after. Sugi wants to fight Kaito for the title at Saito's retirement show. I think Maru says him and Sugi should fight for a shot at Kaito. It seems like Kaito and Sugi is set for Saito's retirement show but it's really not clear.

Kaito's All Rebellion Crew comes out after. Taishi Ozawa has joined them and has a new goofy look.  Kaito closes the show with them.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer show. The tag title match was the best thing on here. The main was fine and Odashima had a good opening match. The undercard matches didn't get much time and the tag with the 4 shooters wasn't that interesting as expected. I would maybe check out the tag title match and Odashima's match but not much else.

NWA Powerrr 10/15/2024

NWA Powerrr 10/15/2024

Last week's show is here:

Kyle Davis interviews Jazz and Simon Diamond. He asks what it's lik to be back here in the ECW Arena. Simon says it's an honor and a privilege to be back. He then does his pose. He calls Jazz a pioneer and said she started it all for the women.

Simon says she can kick @ss. Jazz says it's good to be back. She says we have 13 of the most talented women in a gauntlet today. Kyle says that's happening here in Philly.

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Match - Alex Misery vs. Jack Cartwheel

Jack cartwheels off a lock-up then cartwheels as he wristlocks him. Alex headflips and cartwheels out of a wristlock. Alex backrolls him then Jack rolls him up. Jack cartwheels into another roll-up. Alex side headlocks him then Jack cartwheels over him.

Jack japanese armdrags him then cartwheels into a knee. Jack hits a standing moonsault for 2. Alex dropkicks Jack off the apron and misses a moonsault off the top to the outside, landing feet first on a hard floor. Jack then flying space tiger drops him.

Jack hits forearms then Alex flips over him using the ropes. Alex rolls over Jack's back and enzuigiri's him. Alex hits a standing moonsault for 2. We go to break and return. Alex lariats Jack for 2. Alex figure fours him.

Jack hits an upkick and cartwheels out of a charge. Jack rolls him up and hits a cartwheel into a flatliner. Jack flying lariats him then backflips and hits a neckbreaker. Jack crucifix bombs him. Alex hits a neat flatliner out of the powerslam position for 2.
Alex vader bomb elbow drops him for 2. Alex kips down out of an attack. Alex is leaning over the 2nd rope and takes a codebreaker. Jack cartwheels off the top into a double stomp. Jack hits a corkscrew ssp and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was indy and flippy as expected. Jack's cartwheels bordered on being annoying as usual and he definitely overdid it though some of the spots were creative. I didn't really enjoy this that much.

Kenzie Paige is interviewed about the gauntlet. She doesn't say much of note but says to watch out for Kylie Paige in it. She says she's beautiful and almost as smart as her. She says if sweats anyone in the gauntlet, it's the one she produced herself. 

Rolando Freeman is interviewed and he's excited. She said Smalls' mama taught her a lot but not how to be a main. He says he's coming after Smalls' family jewels in a weird promo.

NWA World Women's Title #1 Contendership Burke Invitational Gauntlet Match

Ruthie Jay and Kylie Paige are first in.Jay wristlocks her then shoulders her over. They botch a spot with Jay having to tell her to come on then she dropkicks her. Lil Pescadita is next in. Lili hits punches on KP, dances and enzugiri's her. Lili spinebusters her. Jay flips out of an F-U and hits a superkick.

Big Mama is next in. Mama hits corner splashes and she hits a sky high on Jay. She then pins Jay. Haley J is next in. We go to break and return. Mama pushes J over then Mama gets ganged up on. Mama is then thrown out by 3 people. La Rosa Negra comes out.

Rosa hits shots on KP and J. She springboard back elbows Lili then airplane spin drops KP onto Lili. Natalia Markova comes out. Markova hits a bad spinning headscissors on Rosa. Markova hits a spinning heel kick i nthe corner and a double clothesline.

Lili and Markova trade chops. Tiffany Nieves is out and walks slow to the ring. Tiff pulls Rosa's throat over the top rope and she piefaces Markova. Mystii Marks is next out. J takes a side slam from Tiff. Marks hiptosses Tiff and monkey flips her.

Marks flapjacks Tiff onto Rosa. Kayla Rossi comes out. She slingshots and rolls into a lariat. Rossi slams and standing moonsaults KP for 2. "Big Daddy" Adrianna Mosley. Rossi piefaces Mosley. Mosley headbutts her J and Tiff fight outside and Mosley hits fallaway slams. Mosley ddt's Rossi for 2.

Kelly Madan comes out. She hits shots on KP then la silla's KP in the corner. Kelly dropkicks Rosa in the knee. Rossi stares down Kelly then throws her over the top. Kelly holds on and Marks ends up on the apron with her. Rossi clotheslines both for the elimination. KP then rolls up Rossia.

Santana Garrett comes out with a cape on. She hits a handspring back elbow on two people in the corner. Santana headflips and forearms Mosley over. J comes off the top and takes a spinebuster from Tiff on the landing.

Santana sends Mosley over the top. Santana push kicks Rosa on the apron and eliminates her. KP basement dropkicks Santana off the apron. Tiff grabs a chair. Markova spin kicks KP off the apron and eliminates her. Tiff hits Markova with a chair for 2.

Tiff grabs a kendo stick and hits Markova with it. Tiff chokes her. They duel kendo stick shots outside and Markova hits her with it. Tiff chokes Markova with a kendo stick. Markova suplexes her on the hard floor.

Tiff headbutts Markova then spears her for 2. Tiff sets a table up in the ring. Markova rock bottoms Tiff through a table off the buckles and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was like a dragon scramble with people getting eliminated by being thrown over the top, by being pinned or by being submitted. They had a lot of random girls here and they had some weird stuff like Big Mama getting multiple eliminations when she doesn't even wrestle on the show. It had some sloppiness and botches as usual. It was watchable but wasn't that great.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual episode of Powerrr with totally random matches and wrestlers while regular roster members were nowhere to be found. It wasn't awful but I wouldn't recommend this.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

AEW Dynamite 10/16/2024

AEW Dynamite 10/16/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley says someone has to be responsible when things get out of control and he'll be the one. We see him and his crew get in a truck after the PPV. Mox says wrestling gave him everything in the world and he wants that for everyone. He says he hates what AEW has become. He says people are dancing and partying and egos are out of control. He says everyone in AEW works for him now.

Adam Cole comes out to talk. He says he loves Undisputed Kingdom but has to do this on his own. He says he's happy to be back in the ring. He says MJF is the worst person he has ever met. He says you have to fight evil with evil.

He says MJF will say he betrayed him for no reason. He says the MJF you are seeing now is the real MJF, the one who he says behind closed doors. He says everything about MJF is fake. He says MJF is scared little boy and a phony who can't be trusted.

He says the path MJF is on is one of failure and loneliness. He says he hates everything about MJF and tells him to come out and fight. MJF's music hits but he doesn't come out and is instead talking via a video with a WrestleDream graphic.

MJF says he learned a lot. He says there's no trust in this business and a lot of people waiting for him to trip. He says Cole stabbed him in the back and he will never trust again. MJF says the actions he does aren't his fault but Cole's fault. MJF says Cole will never get him in the ring and says Cole can thank him later.

Cole says MJF an run but can't hide and will give him the beating of a lifetime.

Thoughts: They tried here but there's no fixing this angle. There's way too many logic loopholes.

We see a Chris Jericho interview from WrestleDream. He say he feels vindicated and says this is his week. He says Mark Briscoe cheated this week as he suspected. Jericho says he wants his rematch and says he will become a 2x ROH champ just like Jay Briscoe.

Mark Briscoe is then interviewed. He says Jericho says dumb stuff. He said he can forgive it but not Jericho bringing up his brother. He says Jericho will get a rematch as he wants his hands on him. He says they will have a ladder war. FTR comes in and says let the @ss whooping commence as FTR will take on Big Bill and Bryan Keith.

FTR vs The Learning Tree (Big Bill and Bryan Keith)

Dax shoulders BK over then BK lariats him. BK and Dax trade chops. Dax suplexes him and legdrops him. Cash slingshot shoulderblocks BK. Bill chops up Cash. Cash dropkicks him then hits a flying lariat. Bill black hole slams Cash.

We go to PiP break and return. Cash backdrops BK. Dax is tagged in and hits shots on BK. Dax hits punches on both opponents then totally misses two of them on Bill. Bill short arm lariats Dax. Cash top rope crossbodies Bill. Bill powerbombs Dax.

Bill goes into the post outside and Cash tornado ddt's him on the floor. BK runs into a shatter machine and is pinned.

It was a shorter on here. It was fine but not as good as it could have been due to its length. I would like to see a longer version of this.

LFI are shown watching this in the back on TV. The Outrunners come out and shake hands with FTR. 

Renee interviews The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. Billy says they are going to the gym and leaves. MVP and Shelton Benjamin walk in. MVP offers them his card. Bowens says they don't need anything from him.

We see Mercedes Mone, Kamille and Queen Aminata talk at Wrestledream. Mone is looking for her set-up and Queen tells her not to be rude. Mone says she doesn't have time for her nor does she know who she is.

Mercedes Mone vs Queen Aminata

Kamille trips Queen then Mone throws Queen back. Mone does a springboard into an armbar but Queen catches her arm and rubs her butt in her face. Queen rolls her up and catches her on a crossbody. Queen then fallaway slams her. Kamille pulls Mone out. Queen headbutts Kamille. Queen is then tripped into the steps. Mone meteora's her against the steps.

We go to break and return. Queen trips her and rolls her up. Mone forearms her and Queen hits an air raid crash. Queen backslides her and hits a fisherman's swinging neckbreaker. Queen rolls her around the ring.

Queen suplexes her. Mone 2nd rope meteora's her then hits a backcracker. Mone crossfaces her and submits her.

Thoughts: It was one of those AEW reverse squashes where the winner gets nothing in. This did nothing to help Mone as essentially a jobber beat her up for most of the match.

Private Party and The Young Bucks talk in the back. PP congratulates them and says they always beat them. The Bucks say they made a mistake when they called them a midcard act. They say this was their last chance at the tag titles and says they won't get a shot again.

Stokeley Hathaway walks in. He says he has never gotten another opportunity and says they shouldn't either. Stoke says they have been a long time and asks what they have to show for it. Stoke says they should quit teaming the next time they lose a tag title shot and says Zay is a singles star. Zay says if that's what it takes...

Thoughts: This your usual Bucks promo with them acting snarky and burying PP.

The Elite do a promo. Jack Perry says today is Kenny Omega's birthday and they show a cake that says "Happy Birthday Kenny on it". They then dump intestines I guess as Jack talked about how Kenny's intestines were blowing up. Jack tells Kenny to get well soon or die as he doesn't care.

The Elite (The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada) vs The Conglomeration (Kyle O'Reilly, Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero)

Kyle and Okada trade forearms. Okada facekicks him. KYle knees a Buck in the gut and knee drops him then OC does a senton. A Buck takes a double basement dropkick. Rocky flying headscissors Okada then Kyle knees a buck off the apron. OC hits a tope outside. Rocky then hurricanrana's Matt from the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. OC does a double a clothesline with a Buck on the other Buck. Okada blocks OC's sunset flip. Kyle hits a strike combo on Okada then beats up on The Bucks. Kyle is hanging off Okada with a submission and takes a top rope elbow drop.

Kyle takes a triple team in the corner. Okada over the back neckbreakers Kyle on the knee. Rocky comes in and hits a bunch of clotheslines. Okada reverses a shiranui with a tombstone.

Kyle takes a double back elbow from The Bucks. OC gets in and hits a double hurricanrana. OC stunners Okada. Okada takes a high/low then Kyle is superkicked. Rocky hits a shiranui then a ddt. OC ddt's a Buck. Wheeler Yuta comes out of nowhere and flying knees OC to cause a DQ.

Thoughts: The match was fine up until the DQ finish. They didn't have enough time to fool around, no sell and do insane spots. 

Pac and CC then come out to help. Pac chokes Kyle with a briefcase. OC takes a 4v1. Top Flight come down to help out. AA tries a handspring and Mox hits him hard with a forearm. The Dark Order then comes down even though they've been heels for the most part and join the fight.

The Dark Order get beaten up as well. Alex is hanged with a belt around the post. Mox gets on the mic and says if you are involved with AEW, you are under attack. Alex has the steps rammed into his gut. Mox says this is the cost of doing business. Daniel Garcia then Private Party come out to help the faces.

The Elite are shown walking around in the back. They are asked how they let that happen. Daniel Garcia and Private Party then go up to them. DG says they let this place go up in flames. Jack gets in his face and DG tells them to go away. DG says he has Private Party's back if they have his.

Lio Rush vs Shelton Benjamin

This is Shelton's AEW debut. Shelton pushes Lio back. Shelton throws him in the corner then shoulders him over. Lio ducks a clothesline and enzugiri's him. Lio handspring kicks him off the apron. Shelton maybe then jumps off the apron and kicks him as he tries to dive out.

Lio is sent outside hard. We go to PiP break and return. Shelton forearms Lio down. Shelton misses a corner splash. Lio seated springboard stunners Shelton. Lio tries to headsicsosrs him but is caught. Shelton goes out and gets tope'd twice. Lio cutters Shelton as he comes back in.

Lio misses a move off the buckles and taking a spinning heel kick. Lio rolls Shelton into a spin kick to the head. Lio spinning ddt's Shelton for 2. Lio is up top. Shelton jumps up top and hiptosses him down. Shelton hits a big release german. Shelton hits another big release german and hits a hard superkick.

Shelton does a bad pop-up drop on Lio then does an exploder slam and wins.

Thoughts: Shelton had some good and bad points here. He was messy on two of his spots but also beat the crap out of Rush here with some stiff spots. I thought it should have been shorter.

MVP puts his card in Lio's pants after. MVP says Lio opened his mouth up and says Shelton closed it. MVP says Swerve needs to reconsider his position as this is his future. He says they finish the conversation they started with Swerve vs "The Standard of Excellence" Shelton Benjamin.

We see Darby Allin at a skate park and says he's selling a signed photo of him and Tony Hawk for charity.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana are interviewed. Swerve says he thought what Shelton did was impressive. He says it's smart to come after the big dog and says he'll take him on anywhere, anyway, anyhow and he'll be there. He tells him not to fail because he won't. 

Tony Schiavone brings out Don Callis, Brian Cage and Lance Archer. Don says he made one of the greatest trades in sports a few weeks ago when he got Lance Archer. He says when he got a taste of the tag titles, he realized he needed them. He says who better to take the tag titles than Archer and Cage? He then brings out Kyle Fletcher (in a new jacket and sunglasses) and Takeshita.

Takeshita talks in Japanese and says he will defend his title all over the world. He tells any wrestler who wants the belt to come take it. Kyle Fletcher gets on the mic. He says all he has heard is, "Why Kyle why?". He says the problem is everyone wants to talk about Will Ospreay when The Family is having its biggest night in history. Kyle says it's too bad if everyone wants to know why he did what he did. Don says his family has never been stronger than today.

Mariah May is interviewed. She's complaining about various things and tells Christopher Daniels to bring her someone to fight. She says AEW is where the best are afraid of The Glamour. Anna Jay comes out. Daniels tries to stop her and Anna ends up hitting her when May moves. Nigel gets a big laugh out of this.

Ricochet is interviewed. He is asked if he was too focused on Ospreay in the match. He says he doesn't remember getting hit so hard from someone like Takeshita. He said Takeshita beat Will and not him. Ric says he hasn't been pinned yet in AEW. He says he came her to become champ and says Takeshita screwed him out of it twice. Ric says to come to Collision if you want to see what he can do and he says he will show why he is out of this world.

We go to the back and Top Flight, Mox's crew and The Dark Order fight. Mox's crew clears them all off and leaves in the back of a truck. Silver chases them. Uno says The Dark Order have been here since day one and says they will give you a fight if you want it. Dante Martin says the BCC will have to go through teams like them. Andretti says they are coming to snatch the belt off their waists on Collision. 

Christian Cage vs Jay White

CC stalls to start. CC hits a chop and Jay euros him down hard. Jay hits more punches and throws CC into the buckles chest first. Jay indian deathlocks him. CC's crew and Jay's crew get into it outside then Jucie and Colten get ejected. Colten then nails Nick Wayne from behind and Nick is dragged to the back. Mother Wayne then follows.

We go to PiP break and return. Jay hits punches then is knocked down with one. CC chokes Jay with his knee. CC snapmares him and cranks the head. Jay is sent out. CC is sent into the rails and flips over them. They trade punches. Jay back body drops him.  Jay hits more punches. Jay puts CC's shirt over his face and chops him.

Jay ddt's him for 2. CC reverse ddt's him on the apron. CC ddt's him. Kip Sabian tries to get involved. CC is sent into the buckles. Adam Page comes out. CC's neck is catapulted into the ropes. CC's head is banged off the buckles then Jay's neck is pulled down over the top rope. Jay uranage's him for 2. CC hits a killswitch for 2.

Jay flatliners CC then backdrops him. Jay underhook suplexes him into the buckles. CC hits a top rope headbutt for 2. Kip Sabian gets involved again and Page buckshot lariats Jay. CC rolls on top of Jay and wins.

Thoughts: Some big return for Jay here as she's already losing. It got off to a slow start and had tons of shenanigans. It wasn't as good as it should have been. The match also went about 8 minutes after the show ended. I think they botched the spot where Page came down as the announcers pretended not to really know who it was and it seemed like the camera's weren't supposed to catch it.

Overall thoughts: It was a busy show with a lot happening and I thought it as average overall. They are definitely trying to get more storylines as The Elite, Swerve, MVP, Mox's crew and Cole are now all involved in longer term stories. The wrestling wasn't anything too special with interference, DQ's and Mone barely getting the win over Queen Aminata. Jay White vs Christian got better towards the end but wasn't quite as good as it could have been. The show also had an 8 minute overrun.

WWE Speed 10/16/2024

WWE Speed 10/16/2024 

Last week's show is here:

WWE Speed Title #1 Contender's Tournament Quarterfinal - Sheamus vs Giovanni Vinci

Sheamus headlock takeovers him then throws him over. Vinci boots him and hits uppercuts. They trade and Sheamus lariats him over. Vinci basement dropkicks Sheamus then backdrops him. Sheamus backbreakers him then misses a brogue kick.

Vinci is on the apron and stunners Sheamus over the top rope. Vinci springboard tornado ddt's him for 2. Vinci comes off the top and eats a knee from Sheamus. Sheamus pumping knees him and wins.

Thoughts: Yet another loss for Vinci here. No surprise though as it is against Sheamus. It only went 2:26. They did what they could with it and it wasn't anything of note as usual.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match as usual here. Sheamus made a rare appearance and won as expected against Vinci in 2:26. The match was nothing too special here and nothing worth going out of your way to see.

Marigold 10/14/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 5

Marigold 10/14/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 5

The last show is here:

Minami Yuuki vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

KM wristlocks her and Yuuki reverses it. KM reverses that and they trade front facelocks. Yuuki side headlock takeovers her and KM headscissors her. They then stand off. Yuuki hits forearms and a boot on the ropes then she slams her for 2.

Yuuki kimura's her and KM ropebreaks. They trade chest forearms. KM slides through her legs and takes her down with a roll-up. KM armbars her. KM hits a dropkick then Yuuki dropkicks her back. KM hits stomps then a chest forearm flurry. KM dropkicks her in the corner.

KM slams Yuuki for 2 then crabs her. Yuuki ropebreaks. Yuuki russian legsweeps her for 2 then rolls her up for 2. Yuuki dropkicks her then KM rolls her up for 2. KM does another roll-up. Yuuki tries to backslide her but KM rolls through it and pins her.

Thoughts: It was Yuuki's best effort yet. It wasn't great or anything but there were no botches and both looked okay coming out of this one. This went about as well a match between these two was going to go.

Nao Ishikawa vs. Kizuna Tanaka

They lock up and trade basic holds. Nao side headlocks her then snapmars her. Nao pulls both of her arms back then dropkicks her on the ropes. Nao hair throws her then cartwheels out of a hair throw. Nao shoulders her over. Kiz armbars Nao and Nao ropebreaks. Kiz hits a nice dropkick then puts Nao in a triangle.

Nao slams Kiz then crabs her. Nao switches to the half crab. Nao flying neckbreakers Kiz then double underhook suplexes her for 2. They trade chest forearms and Kiz does aflying lariat for 2. Kiz hits a top rope dropkick then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nao rolls up Kiz with a bridge for 2. Nao drops her over the shoulder then sitout powerbombs her for 2. Kiz hits re:dream on Nao for 2 then Nao slams Kiz for 2.

Kiz spin kicks Nao then running knees her for 2. Kiz fisherman suplexes Nao and pins her.

Kiz beating Nao was a big surprise. Nao had another good showing here and they had a decent match especially considering where they are at as talents. I'd like to see this one again down the line and I think it could be really good at Korauken.

Nao throws an ice pack at Kiz after.

Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs. Myla Grace & Natsumi Showzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Misa and Nat go at it. They trade wristlocks for a while. Misa headlock takeovers her and crossbodies her. Rea gets in and hits dropkicks on Nat. Rea fujiwara armbars her. Rea puts her in cattle mutilation and Myla breaks it up.

Nat and Rea trade chest forearms. Nat hits a chest forearm flurry on Rea then slams her. Nat springboard double knee drops Rea then single leg crabs her. Nat slams Rea then does a very high crab. Myla chases Misa around the ring and inside of it. Misa breaks the submission up and is thrown out.

Myla hits forearms on Rea then spin kicks Rea. Myla dropkicks Rea through the ropes then suplexes her for 2. Rea corner dropkicks Myla then facebusters her. Rea slams Myla then dropkicks her. Rea then tries a bridge pin for 2. Misa top rope double crossbodies her opponents. Misa flying headscissors Myla then flying knees her in the corner.

Myla superkicks Misa then backdrops her. Myla forearms Misa then sitout slams her for 2. Misa dropkicks Myla then Myla lariats her. Myla bridge pins Misa for 2. Misa flying knees Myla then fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Myla crucifixes Misa for 2 then Mia backslides her into la magistral and a bridge to win.

Rea hit some good dropkicks here. It was a fast paced one and was just average. There was nothing memorable about it but no one embarrassed themselves.

Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Mirai and Yuz start us off. They side headlock each other. Yuz armdrags her twice then basement dropkicks her. Mirai takes a flapjack and another basement dropkick for 2. Mirai running back elbows Yuz then hits machine gun chops. Yuz takes facekicks from Mai then Mai grounded sleepers her.

Mai rolls Yuz into a paradise lock. Mirai steps on Yuz and boots her out of it. Mai basement dropkicks Yuz. Mirai boots Yuz in the corner then slams her. Mirai forearms Yuz down. Yuz flying headscissors her then basement dropkicks her.

Utami gets in. Utami rams Mai into Mirai in the corner then running back elbows both. Utami then hits a double basement dropkick. Utami samoan drops Mirai for 2. Mirai dropkicks Utami.

Mai facekicks Utami through the ropes then basement dropkicks her. Mai pump kicks Utami. Utami boots Mai out of the corner then slips of a 2nd rope dropkick. Yuz comes in and dropkicks Mai. Yuz basement dropkicks her.

Mai facekicks Yuz then Yuz is held for a bulldog. Yuz takes a double basement dropkick. Mai and Yuz trade forearms. Yuz dropkicks her on the ropes and takes a facekick. Yuz then dropkicks her on the ropes then dropkicks her through the ropes.

Yuz hits a lightning spiral on Mai then northern lights suplexes her. Mai leg slices her. Mai facekicks Yuz for 2. Utami basement dropkicks Mai then Yuz does roll-ups on Mai. Mai crucifix bombs Yuz then step up enzugiri's her. Yuz superkicks her. Mai backrops Yuz.

Mirai and Utami get in and go at it. Mirai basement dropkicks her. Mayu is caught on the buckles then Utami side slams her. Utami sliding lriats her for 2. We get a tower of doom spot with Yuz taking a hard superplex down. Utami double backdrops her opponents.

Utami and Mirai trade lariats and Mirai goes down. Utami lariats her for 2. Utami germans Mirai and the time limit expires.

Thoughts: It was long and not that interesting. It became clear at the halfway point that it was going to a draw and that's what it ended up doing. The crowd didn't really help this one either.

Mirai and Yuzui talk on the mic after. Mirai puts her title in Yuz's face. Kizuna Tanaka comes down. Mirai puts the title in her face and Kizuna slaps her. Mirai then boots her off the apron.

Chika Goto, Kouki Amarei & Miku Aono vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

Chi side headlocks Chika. Chi thows her over with a claw and gets on Boz's back, then they double falling splash Chika. Chi facewash kicks Chika through the ropes. All the girls fight outside and Chika gets thrown into the seats. Chi chairs Chika.

Miku and Kouki get thrown into each other outside. Chi gets on Chika's back inside and pulls her hair. Chi then slams her. Chika throws Chi over then her and Kouki hit stereo kicks.

Kouki facekicks Chi for 2. Kouki slams Chi then Chi blocks her falling splash. Kouki facekicks Chi through the ropes then Chi rolling spears her. Boz sentons Kouki for 2. Boz suplexes Kouki for 2.

Kouki facekicks Boz multiple times. Boz lariats Kouki over. Kouk is put in a side headlock and kind of cartwheels to get out of it. Miku gets in and hits kicks to Boz's back. Miku PK's Boz.

Boz lariats Miku for 2. Miku tries to powerbomb Boz in the corner but Boz just sits on her. Boz hits corner spears on Miku. Nagisa comes in and suplexes Miku for 2.  Nagisa hits forearms. Nagisa boots her over.

Miku ties up Nagisa's legs. Miku is on the buckles and Boz throws her off. Miku then takes a triple boot for 2. Nagisa flying kicks Miku. Miku sliding lariats her for 2. Miku headkicks Nagisa.

Chika comes in and corner lariats Nagisa then facekicks her. Chika is tripped on the outside then takes a basement dropkick from Nagisa. Nagisa takes a double boot. Boz comes in and hits a double lariat then Nagisa gets a 2 count on Chika. Nagia sleepers Chika.

Nagia takes kicks from Miku and Chika then Chika slams her for 2. Miku pulls Boz over the top. Nagisa cobra clutch suplexes Miku then Chika ripcord facekicks Nagisa. Nagisa facekicks Chika for 2. Nagisa hits a stiff single leg dropkick on Chika. She pins her after the ref botches the count.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special. Chika went down pretty easy and it just didn't have the synergy it should have. We didn't get a great finishing stretch here and this was not exactly a star-studded tag.

Nagisa and Miku get in each other's faces on the mic after. Nagisa then closes the show on the mic.

Overall thoughts: Marigold had three shows in three days. They were going to take it easy just to survive and they definitely took it easier on this one. The line-up was weak and big names like Nanae and Sareee were missing here. They didn't have a great turn out for this one and the crowd wasn't that loud here. I wouldn't recommend it.

All Japan Pro Wrestling 9/22/2024 Royal Road Tournament 2024 Day 5

All Japan Pro Wrestling 9/22/2024 Royal Road Tournament 2024 Day 5

ActWresGirl'Z dance to start the show.

Pre-Show - Ayano Irie & Nene Arahata vs. Natsuki & Sakura Mizushima

Nat and AI start us off. AI backs her up on the ropes and pulls her hair. They trade armdrags. Nat springboard  armdrags her and they stand off. SM and Nene go at it. Nene bangs SM's head off the mat and they trade chest forearms. Nene forearms her over for 2. Nene cobra twists her.

SM is thrown into AI's boot in the corner. AI facekicks her then does a very high crab on her. AI facekicks her and chokes her in the corner. SM 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Nat trips AI and SM basement dropkicks her. AI then takes double stomps from both opponents. SM indian deathlocks AI and Nene breaks it up.

SM tries pins on AI then sunset flips her. AI russian legsweeps SM then dropkicks her in the side of the head. Nene sentons SM then suplexes him. Nene hits another senton and SM bridges out of a pin. SM dropkicks her. Nene hits AI on accident then SM crossbodies Nene against the bottom rope. SM northern lights suplexes Nene for 2.

Nat flying knees Nene and texas cloverleafs her. Nat hits kicks on her back. Nene racks Nat then double arm chokeslams her for 2. Nat flying knees Nene. SM botches a 619 on Nene. AI lariats SM. Nat and SM hit stereo dropkicks on their opponents. SM hits a flying crossbody while Nat does a fling knee off the top. Nene boots Nat then samoan drops her. Nene suplexes Nat for 2.

Nat high kicks Nene then cuty specials her for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't bad for AWG wrestlers. They only had like one botch here. The heels were effective and the faces were likeable. I had no issues with this.

Royal Road Tournament 2024 Semi Final Match - Kento Miyahara vs. Ryuki Honda

This is technically the opening match and that's unusual. Ken clean breaks Honda then wristlocks him. Honda reverses it then Ken side headlock takeovers him. Honda headscissors him and they stand off. Ken side headlocks him and Honda shoulders him over. Honda is sent into the rails and he shoulders Ken over.

Honda abuses Ken on the rails and counts along with Wada. Ken is sent into the rails then drops Honda throat first on the rails. Ken hits headbutts. Ken facekicks him. Honda spinebusters Ken then corner lariats him.

They fight on the apron and Ken piledrivers him there. Ken pumping knees him then Honda spears him. Ken backrolls him into a bridge for 2. Ken flying knees him for 1. Ken hits another pumping knee for 2. Honda hits forearms and Ken flying pumping knees him. Honda hits a big lariat. Honda hits a nice running lariat then running one arm powerbombs him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match here as the winner was going to wrestle later so they weren't going to go too crazy with it. They had a good match here and Honda turned it into a sprint near the end which he is best at. The crowd was good for this which really helped it out. I enjoyed this one. I was a little surprised to see Ken lose but Honda's going to be the better match for Ren so I think that's why he won here.

Royal Road Tournament 2024 Semi Final Match - Ren Ayabe vs. Rei Saito

They lock up. Ren mostly clean breaks him, just messing up his hair. They trade forearms for chops. Rei side headlocks him. They shoulderblock battle. Ren facekicks him out then bangs Rei's head off the post. Rei is thrown into the rails and shoulders Ren over. Ren is then sent into the rails. Rei shoulderblocks him against the post. Rei chokes him then stomps on him.

Rei shoves him into the corner and does a chop flurry. Ren backbody drops Rei. Ren hits forearms on the ropes then flying neckbreakers Rei. Ren facekicks Rei for 2. Rei crossbodies him.  They trade forearms for chops. Ren boots him out of the corner then shotgun dropkicks him. Rei slaps him then hits a big lariat. Rei suplexes him for 2. Ren hits a dropkick then a suplex. Ren dragon sleepers him with an armlock and taps him out.

Ren won with a new submission here. It wasn't bad at all mostly due to Rei carrying it. Ren's lack of charisma made sure this didn't really get to the next level. I thought they did what they were supposed to do logic wise and it was a bit better than it should have been. The crowd helped this one out.

Fuminori Abe, Hikaru Sato, Joel Redman, MUSASHI & Seiki Yoshioka vs. Dan Tamura, Kuroshio TOKYO Japan, Ryo Inoue, Seigo Tachibana & Shotaro Ashino

Jiro does his usual entrance in the crowd. Joel and Ashino go at it. Ashino clean breaks him and they shove each other. Ashino front facelocks him then Joel front facelocks him. Joel bridges out of a wristlock then headstands him. Joel dropkicks Ashino then Ashino rolls him over. Ashino then back elbows him down.

Ryo and Musashi go at it. Musashi ducks a lock up and is hit from behind. Ryo running facekicks him then struts. Musashi step up enzugiri's him. Ryo takes a double team basement dropkick then Seiki and Musashi pose. Most of the wrestlers start fighting outside except for Musashi and Ryo.

Dan chinlocks Ryo. Ryo and Sato trade forearms. Sato spinning enzugiri's him. Dan gets in and running shoulders then suplexes Sato for 2. Sato and Dan trade chops for forearms and Sato enzugiri's him. Dan karelin's lifts him.

Seigo and Abe go at it. Seigo atomic drops him and facekicks him. Abe spin kicks him then kicks him in the back. Jiro tries to save Seigo but fails and gets thrown out. Abe PK's Seigo for 2. Everyone gets a move in. Ashino takes a double superkick. Seiki then does an asai moonsault ouside. Abe backdrops Seigo in the ring.

Seigo hits forearms on Abe then Abe punches him. Abe goes for a submission, Jiro kicks Abe over and Seigo picks up the surprise win.

Thoughts: It was a short tag with more people in it than time. They kept it moving and entertaining though and we got a feel good moment with Seigo getting a surprise pin on Abe.

Seigo motions to Abe that he wants a title shot after.

Saito Brothers (Jun Saito, Naruki Doi & Senor Saito) vs. Hokuto-gun (Cyrus, Hokuto Omori & Kuma Arashi)

Kuma's team attacks before it starts and sends their opponents out. Doi runs away from Cy up into the stands. Omori gets his head banged off the sign by Jun. Jun sends Kuma into the rails and post. Doi gets some boots in on Cy in the ring and Cy no sells them. Doi goes for chops and Cy just fires up.

Cy slams Doi. Senor tries to slam Cy but gets slammed. Jun facekicks then slams Cy. Cy hits a double shoulder on Doi and Senor. Kuma then comes in and stands on Doi's gut. Kuma sentons Doi for 2 then slams and sentons Senor for being the last pin up. Kuma racks Doi. Doi goes under his legs and tags in Jun.

Jun corner fqacekicks Kuma and shoulders him over. Jun elbow drops Kuma for 2. Kuma dropkicks Jun and Omori top rope dropkicks Jun. Jun shoulders Omori over. Omori takes corner attacks and elbow drops. Cy lariats Senor and Doi over. Jun facekicks Kuma then suplexes Omori.

Kuma crossbodies Jun then Jun tkaes a double team STO. Kuma dominators Jun and Omori hits a top rope splash on Jun to win.

Thoughts: It was another shorter tag match here. I liked it though. IT made sense with Doi running from Cyrus and Jun having to be the heavy for his team against the heavies on the other team.

Omori has words for Jun after. 

They introduce two new trainees - Sakurto Terada and Taishin Nagao. They will debut on the 10/22 show against Dan Tamura and Ryo Inoue.

They also talk about the upcoming World's Strongest Tag League. We have in Block A - The Saito's, Musashi/Seiki, Rising/Anzai, Ashino/Dan Tamura, Hokuto Omori/Kuma, Daisuke Sekimoto and Kengo Mashimo along with a mystery team. The B Block has Kento Miyahara and Davey Boy Smith, Honda/Ren, Jiro/Seigo, Hartley Jackson and Cyrus, Suwama and Hideki Suzuki, Yuma Aoyagi and Fuminori Abe, Hikaru Sato and Yuko Miyamoto.

Thoughts: It's not exactly the line-ups we had in the 80's nor does it really look as good as last years did. I'm sure it'll be fine overall though. I was surprised Odinson and Parrow weren't in it and I'm surprised Jack Kennedy didn't make the cut. 

Davey Boy Smith Jr., Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Masakatsu Funaki, Yuma Anzai & Yuma Aoyagi

Funaki and Suwama go at it. They grapple. Suwama side headlocks him. Suwama shoulders him over then takes a hiptoss. Aoyagi and Suzuki go at it. Aoyagi chops him on the ropes and Suzuki avoids a dropkick. Aoyagi avoids a dropkick then takes a back body drop. Suzuki and Suwama both try to powerbomb Aoyagi but fail.

Suwama boots Aoyagi over as Aoyagi mocks him. Suwama belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Suwama lariats Suzuki over on accident. Anzai dropkicks and flying knees Suwama and Suzuki. He then belly to belly suplexes Suwama. Suwama and Anzai trade forearms then Anzai dropkicks him. Suwama lariats Anzai over then Davey dropkicks and suplexes Anzai for 2.

Davey neckbreakers Anzai then Anzai flying knees Davey. Funaki comes in and PK's Davey for 2. Funaki and Davey trade then Davey backdrops him. Davey sharpshooters him.  Funaki PK's Davey then goes for an armbar but it is broken up.

Funaki hits leg kicks on Davey then Davey sitout powerbombs him for the quick win.

It was a waste of time that ended before it really got started. Everyone got a quick segment in and that was it.

Yuma mocks Suwama after. Suzuki tries to fight with Suwama and misses a dropkick on him. Suzuki then runs off.

Royal Road Tournament 2024 Final Match - Ryuki Honda vs. Ren Ayabe

Ren wristlocks him. Honda turns it into a hammerlock. Ren headlock takeovers him and Honda headscissors him. Honda and Ren trade forearms. Honda shoulders him over then jumps off the apron to forearm him outside.

Honda leans on Ren on the rails and counts along with the ref. Honda is sent into the rails and Ren running facekicks him. Ren sends Honda into the rails outside. They fight inside. Honda hits chest forearms and is forearmed down. Ren slams Honda then Honda suplexes him.

Honda corner lariats Ren then spears him. Honda does like a camel clutch and Ren ropebreaks. Ren facekicks Honda over. Ren hits forearms then flying neckbreakers Honda. Ren corner facekicks Honda. Thy trade forearms. Honda goes up top and Ren dropkicks him down.

They trade forearms on the apron and Honda germans him on the apron. They get back in and trade corner attacks. Ren corner facekicks him and they trade forearms. Honda lariats him from behind and they trade germans. Ren facekicks him then Honda hits a lariat.

They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Ren goes for his dragon sleeper + armlock submission and eventually ends up putting him in something like a stretch plum. Honda is out for a while.

Ren facekicks him then Honda running one arm powerbombs him. Honda hits a big lariat then another for 2. Ren dropkicks him then Honda lariats him for 2. Ren dropkicks him then half-nelson bombs him for 2. Ren dragon suplexes him for 2.

Honda germans Ren. Ren no sells it then dragon suplexes him. Ren hits a spinning falcon arrow and wins.

Thoughts: They tried. It was okay but not great mostly due to Ren not really having the skills to get a match to the next level. They got a bunch of time for this and it did have some slow points to it. You gotta feel bad for Honda as he's better than Ren in every way except look and height but he still had to put him over here just because Ren's taller.

They hug after. Ren is given the trophy and does a speech. Ren calls Yuma Aoyagi in and they seem to set up a match.

Overall thoughts: The two semi-final matches were the best things on here. They tried in the main and while it was okay, it wasn't great. The semi-main was a short waste of time. The ActWresGirl'Z crew had a better showing than usual. It was an okay show overall but not must see.