Friday, October 4, 2024

WWE Smackdown 10/4/2024

WWE Smackdown 10/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

A singer named Hardy opens the show and brings out AJ Styles, who is making his return. AJ gets a big pop. AJ says he missed the fans and says he wants to talk about rebuilding his legacy. He says this is still the house that AJ Styles built.

Carmelo Hayes comes out and says he's the one who beat Andradre 3 times and the one who has been holding it down while AJ has been gone. He says he's a big fan of old-timers like AJ.

They talk about LA Knight. AJ says he's relentless and came to his house. Melo says he doesn't need his advice and doesn't take advice from quitters. They argue. AJ says they are both in their gear and says they should fight now. Melo says no and walks off.

LA Knight's music hits. LA accuses Melo of running away and says him and AJ aren't friends. He said AJ told everyone he would retire and made a liar of himself. Melo says Melo is him - the guy that will get stomped out tonight. He says Melo has 2 options - LA punches him out right now and goes out and has a good night or if he beats AJ, he'll push for him to get a shot at the US Title. LA says the chances are Melo gets stomped out tonight and says he will still go out later and hear everyone chant LA Knight.

Thoughts: They accomplished a lot here, pushing Melo vs AJ and Melo vs LA while also turning AJ face. 

Carmelo Hayes gets a US Title shot if he wins - Carmelo Hayes vs AJ Styles

AJ hits chops. Melo hits shots on him. They trade chops in the corner. AJ leapfrogs him then hits a dropkick. Melo stalls outside. AJ back elbows him then takes a springboard twisting crossbody for 2.

AJ is thrown out and they bring up AJ competing in NOAH. Melo poses and sends AJ into the commentary table. 

Melo has AJ in a half-crab. During the break, the doctor checked on AJ's leg and ankle. AJ hits slaps and kicks then AJ elbow drops him. AJ corner splashes him. AJ hits a nasty attitude adjustment, sending Melo's neck onto his knee. The ref then stops the match due to AJ's injured leg. AJ crawls and hobbles to the back.

LA Knight comes out and hits a BFT on Melo.

AJ got injured here and it ended prematurely.  I don't have a real rating for this due to us not getting to really see how it played out.

Dumpster Match - Michin vs Chelsea Green

Green has a trash can dress on and is wearing a garbage man's outfit. Michin has a kendo stick and gives Green one. Green misses a charge and gets hit with the stick. Michin dropkicks her out then topes her.

Michin throws weapons in the ring. Green goes to tope her and is hit with a baking pan. Michin top rope dropkicks her. Michin is pushed into the side of the dumpster then is curb stomped into it.

We go to break and return. Mich tornado ddt's her in the ring then germans her. Green hits a canadian destroyer. Michin is thrown into the dumpster. Green goes to close the lid but Mich blocks it. Mich hits her with a trash bag.

Mich hits soul foot and puts a trash can on Green's head. Mich 2nd rope sentons a trash can that is wrapped around Green's head. Mich puts a table over the open dumpster. Piper Niven then attacks Mich wearing a cowboy hat and a trash man outfit. Piper sentons Mich and cannonballs the dumpster's side when Mich moves.

They fight on the apron. Mich powerbombs Green through the table that is bridged on the dumpster. Mich then closes the lid on Green and wins.

Green comes out of the dumpster after and is covered in slop.

It was entertaining. We don't see dumpster matches a lot and it was nice to see something different for a chance. Green lost here as expected. It wasn't quite an epic though and could have maybe used more time.

AJ's ankle is being worked in the back by a doctor.

Naomi, Jade and Bianca talk in the back. Jade says they will party after Naomi wins tonight. Jade and Bianca tell her she's hosting Bad Blood with them tomorrow. They dance and Bayley walks in. Bianca says no and Jade and Bianca leave. Bayley says sorry about last week and says she will go to tell Nia she will beat her at Bad Blood and says Naomi will be the first challenger when she does.

Bayley comes out to talk. She calls Nia Jax out. Nia and Tiffany Stratton come out. Nia tells her to say what she has to say to her face. Bay says Nia understood the significance and importance of the title. She talks about looking up to Trish, Lita, Natalya and so forth. She says they made it seem like they were not human but that's not Nia. She says they never had a dominant title run like Nia has. She says Nia's on her way to becoming one of the most dominant women in WWE. 

Bay says she plans to take the title off her shoulders tomorrow. She says Tiff will cash in her contract for a title shot as soon as she gets tired of Nia. Tiff asks if the only reason she thinks she can beat Nia is because of her briefcase. She says she doesn't need the briefcase to beat Nia. Tiff calls Bayley "Pam". She says Bayley should bow down to her queen instead of trying to break them up. Bay says she's out of her mind.

Bay says she can respect Nia but has zero respect for Tiff. She calls Tiff a stupid b!tch and they start fighting. Tiff misses a briefcase shot on Bay. Nia pushes Bay down then misses a senton. Bay hits Nia with the briefcase then running knees her.

Nia is down and Tiff grabs her briefcase. A ref comes in and Tiff teases cashing in. Nia stares her down and walks out without Tiff. The crowd chants for Tiff to cash it in.

The only thing anyone will really remember from this one is Tiff calling Bayley "Pam". It was just average and nothing was wrong with it.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven walk in the back. Green is still covered in slop and Piper tries not to get sick. Pretty Deadly gag over the smell and get away. A-Town Down Under then do the same. Theory thinks his cake stinks but Waller says it's Green. Berto and Angel then gag.

Green goes up to Aldis. Aldis says the result really "stinks" and says Michin did her dirty. He asks if she needs anything, like a shower. Green walks off without saying anything.

Carmelo Hayes goes up to Nick Aldis. He says he won and asks when his title match is. Nick says he only cares about checking on AJ and says they will talk about it after. Melo then sniffs him and makes a face like he stinks.

Tiffany Stratton vs Naomi

Tiff slaps her. Naomi thesz presses her and pounds on her. Tiff's head is banged off the buckles then she takes corner spears. Naomi snapmares her and sliding lariats her. She then slides into a sleeper. Tiff hits corner spears. Naomi pumping knees her then facebusters her for 2.

Naomi suplexes Tiff for 2. Naomi's throat is pulled down over the top. Tiff kneeling springboard rolling sentons her. Naomi high kicks her from the apron then is lariated on it. Tiff is laying on the apron and Naomi split drops her gut.

We go to break and return. Naomi hits a backpack stunner. They trade shots and Naomi leg lariats her. Naomi single leg dropkicks her then hits a tiger feint bulldog. Naomi then does a sliding slap and headscissors spikes her into the mat.

Naomi tries a facebuster but Tiff handstands out and basement dropkicks her. Naomi top rope crossbodies her and Tiff backrolls through. Naomi knees her off the buckles and misses a split-legged moonsault. Tiff rolls through a prettiest moonsault ever then Naomi avoids a cartwheel backflip back elbow. Tiff rolls her into a pin and Naomi crucifixes her to win.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining and athletic women's match. Tiff wow'd the crowd a couple of times here and it got over. The split drop on the gut looked like it sucked. I like Tiff's handstand counter out of the facebuster.

The Bloodline is in the back. Fatu says he loves his tribal chief and says Nashville does too. Fatu says The Street Profits and Roman will too and will learn how to respect the tribal chief. He says they will acknowledge the real tribal chief and Solo says to acknowledge him.

Tiffany Stratton is in the back. Nia Jax goes up to her and says she's teasing her about cashing in. She says she should focus on Liv Morgan's women's title match as that's a cash-in she might survive. She says she can also tell her she'd never betray her. Tiff says she's her queen and says she never would. Tiff then looks at the briefcase. 

Tag Titles - Ladder Match - The Bloodline (Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa) vs The Street Profits vs DIY

JG = Johnny Gargano

Bloodline get ganged up on to start then are thrown out. DIY and The Profits stare down. Ford running knees Tama off the apron. Dawkins shoulders Tama over hard. We go to PiP break. Bloodline takes 2v1's. Loa bangs JG's head off the apron then Loa's head is banged off the apron. Either Loa or Tama is sent into and over the rail.

The Profits and DIY fight. Ford hits a big punch and Dawkins stomps on Ciampa. Dawkins has his head banged off the ladder. All 6 men climb the ladders. DIY are knocked off into the ropes. Dawkins' head is banged off the ladder then Tama slams it into his head.

Ford climbs up the ladder as Tama and Loa hold it. Ford jumps over the ladder then is clotheslines with it. JG takes a ladder shot to the head. Ciampa is catapulted into the ladder. Dawkins is suplexed on the ladder and takes a slingshot swanton while on it.

Loa headbutts Ciampa then Ciampa is held for a chop outside. Ciampa is clotheslined with a ladder. Dawkins tope con hilos the ladder, knocking both Bloodline memebrs over. JG topes Dawkins then Ford tope con hilos everyone. 

B-Fab tells Ford to get a table. We go to another PiP break. The Profits get their head banged off a table. Loa chops Ciampa inside the ring. Tama sends JG out then Loa takes a double clothesline over the top. Tama climbs a ladder and DIY stops him. Tama is pulled down into a shatter machine.

Ciampa pumping knees Tama. Loa throws a ladder into Ciampa. Loa hits DIY with ladders. Loa takes a double superkick then a meet in the middle with a ladder around his neck.

Dawkins pulls JG off the ladder then JG hits a slingshot spear. Ciampa jumping knees Dawkins. Dawkins has Ciampa in the electric chair. Ford blockbusters Ciampa over the ladder while he's on Dawkins' shoulders. Ford had a bad landing on that one then Ciampa landed on him.

Dawkins is pushed off the ladder then thrown out. A ladder is slid into Dawkins' face. B-Fab takes a chair from Tama. DIY then chair Tama and Loa as they go after B-Fab. The Profits then get chaired by DIY.

Loa is put on a table. Ford goes up top and hits a top rope frogsplash through the table and got some serious impact on it. DIY clear off the commentary table. Tama gets triple teamed by DIY and Dawkins. Tama takes a triple powerbomb through the commentary table.

DIY double superkick Dawkins and thrown him over the timekeeper's rail. Ciampa climbs a ladder. Ford springboards onto it and fights Ciampa. Dawkins and JGG climb the same ladder. Ciampa and Dawkins fall backwards through a ladder then Loa pushes the ladder, sending Ford and JG through a ladder too. Loa climbs the ladder and grabs the tag titles to win.

Thoughts: It was a great ladder match and the best WWE ladder match in a long time. They had a nice story going on here with The Profits and DIY teaming up against Bloodline while trying not to fight amongst themselves too much. They had some cool spots here as expected with Ford hitting a nice frogsplash through a table and people getting sent through ladders. They timed things well and because there were so many people involved here, they didn't have to worry about selling so much. I usually find ladder matches to be not that good but they knocked it out of the park with this one and I liked it a lot.

Overall thoughts: It was a great Smackdown and one of the best in a while. It's a shame AJ got injured in his match. The dumpster match was entertaining. Naomi and Tiff had a good athletic match that the crowd liked and the main was great. This one was worth seeing and I really liked this.

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