Friday, October 4, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 10/4/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 10/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

Adriana Rizzo vs Lainey Reid

Stacks puts money in Blake Howard's pocket. He's on commentary with Byron Saxton.

LR and Riz lock up then break. Riz catches LR's leg then LR throws her down backwards. Riz fires up and takes her earrings off. She thesz presses LR and bangs her head off the mat. Riz throws her down backwards then dropkicks her.

Riz hits corner punches and is pulled down hard on the top buckle. Riz hits some slaps with Stacks and Luca on commentary. LR codebreakers Riz's arm then sends her into the corner shoulder first. Riz hammerlock slams Riz.

LR is thrown into the buckles then rolled up. LR hits a big forearm then LR single arm ddt's her. Luca says Riz is the glue of the family. LR armlocks Riz. Riz jawbreakers her. LR misses a corner charge then Riz hits a nice back body drop. Riz back elbows LR then northern lights suplexes her.

Riz kips up then does a springboard forearm shot maybe on her. LR rolls to the apron. Riz grabs her by the chin and LR hits a pumping knee. LR kneels on the top rope and twists into a crossbody on her.

LR whips Riz down by the arm and hits a twisting perfectplex for 2. Riz backrolls LR for 2 then does her flipping butt drop for the win.

Thoughts: I liked this one. Riz was fired up early and got it off to a hot start. LR worked the arm and Riz's finisher looked good here. I had no issues with this and Riz has a lot of potential.

Harlem Lewis is interviewed for his TV debut. He says he will bring his New York intensity tonight. He says he was a former college football linebacker. He says every newcomer has to go through Dante Chen. He says he fears no man and says he's all gas, no breaks and he's ready tonight.

Layla Diggs and Adriana Rizzo talk in the back. Riz says Lainey Reid is one to look out for. Reid comes in and slams a locker door. Riz tells her she liked what she saw and has a lot to look forward to. Layla puts Reid over. Reid says she didn't ask her and tells her to worry about herself. 

Harlem Lewis vs Dante Chen

This is not Harlem's TV debut as he appeared on Raw as Vincent Winey, but is the first time he is under the Harlem Lewis name. Some people are upset with his name as there's a death row inmate with the same name, but I doubt it was intentional. HL has a bandana on and a skull on his shorts. He's hyped up and ready to go.

They lock up and Chen armlocks him. Chen wristlocks him  then hammerlocks him. HL snapmares him and they stand off. HL hits some shots then slams Chen. HL shoulders him over then Chen shoulders him over twice. Chen crossbodies him for 2.

Chen knees him in the gut and wristlocks him. HL rolls out of it and rolls out of the ring, sending Chen into the ropes. HL stomps on Chen then hits corner spears. HL snapmares him and running boots him.

Chen hits punches. HL superkicks him in the gut then hits a facekick for 2. HL twists Chen's head. Chen hits elbows to the gut. Chen rolls him up for 2. Chen back elbows him. Chen crossbodies him off the 2nd rope then is caught and suplexed for 2.

They fight over a suplex and Chen suplexes him. Chen hits punches and palm strikes. Chen atomic drops him and backfists him. Chen hits a superkick and HL rolls out of his double chop.

HL spears him into the apron edge. HL hits him from behind. Chen sunset flips him for 2 then hits a pump kick. Chen hits his double chop and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here. Lewis looked good in his second and looked more experience than he is. He moves well, he's a thick muscular guy and I'm definitely interested to see more.

Overall thoughts: This was taped sometime before this week as they were in the Performance Center not in Chicago. There were only 2 new matches here but both were good. Rizzo showed some good fire and really looks like a good prospect. Reid did fine as well. Harlem Lewis had his second TV match and looked solid against Chen. He's thick, he moves well and should be someone to keep an eye on. It was a brief but fun episode of Level Up and I enjoyed it.

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