WWE NXT 9/26/2023
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/09/wwe-nxt-9192023.html
Global Heritage Invitational Final - Butch vs Joe Coffey
Meta-Four is all dressed up and watching from the Toxic Lounge. Joe gets slapped then Butch rubs his knuckles on his face. Joe takes him down and does the same. Joe drops him with a punch then Joe headlock takeovers him. Joe shoulders him over.
Butch kneels on his arm and poses. Butch then stomps the arm. Butch 2nd rope double stomps his arm and Gallus get involved. Wolfgang cheapshots Butch. Joe double jump bling springboards and is swatted down. Butch 2nd rope connector moonsaults onto Mark and Wolf outside then rebound germans Joe. Gallus get on the apron and are kicked out by the ref.
We go to break and return. Butch hits chest clubs then takes a headbutt to the chest. Butch ddt's him on the apron. Joe pop-up euros him then double jump twisting crossbodies him. Joe germans Butch and does a flying battering ram. Butch step up enzugiri's him then takes a spinning lariat. Butch fujiwara armbars him and pulls on his fingers. Joe powerbombs him and hits another flying battering ram.
Joe spinning lariats him and ends up doing a flying battering ram into the steps outside. Butch then hits a bitter end and wins it.
It was a decent, hard hitting match. The two matched up well and while they didn't totally go all out, they did a good job.
Dominik Mysterio is interviewed. He ha a black eye from last night. He said he is done with Dragon Lee and will spend Saturday on the couch, instead of being at No Mercy. The announcer tells him he is defending his title against the winner of the triple threat by reading Shawn Michaels' tweet. Dom says no and walks off.
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"Have an app, get a drink" - Stacks |
Tony D and Stacks are eating dinner at a restaurant. They said they have to decide who is challenging them for the tag titles at No Mercy. Garza and Carrillo walk in and take a weapons check. Tony wants them to eat and they said they came here for the tag titles. Stacks tells them to wait for the others.
Trick Williams vs Joe Gacy
Trick shoulders him over then slams him. Trick dropkicks him. Trick hits corner punches and an uppercut. Joe hits knees to the gut then a ddt. Joe hits forearms to the back of the head then bulldog chokes him.
Trick hits punches and scissor kicks him. Joe goes for the handspring lariat but Trick counters with a flying knee and wins it.
This was really quick. Trick's offense didn't fully connect here and the finish was really sudden.
Trick Williams is interviewed in the ring. He said it feels good to get the W. He is asked if Melo or Dragunov wins on Sunday. Trick says this was his best win yet. He said Dragunov hits hard, but he's betting on Melo. He says Trick-Melo game will always be here. He says Melo already has his championship and it's time he goes get his.
Blair Davenport is interviewed. She said Gigi's attempt at taking her out was pathetic. She said she got back up from Gigi's blindside and said she can't match her nature or intensity. She tells her to watch tonight if she doesn't believe her.
Chase and Duke Hudson are talking about Thea in the back. They run into Jacy and Chase asks how Thea is. Jacy says to ask her herself. Chase goes to say this is inappropriate, but then says she never looked so nice. Thea says she feels like a grown woman finally and says she needs to get ready for Dani Palmer. Jacy then says if he likes that look so much, just wait until we see her new ring gear.
Baron Corbin vs Josh Briggs
Corbin slaps him and takes punches. Briggs lariats him over the top. Briggs bangs Corbin's head off the apron outside then sends him into the rails. Briggs running facekicks Corbin then Corbin chokeslams him. Corbin hits punches. Briggs does a side slam into a splash.
They trade punches and Briggs facekicks him. Corbin punches him then 2nd rope lariats him. Corbin hits end of days and wins it.
It was short but it was a fun hoss match with some big shots thrown.
Corbin says we will find out if the dog is all bark or bites on Saturday. Bron Breakker comes out. Bron nails him and takes him down. Security comes to break it up.
Trick Williams goes into Shawn Michaels' office and asks if he has a minute.We get a video package on Becky Lynch vs Tiffany Stratton and we get some lines from Tiff. Tiff says she only dealt with her for a month but is already sick of her. Tiff says she is coming to get her title back. Becky says weapons will be used but she will stay champ.
Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs Out the Mud (Bronco Nima and Lucien Price with Scrypts)
Well, Price and Nima have an official team name now. This could be good. Price is run over by Hank then takes a double falling headbutt. Hank corner lariats Price then hits a splash, into a Tank corner spear. Tank slingshot splashes Price for 2.
Price hits a harlem sidekick and Nima hits a curb stomp, then rides Tank on the ropes. Price corner lariats Tank. Hank gets in and thesz presses Nima. Hank corner splashes Nima and hits snake eyes. Booker calls Nima, "Bronco Lima".
Scrypts gets on the apron and battles with Hank. Price comes in and nails Tank. Tank is thrown into Hank. Tank takes a double team alabama slam called, "The Game Winner" and Price/Nima get the win.
It was a short but hard hitting match. The pace was real fast and both teams looked good here.
Gigi is working out in the back. Blair turns off the lights, nails her and drops her, and says she is pathetic.
Tony, Stacks, Garza and Carrillo are eating. Stacks wants to know why their chest looks like it was mauled by a sabretooth tiger. they say it's to remind them who they are and a message from their grandfather. The Creed's walk in and they joke around. Brutus asks if this is where people have their last supper and get food poisioning. Tony says that's the place up the street. Stacks then tells Tony in coded language that Out The Mud got the win tonight.
Axiom and Tyler Bate talk in the back. Ax says opportunities like this don't come everyday against Dragon Lee. Trick says tonight's triple threat match is now a fatal four way with him in it
Strap Match - Eddy Thorpe vs Dijak
Dijak is pulled into the post with the strap then Eddy topes him. Eddy trips him with the strap. Eddy pulls him off the ropes and enzugiri's him. Eddy shotgun dropkicks him. Eddy misses a kick and takes a strap shot to the back. Eddy is pulled out and thuds hard on the floor. We go to break.
Eddy wraps the strap around his mouth when we come back from commercial. Eddy lariats him over the top, both go over and Dijak chokeslams him on the apron. Dijak beats him up in front of his family at ringside, hitting strap shots.
In the ring, Eddy flying kicks him in the corner. Eddy hits strap shots then punches him with a belt. Eddy 2nd rope elbow drops him and wins it.
It was action packed but also short. They made the most of the time they had, but it was just not enough time for this type of gimmick. And it's a shame as they were doing well. I'm not a fan of Dijak losing, but he has lost so many times that it is expected at this point.
Dijak hits a GTH after. Eddy hangs upside down from the top and Dijak ties him to the top rope. Dijak then whips him with the belt.
Jacy asks Thea how the new gear is looking and she's up next.
Dani Palmer vs Thea Hail
They talk about Gigi being injured then Blair Davenport takes the headset away at the commentary table and threatens her with a worse beating next time. Thea has all new black and silver gear. Dani looks surprised.
Dani kind of flips out of a boston crab attempt and headlock takeovers Thea. Thea armdrags her and splashes her arm. Dani rolls and backflips out of a wristlock, hitting an armdrag. Thea armdrags her then Dani flying headscissors her. Thea flying headscissors her then puts her in a fujiwara armbar. Dani dropkicks her then Thea exploders her.
Dani shotgun dropkicks Thea and kips up. Dani then does her handstand double kick. Dani msises a corkscrew moonsault and is kimura'd for the Thea win.
Dani looked amazing as always and honestly probably shouldn't have lost here. Thea kind of had to win though to cement the new character in. It was short and Dani came off looking better than Thea.
Chase U watches from the risers and Jacy blows them a kiss.
Trick goes up to Melo in the back. Trick is hyped but Melo is more worried about his phone. Trick says it's his first title shot and asks what is going on. Melo says he gotta handle this stuff with Ilja and Trick says he has his own business he could handle. Melo then realizes he goofed.Baron Corbin is interviewed. He said he's tired of talking about Bron and said he's getting his @ss whooped at No Mercy. Bron then jumps him. Security breaks it up.
NXT North American Title #1 Contender - Tyler Bate vs Axiom vs Dragon Lee vs Trick Williams
Trick is double superkicked to start. Bate leapfrogs Lee then dives on Trick outside. Lee headscissors Ax and Ax cartwheels out of it. Ax back elbows him then 2nd rope armdrags him. Ax dropkicks him then flying knee's Trick off the apron. Lee tope con hilos onto everyone outside.
Trick crabs Lee and Bate armbars Lee at the same time. Ax jumps on Trick's back with a sleeper and Bate breaks it up. Bate dropkicks Lee and Trick facekicks him. Trick uppercuts Ax and Ax ducks his lariat, making Trick nail Lee with the lariat. Trick does an upkick then a double lariat.
We go to PiP break and return. Ax hurricanrana's Bate for 2 then Bate lands right on his neck from a nasty half-nelson suplex. Ax walks up the ropes and does a headscissors + armdrag combo. Ax then hurricanrana's Bate into Trick. Ax lariats Trick and Trick ddt's Bate. Lee hits combinacion cabron on Ax then hits corner dropkicks on Trick and Ax. Lee sit out powerbombs Bate.
Ax comes off the top and takes a Trick uppercut. Trick hits a double uranage then Bate counters a suplex with a ddt. Bate does a combo giant swing + airplane spin then deadlift germans Lee. Bate rebound lariats Trick and Ax jumps off of Bate's back for a canadian destroyer on Lee.
Bate takesa pop-up uppercut. Ax superkicks Trick and has his leg swung into his head. Lee superkicks Ax then Ax top rope spanish flies Lee for 2. They hang on and Lee reverseddt's him. Trick headbutts Lee, falls back into Bate knokcing him off the apron then pins Ax. Trick wins and the crowd is thrilled.
They went a little overboard here like they always do in these matches. Trick winning was a nice touch though and it worked. Trick did pretty well here in a match that really isn't suited for him. Bate's lucky his neck isn't broken.
We go back to the dinner at the restaurant. Brutus Creed wants seconds and Julius slaps him in the back of the head for it. Price and Nima arrive and aren't interested in eating. They all argue. Price says they are getting the shot or this place will get dirty. Tony brings in his guards and Price backs off. Tony said he wants to see all of their ugly mugs at No Mercy and tells them to leave if they don't like it. Tony calls for a fatal four way at No Mercy.
This was based, but I could see someone getting fired over some of the stuff that went down in this one.
Dominik Mysterio is interviewed. He said he will whoop that Trick at No Mercy and says thanks to Dragon Lee for the black eye. Dom says HBK doesn't run NXT, he runs NXT. Dom says he will destroy Trick like he did Lee then Lee jumps him.
Trick runs up to Melo in the back. Melo said they will both walk out as champs at No Mercy.We see someone turning on a TV with clips of the Bengals, a news report and WCW Saturday Night. This is likely for Brian Pillman Jr.
Ilja Dragunov and Melo do the contract signing. Melo says there's nothing for them to talk about and says let's sign the contract. Ilja says he's always the wrong person at the wrong time and is the wrong man for the NXT championship. Melo says that's like Ilja at the GAB. Ilja says he will know real unbearable pain.
Ilja says this is his destiny and asks what he will do when he throws everything he has at him and he doesn't go down. Melo says he's not like peop;le he has beaten before. He's not Wes, Oro or Trick. Ilja then smirks. Melo says he will push him to his limits. Ilja signs the contract and says he will do nothing because he always does nothing. Ilja says when he is crowed champ, he will realize his dynasty has fallen. Ilja says long live the czar. Melo signs the contract. He says the title is bigger than both of them and says this title respresents people "who look like him". Melo says he doesn't think Ilja can do it better than him. They go face to face.
We are then told Dragon Lee is going to be the special guest ref for the Dom/Trick match.
We then are told Corbin and Bron are fighting in the parking lot. Corbin is sent into the car and they fight in the car. Bron spears the car door when Corbin moves. Bron's head is banged off the car and Corbin hits punches. Bron is sent into the garage door and Corbin is slammed on the car. Corbin low blows Bron and throws him against the car. They continue to battle and heads inside. They run through a wall which leads to HBK's office and they fight to end the show. That was a great brawl.
Overall thoughts: A good show with some good wrestling and some good non-wrestling segments. Corbin and Bron's brawl was good and Tony's dinner was fun. None of the matches were bad and I have no real complaints about this one.
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