STARDOM 9/2/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 13
Thekla vs Starlight Kid
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Kid cartwheels over her and is armdragged. They try to dropkick each other at the same time and stand off. Thekla hanging headscissors her over the top rope. Thekla camel clutches her and pulls on her mask. Kid springboard twisting crossbodies her then basement dropkicks her. Kid standing moonsaults her.
They trade chest forearms and Thekla bridges out of a lariat. Kid then bridges out of a pin attempt. Thekla kicks her in the head then fisherman's suplexes her for 2 at 5 minutes. Thekla goes up top and is stopped and is single arm iconoclasm'd down.
Kid dropkicks her knee around the 2nd rope then Thekla hammerlock ddt's her. Thekla gets on her back, pulling her arm and mask. Thekla spears her then buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Kid stretch mufflers Thekla then hooks her head with it for the quick tap out.
It was short and fast paced. Kid went for the stretch muffler many times before getting the win with it. I had no issues with this and it was a decent opener.
Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori vs. Queen's Quest (Lady C & Miyu Amasaki)
Yuna and Tam want a handshake. Miyu goes along with it and C refuses. Miyu and Yuna lock up. Miyu rolls her then dropkicks her. Yuna shoulders her and Yuna takes a double team sandwich basement dropkick. Tam hits forearms on Miyu then Miyu corkscrew back elbows her. C running facekicks Tam then russian legsweeps her. Tam misses a corner charge then takes a flying lariat for 2.
Miyu does a stiff pendulum ddt on Tam then C chokeslams Tam. Yuna 2nd rope shoulders C then Tam backdrops C for 2. C hits a bad facekicks on Tam then takes a spinning high kick for 2. C doesn't really kick out but the ref stops the count anyway. Tam running knees her for the win.
This was very short and C wasn't good here with missed kicks and for forgetting to kick out.
Maika, Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki vs. HANAKO, Megan Bayne & Momo Kohgo
Mei is on the opposite side of her partner. She is thrown into her and dropkicks her. Mei then tries to stomp her foot. Meg waistlocks her and throws her down with authority. Mei hits some dropkicks then Meg hits a stiff knee to the gut and drops her. Meg throws her on a fallawayslam and Hanako gets in.
Meg slams Mei then Mei dropkicks Momo. Suzu gets in amd dropkicks Momo. Suzu takes a shot at Meg but is held and hit. Suzu double spears her opponents and ducks high kicks with Momo. Momo dropkicks her then hits a 619 for 2. Hana shoulders over Suzu then corner splashes her. Hana is lariated and knee'd on the ropes. Suzu then knees Hana in the back.
Maika running lariats Maika in the corner then Maika lariats her. They shoulder battle and Maika knocks her over. Momo springboard dropkicks Maika then Hana suplexes Maika for 2. Hanak racks Maika then takes a double team kick. Suzu standing spanish flies her partner Maika in one of the dumbest spots I have ever seen. then Hana running facekicks Maika.
Mei pulls Meg over the top rope then apron crossbodies her. Hana running facekicks Maika then Maika lariats her. Maika spinning lariats Hana for 2 then hits a cross-arm STO for the win.
That Suzu spot was so stupid. I didn't like Mei and Meg being on seperate teams after teaming together all tour and this didn't get enough time.
Suzu and Maika shove each other after and Mei tries to play peacekeeper. The two end up fighting.
God's Eye (Konami & Syuri) vs. God's Eye (MIRAI & Saki Kashima)
Konami and Mirai start us off with mat wrestling and they eventualy stand off. Syuri boots Saki in the gut then knocks Mirai off the apron so Saki can't tag out. Syuri kicks Saki in the back then Konami kicks Saki in the back too. Konami stomps Saki's back then Syuri kicks Mirai off the apron again. Syuri single leg crabs Saki.
Saki facekicks Syuri on the ropes for 2. Mirai shoulders over Syuri then running back elbows her. Mirai hits a stiff corner lariat. Mirai top rope dropkicks Syuri for 2. Syuri sto's Mirai then Mirai and Konami trade forearms. Konami spin kicks her then Mirai sliding flatliners her.
Mirai does a drop on Konami then backdrops her. Konami high kicks her then Saki running facekicks her. Saki 2nd rope double stomps Konami then underhook suplexes her. Saki facebusters Konami then top rope double stomps her. Saki takes a codebreaker into a german for 2. Saki avoids Konami's triangle lancer and is kicked in the head. Mirai takes a double codebreaker then Saki takes a sandwich kick from both opponents. Konami triangle lancers Saki and wins it.
Konami gets on the mic after and says she will win the white belt tomorrow.
Mirai's sections were good here but it was an average tag match and nothing very memorable.
5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Utami Hayashishita vs Mariah May
May offers her a flower and she takes it. May tries to kick her and is hit with the flower. Utami slams her then dropkicks her against the ropes for 2. May hits a nice slingblade on her then hits machine gun chops.
May facekicks her then handstand hurricanrana's her on the ropes. May hits another facekick and no sells a release german. May then release germans her. They trade forearms on their knees then standing up. Utami is pulled over the top and blocks a sunset bomb.
Utami then sliding lariats her on the apron. Utami lariats her on the ropes then sliding lariats her. May slap flurries her and hits a tornado ddt. May running powerbombs her for 2. Utami blocks a pump kick and lariats her. Utami hits an air raid crash for 2 then spinning torture rack bombs her for the win.
It was an average match with both girls doing their usual offense. Nothing really stood out here.
Utami hands her the flower back after then hits her with it and boots her when she goes to grab it.
5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Mina Shirakawa vs AZM
They start off fast and Mina dropkicks her in the knee. AZM headscissors her then basement dropkicks her. AZM kicks her from the apron. AZM stomps her arm then Mina dropkicks her knee off the 2nd rope. AZM is dropped on both of her knees then Mina figure fours her. AZM hurricanrana's her for 2 then Mina spinning forearms her. AZM then high kicks her.
Mina slap combos her then AZM suplexes her. AZM then buzzsaw kicks her. AZM top rope double stomps her for 2. Mina figure fours her legs and dragon screws them. Mina spinning electric chair drops her and figure ofurs her again. Mina misses a dropkick to the knee and is double stomped and rolled up.
AZM hits la mistca on her and Mina rolls her up out of it. Mina then tries to roll her up and AZM gets the pin on her to win.
I didn't think it was that great. Mina worked the knee most of the match and AZM didn't do the greatest job of selling it. The finish had nothing to do with it either.
They grab each other by the chin after.
5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Giulia vs Momo Watanabe
G = Giulia
Momo nails her from behind during her entrance and throws her into chairs. Momo chokes her with the chair edge then kneels on her throat. Momo hits her with a bat outside then they duel with a bat and a sign post. G hits her with stuff in front of the ref, who could care less.
G hits forearms then Momo chest kick flurries her. Momo is explodered off a kick then dropkicks G in the corner. Momo hangs G over the top then head kicks her. Go does an octopus outside then Momo b-drivers her. Momo 2nd rope meteoras her then top rope meteoras her. Momo then package tombstones her for 2.
G wrist-clutch backdrops her then forearms her. Momo half and half suplexes her for 2. G rolls her up for 2 then shotgun dropkicks her. G falcon arrows her for 2 then Momo high kicks her. G no sells it and backdrops her. G hits a northern lights bomb and wins it.
I didn't like the ref basically allowing them to cheat and I didn't think they did a lot of selling here. They matched up better than I had expected though.
Giulia said she got her revenge over Momo from last year and said she will win the tournament.
5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Mayu Iwatani vs. Ami Sourei
Ami charges at her with a splash to start then shoulders her over. MAyu spin kicks her then flying headscissors her into a basement dropkick. Ami shoulders her over and chops her up several times. Ami slams her for 2 then splashes her in the corner. Mayu rolls her up from the corner into a basement dropkick. Ami goes out and Mayu topes her.
Mayu top rope dropkicks her then they trade chest forearms. Ami forearm flurries her in the chest then Mayu sling blades her. Ami brainbusters her then puts her in a high crab. Mayu rolls her up then is lariated. Ami blue thunders her for 2. Mayu crucifix bombs her then buzzsaw kicks her.
Mayu misses a moonsault then is lariated. Ami then does a twisting suplex for 2. Mayu then hurricanrana's her out of nowhere and wins it.
The finish was sudden here and it was a rather average match with a fast pace. Ami is just not a top worker.
Overall thoughts: It wasn't a great show and they kind of took it easy the day before the PPV. Suzu Suzuki had one of the worst spots that I ever saw when she openly hit a spanish fly on her partner. They had Mei and Megan Bayne on opposing teams for some reason here too which didn't make much much sense. There were also just some matchups that weren't going to be great even on paper.
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