AEW Dynamite 11/25/2020
John Silver vs Hangman Adam Page - Silver is so small and looks like such a goof. Why would anyone ever put this dude on national tv? Flip bumps on lariats in the opening match? Pizza Uno and the Dork Odor tried to get Page to join them after. Don't. Do. It.
Kenny Omega promo - Awful. What in the heck was this? Was this supposed to get me hyped? He talked about how his dad could beat Mox's dad.
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Darby Allyn did a video where he lit a car on fire. He said something about "Survive if I let you". Come on. What is Darby Allyn going to do? Hit someone with a skateboard?
Powerhouse Hobbs vs Lee Johnson - No idea why Hobbs was made a heel when he was doing alright as a face...okay we all know why - so he can job to Cody in a few months. The Powerhouse thing is really forced and obnoxious. Just call him Hobbs or Will Hobbs, it's actually a decent name. I have a big problem with Team Taz saying it was established in 1987 since it wasn't. Was that the year Taz started or something? I dunno. Hobbs won in a quick squash. I think I'm alright with his new gear. Taz then started yelling about something and his mic got cut off, then got the announcer's mic and got it cut off too. Can't you cut off Omega's mic instead?
Top Flight vs The Hybrid 2 - Speaking of paternity tests...that's not your brother, Dante. I saw the TF vs Bucks match from a week or two ago and I thought they had some cool spots, but I didn't see a lot else besides that. There was some commercial here with a dad hugging his son and crying over receiving a Braun electric shaver. That was somehow less believable than John Silver. Darius did a missile dropkick where I believe he bounced his own head off the mat. TF does this bad double team move where one of them goes for a tope and the other flips over him. Just makes no sense. TH2 got the win by submission here. Anytime I watch Jack Evans anymore, I just reminisce about how good he used to be, yet clearly is not anymore. The Bucks saved TF from a beatdown after.
Vicky and the tranny did a promo. Nope.
FTR did a promo. I didn't see the PPV but apparently they lost the belts to the Bucks. I don't think I would have done that since FTR is still fresh to a degree and the Bucks would make better chasers than champs.
Chris Jericho and Jake Hager vs Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian - This doesn't strike me as being any good. Wardlow and MJF are now with the Inner Circle. I thought that group was a bunch of mismatched people before, now it's even worse. Are you really going to tell me snooty MJF is hanging out with the tongue guy from EXLAX? I liked Hager's punches to the stomach here. The ringpost cam made them look real good. You know, if I were in this match, I would not want Jericho having like 5 people out there at ringside. As expected Daniels got the beat down from the IC crew outside the ring. There was a Diehard x Auto Parts crossover commercial where McClane threw a grenade into a 16 wheeler. They had a graphic that showed which teams were wearing which colors which was interesting. Daniels did a curb stomp type of move from the top and then a diving flatliner than looked like it hurt him more than his opponent. MJF hit Daniels with a diamond ring and IC won. Better than I expected. MJF lauged at Daniels being down and Kaz surprised him with a shot. The whole IC was going to nail Kaz then Scorpio Sky ran in with a chair and all 7 of them ran. Why? You got the numbers!
Miro and Kap Sabian are doing some stupid video game segment and Orange Cassidy came in and turned off the game system. Then Best Friends jumped them for some reason and they fought near some trailers. Sabian got powerbombed into a port-a-potty and Miro did this stupid thing where he yelled "move out of the way" and shook the camera.
Contract signing with Mox and Kenny Omega - Kenny had this stupid entrance with girls dancing with brooms that looked like something from a bad dream. They did a silhouette with Omega and it showed Moxley jumping him which was kind of cool. Tony has the gayest pink pants on.Mox did a double arm ddt on a belt to Omega and talked trash about him. Omega looks so stupid in his suit.
Jericho did a promo and promised to make SCU famous next week for hurting MJF's jaw.
Shida then did a promo and said her knee was okay. Her English was better than expected. Shida said Anna Jay and her friend needed more heart and to bring it.AEW Women's title - Hikaru Shida vs Anna Jay
The Dork Order came out for this. Silver was making threatening gestures towards Shida, but I'm pretty sure Shida could kick his sorry ass. The announcers talked about the Steiners having a big influence on Shida and I don't know about that one.Jay wanted a chair and Conti, who was with her, wouldn't give it for some reason. Shitda won this with a straight suplex and some shining wizards that didn't look very good. Somewhere, someone got the idea that became Shida is a joshi that she is good, but she's not.Abadon came out after the match, grabbing the belt and scaring Shida.
Matt Hardy did a promo saying if he can survive 2020, we can too. I guess this is regular Matt Hardy and not his 200 alter-ego's talking.
Taz left the building after the Cody incident and Team Taz wasn't happy. This really looked like a gay porn scene.
The Butcher and the Blade vs Pac and Fenix
They were hyping this as the main event and it's hard to buy it considering Butcher and Blade have been losing to everyone for a year now. I kind of like Butcher, but him, Blade and the Bunny don't look like people who would hang together at all.
This was an odd match for me. Pac's been a heel but Fenix is a face...or just a heel who does everything a face does? Who knows. The flippies did some flips and Pac and the Blade traded some forearms. Blade and Butcher got some power stuff in and Pac and Fenix did a bunch of superkicks. Near the end, Kingston crotched Fenix on the top rope and B&B won with a neckbreaker/powerbomb combo for seemingly their first win ever. After the match, Kingston DDT'd Pac onto a chair twice and then Lance Archer chased off Kingston.
Overall thoughts: As usual, I didn't like this episode. The line-up was pretty weak and having the main event with a team who never wins was odd.
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