Friday, May 31, 2013

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/31/2013 Results and Review

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/31/2013 Results and Review

Last week's show is here:

Seth Rollins vs Kane

Kane won with a chokeslam after DB pushed Rollins off the turnbuckle. I didn't like this one. Kane controlled mostly everything and it was of no interest to me.

Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns
They started this immediately after.

Roman Reigns won by DQ after he hit Kane and then Kane hit him back and got caught doing so. I love how the ref was in the same position and was able to see Kane hitting Reigns but couldn't see Reigns hitting Kane. The match was okay and DB made Reigns look fine but the finish was super lame.

This got even stupider after. The ref saw what happened on the big screen and still did nothing about it. Kane and DB argued with DB yelling "you don't think I can do it".

Damien Sandow wanted to play the shell game and Sheamus came out,

Sheamus made a "small balls" joke at Sandow and then decided the play the game. Sheamus picked the wrong cup.
"Congratulations. Your idiot license is good for another year." - Damien Sandow
Sandow then helped him and eliminated one cup from the game.
Sheamus lost again and asked to see under the cup.
"SILENCE." - Sheamus
"Show your balls." - The crowd
Sheamus lifted up the last cup and saw that no ball was inside.
"I am also a magician. Is there no end to my talents?" - Damien Sandow
Sheamus Brogue Kicked Sandow and said "You're Welcome".

Curtis Axel vs Sin Cara

Heyman said that everyone thinks he is lying all the time. Axel said Triple H quit in their match and Cena ran away to get out of their match.
"When you're a Paul Heyman guy, life is...perfect." - Curtis Axel

Curtis Axel won with The Perfect Plex in a short match. Cara got a decent amount of offense in and Axel did chinlocks. The match was alright.

Alberto Del Rio vs Big E Langston
This is their 4th match in 2 weeks.

Big E Langston won with The Big Ending after AJ messed with ADR's eyes. The match was a little bit on the short side but was fine. I loved ADR's german on Big E and Big E looked like he belonged. Their series is now tied 2-2.

Ryback vs Kofi Kingston

Ryback won with a Shellshock in a quick squash. Good stuff here as Ryback was stiff, Kofi jumped high and Kofi brought some aggression.

Ryback powerbombed Kofi through three tables after.

Jericho was interviewed by Renee Young. He cut a very odd promo talking about how Punk is with a dog (Heyman) and has caught all kinds of diseases. He said he would make sure Punk gets spayed and neutered at the PPV. Um, okay.

Chris Jericho vs Cody Rhodes

Chris Jericho won with a Walls of Jericho. The match was quick, action-packed and good. I missed some of it but I did like what I saw. Jericho got the win after catching a Disaster Kick and hitting The Walls.

Randy Orton vs Dean Ambrose

Orton won by DQ when The Shield interfered. I heard that this was great but I didn't see that here. It was slow, the crowd wasn't into it and they barely got halfway through their match when the interference happened. There wasn't anything particularly memorable about this and I don't know where the "greatness" came from.

DB had a monster run in. He was so fired up and did one of the best run-in's I've ever seen. He stiffed people right and left and had the crowd going nuts. Orton and Kane posted with him to end the show.

Overall thoughts: The show was good overall with DB's run in being the highlight. DB's run-in is must see, but nothing else here was.