Friday, October 26, 2012

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/10/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/10/1990

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here:

"What are you wearing? Last week you were decked out in Hulk Hogan garb." - Vince McMahon
"I changed my mind. I did a little bit of studying, the Warrior's going to win at Wrestlemania!" - Jesse Ventura
"Look at the hair on Valentine!" - Jesse Ventura
"What's he doing with that hair? What's he doing with that guitar?" - Vince McMahon
"Look at that greasy black hair on Valentine. I think I've seen it all now." - Vince McMahon
"Valentine knows how to play the guitar. I didn't know he knew how to play that." - Jesse Ventura
Rhythm and Blues - Greg Valentine and The Honky Tonk Man vs Steve Gatorwolf and a Jobber
"He looks a little like the late Roy Orbison" - Jesse Ventura
"I have a surprise at Wrestlemania 6. That's when Rhythm and Blues will debut their hit record. It's called "A Hunka Hunka Honkey Love". - Jimmy Hart
"I'll say at Wrestlemania 6, their name will be up there synonymous with Guns N Roses." - Jesse Ventura
The finish
Rhythm and Blues won in about 2 minutes with a double team backdrop. Not much to this at all. A few punches only until R&B put them away.
"I'm not sure he is actually playing it. Is he?"
"But can Greg the Hammer Valentine sing?" - Vince McMahon
"You know Mr. Fuji, you drive a hard bargainnnn brotha. I had to dig deep in my pocketbook to purchase the Warlord's contract." - Slick
"But now it's cool because now I own him. And it was worth every penny of it, yeahhhhh." - Slick
"Now Mr. Fuji very happy. Making lots and lots of money." - Mr. Fuji
"And you think you're happy Mr. Fuji, I have just secured the contract of the Barbarian. Now I control this monster and alot of people are going to be very very unhappy. Thank you Mr. Fuji!" - Bobby The Brain Heenan
"Fuji's done it again, hasn't he?" - Jesse Ventura
 Mr. Fuji sold the Powers of Pain due to gaining the Orient Express. Not a good trade in my opinion but Mr. Fuji was never really good with making trades. Afterall, he traded the tag team champions Demolition for the Powers of Pain in the first place.

The Big Boss Man vs Iron Mike Sharpe
The Big Boss Man got the win with the Bossman Slam in about two minutes in a fast and decent squash. After the match, Bossman handcuffed Mike Sharpe then choked him with the stick.
"Finally, that's right, finally you beer belly'd sharecropper. The WWF powers that be found me an opponent worthy of me coming into the ring. They got this crazy guy that comes into the ring and flies around and calls himself, Jimmy the Superfly Snooker." - Bad News Brown
"Mr. Fuji very honorable man. When I say I be with my Powers of Pain in a six-man tag, I will be there." - Mr. Fuji
"Anything that stands in our way, we will destroy it." - The Warlord
"Oh, good good good." - Mr. Fuji
"I don't know if I should say this, but Jesse, I think you're running for political office. This week you're wearing Ultimate Warrior stuff and last week it was Hulk Hogan stuff." - Vince McMahon not knowing how right he will be.
Rick The Model Martel vs Louie Spicolli
Rick Martel beat Louie Spicolli in about 2 minutes with a Boston Crab. Louie bumped around a little before falling victim. Quick squash here.
"I feel that Hulkamania is in danger here, Hulkamaniac's. This is the ultimate test of all times. That's why I went back to my roots in Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, Califonia. I went up to the magic mirror and said, Mirror Mirror on the wall, is the Ultimate Warrior going to make the Hulkster rise and fall?" - Hulk Hogan
"I did not get a clear answer Hulkamaniac's. This time the magic mirror looked at me and said, understand the natural balance in nature. You'll know if it comes." - Hulk Hogan
"If I realize that you are the new chosen one, I have an obligation to fight for my Hulkamanics." - Hulk Hogan
"As you, Hulk Hogan, travel to WRESTLEMANIA by conventional means the normals you travel with experience malfunctions. As you realize all that is left is total self destruction, do you Hulk Hogan show self-pity? Do you Hulk Hogan try to reason why? Do you Hulk Hogan try and comfort the normals that have even more fear then you?" - The Ultatime Warrior
"Or do you, Hulk Hogan, get the doors out, kick the cockpit door down.." - The Ultimate Warrior
"take the two pilots that have already made the sacrifice so that you can face that challenge to pose to them Hulk Hogan. As you assume the controls, Hulk Hogan..." - The Ultimate Warrior
"Shove that plane into a NOSEDIVE, Hulk Hogan, push yourself to total self-distruction. As you realize Hulk Hogan that you are about to enter a world close to Parts Unknown, oh smell it Warriors. Do you Hulk Hogan look for a place to hide? Or do you Hulk Hogan, face that challenge that may be even more powerful than you are Hulk Hogan." - The Ultimate Warrior
"You Hulk Hogan, must self destruct so that you Hulk Hogan know who is the chosen one. For Hulk Hogan, I am not the chosen one that you speak of. I am not. I Hulk Hogan, am the only one." - The Ultimate Warrior

"There's a guy that oughta run for political office." - Jesse Ventura
Akeem vs Riki Ataki
"Right here, brotha." - Slick
"Get up, you dummy." - Akeem
"Uh oh, this is trouble. Big trouble for Ataki." - Vince McMahon
"It's OVERRRR." - Slick
Akeem beat Riki Ataki with the big splash following an avalanche. As usual, about two minutes and all squash.

The Brother Love Show with The Hart Foundation
"Times are changing and that great big wall is crumbling down. So the Hart Foundation is going to send the Bolsheviks right through the roof of the SkyDome baby." - Jim Neidhart
"The Hart Foundation wants to win back the championship belts and the only way to do that, is to right now, issue a challenge to the winner of the match between the Colossal Connection and the Demolition. We want the winner of that one, Brother Love." - Bret The Hitman Hart
"Sapphire, get ready to take the beating of your life. I'm gonna knock the spots off your fat booty." - Sensational Queen Sherri
"Piper, are you nervous? Are you scared? Are you shaking? I'm gonna bring you into the dangerous world of Bad News Brown and you're not gonna escape." - Bad News Brown
"Wrestlemania 6, we got a golden oppurtunity to get back our belts and Heenan, there's nothing you can do about it." - Demolition Axe 
"We've done our running, we've done our training and there's only one thing left to do, go to the ring and get our belts back." - Demolition Smash
"Hi, Rona Barrett reporting from Hollywood. Jesse the Body Ventura always claims to speak his mind, but when it comes to picking the winner of the Ultimate Challenge, he can't even make up his mind. I'll tell you why at Wrestlemania." - Rona Barrett
Hulk Hogan vs Dino Bravo from Wrestling Challenge
Maybe I mentioned it, maybe I didn't, but Dino Bravo is my least favorite wrestler of all time. I don't think I saw one good match out of him in his whole WWF run,
Hulk Hogan beat Dino Bravo clean with a legdrop in about a 3-4 minute match. Not too much to this due to time constraints but I liked it. The crowd was molten for this. However, Earthquake attacked...
"We may get Wrestlemania before Wrestlemania." - Jesse Ventura
"Several weeks ago the Warrior was in trouble with the Earthquake and the Hulkster came down. I guess he is returning the favor." - Vince McMahon
The Ultimate Warrior then sprinted back down the aisle.
"The belt isn't the answer. I never wanted the belt. I want what's below the belt, on the backside. The large piece if you don't mind." - Jake the Snake Roberts on Ted Dibiase
Next week - Jim Duggan, Bad News Brown, Ted Dibiase, Dusty Rhodes and Brutus Beefcake.

Overall thoughts: The build-up to Wrestlemania 6 was really great here. Lots of interesting promo's and they really set just about everything up minus one or two matches. They furthered the Warrior vs Hogan storyline and Warrior cut the infamous "turn that plane into a nosedive" promo and we got the sale of the Powers of the Pain. This was packed with stuff and it made me really excited for Wrestlemania! Hey, it's only 3 weeks away! This was a great show(though not for wrestling) so it's worth a look!

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