Friday, July 5, 2024

AEW Rampage 7/5/2024

AEW Rampage 7/5/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Rush vs Komander

Rush isn't impressed by him. Rush piefaces him andpushes him over. Kom hits punches then flying headscissors him. Kom is thrown down hard off a springboard attempt on the floor. Rush chops Kom down then sends him into the rails.

Rush chairs Kom and whips him with cables. Rush then chokes him with the cables. Rush powerslams him then double stomps him. Kom tornado ddt's Rush. Kom dives off the apron to hurricanrana Rush but Rush catches him and swings him into the rails. Don puts Rush over and said earlier he had a business meeting with him.

We go to PiP break and return. Rush stomps on him in the corner. Rush does the tranquillo pose. Rush rips at Kom's neck and kicks him while he's in tree of woe. Rush misses a corner dropkick then Kom tornillos him off the top.

Kom topes him into the commentary table then asai moonsaults him. Kom top rope ssp's him for 2. Rush rebound germans him. Kom kicks him in the knee then spin kicks him. Kom hits chops then Rush headbutts him. Rush 2nd rope deadlift superplexes him for 2.  Rush chops him on the apron. Kom jawbreakers him then Kom is belly to belly suplexed off the apron to the floor. Rush hits a corner dropkick on Kom and wins.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to and they did more than they needed to here. The belly to belly spot off the apron wasn't needed at all. I would have been okay with it if they had ended it somewhere after the SSP, but it kept going.

Rush throws Komander over near Don Callis after. Don loves it.

Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett are interviewed by Renee. Taven rips the new Conglomerate crew of OC, Mark Briscoe and friends. Strong says he hasn't forgotten or forgiven being beat for the TV title. He tells Kyle O'Reilly that he is better with him.

Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher vs Private Party

PP get nailed before they even get in. Zay hit forearms on Kyle then Kyle forearms him back. Zay goes up and over then armdrags him. Zay springboard armdrags him. Quen springboard dropkicks Kyle. Kyle then slams Quen.

KT hits punches on Quen then Quen moonsaults him off the top. KT double suplexes PP then double sentons them when they are stacked on each other. We go to PiP break then full break and return. Quen suplexes KT. Zay springboard splashes Kyle.

Zay hits forearms on Kyle then pop-up hurricanrana's him. Zay pop-up dropkicks KT. Zay does a nice tornillo dive outside. Zay then puts on a shark fin hat and top rope swantons Kyle. Kyle gets his knees up on Quen's 450. KT release germans Quen.

Kyle and KT hit stereo brainbusters on PP for 2. KT takes a gin and juice. PP do a silly string and Zay tornado ddt's Kyle. PP do stereo dives with Quen getting a 2 count off a 450 on KT.

KT lariats both PP members. Quen jack knife pins Kyle for 2. They trade spinning forearms then Kyle half and half suplexes Quen. KT blue thunders Zay. Kyle then does his weird piledirver on Quen and wins.

Thoughts: I liked it. It maybe went a little long but we had a fast paced, some nice flying and a lot of good looking moves here. It couldn't have went much better than it did.

We see footage of Don Callis and Rush meeting outside somehwere. Don asks if he has what it takes. Don talks about his resume and says he knows everything about Rush. He asks why they aren't doing business together. Don says to let him show what he can do. Rush shakes hands with him and they seem to agree on a partnership.

Kyle O'Reilly vs GPA

Strong, Taven and Bennett are on commentary. Kyle running facekicks him and hits knees to the gut. Kyle knees him in the gut. Kyle sliding knees him then pulls on his face. GPA his jawbreakers. Kyle hits leg kicks, a chest kick and a legsweep.

Kyle armbreakers him over the shoulder then falcon arrows him into an armbar. Kyle then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here to fill time. 

Strong's crew tries to celebrate with Kyle after but he walks out.

Samoa Joe talks about Chris Jericho. He asks how much faith Jericho has in his fellow man. He says he will break and bleed Jericho next week. He says he will torture him around the building and asks who will try to stop him when he strangles him. He says he has faith that he will massacre him and asks if he has enough faith in anyone to hope they stop him.

I thought this was a good promo here by Joe.

We get a video on Hikaru Shida.

Toni Storm does a video on Trish Adora. She says she will sink her battleship and says let's make cinema.

Women's Owen Hart Tournament Semifinal - Hikaru Shida vs Mariah May

Shida headscissors her and they trade forearms. Shida jumping knees her and hits corner punches. May shotgun dropkicks her then hits chest slaps. Shida hits chest forearms and is chopped. May snapmares her and chest kicks her.

May suplexes her then high kicks her. May goes for a sunset bomb on the floor but is hurricanrana'd. Shida running knees her. Shida and Toni Storm yell at each other and we go to PiP break.

We return and May hits lariats. May pumping knees her. May does a handstand hurricanrana on the ropes. May top rope dropkicks her for 2. May corner euros her. Shida step up enzugiri's her then bangs her head off the buckles. Shida 2nd rope superplexes her for 2.

Shida hits forearms then clubs on her. May spinning side slams her. Shida germans her then May germans her back. Shida hits a forearm and falcon arrows her. May backdrops her and corner hip attacks her. Shida goes for the spinning knee and May rolls her up.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with May getting the surprise pin. The finish didn't look that great on this one though. It feels like this is one of the few non-title match losses Shida has ever taken.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay edition of Rampage with two decent matches here. It wasn't must see but I was alright with it. I liked KT/Kyle vs Private Party and the main was fine. I almost liked Rush/Komander but it went on longer than it needed to.

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