Sunday, March 24, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 3/24/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 3/24/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Lucky P. Larson and Drew Abbenhaus are our hosts today. Larson says he will manage the 3x tag champs by the end of this episode. Drew says it will be The Top Guns vs The LA Hustlers for the SICW Tag Titles tonight.

Wrex Amadeus vs Peyton Ayres

Stephen E. is with Peyton. They lock up and Wrex side headlocks him. Peyton runs him into the ropes and they trade shoulders. Peyton clubs Wrex in the chest then Wrex face kicks him. Stephen E. grabs Wrex's boot and Wrex gets splashed. Peyton throws Wrex across the ring then hits a big slam.

Peyton pulls on Wrex's beard then Wrex chinbreakers him. Wrex is pulled down by the hair. Peyton corner splashes Wrex then front facelocks him. Wrex has his crossbody caught then Peyton slams him. Peyton picks up the win.

It was a short one. Wrex got a little more in than usual here but it still kind of bordered on a squash. 

Stephen E. puts the Saudi flag on Wrex after. 

Destiny Lynch interviews Bobby D, who has a Bruiser Brody Memorial Trophy with him. He says he will be the 3x champ of it soon. He talks about Steve Fender cheating to get the win on him. Bobby said he needs to take Steve's titles to take him down a notch. He said he has something in store for Sean Vincent as well and said Sean will see what he's capable of tonight vs Richard Shaw.

Shogun vs "The Donfather" Lou Gotti

Lou picks him up then shoulders him over. Lou picks him up like a suplex and drops Shogun's neck on his knee. Lou hits chops and backbreakers Lou as he comes off the buckles. Lou hits another backbreaker and gets the quick win here.

Lou hit a couple of backbreakers here in this quick squash. Shogun didn't get much in except a few shots from the corner, but it was still more than he usually gets. 

Promoter's Corner - SICW Tag Titles - The LA Hustlers (c) vs The Top Guns

This is from February.  

The Hustlers throw powder at The Guns. The fight then goes outside.  Diggs hits punches on Baretta then Baretta bangs Diggs' head off the apron. Potts hits shots on Vinetti outside and Diggs is put in a chair so Baretta can hit him. Potts takes a back body drop on the floor.

Baretta hits chops on Potts then bangs his head off the buckles. Vinetti corner lariats Potts then Potts is whipped into a big lariat from Baretta. Vinetti lariats Potts then slams him. Vinetti is pendulum dropped on Potts for 2.

Diggs fights off a double team then takes a big double hiptoss. Baretta suplexes Potts then rolls out of the ring, avoiding a double team. Vinetti's leg is hit off the post by Diggs then Potts hits corner spears on Vinetti. Vinetti is double slammed into the buckles then Diggs throws Potts into Vinetti's gut. Larson chokes Vinetti. The ref sees it but doesn't DQ anyone.

Diggs slams Vinetti then chokes him. Potts corner stomps Vinetti then Baretta takes a chokeslam from Diggs. Diggs slams Vinetti. Potts is rocket launched by Vinetti rolls out of the way. Potts back elbows Vinetti then sleepers him.

Vinetti chinbreakers Potts. Baretta is tagged in and hits corner spears on Potts. Vinetti misses a flying clothesline then Baretti is held for a lariat from Potts. Potts takes a big bump over the top then Vinetti lariats him. Larson holds up his briefcase on the apron and Diggs is sent into it, taking a big bump for it.

Kowalski comes down then Big Joe Helms hits shots on him, sending him to the back. Baretta hits a HUGE bodyslam on Diggs then Vinetti is rocket launched onto Diggs. The Top Guns win!

We saw clips of this a few weeks ago and it was real nice to see the full thing here. This was really good. Potts took some huge bumps here and looked great doing it. The Baretta slam on Diggs was awesome here and Diggs also took a nice bump for the briefcase shot. I really liked this one and would say it's the best match I've seen so far out of this promotion.

Lucky P. Larson and The LA Hustlers are interviewed. Larson said his team will be the 3x champs soon. He said his team is the best team while The Guns are the luckiest team. Larson said his men leave with the belts tonight. Larson said Joe Helms will never get 5 minutes alone with him as Kowalski is 2-0 against him. Larson said he has all sorts of weapons in his arsenal. Diggs was offered the chance to say something but pushed the mic away.

The Uber Destroyer vs Jason Breed

Breed's a pretty thick dude. They lock up and Uber misses a club to the chest. Breed hits some shots to the back of the head then snapmares him. Breed running boots him then Uber hits shots and stomps in the corner. Uber puts the iron claw on Breed then chokes him.

Uber does a nice beale throw then suplexes him. Uber puts the iron claw on him again then hits more punches. Uber sliding lariats him and they trade shots. Breed running euros him in the corner then rakes his eyes. Breed hits more shots to the back of the neck then hits a nice corner splash.

Breed flying back elbows Uber for 2. Uber ddt's him and they trade shots. Breed goes up and over him in the corner then dropkicks him. Breed cannonballs him then The Professionals attack Breed, causing a DQ.

Breed is pounded on then takes a stiff double clothesline. Breed takes a backdrop + top rope elbow combo and is laid out. Drew says The Professionals are back with a message. Larson hugs The Professionals after.

The Professionals and Lucky P. Larson are interviewed. Larson says welcome home. One of the Pros says we're back. He says they warned and stood by while everyone got too comfortable in SICW. He said they are the measuring stick of tag team wrestling. He said they brought Joe Helms into the fold, clothing him and giving him money. He then said Joe went against the family. He said Breed got in the way too and paid his dues for putting his hands on the boss. He said The Top Guns better sleep with one eye open. The other Pro says they are back here to claim what is theirs. Larson tells Big Joe Helms that he isn't winning and says he's the smartest man in wrestling.

The promo after was good. Breed is super thick and had a football player build. I'd like to see him improve on his strikes some as they weren't the best. It was nice to see Uber Destroyer in a longer match for a change. The match wasn't the best though.

Bobby D vs Richard Shaw

They lock up and Bobby wristlocks him. Larson said Shaw has a lot of confidence for being on a losing streak. Bobby bangs Shaw's arm off his shoulder then Shaw hits corner spears. Shaw slams Bobby then misses a knee drop. Bobby drops down on Shaw's leg then toe holds him.

Drew questions how Larson's crew can all get along and Larson said it's all one big happy family. Bobby then submits Shaw with a sharpshooter.

It was a quick squash here with Shaw losing as expected. 

SICW Tag Titles - The Top Guns (c) vs The LA Hustlers

Baretta and Potts start us off. Baretta side headlocks him  then shoulders him over. Potts works Baretta's arm then Potts takes a double axe handle on the arm. Vinetti side headlocks Potts then Vinetti is held for a shot from Diggs. Diggs clubs on Vinetti then uppercuts him. Vinetti takes a double team then he is choked on the ropes.

Potts punches Vinetti then lariats him. Diggs kneelifts Vinetti. Vinetti ddt's Diggs then Baretta hits a boot flurry on Diggs in the corner. Baretta gets his boots up in the corner then 2nd rope shoulders Diggs. Baretta slams Vinetti on Diggs.

Vinetti is double foot choked in the corner. Vinetti sunset flips Potts. Potts holds onto Diggs and the ref breaks it up. Potts double axe handles Vinetti. Potts splashes Vinetti in the corner but is slammed. Vinetti goes for a pin but Diggs pulls the ref away.

Potts hits corner spears on Vinetti then Potts nails Diggs when Vinetti moves. Baretta gets a hot tag in and beats up Potts. Baretta hits a nice dropkick on Potts. Diggs pulls the ref out then argues with him outside. Diggs trips Baretta and pulls him out. All 4 men fight outside and they go to a double countout.

The fight continues after and Vinetti is rammed into the apron edge. Diggs chokes Baretta and the show ends while they fight.

Unfortunately, there was one major problem with this match - the video was shown at about 1.15x the normal speed. You could definitely tell if you looked at how the ref was counting and how everyone was moving fast when the pace was slow. Maybe it was on accident, maybe it was to fill TV time, but it was definitely there.

It was not as good as the other Guns/Hustlers match on the show. It wasn't awful or anything but just average for the most part and it had a dirty finish. The match being sped up also was real distracting and made it harder to get into it. However, these guys are clearly not done with each other and I'm sure there's going to be a rematch, so the dirty finish wasn't for nothing.

Overall thoughts: The Guns/Hustlers Promoter's Corner match is worth a look. It was the best match I've seen the two teams have and it was the best match I've seen on SICW TV. The Professionals cut a good promo in their return here and Larson/Drew were entertaining as usual. I'd recommend seeing it just for the Guns/Hustlers match.

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