Saturday, December 31, 2022

AEW Rampage 12/23/2022

AEW Rampage 12/23/2022

I didn't see last week's show.

AEW $300,000 Three Kings Trios Battle Royale

So they had a bunch of trios do a battle royale here. Some teams entered later than other teams did for unknown reasons. Preston Vance made his big debut with Rush's team here and of course was eliminated. The Spanish Announce Project also made their big tv debut to a loss. Ari Daivari may have also made his debut here on TV with Woods and Nese and of course, they lost too. I believe Mox eliminated himself and recreated the famous Mil Mascaras self-elimination at the 1997 Royal Rumble to jump onto Adam Page, who wasn't in the match and had interfered. Top Flight shockingly ended up winning this one, taking out Claudio Castagnoli. The whole thing went around 22 minutes, which is super long and as I always say, battle royales really aren't that good, so it felt extra long. You really have to give it to AEW for having three different teams job in their TV debut here. I don't know if that has ever been done before.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz came out. Ortiz had a picture of a dog and made barking sounds. I have no idea what that was about. Eddie said the House of Black didn't sign a contract for a match with them and said he wants to fight them now. Eddie told them to hit the lights and do the creepy crap. Julia Hart pointed at the tron and HoB were in their mystery realm doing a promo. Malakai Black had some stupid line where he asked if a friend of his enemy was influenced by him, if he was an enemy too. Eddie and Ortiz were confused by this.

Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara were interviewed. They argued over the mic and Garcia said he didn't like Sammy being his lead. He said he was a professional and Sammy said he was tight and needed to loosen up. Sammy said Garcia needs a hug then hugged him. He said they are a family and said they would do great things in the new year.

AEW TBS Title - Eliminator - Jade Cargill vs Vertvixen

Jade won in a quick squash here. She got a slam in and we went to PIP break immediately. Jade hit a big superkick when we returned then an axe kick and a pump kick.

Ruby Soho does a promo. She said her match against Tay Melo was supposed to be the end of that story. She said Anna Jay then jumped her and now she needs help. She found Willow Nightingale to help her and they are already putting them together as an odd couple type.

Wardlow does a promo on Joe. He said he find it comical that Joe says he is dangerous yet attacks him from behind. He said Joe's crown is not his as he never beat him. He said Joe's reign as king comes to an end.

We go outside with Alex Marvez and see Hobbs threatening someone against the side of the building. It was only a few seconds long.

We get a split screen interview with The Acclaimed and Sonjay Dutt's crew. Dutt said they took out Max last time and will do the same to Bowens now. Lethal says they will prove they are better wrestlers. Billy Gunn tells them to shut up. Bowens said they will beat Jeff Jarrett's geriatric butt all over Texas and says San Antonio will show that everyone loves The Acclaimed.

Billy Gunn and Anthony Bowens vs Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal

Jay and Bowens trade chest slaps for punches. Jay gets cradled and they trade more chops for punches. Bowens jumping legdrops his neck from behind. JJ eye pokes Billy then back elbows him. JJ drops his body on him on the 2nd rope then is lariated. Billy falcon arrows him for 2. Jay comes off the top onto Billy but is hit in the gut. Jay takes a side facekick then is slammed by Bowens. Billy and Bowens scissor and drop a double elbow off of it for 2.

Jay misses an elbow then Bowens is lariated on the floor by JJ. We go to PiP break. We return and Bowens takes a back body drop from JJ. Bowens is gut kicked into a Lethal neckbreaker. Jay suplexes Bowens then Bowens rolls him up. Jay backbreakers him into a flatliner for 2. JJ hits some nice punches on Bowens then Bowens superkicks him.

Billy gets the hot tag in and beats up both heels. Singh gets in the ring and Billy lariats him over the top. Singh lands on his feet, Billy catches Jay's lethal injection and cobra clutch slams him for 2. Dutt is nailed by Bowens then JJ hits the stroke on Bowens. Max gets on the apron and hits JJ then JJ is thrown out. Dutt low blows Billy then Jay hits the lethal injection for the win on Billy.

This was actually a really fun tag match with some great work by the vets as you would expect. The ref was bad here though. There's no way Aubrey couldn't have seen the interference yet nothing was done about it.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main but little else here.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

AEW Dynamite 12/28/2022

AEW Dynamite 12/28/2022

Last week's show is here:

Bryan Danielson vs Ethan Page

MJF's music hits as the match is about to start. He is up in a box with someone who isn't his wife and said he found the only hot chick in Colorado.

Page jumps Bryan and takes a shoulderblock. Bryan gets slammed then comes back with a flying elbow. They trade chops and Bryan knees him in the gut. Bryan works his knees and stomps on his achilles tendon. Bryan top rope dropkicks him and kips up then Stokeley Hathaway gets on the apron. Bryan knocks his hat off and Page is dorpkicked out. Bryan topes Page and we go to PiP break.

We return with Page in control. Page takes a german and Bryan hits chops and kicks. Bryan top rope hurricanrana's him then kick combso him. Page goes over the top and Bryan dropkicks him through the ropes then jumping knee's him from the apron. Stokeley tries to pull him away and it isn't sold. Bryan is then sent into the steps and pulled into a powerslam on the floor. Page pulls him up for another slam but takes a ddt out of it.

Bryan puts him in the yes lock and they go up top. Page top rope powerslams him thne Bryan hits a flying knee. Bryan hits a reverse curb stomp and wins with the STF.

I didn't like Bryan getting powerslammed on the floor or getting slammed from the top and neither one counting here. Bryan took way too much offense here and it didn't really get sold or matter much at the end.

Samoa Joe did a promo on Wardlow. He said he is a hunter and he studies. He said he took his notes when he teamed with Wardlow to take what he wanted from him. He said Wardlow didn't do his homework.

Wardlow is interviewed, wearing a coat that's too big. He said otnight is about powerful actions then Joe comes in and hits him with a steel pipe in the knee. Joe says there's your action and says he did this to him.

The doc is looking at Adam Page with The Dark Order. Page said there is no update and he's not looking promising. The doc says Page needs to wait at least 2 more weeks but says he may never come back if he keeps getting riled up.

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli vs Top Flight

TF hits the BCC on thier entrance. Darius dives on Mox and is twisted into the rails then Claudio drops Dante on the rails. Claudio hits euros and stomps on Darius then Claudio hits Karelin's lift on him. Mox claws Darius' back then Darius top rope dropkicks him.

Dante gets the hot tag in and springboard crossbodies Mox. He shotgun dropkicks him then hits a standing moonsault. Mox saito suplexes Dante and then rains elbows on him. Darius clips Mox and we go to PiP break.

We return and Darius is working Mox's foot. Mox hits his release suplex on Darius. Claudio gets in and hits euro uppercuts on Dante then running dropkicks him. Claudio takes a double team ddt from Top Flight. Claudio reverses a double suplex and hits his own. Claudio takes more offense then all 4 guys are down.

Mox takes a double superkick then Claudio takes a doubler superkick. Claudio throws out Dante and he topes Mox then Darius hits a standing spanish fly on Claudio. Darius backslides Claudio then takes a neutralizer for 2. Cesaro rains elbows on Darius and doesn't break when Dante kicks him. Mox lariats Dante then ddt's him on the floor. Darius hits Claudio then is euro'd and pinned.

I wasn't a big fan of this one. Top Flight did htier usual stuff and they just did a lot of kicking out of things. Top Flight losing also doesn't really help them and I don't even know if they have won since Darius returned.

The Best Friends, Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford do a promo. Kip is wearing eyeliner. He said it's about time he beats OC for the All-Atlantic title. Trent said he should get a title shot before him and OC agreed. Kip said he looks forward to seeing it.

Hook vs Baylum Lynx

What a stupid name. Hook does a big hip toss early then does a suplex. Hook then hits crossfaces and wins with the redrum in seconds.

Stokeley came out with Lee and Big Bill. Stoke didn't think he was so bad and said Hook is like the Southwest Airlines of AEW (They left a lot of people stranded and cancelled flights this weekened). Jungle Boy then came out and went after Lee Moriarty then Hook went face to chest with Big Bill. Hook tried to suplex him but couldn't then JB stopped Bill's chokeslam with a 2x4 shot. Bill then ran out after a 2x4 shot attempt.

I don't like Bill running away from these guys and Hook got exposed going up against him. This was a rare double burial.

We see clips of Jericho being beaten by Action Andretti and see Ricky starks turning down the JAS.

Jericho does a promo saying Starks turned down the oppurtunity of a lifetime to join with him. He said he is foolish and small minded. He said Starks doesn't have all the tools to be a star, but he does. He told Action Andretti not to come back and said he would put an end to the Starks experiment in their match together.

Mogul Affiliates do a promo minus Rick Ross. Swerve said Lee had to go and he had to replace him with two people who believe in his leadership. He said we would find out who the tattoo'd guy is soon. Wheeler Yuta walks in and said he thought he couldn't think anything less of him. Swerve asks him what he wants and Yuta asks him to meet him on Rampage if he wants something dirty and violent.

Best of 7 Series, Match 6 - Falls Count anywhere -  The Elite vs Death Triangle

The Elite won as expected. Lots of flips, apron moves, floor moves and weapons shots here. Kenny ended up winning this with a one winged angel off a riser through a table/crash pads on Fenix while Pac had a Buck in the brutalizer. They did too much as usual and I wasn't a big fan of this one. 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn did a rap video on Jeff Jarrett and friends. They were fooling around at a park with people dressed up as Jeff Jarrett and Black Machismo.

Anna Jay and Tay Melo vs Ruby Soho and Willow Nightingale

Tay escapes Willow and dances and twerks around. Willow throws her down then twerks back at her. Ruby tags herself in and Tay runs and tags out. Willow slams Anna then drops Ruby on her. Willow kicks Anna in the chest then splashes her as she sits down. Anna chokes Willow and we go to PiP break.

We return and Willow takes shots in the corner. Tay back elbows her there and Anna spin kicks her there. Ruby gets the hot tag in and spears Tay then hits forearms. Ruby sto's Anna and kicks Tay for 2. Everyone then gets a move in and all 4 go down. Tay takes a saito suplex from Ruby for 2\ then Ruby takes a hook kick and a ddt from the heels. Anna is speared onto Tay then is suplexed on the floor. Tay and Ruby exchange shots and headbutt each other at the same time.

Willow is sent into the post and Anna grabs a chair. Anna goes to hit Willow with it but the ref pulls it away. Tay then brings in a chair and pump kicks it into Ruby. Tay hit her Tay-KO and wins it.

This wasn't anything too special.

The Gunns are interviewed as they leave. They said they are in party mode and have a reservation in 20 minutes. They said they will address their win over FTR next week and leave. OK. No idea what the point of that was.

Ricky Starks is interviewed about fighting Chris Jericho. He said he is feeling better than Action Andretti and says he will get revenge for him against Jericho. Starks says he is a star that Jericho can control and says Jericho doesn't like that he can think for himself. Starks says he will take Jericho down several notches because he can.

We have new match graphics for next week's Dynamite.

TNT Title - Samoa Joe vs Wardlow

Wardlow's music hits but he doesn't come out. Joe says it looks like Wardlow is suffering from stage fright and he will have to find his own opponent. Wardlow then comes out with people tryin to hold him back and him limping.

Wardlow goes after Joe and hits a bunch of shots then shoulders him over. Joe hits leg kicks then takes a spinebuster. Wardlow hits mounted punches then takes a uranage in the corner. Wardlow hits a big lariat then is dropped on his knees. We go to PiP break and Wardlow is getting worked on by the doc outside.

We come back and Wardlow is trying to get back in then is stomped by Joe. Joe punches the knee and ties it up then Wardlow hits a top ropw swanton. They trade forearms and Joe is german suplexed. Wardlow walks up the buckles and hits a whisper in the wind and takes a hard landing on his foot. Wardlow powerbombs Joe then Joe chopblocks him.  Joe then chokes him out to win it.

This match really wasn't tha great. They spent most of the match working Wardlow's knee, which ultimately went nowhere since Joe won with the choke. Wardlow also stopped selling the knee long before. I don't know why Wardlow lost here and there's no reason for him to be losing at all. Another hoss, another loss because AEW is where the big boys lay.

Joe nails Wardlow with the belt after to make him look like an idiot even more. Joe pushes the ref down then cuts Wardlow's ponytail off.

Darby Allin's music hit after then he hit Joe with a skateboard from behind. This also made Wardlow look bad.

Overall thoughts: Really wasn't a fan of this one. The matches went long and had lots of issues. Big Bill looked like an idiot again and in the main, Wardlow got beat and got his chance to look like an idiot as well. MJF also cheated on his wife on national television, which I guess we are supposed to ignore.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

WWE NXT 12/27/2022

WWE NXT 12/27/2022

Julius Creed and Brutus talked about the holidays and said they gotta get back on track.

JD McDonagh said he's glad the holidays are over and he wants the give the gift of loss to Julius Creed.

Julius Creed vs JD McDonagh

Creed did a side headlock takedown early and Creed used the ropes to sit down and flip out of an arm hold. Creed then went outside and dropped him on the announcer's table. Creed went into the post outside and JD pulled him into the post. We went to PiP break and returned to JD working the arm with a keylock.

Creed lifts him up while in the lock and suplexes him out of it. Creed hits a hard backbreaker and hits a high knee. JD then standing spanish flies him. Creed release germans him and JD no sells it to ste up enzugiri him. JD then brainbusters him for 2. JD goes up top and Creed jumps up there only to get knocked down. JD misses a top rope moonsault then Creed drives him into the mat and wins it wit ha sliding clothesline.

It was kind of on the shorter and and it was okay, though I didn't like JD basically no selling the release german.

Indus Sheer come out after. They tell them they want a match at New Years Evil. They say they will get the respect they deserve when they destroy them.

Tony D and Stacks are interviewed. Tony says he wins his first title in 2022 tonight. He is asked about Dijak and says Stacks took care of him. Stacks says Dijak won't be an issue and Tony will win the N-A title.

The Schism do a promo. They said they understand that they are intimidating and said anyone who crossed their path weren't treated well. They talked about what they did to Blade, Odyssey and Enofe. They said they wil lshow them that togetherness is what binds them and said they are four roots on one tree.

Cora Jade vs Wendy Choo

Choo runs in and goes after her then hits a japanese arm drag. Cora bangs Choo's head off the apron and misses a cane shot. Choo bangs Cora's head of the apron then rolls her up. Cora uses the bottom rope and jumps off to double stomp Choo's back. They trade punches and Cora is caught on a step up knee and powerbombed for 2.

Choo hits an overhead belly to belly then does a handspring into a corner splash. Choo does a sleeping crossbody off the 2nd rope for 2. Cora is pulled into the 2nd buckle then slammed. Choo then does her inverted splash for the win.

There wasn't anything wrong with it, but it went a little long and wasn't particularly special.

Ikemen Jiro talked in the back. He said his jacket is part of who he is. He said he is just Jiro without it and said tonight he will beat Scrypts and take his jacket back.

Briggs is warming up Fallon Henley in the back and Jensen is more worried about the shirt Kiana James gave him. He said he is on Fallon's side, but she isn't convinced.

Ikemen Jiro vs Scrypts

Scypts had a new entrance here and he popped in the ring behind Jiro with his jacket, surprising him. Jiro takes a shotgun dropkick then superkicks him off the apron. Jiro hits a tope con hilo. Jiro goes for a slingshot sunset flip but Scrypts flips out and dropkicks him. Scrypts pounds on him and puts some holds on him then Jiro backbody drops him.

Jiro hits some punches and a knee then Scrypts missing a running ssp. Scrypts hits a 450 la silla off the top and wins it.

It had a lot of flying and they matched up well, but the crowd is just obsessed with giving Scrypts a hard time by chanting Reggie, and this gimmick isn't great.

We get an Oro Mensah video of him at the club.

Alba Fyre said Isla Dawn has brought her to her breaking point. She said we will see who is laughing last as next week they fight in an anything goes matvch. she says she will end her.

Lash Legend vs Lyra Valkyria

Lash throws her by the hair early then splashed her. She dropped an elbow on the back of her neck for 2. Lyra hits some kicks then can't knock her over with shoulders. Lyra armdrags her out from the wheelbarrow position then dropkicks her through the ropes. Lyra is pulled off the apron and bangs her head off of it.

Lyra hits more kicks and is backbreakered off a failed crossbody attempt. Lash misseds on a handspring moonsault then Lyra hits more strikes. Lyra flying clotheslines her then they mess up a ddt. Lyra spin kicks her to the head while she is kneeling then does a weak top rope splash to win it.

This was one of the better matches Lash was involved with. Lash busted out a new handspring into a moonsault here and it did have some rough moments.

Gig and Jacy are in the Toxic Lounge. They talk about 2022 and don't show Mandy Rose. They even talk about Mandy dropping the title to Roxanne without mentioning her. they say they will rebuild and return to glory and say it starts by taking down Perez as she took down their empire.

This was a weird and bad segment since they couldn't bring up Mandy Rose.

Bron Breakker is interviewed. He said he fell into Waller's trap last week. He said he's going into the ring and calling him out. Mckenzie said Waller's not here, but he sent him a video message. Waller is in Australia and basically talked about himself as he hit various sites there. He said he would be back next week and would become NXT champ at New Years Evil. He said they can sign the contract next week at the Grayson Waller Effect. Bron threw the tv and left.

The Schism vs Odyssey Jones, Malik Blade and Edris Enofe

Blade flips out of a backdrop or something early and they do a stand off. Jagger hits shots on Blade then Blade hits a nice dropkick. Enofe flying clotheslines Jagger for 2. Rip lariats Enofe then suplexes him. Enofe hits a nice dropkick on Rip. Rip goes for a crossbody on OJ and gets knocked over then OJ rolls on him.

Ri pis slammed then Blade stands on OJ's shoulders and jumps off. We get a 6 person stand off and we go to break. We return and Rip has a bulldog choke on Blade. Ava Raine yells at Booker T on commentary, saying Schism is the definition of living your best life. Blade gets out of a 2v1 and makes the hot tag to OJ. OJ cleans house and splashes Dyad. OJ hits a double side slam on Dyad then Enofe top rope elbows Jagger for 2.

OJ is pulled out and gets held. Jagger topes him but he stands, then the rest of Schism tries as well but he won't go down in a cool spot. OJ finally goes down then Blade flips on Gacy and Rip off the steps. Enofe springboard kicks Jagger then Jagger does a double doomsday device on Enofe and Blade. Enofe takes a double codebreaker into a Gacy handspring lariat and Schism wins it.

I expected it to be good and it was. I liked the tope spot on OJ and the finishing stretch was a lot of fun.

Kiana James and Fallon Henley are walking to the ring.

Trick Williams and Melo are interviewed. Tirck says he fights Axiom next week and one thing he can't do is Whoop Dat Trick. Melo says he becomes NXT champ this year and says he can get there once Apollo Crews gets out of his way.

Battle for the Bar - Kiana James vs Fallon Henley

KJ hits a big chop early and they work each others arms. They trade back elbows and Fallon shoulders her. Fallon kicks her to the side of the head and slides out to try and hit the punch but Kiana gets the apron up. She lets it down then is punched. KJ hits a lariat for 2. KJ puts her on her shoulders and drops her on her chest then bodyscissors her.

They trade shots and KJ swinging facebusters her. KJ gutbusters her for 2. Fallon hits a flying knee and wins it.

I wasn't super impressed by this one. Fallon should hate htis woman and didn't seem all that mad despite her possibly losing her family's bar due to this. This should have also been higher up on the card and had more time.

KJ shakes her head at Fallon after and Jensen looks like he feels bad for her.

Roxanne Perez is interviewed. She said time moves fast and said she needs to be on her game every night. She said she has to live up to the history of the NXT title and it's a pressure she doesn't take lightly. She said she will do everything she can to represent the title. 

Isla Dawn does a promo on Alba Fyre. She said the next step in her revolution happens next week. I didn't really get what this was about.

The Drew Gulak Invitational

We see Drew Gulak, Tavion Heights, Myles Borne and someone named Luka there. Gulak chicken wings him then asks to roll around with Tavion. They wrestle and Gulak does a double leg lock on him and taps him. Myles Borne is then brought in and Borne fireman's carries him. Borne then is tapped out with a grounded dragon sleeper. Drew wouldn't release him after emphasizing how important it is to let people go once they tap. Charlie Dempsey comes out. Charlie asks if he wants to step up to a real wrestler and offers to give him a run for his money. Drew says he wasn't invited and says he will make an example out of Hank Walker next week. Drew says he will be ready.

WWE NXT North American Title Match - Wes Lee (c) vs Tony D'Angelo

Tony throws him off ealry and hits a release belly to belly then a german. Wes flips out of a german then dropkicks him. Wes headscissors him and punch combo's him in the corner. Stacks tells him to sweep the leg and Tony says, "gimme a break". Tony hits corner spears. Wes kicks him in the head while he's down then running ssp's him. Wes then tope's him outside.

We go to break and return to Wes having him in a headlock. Wes hits kicks then is exploder suplexed into the buckles. Tony stomps on him and hits mounted punches. Tony stretches him over his knee then Tony hits a stiff short arm clothesline and an elbow. Tony works his knee then slams his knee on the announcer's table from the suplex position. Wes comes back with a DDT.

Wes hits punches and kicks then more punches. Wes hits corner punches but Tony gives him a stiff powerbomb to stop it. Tony gets on the 2nd rope and Dijak grabs Stacks. Tony is distrancted then Wes backflips into a pele kick and beats Tony D.

They tried to do an injured body part storyline here but I didn't think it was too well done. The match went a little long and just wasn't super interesting along with the somewhat dirty finish.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a bad night of NXT overall. I thought they could have done a better job with the James/Henley match but the 6-man tag was pretty good. Not a slam dunk of a show though.

Friday, December 23, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/23/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/23/2022

Last week's show is here:

Charlie Dempsey vs Myles Borne

YESSSS. Man this could be really good. Dempsey now has mutton chops and Borne has bulked up some.

Borne takes him down and they chain wrestle on the mat. CD takes a hammer lock then kips up and wristlocks him. Borne kips up out of the wristlock and reverses it then CD bridges and flips out of the bridge to escape the wristlock. CD forearms him then takes an armdrag and a dropkick. CD headlock takedowns him and headscissors him.

We get a "this is wrestling" chant and CD does the Pat O'Connor 360 armlock. CD hammerlocks him then bridges up out of the wristlock and rolling headscissors him. CD hooks the arm with the headscissors. Borne handstands out of the headscissors and they trade forearms before CD grabs another hammerlock. Borne shoulders him over and takes a big hiptoss. CD keylocks him and rolls with it.

Borne deadlifts him out of the hammerlock and suplexes him out of it. Borne hits punches and belly to belly's him into an overhead belly to belly. Borne powerslams him for 2. Borne misses a big frogsplash and takes a club to the back of the neck. CD hits a nasty Regal suplex and wins it.

This was just as good as I expected. The two matched up so well on the mat and Borne looked like he belonged. If you like technical wrestling, you are going to enjoy this one. Borne is such an incredible rookie and it's a shame he debuted the same year as one of the best rookie classes ever because he's a rookie of the year caliber wrestler.

Dani Palmer is interviewed. She said being in WWE is a dream and she's from Scottsburg, Indiana. She said she can't wait to prove herself on Level Up.
Sol Ruca vs Dani Palmer

Sol rolls early then armlocks her. They said Sol took Dani under her wing at the Performance Center. Dani rolls and backflips out of a wristlock, does a nice leapfrog then Sol backflips into a headscissors. Dani springboard rolling armdrags Sol for 2 and they dropkick each other at the same time then double kip up and face off.

Dani kind of abdominal stretches her while kneeling. Sol deadlifts her up and Dani rolls her out of the cazadora position. They do some pin reversals and Sol dropkicks her. Sol does her 2nd rope imploding cutter and wins it.

It was short, but it was very impressive. They did a cool little flippy match and these two absolutely clicked in the ring.

Hank Walker vs Trick Williams

I pity these two. They have 2 good matches to follow here. I think Hank may have a new country theme.

Trick rolls out of a lock up and is run over with a shoulder. Trick is thrown over the top and takes a face bump on the floor. Trick misses an elbow when Hank fakes coming in then Hank slams him. Trick goes up and over in the corner then pulls him down with him.

Trick hits a great dropkick for 2 and rips his shirt open so he can chop him. Hank hits a hard chop back then misses the 2nd one. Hank runs at him and takes a high flying clothesline for 2. Trick hooks his chin and arm. They trade punches and Hank catches Trick's up and over with a powerslam. Hank yanks him into a chest first slam for 2. Hank hits the big boot and miseses a splash. Trick then hits a Mcgillicutter for 2. Trick hits his spinning facekick called the trick kick and gets the win.

This was fun. Hank as usual was a good and fiery face and they timed it just right. This was one of Trick's best outings yet and he didn't look awkward out there.

Overall thoughts: This was a really good show. All 3 matches were good and brought something different to the table. Go check out Borne vs Dempsey for some juicy technical wrestling and then see Sol/Palmer for the exact opposite type of match.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

AEW Dynamite 12/21/2022

AEW Dynamite 12/21/2022 

Last week's show is here:

Ricky Starks did a promo on his loss to MJF. He said he lost like a man and lost with dignity and respect. Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia then came out. Jericho said he isn't a dollar store version of anyone and is a million dollar talent. He invited Ricky to join the JAS.

Ricky said he liked how Jericho could keep up with the times. He said he's lean and shredded and looks like a single father on his 5th divorce. He ripped him for losing to Action Andretti and said the J in JAS stands for Jobber.  Ricky was going to challenge Jericho to a match then got jumped by Jake Hager. Action Andretti then came out for the save and fought off the JAS.

Neither Action or Starks really got the pops they were looking for here.

Best of 7 Series, Match 5 - No DQ - Death Triangle vs The Elite

I didn't like this at all. The Elite were so mad at DT that they made this a no DQ match, then they have Cutler dressed up like an elf helping them. And even though it's no DQ and could have been a permanent 5v3 here, they opted not to. They brought a Christmas tree and a barbed wire broom in here to make it even more goofy. The Elite won this to the surprise of no one since they telegraphed that the last match of this series will be a ladder match.

The Elite were cut open after by DT.

Bryan Danielson was interviewed by Renee. He said he didn't expect the BCC to forigve Regal. Bryan said he was trained in San Antonio (which they were in) and said Regal trained him. He said the BCC doesn't have the same relationship with Regal that he does and he talked about their relationship. He said Regal told him there are consequences to your actions. Bryan said MJF will have consequences for hospitalizing Regal and called him out.

Ethan Page and Stokeley Hathaway came out instead. Page talked about things he did that Bryan didn't making him a better contender. He called Bryan vegetable man and accused him of trying to jump the line for a title shot. Stoke made fun of Bryan for being a vegan then Bryan made fun of him for being bald. Ethan said what they meant by vegetable man is that they will turn him into one. Bryan told him to do it right now. Page said they would do it next week.

We saw clips of MJF yelling at Danielson for trying to ruin his moment. He said he's a nobody and called him a worthless scumbag. 
Action Andretti was interviewed. He said he did the impossible last week. He said he got a ton of support from AEW fans, he knew that the JAS would take out their anger on someone then 2.0 walked in. They said he's on a hot streak and he's on fire. Jericho then burned him with a fireball in an awesome moment. Jericho then rubbed his face on the ground. This was good.
Mox did a promo about the trios battle royale for $300,000 on Rampage this week. He said it sounded like a good time and talked about Adam Page. He said they can keep going as long as he wants and he wonders when they will fight. He said they have nothing to settle as Page got knocked out, and he doesn't get why Page thinks differently. He then said he will teach Darius Martin a hard lesson in their match tonight.

Samoa Joe did a taped promo. He wished everyone a happy holidays, including Wardlow. He said he won't have a happy new year though as Joe will give him more than he ever asked for in their match.

Hook vs Exodus Prime

Prime is slammed down then hip thrown. Hook hit a capture suplex and a lariat. Hook then got the red rum on and won in a quick squash. Prime's name is silly and it does not fit him.
We then cut to the back with Stokeley Hathaway's Firm beating up Jungle Boy. JB was thrown into the dumpster then chokeslammed into the dumpster. Lee Moriarty rammed his own head into the dumpster when he rammed JB into it in an unintentionally funny spot.

Jon Moxley vs Darius Martin

Darius is snapmared then kicked. Darius hits a big dropkick and Mox rolls out. Darius is then thrown out and lands hard then is thrown into the rails. Darius is then suplexed on the floor. Mox has words with Dante then Darius topes him. Darius is on the top rope, gets forearmmed then falls onto the apron and floor. Mox hits a release vertical suplex on him.

Mox rakes his back then superplexes him. Mox rains elbows down on him. Darius eye rakes him and uses the top buckle to pele kick him. Darius uses the bottom rope to flatliner him for 2. He hits a top rope crossbody then Mox reverse curb stomps him. Mox rains down more elbows then hits a death rider to win.

They did too much as usual with Darius taking suplexes on the floor that lead to nothing. Darius wasn't anything special here.

Shida and Jamie Hayter talked about each other. Jamie said everyone will be buzzing for their match but she will retain.

Hobbs talked over a video. He said his first memory was at 3 watching his uncle overdose on the floor. He said he was beaten, robbed, stabbed and shot as a kid. He said monsters do this to a child and they created a monster themselves. He said now it's time he spills blood.

FTR vs The Gunn Club

Dax his a chop early on Colten and all 4 stare down. Cash atomic drops Colten and hits a nice back elbow. Austin gets an atomic drop and a manhattan drop. Colten misses on a dropkick and is kicked in the butt then Colten has his butt whipped into Austin's face. Colten then takes a back body drop and both Gunns are lariated over the top. They fight outside and we go to PiP break.

We return and Austin goes face first into the buckles. Colten misses a corner splash. Ax hits shots on Austin in the corner then lariats Colten. Austin gets a manhattan drop from Dax then Colten pulls Dax out. Cash topes Colten outside when Dax is up for a spike piledriver on the floor. Dax is pushed into the steps. Austin teases a superkick on Dax but tells him to suck it then he sharpshooters Dax.

Colten is thrown over the top by Cash then Cash hits the railing when jumping off the apron. Dax goes up for a piledriver but holds his leg in pain Dax goes to roll up Austin, but Colten grabs Austin's hand and Dax gets pinned.

There wasn't anything wrong with this one. The pace was fast and they sold Dax being hurt well from the dog collar match at the ROH PPV (which I mostly liked).

Sonjay Dutt and crew do a bad rap video on The Acclaimed to make fun of them. 
Rick Ross is in the ring with Tony Schiavone. They brought out Swerve and Keith Lee. Ross dropped an f-bomb talking about big Lee is. Swerve came out and said he didn't realize we were doing things on Lee's time. Swerve said he will start doing things his way. Swerve said they should have owned everything but he can't deal with Lee's accusations. Swerve said he can't keep his eye on the ball, the belts or his health. He said Lee needs to keep his eyes in the back of his head then Parker Boudreaux attacked Lee. He did a terrible job here going slow and just throwing punches. Lee then lariated him over the top.

Someone else then jumped Lee as he left and he cooled look with face tattoos and a neat hair do. Parker chaired Lee in the back. Lee was put on the steps then Swerve top rope double stomped a cinderblock through his gut. Ross then officially turned on Lee and they all wore hoodies that said, "Mogul Affiliation" on them. Ross was saying something but he was cut off. While Parker and the mystery guy looked cool, the attack was in slow motion and didn't look. Rick Ross wasn't good here either. This was a total disaster.
We got some words from the teams in the trios battle royale. Trent said he would buy his mom a new house. Chuck said he would buy his mom a chainsaw. The Dark Order said Page wouldn't be involved in this one and Page walked off. 

AEW Women's World Title - Jamie Hayter vs Hikaru Shida

Jamie hits forearms and Shida kips up and hits one. Jamie hits machine gun chops on the ropes then Shida forearm flurries her. They trade more forearms for chops and Shida slams her hard. Shida pounds on her and suplexes her into the bottom buckle. Shida has her head hanging over the apron and she kneelifts her.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms and Shida's head goes into the buckle. Shida then takes a suplex into a slam and they lariat each other at the same time. They trade more forearms then Shida dropkicked her.  Shida hit corner punches then hit a 2nd rope dropkick. Shida is slammed onto the apron from the top. Shida suplexes her off the apron as we go to break.

We return and Shida is dropped from the 2nd rope. Jamie misses a top rope moonsault then Shida running knees her for 2. Jamie drops her over her knee and hits a sliding lariat for 2. Shida took a uranage on the knee then german'd her. Britt and Rebel got on the apron and Shida slapped Britt. Britt was brought in the ring and took a triangle kick. Shida hit Britt with a kendo stick and then Jamie powerbombed her for 2. Jamie hit a lariat for 2 then hit a rainmaker to win it.

I didn't like the suplex off the apron not counting for anything but it was one of the better matches the AEW women have had. It was stiff and they had more of a Japanese style match with higher impact moves.
Britt attacked Shida after then Toni Storm made the save. Toni was beat up then Saraya came out and superkicked Britt.

Overall thoughts: The Lee/Swerve segment was a disaster and the trios match was really flawed logically as usual. The women did a good job in the main but there wasn't anything else too good here.

WWE NXT Level Up 12/16/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/16/2022

Last week's show is here:

The Dyad vs Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

Price and Nima are wearing leather jackets and are treated as an official team here.

Nima shoulders over Jagger and lifts him up with one arm. Jagger climbs his back with a headlock and Rip gets some free shots in. Nima suplexes Rip then Rip takes a double shoulder. Nima running knees Rip in the chest then is superkicked in the gut and knee'd by Price. Ava Raine pulls Price's leg then Rip gets a cheapshot in. Price is pounded on then held by the legs while Jagger punches him.

Ava slaps Price. Price is held in the corner but pushes Rip into Jagger and Nima gets the hot tag in. Nima pushes rip over the top then spinning sideslams Jagger. Nima drops an arm on Jagger and Price tags himself in. Jagger is popped up into a knee for 2 then Price is pushed into the post. Nima takes a double codebreaker and Dyad win it.

Nothing wrong with this. Just a short one here with the heels and faces getting in a little in before the finish.

Xyon Quinn and Javier Bernal are interviewed. They have Chase and Duke tonight. JB interrupts Xyon as he starts talking and says he is a viral sensation. JB says they are alike and Xyon is confused by this. Xyon said they will get the win and show Chase U what they are all about. JB says he has the x, y and z factor and asks Xyon if he has a big body. Xyon then says of course, he's twice as big as him.
Ivy Nile vs Lash Legend

We aren't seeing a lot of Lash these days. Lash hits a back elbow early then Ivy mounts and pounds her. Lash misses a splash and then Ivy headlock takeovers her. Ivy hits a headscissors on her then takes a pump kick for 2. Lash double underhook suplexes Ivy then tries to pull her outside. Ivy hits her on the apron then bangs her face off the apron.

Lash lariats her then kneels on her back and pulls her neck. Lash misses a pump kick and is kicked on the ropes. Ivy high kicks her then flying kicks her. Ivy is caught and swung into a backbreaker. Lash reverses a slam into her diamond chain lock and wins it.

This really wasn't anything special, but I liked Ivy's face comeback.

Chase U (Andre Chase and Duke Hudson) vs Javier Bernal and Xyon Quinn

Duke is pulled down by the head by Xyon then Duke pulls Xyon down by the hair and gets yelled at by Chase. Chase says they don't cheat at Chase U. Xyon pulls on his arm and is armdragged then Chase tells Duke that's a teachable moment.

JB is tagged in, looks ready to go then tags Xyon back in. Xyon tags him back in then drops down so JB can't tag him. Duke shoulders JB over then JB is tripped into an elbow. Chase goes up the buckles and drops down to try a pin on JB  then Chase hiptosses JB. Chase russian leg sweeps JB and does the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Duke and Xyon argue outside and Chase tells him to go back to the corner. JB then uses the distraction to pull down Chase by the hair.

Xyon hits a nice punch combo on Chase in the corner then backbreakers and splashes him. Chase takes a double back elbow for 2 and takes a knee to the gut, bulldog and lariat from JB. JB pretends to tag Xyon put pulls his hand back to mock him. Xyon tags himself in then JB does it to him. Chase enzugiri's JB and makes a nice hot tag to Duke. Duke beats up everyone then sideslams JB. Xyon takes a big belly to belly and Duke hits his Chase U punch combo for 2. Xyon is thrown over the top then Duke running facekicks JB. JB is put on Duke's back and Chase hits the fratliner (flipping flatliner) to win it.

This was fantastic. They played up JB and Xyon not getting along to a "T" and they furthered the story of Duke trying to cheat and not being allowed. The character work was excellent here and I loved this.

Overall thoughts: The main was just awesome. It was a true Chase U wrestling lesson in character work and storytelling and I absolutely loved it. The opener was fine and the women's match wasn't anything special. I would definitely go check out the main.

WWE NXT 12/20/2022

WWE NXT 12/20/2022

Last week's show is here:

Axiom vs Carmelo Hayes

They did a lot of good chain and technical wrestling here at a fast pace. I think it did a good job putting over both guys and while the mask might have been a career killer for some, I think it's helping out Axiom at this stage. It got a little silly near the end where they were holding hands and walked up to the top together to do a hurricanrana spot. Trick then interfered near the finish and cost Axiom the match. Axiom then moonsaulted on Trick after for it. They made it seem like there might be a rematch, and I'd be up for that.

Grayson Waller was interviewed. He said he wanted his title match tonight like Roxanne Perez got hers last week. GW was told Bron wasn't here and GW said the challenge is out there and Bron is a gutless coward if he doesn't come.

Tony D is with Stacks. He said he got a North American title match next week and said Wes Lee agreed to it. Tony told Stacks he's gonna tell Dijak to stay out of their business right now and Stacks seemed hesitant. Grayson Waller then went up to them and asked if thye saw Bron Breakker. GW asked Tony to tell him if he showed up and called him Don.

Nikkita Lyons vs Zoey Stark

Zoey tried to clip her coming out but Lyons avoided it. Lyon crescent kicked her and hit some forearms. She hit a bunch of punches in the corner and was throne into the post outside. Zoey choked her with her leg over the ropes and they traded chops. Zoey chinlocked her and got leg swept then took lariats. Zoey took a german then Lyons hip attacked her and kicked her for 2.

Zoey superkicked her in the corner and then hit a nice dropkick. Zoey missed a springboard then took a big forearm and a samoan drop for 2. Lyons hit another superkick, got reversed on a roll-up and Zoey grabbed the pin by holding the ropes.

It had some good aggression here but also had the usual women's sloppiness at times. I thought it was a decent match.
Cora Jade was interviewed. Wendy Choo jumped her and they had to be broken up.

We went to Fallon Henley's bar. Bills are mounting up and she needs money. Briggs and Jensen said they are going to have watch parties to drum up business thenb Kiana James and her assistant came in. Kiana was told she wasn't welcome then she said she took care of Fallon's money issues. Kiana said the bar owns tons of money and the bank put a lean on the bar. Fallon called her a b*tch and challenged her to a match next week where the lean gets taken off. Kiana didn't get why she would do this then was told she would get the bar if she beats Fallon next week.

WWE NXT Women's Tag Titles - Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Diamond Mine (Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley) vs Toxic Attraction

Mandy Rose was fired after losing last week. She took too risque of photos/videos for WWE and they dropped her. I personally think she knew she was pushing her boundaries and didn't care all that much about getting out of WWE because her fansite is making good money, but who knows.

Gigi pounds on Carter to start then Gigi bronco busters her. Jacy then cannonballs her for 2. Ivy rides Jacy on the mat then does her flying corner kick. Jacy takes a double suplex then DM do double kipups off it. Tatum is then corkscrew flipped onto Jacy. Jacy spinning forearms Ivy then Gigi takes a double dropkick. Tatum is knocked off the apron then Carter and Chance jump off the top onto everyone outside. We then went to PiP break.

We returned and Ivy gets out of Gigi's bow and arrow. Gigi sto's her then Carter beats up on T-A. Carter dropkicks Gigi and sentons Jacy at the same time. Tatum gets in and fights with Carter up top then sits on Carter's shoulders for a big hurricanrana off the top. Everyone starts hitting kicks and all 6 girls are down. Ivy takes superkicks then sentons.

Jacy misses a senton in the corner and Ivy corkscrew flips Tatum off the top onto her. Jacy neckbreakers Carter then chance codebreakers Ivy. Chance is pushed off the top onto girls outside and Carter reverses Ivy's dragon sleeper variation for the win.

It was a fast paced match and the girls did a decent job here. These matches are pretty limited matches where you can't do much but spots and this wasn't much different. 

We get an Oro Mensah video of him at a club. He said he may not be there for a long time, but he's there for a good time.

Roxanne Perez was interviewed by Booker T. She said she didn't expect to win the title and talks about putting in the work to get the title. Booker congratulated her and Perez asked him if he had any advice.  Booker says it's all about checks and championships. He said you will always have butterflies and be nervous, but you gotta send the butterflies on the right path. Booker said it's time for her to become a 2x hall of famer. He said it will only get tougher and said let's get it done in a nice segment.

Apollo Crews comes out and congratulates Roxanne Perez. Crews said he was sure he was going to win the NXT title.  He said he was not knocked out of championship contention. He said NXT is back on the road with some obvious piped in music then Carmelo Hayes interrupted.

Melo said he was next in line for the title shot and not him. Melo said he'd have no problem putting him ona jersey in the raptors. Crews put Melo over for looking cool. He was going to say he didn't have the NXT title, but Melo interrupted and said neither does Crews. Crews said no matter how good you think you are, there is always someone better.  Crews said he doesn't have to tell him who he is, he said just to name the time and place and he will show him "I am".

The New Day are in the locker room. Pretty Deadly interrupt with presents. They talked about being #1 contenders if they got everything on the New Day's list. PD said there were some things they couldn't get.

Alba Fyre gets attacked I think by Isla Dawn and someone comes to help her.

We see Odyssey Jones, Enofe and Blade run into Ava Raine in the back. Ava told them to stop trying to fill the void in their lives and realize the feeling they are chasing is temporary. Enofe said he doesn't believe in their Schism BS. Schism then walked in and they said they are living in a false reality and told them to have fun.

Isla Dawn is seeing the trainer after getting stuff in her eyes from Isla Dawn. Grayson Waller walks in looking for Bron and he's not there.

Indi Hartwell vs Elektra Lopez

Indi pushes her into the buckles and spears her then facekicks her for 2. Lopez kicks her in the gut then is hiptossed. Lopez hits more boots and they trade shots outside. Indi has her shoulder thrown into the post then Lopez chinlocks her. They collide with crossbodies in the air. Lopez goes up to the buckles, grabs something then hits Indi with it and wins it.

This was short and nothing special as usual.

Alba Fyre says she is fine and the doc says if her vision is normal and there is no irritation, she is cleared.

Wes Lee is interviewed. He said he refuses to be a reactionary champ and said he will fight Tony D next week. He said he knows he has Dijak next once Tony loses.

Alba Fyre vs Sol Ruca

Isla jumps Alba during her entrance and apparently hits her hand with a bat on the steps but I'm doubtful that happened. People then come out to help Alba.

We go to Chase U and they are giving out gifts. Chase has a line of people giving him gifts. He gets a fruitcake, says he's allergic and yells at Scott. Other people have the same gift for him then walk away. Duke tells someone he is having scholarship issues and offers to hold his gift for him. Duke then gives the gift to Chase and the gift is a plaque that says #1 Professor.

Fallon, Briggs and Jensen are interviewed. Briggs says they are ready to rock and says they are going balls to the wall. Jensen says it's the biggest match of their lives and says 2023 will be their lives. Kiana James and her secretary then walk in. Kiana said she came for Jensen, not her and Jensen dropped what he was carrying. Kianna told McKenzie that she is all business, but still a woman.

We see Drew Gulak working with someone in the ring. Drew flips him over then Hank Walker walks up to him. Hank says he knows he isn't Charlie Dempsey and asks for some advice. He said he knows he has a lot to prove and Drew invites him to a seminar next week.

WWE NXT Tag Titles - The New Day vs Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen

Kofi is thrown off by Jensen to start. Jensen misses punches and is slapped in the back. Kofi does some leapfrogs and is caught then powerslammed. Woods is caught on a crossbody then forearms Jensen. Kofi shotgun dropkicks Jensen then the New Day take stereo atomic drops and punches on the outside. Kiana and her assistant are seen watching from ringside.

We go to PiP break and return. Jensen gets thrown out of a chinlock from Woods and Woods hits an enzugiri. Kofi gets the hot tag in and hits a springboard chop. Kofi dropkicks him then Kofi runs up the buckles and twisting crossbodies Jensen. Kofi jumping leg drops Jensen and hits an SOS. Kofi hurricanrana's out of a powerbomb then Briggs jumps off the apron onto Woods. Kofi topes Briggs but is caught then thrown into the ropes for a rebound lariat. Woods then gets one as well. Kofi is popped up into an atomic drop and facekicked for 2.

Jensen takes a running forearm from Kofi then Briggs hits a huge top rope moonsault on Kofi for 2. Jensen is pushed off the top into the table, Kofi hits a poisonrana on Briggs then corkscrew kicks him. Kofi tope con hilos Jensen then Woods hits a top rope elbow for the win.

The match could have gone longer but Briggs and Jensen did really well here. This was a fun match and I liked this far more than I had expected I would. Briggs and Jensen continue to show up for these big matches when they get them. The crowd chanted, "that was awesome" after and they shook hands.

Stacks is giving warnings to Dijak's door and then heads into his locker room saying he got this. Waller is looking around for Bron and said he is heading to the ring.

Diamond Mine is walking outside. The camera man said it was a tough loss and asked if they are still together as a team. The Creed's said they busted their butts in the ring then Sanga and Veer appeared. They asked if The Creed's are cleared and Julius said he is. Sanga and Veer said they can't be trusted and he needs to show them. Creed said he faces JD McDonagh next week then they are out of excuses. It was kind of lame of Creed not to tell them he's cleared since they had been patiently waiting.

Grayson Waller came out. He said he wanted his title shot now then said he forgot that Bron was a coward. Waller bragged about himself. He talked more trash then we cut ot the parking lot with Bron arriving. Waller said he wasn't scared of him and said let's go. Bron quickly speared him but then was knocked out. Waller took off his jacket and revealed a bullet proof vest with a weak looking cookie sheet underneath. Waller then said he outsmarted him and said he would do it at New Years Evil as well when he becomes NXT champ.

Overall thoughts:  Bron going down to a cookie sheet was weak, but it was a good episode of NXT with a lot of decent wrestling.

Friday, December 16, 2022

AEW Rampage 12/9/2022

AEW Rampage 12/9/2022

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley vs Konosuke Takeshita

No intros for either guy. KT legtrips him early and Mox rolls him on the match. They trade shoulders and chops then forearms. KT does a high leg lariat and they do a face off. They trade slaps and Mox hits elbows in the corner then bites him. They trade forearms and KT standing hurricanrana's him. KT then tope con hilos him. Don Callis seen watching KT and the match goes into the crowd. They trade forearms out there as we go to PiP break.

We return and Mox piledrives him for 2. Mox is busted open from a knee on the floor during the break, but he bleeds all the time so I doubt it. KT gets thrown over the top but skins the cat then lariats Mox. KT does his flying clothesline then ddt's Mox on the apron. Kt then slingshots in to a ddt. Mox hits a big lariat then KT knees him and hits a brainbuster for 2.

They go up top and KT is thrown down from it. Mox then takes a spinning forearm then a blue thunder for 2. KT deadlift germans him for 2. His frogsplash gets blocked then Mox rains elbows down on him. Mox hits his deathrider ddt for a one count, because reasons. Mox then jumping knees him for another 2. KT reverse curbstomps Mox then Mox bulldog chokes him and wins it.

They did too much here and kicked out of way too much for a throwaway match with no build. I liked the intensity and Mox was on here, but you just shouldn't be taking piledrivers, ddt's on the apron and deathriders without them counting towards something.

Adam Page comes out after. He says he's not cleared to wrestle because of his brain. He then says he has a good excuse if he isn't thinking straight tonight and he beats up Mox. they fight outside and Claudio/Yuta try to break it up. Page is thrown into the post and Mox is held back. Page is having trouble getting up and they are saying he's disoriented. This was a good segment.

We see Powerhouse Hobbs in the ghetto again. He says this is a life that we want nothing apart of and can't handle.  I always like these segments and this was no exception.

They tell us its the one year anniversary of Hook being on the roster then we go to Stokeley Hathaway. Stoke says the world sucks and atrocities happen everyday. We then see clips from a Hook/Lee Moriarty match where a hold was broken when it shouldn't have been. Stoke then talked to his girlfriend off screen. I don't know what they were going for here but it failed.

Regina di Wave Title - Hikaru Shida (c) vs The Bunny

They do a long lock up then trade forearms. Shida slams her and misses a 2nd rope meteora. Bunny kneelifts her then takes an enzugiri. Bunny headscissor chokes her over the top rope and we go to PiP break. We return and they trade a forearm for a superkick. Shida elbow slices her and Penelope Ford throws a kendo stick in. Shida grabs it and chases her. While the ref takes the stick away, Bunny accidentally superkicks her friend. Shida then meteora's Bunny off the apron. Shida hits a michinoku driver for 2.  Shida does her spinning knee and wins it.

It was short, mostly cut off by the commercial and wasn't anything too special. 

Jamie Hayter comes out after and holds her belt at her from the ramp. We get some clips of Mercedes Martinez's and Athena's history. Athena says she wants to retire Martinez.

Big Bill and Lee Moriarty vs Izzy James and Clayton Bloodstone

Lee facekicks Izzy off the apron to start Clay almost is thrown into Bill but stops himself then is facekicked. Lee ties up Clay's legs then ties up Izzy at the same time. Bill splashes Izzy as soon as he gets in then Clay takes a big boot while straddling the top rope. Izzy comes off the top and is caught with a chokeslam then Lee topes Clay. Bill picks up the win.

Big Bill isn't the worst name ever, but it's always weird when wrestlers change names. Bill is better than this and this was just a squash.

FTR are interviewed about the dog collar match with The Briscoes. FTR says they will finish the legacy with the Briscoes and give them the darndest fight they have ever had.

Ortiz and Eddie Kingston talk about the House of Black. Eddie says he doesn't care when or how, let's go.

Kip Sabian and Best Friends do a split screen promo. He said he isn't cleared to ocmpete, so he picked someone from across the pond. He mentioned thant Danhausen was missing then Dan appeared with Mark Henry and mocked him.

AEW All-Atlantic Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Trent Seven

Trent Seven is from WWE NXT UK. I have no idea why he's here. Trent has one of the worst looks in wrestling and if he had ever appeared on WWE TV that aired in the US, it was years ago.

They goof around with Trent's mustache taunt and OC's pockets routine and I already hate this. Trent goes for a running chop and OC high fives him and the ref. Trent slams and legdrops him for 2. Kip Sabian and Best Friends argue outside then Trent chops the post on accident. Bunny gets chased up the ramp and then brings out Butcher and Blade. They fight with Best Friends on the ramp and we go to PiP break.

We return and OC takes a superplex for 2. Trent has his head banged off the buckle then OC gets it. Trent goes to dive on OC but gets Kip Sabian instead. OC then dives on Trent. Oc gets german suplexed then reverses a falcon arrow with a cutter. OC has his ddt blocked and takes an emerald flowsion for 2. Trent short arm lariats him for 2. OC rolls out of a tiger driver and punches Trent. OC then does a ddt. Oc goes up top and takes a punch then a twisting piledriver for 2. OC rolls up Trent, hits a orange punch then does a beach break and wins it.

Kip stomps on OC after and tries to get Trent to work with him. Trent eventually agrees then Dustin Rhodes comes out to help. Dustin powerslams Kip on the floor and hits a strike combo on Trent before hitting a powerslam.

I wasn't a fan of the match. Trent lost on his debut and nobody would know who he is unless they watched NXT UK...and trust me, nobody did. They also did the usual goofy OC comedy stuff in a title match where the result mattered.

Overall thoughts: Mox and Takeshita matched up well but went overboard and the rest wasn't worth watching.

WWE NXT Level Up 12/9/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/9/2022

Last week's show is here:

Damon Kemp vs Odyssey Jones

Kemp is thrown into the buckles but goes over and rolls in the ring. OJ shoulders him and Kemp goes for a leapfrog but is lariated. OJ lifts him up by the arm then does a small splash on the arm. Kemp bangs OJ's head off the buckle then pulls the arm down over the top. OJ armdrags him and Kemp goes back to working on the arm.

Kemp puts his leg over OJ's arm as he is bent over and pulls on it. OJ makes a comeback with lariats then pops him up and drops him. Kemp takes a big slam and OJ rolls on him. OJ hits a corner splash then pulls him into a boss man slam for the win.

There were some sloppy moments here and I thought Kemp should have gotten more in here as it would have made the match a little better. The arm work was kind of weak with both guys looking concerned about hurting the other.

Valentina Feroz is interviewed. they have her talk to her fans in Portuguese, but at least they put subtitles up. She said she's happy to be on Level Up and says Sol Ruca is very good. She says something that doesn't make sense and says this her jungle, baby. 

Valentina Feroz vs Sol Ruca

Feroz uses the ropes to headlock takedown her. Feroz is put in a headscissors and flips out of it on the mat. Sol does a cool pull into a powerslam then hits a nice dropkick. Feroz holds the ropes on the apron and is flipped in. Sol handsprings out of an arm throw then Feroz hip throws her for 2.
The announcers openly said that there's been mumblings that Sol is the next big thing, which is high praise. Sol does a nice leapfrog then rolls backwards and trips her with her inner leg. Sol cravates her then Feroz hits a rolling spear. Feroz does a short hurricanrana on the mat then meteoras her for 2. Sol goes up on the 2nd buckle and hits an insane imploding flip into a cutter and wins the match off of it.

Sol's imploding flip cutter got a ton of coverage online and was a really cool move out of nowhere. This was a fun little match with Sol rolling and handspringing around and then hitting her cool finish.

What else can you really say about Sol? She may be the best female athlete ever in wrestling, she has a cool look and she has a built in gimmick. She's one of the best prospects I've seen and she really should be the female face of WWE along with Tiffany Stratton.

Trick Williams vs Ikemen Jiro

We haven't seen a lot of Trick....ever. Trick tells Jiro to take his jacket off but he refuses. Jiro poses then Trick headlocks him. Trick shoulders him over and the poses then Jiro kips up and poses. Jiro does it again and armdrags him. Jiro kicks him in the ribs and Trick backs off on the jacket punch attempt.

Trick goes up and over in the corner and grabs Jiro's jacket on the way down to pull him down. Trick then poses. Trick puts Jiro's jacket into his tights and Jiro can't move his arms. Trick hits punches then is rolled up. Trick hits a Mcgillicutter for 2. Trick hits some bad mounted punches and they trade shots.

Trick tries to pull his jacket off the up and over but Jiro avoids it. Jiro hits some jacket punches and superkicks him in the face as he is down. Jiro 2nd buckle moonsaults for 2. Jiro enzugiri's him then Trick hits a corkscrew face kick (called the trick kick) to win it.

Jiro carried this and Trick did fine as a heel against him. Trick has a good look and is great on the mic, but he's just awkward in the ring. He's stuck because he's not good enough to get more matches on televised shows, but because he doesn't get those matches, he doesn't get a chance to get better. He can always be a manager or do some other talking role, but if he got the in-ring stuff down, he could be a top guy.

Overall thoughts: Sol's new move really has to be seen but it's Level Up and it's nothing must see otherwise. The women's match was the best match on the show and the other matches were okay but not must see.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

AEW Dynamite 12/14/2022

AEW Dynamite 12/14/2022

Last week's show is here:

AEW Trios Titles, Best of Seven Series - Death Triangle vs The Elite

Pretty much the usual fare with these guys. Lots of flips and big moves and they incorporated the hammer in this one again and one of the bucks had his knee hit with it. The Eliete are now down 3-1 in this series. I'm not a big fan of long matches opening the show and you guys know I'm not real interested in this pairing.

Kenny got on the mic after. He talked in his usual stupid tone where he said all weapons should be legal in their next match. DT just screwed his team over and he didn't seem the least bit phased about losing here when he should be fuming.

MJF was interviewed on Ricky Starks. He called him Richard. MJF mocked his life story and said all that matters is whether you are the champ or not. MJF bragged about himself and said veeryone wants Starks to win the big one.

The Acclaimed came out and got beaten up by Jarrett and friends. Max ended up getting hit with the guitar. JJ asked if they had his attention now and then told him to scissor that, slapnuts.

The JAS were interviewed. Jericho talked about how bad the giant swing is, playing off his trying to defend it online this weekend. He said Claudio is a flash in the pan.Jericho told Daniel Garcia he should have never lost to Wheeler Yuta and Jericho said Garcia needs to do what Sammy tells him to. Sammy said he was going to knock on Mox on Rampage.

Jungle Boy vs Bryan Cage

JB tries to flip off the ropes for an armdrag but is blocked. Cage then shoulders him over. JB hurricanrana's him from the top then dropkicks him. Cage deadlift suplexes JB in from the 2nd rope then Cage release slams him. We went to PiP break and returned to JB avoiding Cage. JB flies at him and doesn't move him and lariats him to no response. JB reverses a powerbomb into a ddt. Cage release germans hi mthen does a swinging full nelson slam for 2. Cage goes for a driver and is rolled up then Cage flips him with a lariat. Cage throws him up and takes a canadian destroyer...of course for only 2. JB goes for the snare trap and Prince Nana distracts the ref. Cage ends up lariating NAna then is rolled up and pinned.

I wasn't a fan of this. They did too much here as usual and the dirty finish wasn't needed.

JB calls out W. Morrissey after, calling him Big Bill. Stokeley Hathaway comes out and threatens him if he keeps messing around. JB goes after Stokeley then Morrissey and Lee Moriarty jump him. The two beat up JB and Morrissey chokeslams JB. Hook comes out for the save with no weapon then Morrissey and crew look like total idiots. Hook could be Morrissey's teenage son and Morrissey runs from him. Hook shakes hands with JB after. This was bad.

Mox is interviewed with Claudio and Yuta without Danielson. They said everyone is on notice in 2023 and Claudio said they know they are better. Mox said he will stomp Sammy's face in until he is a bloody mess on Rampage then said Adam Page knows where to find him and can bring his Dark Order buddies with him. 

Swerve said he gave Lee everything and said Lee threw it in his face. Swerve said they will meet face to face. He said he has no friends or family.

The House of Black vs The Factory

Comoroto throws a sucker at Julia Hart then is misted. The Hog beat up on The Factory and someone takes a nasty driver onto Cole Karter on the table that was botched. Black then high kicks QT and the HoB win.

I didn't like Comoroto getting misted by Julia Hart since he's a hoss.

Shida and Hayter cut promos on each other. Hayter says she's not fun to be in the ring with and Shida says she will take her title.

Britt Baker did a promo with Rebel then Skye Blue walked in. Skye said let's see if Brit can wrestle as well as she talks and challenged her to Rampage. Britt says that's insane and accepted it.

Chris Jericho vs Action Andretti

They put Jericho's graphic up for Action Andretti. Chris slaps AA then hits punches and chops. AA comes back with chops and is booted down. Chris hits bad corner lariats and then more chops. AA headscissors Chris then tornillo's off the bottom rope. AA then is lariated. Jericho hits an F-U then codebreakers him for 2. Oh God, they are even kicking out of stuff in squashes now.

We go to PiP break and return. AA got blood on him somehow and came back with chops. Chris eyepokes him then AA hits a flying forearm and lariats. AA does a backbreaker into a neckbreaker and chris gets his knees up on his split legged moonsault. AA avoids a judas effect and rolls Chris up. AA springboard enzugiri's him, lariats him over the top then does a split legged moonsault to the outside. AA goes for a springboard and is caught in a lion tamer but then rolled up. AA is popped up and dropkicks him. They botch something then AA running ssp's him for the win in a total shocker.

I don't know why this was done but was pretty interesting. This guy came out of nowhere and beat Jericho and got a big pop for it. Regardless of what comes out of it, it was a neat little moment that the crowd loved. AA hopped in the crowd after to celebrate.

Ricky Starks was interviewed. He said he finally gets his shot tonight at the title in his own backyard.

FTR and the Gunns talked about each other. FTR said the Gunns are desperate for attention and said now they got theirs. They said if building a legacy goes through them, that's what they need to do.

Jericho is throwing a fit and throwing stuff backstage. Jericho then screams going into his locker.

Tay Melo vs Ruby Soho

Ruby sits on the apron for her entrance nad is pump kicked off. They hockey fight on the floor and throw some hard shots. Ruby is thrown into the rails and the steps. Ruby gets back in and hits backdrops. Ruby holds her amr and enzugiri's her then Tay walks up the ramp. Ruby grabs her and Tay ddt's her on the ramp. We go to break and return with Ruby pounding on Tay. Ruby running boots her and STO's her. Tay hits a pump kick and they trade chops. Ruby hits a blade runner on her and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of the ddt on the ramp. That should finish things and was treated as nothing here. They actually did good otherwise though and showed a lot of hate over Tay breaking Ruby's nose before.

Anna Jay comes out after and beats up Ruby. She hits a goril special drop on Ruby as that's how she broke her nose and got injured.

Adam Page is interviewed. Page talks about getting concussed by Mox and siad he didn't know his son's name in the ambulance. He said it was hell and if Mox takes him to hell again, he will take him with him.

Best Friends and Dustin Rhodes do a promo. Dustin threatens to lay out his opponents as they are in their backyard. They showed who they were fighting but it was too fast for me to even see.

They played the NBA on NBC theme when they were running down the card, which is one of my favorite themes ever.

AEW Title - MJF vs Ricky Starks

They go face to face and talk to each other. MJF knocks Starks over with a botched move and MJF does the Fargo strut. Starks flying shoulders MJF and knocks him out of the ring. MJF goes into the crowd and knocks over popcorn then takes some guys hat and throws it. Starks hits hiptosses and a back body drop. MJF eye pokes him and throws Starks into the buckles chest first. Starks is dropped on the top rope then rolls outside.

We go to PiP break and return. MJF abdominal stretches him and bites him. Starks lariats him out of the corner and flying lariats him. Starks hits a tornado ddt off the ropes and ligerbombs him. Starks runs into the buckle head first then has his arm double stomped. Starks goes for a hurricanrana and is powerbombed on the knee. They slap each other and Starks spears him. MJF fujiwara armbars him then hooks the other arm with his leg. MJF then grabs his leg and Starks ropebreaks.

It wasn't a classic match or anything but it was a decent main with MJF being a good heel.

They take each oher off and both bridge up together then Starks superkicks him. MJF grabs the ref hten kicks Starks low when the ref wasn't looking and wins it.

MJF walks up the ramp and Bryan Danielson comes out and chases him. MJF runs away through the stands.

Overall thoughts: The second half of the show was pretty good but the first half of the show had issues.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

WWE NXT 12/13/2022

WWE NXT 12/13/2022

Last week's show is here:

Roxanne Perez is in the ring to talk to start the show. Grayson Waller arrived in the parking lot beeping his horn and tells the camera man to keep the camera on him. He says the show doesn't start until he says it does. Waller then walks through the stands. He says he makes history and Perez tries to stop him. She tells him to shut his mouth and tells him he wasn't the only Iron Survivor, as she won the Iron Survivor Challenge too. GW says there is no way Perez will ever beat Mandy then Bron Breakker comes out.

Bron says Perez is the future's womens champ and GW says he is wrong. GW makes his case for why he did better in the Iron Survivor Challenge then GW says he will take Bron's NXT Title. GW says he is about making moments then Bron jumps the barrier and says he will make a moment now. Mandy then nails Perez from behind with the title belt.

I didn't really get this segment. I'm not real sure why Perez and Waller were used in it.

JD McDonagh is with a trainer in the back. He talks about his medical condition and gets it right before the doctor tells him. Julius Creed then comes in. He said he was good to go at Deadline and said JD tried to hurt his knee and the doctors won't let him wrestle. Brutus says he will hurt Jd tonight for trying to hurt Julius.

We then cut to Perez yelling at Mandy over the mic. She says she doesn't want to wait for her title shot and wants it tonight. Mandy holds up her title and seems to agree.

Wes Lee is walking in the back then Stacks jumps him. Tony D cheers him on and the camera is knocked down. They fight to the entrance ramp and the match starts.

Wes Lee vs Stacks

Wes hits kicks to the gut and bulldogs him. Stacks neckbreakers him and hits a stiff euro. Wes slides under him then headscissors and dropkicks him. Wes then tope con hilos him but mostly powerbombs himself on the floor. We go to PiP break.

We return and Stacks is in control. Stacks runs into the middle buckle then is pulled hard off the middle rope. He really bounces hard on his way down. Stacks hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker then does a single leg crab where he kneels on his neck. Wes chinbreakers him then pulls him into a backdrop. Wes hits a heel kick then a punch combo.  Wes germans him then double backflips into a pele kick for the win.

The match was fine. They matched up well but it wasn't super memorable. Wes's snap back on the top rope was brutal and his finisher here was cool.

Dijak comes out after. Wes stares at him then gets nailed by Tony D from behind. Tony then backdrops lifts him into a rock bottom. Tony tells Dijak that he just did his job and Dijak stares at him.

Thea Hail and Andre Chase are talking in the back and see Drew Gulak shake hands with Duke Hudson. Chase wants to know what's up and Thea flips at the idea of Duke entering the transfer portal. Chase says he is sorry for last week as he was wrong and Duke is right. Chase says Thea wasn't ready for Isla Dawn and said Duke had his best interests at heart. Chase asks Duke if he is ready for his match and Duke says he will give Kemp a Chase University sized @ss whooping and they celebrate.

Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne) vs Diamond Mine (Tatum Paxley and Ivy Nile)

All 4 girls fight to start and T-A hits superkicks. Jacy rolls off the apron onto Ivy outside. Ivy takes a lariat for 2 then Gigi sto's her for 2. Ivy avoids a double kick then does a kick and punch combo at the same time. She goes outside and is thrown over the commentator's table onto Chance and Carter who are outside. Chance and Carter when grab T-A. Tatum topes T-A, Ivy throws Chance into the post and the match is called off.

What we got of this was fine but there wasn't too much to it before the finish.

Briggs, Jensen and Fallon are in the locker room. Fallon says her dad told her it will be a tough week for their bar. Briggs says they got her back. Jensen says 2023 is going to be their year.

We see Von Wagner walking with Stone in the back and then see Odyssey Jones, Blade and Enofe walking in.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes talk in the back. Trick says people are saying Melo missed on Saturday. Melo said he didn't miss, he just didn't win. Trick shows Melo a pick of Axiom jumping off the top at the PPV and we see Melo with a funny face. Melo tells Trick to delete the pic because he's going to delete Axiom's @ss.

Odyssey Jones vs Von Wagner

They shoulder battle early and Von challenges him for a football tackle. Von is flipped over then slammed. Von jumps off the top and nails him with a club then running facekicks him. Von lariats him in the back of the neck then sleepers Jones.

Jones comes back with lariats then hits a big slam. Stone steals Enofe's vest then Blade gets a cheapshot on Von. Jones then splashes Von and wins it.

It was pretty short and the finish was dirty, so it wasn't anything special.

Javier Bernal is interviewed by McKenzie. He talks about being 1 of 100 and said he will prove it to his "Big Body Bandits". He then tries, "Big Body Ballers" and "Big Body Bulldogs". Mckenzie asks about the Georgia Bulldogs and Javi says it's because of him that they went undefeated this year. Javi then comes up with "Big Body Believers" for his fans and seems to stick with it. Javi's comfortable on the mic and is developing a character here that the NXT heads seem to like.

We see a Tiktok video of Nikkita Lyons reacting to pinfalls in the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Ikemen Jiro vs Javier Bernal

They waste no time to get started here. Jiro flaps his wings and is knocked over then Jiro kips up and poses. Jiro shoulders Javi and jacket punches him. Javi holds him and lariats him then criss crosses for a bulldog then a lariat. Javi mounts and pounds him then Javi euros him out of the ring. Javi tells the fans to move outside then throws Jiro back in. Jiro then flips over the top and lands on Javi. Jiro hits jacket punches then hurricanrana's him as he sits on the top. Jiro hits his step up kick and then wins it.

It was short and probably too short but I thought it was entertaining. Javi did a good job with his character here.

Jiro poses on the ropes and out of nowhere Scrypts flips over the top and beats him up. Scrypts puts on Jiro's jacket then hits a 450 la silla and does Jiro's pose. Scrypt's fly-in on Jiro was awesome.

Wendy Choo talks about the Iron Survivor Challenge and said she was rleieved that Cora Jade didn't win it. Wendy said she was taken to a dark place then Cora threw a drink in her face and pinned her. Wendy said she had done it too but there's a method to it - she had only done it to people who deserved it. Wendy tells some tale of being at a slumber party and having a drink thrown at her and said that reminded her of it. Wendy said it made her feel invisible and she never wants to feel that way again. This was really horrible material that nobody could have made work.

The New Day come out and talk about being triple crown tag champs. Kofi talks about being a 15x tag champ. Woods said he had the first NXT match ever against Big E. Woods said it had bothered him that hen ever held NXT gold, but now he has it. Kofi wants to celebrate and Pretty Deadly come out. Elton says they ruined everything and said they ruins his Christmas. They then say Santa is in attendance, pointing to a fan in the crowd and said they wouldn't do it to him. PD says they want a rematch but the New Day say they have to recite the pledge of allegiance. Briggs and Jensen then come down with a flag.  Jensen offers to do the pledge for a title shot and they lead the crowd into the pledge. TND then offer to give Briggs and Jensen a title shot. This was a bad segment that was silly and didn't make much sense.

We see Jakara Jackson, Elektra Lopez and other girls. Elektra talks trash about Indi Hartwell then Indi runs in and attacks her and it has to be broken up.

JD McDoangh vs Brutus Creed

JD headlock takedowns him early and Jd hits some shots. Jd hits a nice dropkick and Creed no sells it. Creed bolo punches him in the corner then does clubbing shots from the mount. Creed is thrown through the ropes then JD dropkicks him in the back off the apron. Jd works on creed's arm and bangs it off the apron. JD is catapulted over the top to the floor and does a big release suplex.

JD kicks Julius from the apron and Brutus goes over the top. JD kicks him from the apron. He goes to chair Brutus but Sanga and Veer stop him. JD backdrops Creed on the floor then pulls him into a suplex for the win in the ring.

This was another short one here. They made what they could of it and I liked Sanga/Veer popping in to continue the storyline about wanting the Creed's at 100% for thier match.

Zoey Stark is asked about Nikkita Lyons' TikTok video. Stark said Lyons is a waste of roster space. She said let her bring her reactions and dances to the ring and she will bring her talent.

We got another video on Lyra Valkyria. It was the same one we saw and she is debuting next.

Isla Dawn does a promo on Alba Fyre. She said her suffering has ended but the longest night of the year is coming. She does some kind of magic spell and talks aout her black mist. She said the unholy enchanted will rise during winter.

Lyra Valkyria vs Amari Miller

Lyra has a graphic of a rainstorm for her entrance.

Lyra shoulder throws her early and hits a step up enzugiri. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes and holds on. Lyra has her head banged off the top buckle then she hits various kicks. She hits a nice northern lights suplex for 2. Amari sentons her off a legsweep attempt then Lyra spinning high kicks her. Lyra hits a top rope splash and wins it.

Lyra looked decent here hitting some decent moves but I thought the match could have been a little lceaner and Lyra didn't get enough time to show off.

Axiom is interviewed. He says Melo isn't as great as he thinks he is, so he isn't afraid of him. He asks Mckenzie to look into his eyes even though he is wearing a mask. He said he will beat Melo then have a smile on his fac,e but again we couldn't see it. It was a weird promo.

Jensen is walking around in the back and Kiana James comes up to him. KJ says he has been shlepping around like a lost dog and he should be happy he has a tag title match. Jensen says he's worried about Fallon. KJ has her assistant bring a Christmas gift and it's a dress shirt that fits. KJ says if he's gonna become a champ, he needs to look like one. KJ says everything will work itself out if he wins the tag titles.

We get a brawl with Diamond Mine/Toxic Attraction/Chance and Carter that is broken up.
Duke Hudson vs Damon Kemp

Kemp has been forgotten about since turning heel. I think he has new music here.

Kemp grabs his leg and takes him down. Duke reverses a wristlock then shoulders and slams Kemp. Kemp rolls out and pulls Duke's throat down on the rope. Kemp comes off the side rope and neckbreakers Duke then presses on his face with his forearm. Duke makes a comeback with gut punches then Kemp does a sweet gutwrench suplex. Kemp spears Duke for 2.

Kemp slaps a chinlock on and Drew Gulak comes down. Chase and Grew exchange words then Duke fires up. Duke hits punches and a back elbow then sideslams him. Dukes a does a nice overhead suplex then does a punch combo with a Chase U hand sign. Duke bangs his foot on the mat and they call it warming up the marching band then Duke facekicks him for the win.

Again, I don't know whether Duke is purposely doing hokey bad offense on purpose or on accident. Duke did some new offense here and it was a short one. There was someone in the Chase U section who looked like Bodhi Hayward to the point that it may have been him. I don't know where the Drew Gulak stuff is going.

NXT Women's Title - Mandy Rose vs Roxanne Perez

Perez shoulders her over then cartwheels over her. Mandy then cartwheels and dropkicks her. Perez hits armdrags then rolls her into a pin attempt. Mandy shoulders the post then Perez topes her. Perez is thrown into the steps and we go to PiP break.

We return with Perez getting her arm worked on and armdragging out of it. Perez makes her comeback and hits a dropkick. Mandy goes up top and is kicked then takes a hurricanrana. Mandy suplexes Perez out of the sideslam and Mandy pumping knees her for 2. Perez superkicks her in the gut then hits a pop rocks and shockingly wins the title in an upset.

Booker goes nuts and Perez cries in the ring.

This match wasn't anything too special and I don't really understand why they did this here. Mandy's been champ for so long and the big win should have happened on a big show with some build. That didn't happen here.  
Overall thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this at all. Mandy lost her title in a bad way and the show had tons of short matches with interference and other shenanigans.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

AEW Dynamite 12/7/2022

AEW Dynamite 12/7/2022

Last week's show is here:

Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale

Ricky Starks ended up winning this one over Ethan Page. It was pretty obvious from the start that it would be him or Jungle Boy. It didn't overstay its welcome and it wasn't that bad, but it was a battle royale and wasn't anything special. I'm not sure how this will work with Starks winning since it would seem to imply we will see these two fight twice.

MJF came out after.  We had a Ricky Starks and MJF talking segment. It was really nice to see two people who can actually talk interact with each other for a change. That's something you don't see a lot in modern day wrestling. I don't think criticizing MJF's fashion choices during this segment was the right call and they could have improved it a little, but it was an overall good segment.

Samoa Joe vs Darby Allin

This sounded like it might be good on paper. It was what you would expect with Joe ragdolling Darby and throwing him all around. Darby took some awful looking bumps here with a powerslam on the concrete, missed a dive where he flipped into guardrail and the cement and a neat spinning bump from being rammed into the post. They ended up doing too much here however. You just shouldn't be kicking out from floor bumps. If those can't finish you, what will?

We had a really bad segment with Orange Cassidy and Kip Sabian. Kip Sabian made it seem like he wanted a title shot, but got mad when he was offered one and then seemingly walked away from it. I have no idea if this is happening or not, and I hope it doesn't as I have no desire to see it.

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs Daniel Garcia and Jake Hager

Look, we've seen variations of this one for months. It's never awful and this wasn't bad either, but we've done this too many times and I can't wait for them to move on to anything else.

They had William Regal do a promo to try and explain why he turned on the Blackpool Combat Club and to give some thoughts on MJF attacking him. Regal claimed he did what he did to the BCC was to show them that they didn't need him anymore. It didn't make any sense as Mox lost the title, so clearly he does need him. Regal said he was BCC for life, completely ignoring him not being with them for the last few weeks.

Jade Cargill, Leila Grey and Red Velvet vs Skye Blue, Madison Rayne and Kiera Hogan

They didn't explain Kiera getting kicked out of the Baddies well at all. Kiera losing here just kind of proved Jade right for kicking her out and this just buried Kiera even further. This wasn't anything special.

AEW Tag Titles - The Acclaimed vs FTR

This one was kind of a lose/lose situation. Both teams are champs so they have to look strong and win or else they shouldn't be champs. The Acclaimed ended up getting the win here. I think there's cons to both teams winning, which is why so many of these matches just go to draws or other non-clean finishes. FTR's one of the few teams ever that were given title belts and somehow got less over with them and this did little to fix that one. The match wasn't a classic, but it was a fine main event and The Acclaimed held up their end of the bargain.

After the match, The Gunn's appeared on the tron. They had christmas presents in stockings and brought them out. The presents were a card from the Briscoes to FTR challenging FTR to a match at the ROH PPV this weekend and then dog collars, to signify a double dog collar match. I didn't get this at all from a kayfabe perspective. Why were The Gunn's involved in this? Why would they care. Either way, it's a crappy way to build up a big gimmick match like that. The PPV is only a few days away and AEW gave no hints or builds to that match happening.

Overall thoughts: A wrestling heavy show with no lack of in-ring content. The show was fine in-ring, but AEW's failures always come outside of the ring and they had that here. The Regal turn explanation was bad as was the OC/Sabian segment and the Briscoes/FTR set-up. They have an ROH PPV this Saturday and the line-up for it doesn't look good and the build up to it here was not good.