Sunday, July 7, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/9/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/9/1991 

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Piper is on crutches and says it will take more than a dirt bike spill to keep him out of Wrestlemania. He said he's mad about what Sgt. Slaughter has been saying about Hulk Hogan. He says Hulk will zap Sarge.

The Hart Foundation vs John Martin and Pete Sanchez

Bret gives a fan his glasses his as usual. Pete side headlocks Jim and is hit on the ropes from Bret. Pete's head is banged off of Bret's foot then Bret dropkicks him. Bret atomic drops John and stomps his gut. The Nasty Boys do an inset promo. Jimmy says The Harts will be the chumps and The Nasties will be the champs. Saggs says they took their manager and now will take their belts. Knobbs says when you rock the foundation, everything comes crumbling down.

Bret headbutts John then backbreakers him. Bret hits shots to the gut. John takes a hart attack then is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. I was surprised The Hart's were using heel tactics here by attacking from the apron. The Hart's wore all pink and white outfits here. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

We are two weeks away from Wrestlemania VII. Gene confirms Piper was in a motorcycle accident but will still be in Virgil's corner at Wrestlemania VII. We see clips of Ted Dibiase forcing Virgil to put the belt around his waist at Royal Rumble 1991. We then see Virgil hit him with the belt. We see clips of Virgil beating Haku two weeks ago.

Ted Dibiase does a promo. He laughs at Piper's accident. He says a cripple on a crutch in Virgil's corner won't do him any good.

The Mountie vs Cliff Sheets

Tito Santana does an inset promo. He said there's few officers like Mountie who like to throw their weight around. He says he will make sure Mountie doesn't throw his weight around on him.

Mountie boots him then bangs his head off the buckles. Mountie does a double choke takedown and trap holds Cliff. Cliff is out and the ref ends it.

Thoughts: This was a super short and unimpressive squash. The trap hold was the best finisher they could come up with here? Really?

Mountie handcuffs Cliff after. Mountie gets on the mic and says he has the right remain silent and says his words can be used against him in his court of law. Mountie then shock sticks Cliff with sound effects. Mountie then slaps Cliff with his gloves. 

Mean Gene is at Toys R Us again. Gene puts over a WWF Powercycle. He runs into Hacksaw Jim Duggan, who is only wearing his blue trunks. Jim says he's trying to fill out his collection of WWF wrestling cards. He says he is missing card #51. Gene says it's his card and shows him it. Jim offers to trade him for it and offers a Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior card. Jim throws down his 2x4, Gene pretends like it hit his foot and Jim takes the cards.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney pronounces Kitao's name wrong. Demolition and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Crush says everyone wants a piece of the toughest team in the WWF. Crush says the Japanese will need good luck. Smash says Tenryu and Kitao are supposed to be the best sumo wrestlers, but they say they are the best.

The Warlord and Slick do a promo. War says Bulldog claims to be the biggest and strongest man. He said Bulldog thinks it will be so easy but he doesn't think so. He says he will put the full nelson around his neck and put him out of wrestling.

The British Bulldog does a promo. He says everyone wants to be part of WM7. He tells Warlord to go for the full-nelson as he will take a ride on his shoulders and go through the ring at WM7.

The Big Boss Man vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Brawler attacks, Boss drops down and Brawler goes outside. Boss punches him then hits a spinebuster. Boss leg lariats Brawler on the ropes. Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect do an inset promo. Heenan says Perfect will walk to the ring carrying the belt and will walk out of it with the belt. Perfect says to be champ you must be Perfect and says Boss doesn't understand that.

Boss running back elbows him. Boss spinebusters him and then picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was your usual quick squash here without too many thrills.

Boss handcuffs Brawler after like a true face and totally not like The Mountie.

Mean Gene Okerlund is on the stage. He said he was appalled by Sgt. Slaughter's actions last time he talked to him here. He said Sarge burned a Hulk Hogan poster. Sarge and Adnan come out with a Hulk Hogan stick on a pole.

Adnan talks in his language. Sarge says Hulk's shirt is just a mere piece of cloth. He says soon they will enter the battlefield. He says he wants Hulk to enter the match with extra ammunition. He says "Hulk Rules" is nothing but a cruel hoax. 

Sarge says Hulk and all of his pukeamaniacs will go up in flames. He then lights the Hulk shirt on fire.

Thoughts: It was all cheap heat here and another attempt to get people to care about this feud.

"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs Shinji

Snuka has a solo strap singlet on. Shinji is Shinji Sasazaki, who wrestled in Japan. Shin hits some chops and 2nd rope crossbodies Snuka. Shinji suplexes him then Shinji is thrown off the buckles. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do an inset promo. Paul says to jump off the top rope into Taker's clutches and Taker says he will bury him 6-foot under.  

Shinji's throat is dropped on the ropes then Snuka hits a dangerous looking piledriver to win.

Thoughts: What we got here didn't look good and it was a quick squash.

Shinji is thrown out after.

WWF Event Center

Rick "The Model" Martel says Jake is walking around smiling and happy. He says Jake is counting on fans to direct him. He says Jake thinks he's real smart. He says he will figure out where Jake is by his smell. He says he stinks and needs Arrogance.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts does a promo. He says Rick gets to walk down that dark alley like he did. He says expect nothing from him but the worst as that's what he gave him. He says he can do all the things he thought of doing to him. He says he will get help from all of his friends (the fans) in their match.

Wrestlemania Report

Gene hypes up Sarge vs Hulk. He says he can't get over what Sarge did. Hulk does a promo. He says he and his Hulkamaniacs are burning up right now. He says torching his stuff was as bad as torching Old Glory. He says he's coming after him with his patriots (arms) loaded. He says if he shook Sarge's hand, he knows Sarge would fire a scud missile at his head. He says this is war and says if he has to go to war to stop him, then they will go to hell and back again. He says he and his Hulkamaniacs will live forever. He says there will be no surrender and no POW's, only victims. He says Hulkamania will live forever.

"Macho King" Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says Warrior signed his death warrant. He says he owns Warrior's career. He says it's the biggest of the big and the one everyone will remember. He says it's Warrior's Waterloo.

The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He says he knows what Macho looks for. He said Macho came to The Royal Rumble to take something from him. Warrior says there's a piece of both of them in the WWF Title belt. He said a piece of Macho's crystal was sewed into his head. He tells Macho not to look back, just forward. He said he destroyed one career in Brother Love and says he has a firm grip on Macho's last piece of crystal.

Gene talks about the rest of the Mania show.

The fake Queen of England says the battle between Warlord and Davey Boy Smith will happen in the ring at Mania. He says it will be lights out for The British Bulldog. Gene says maybe he met her at the lounge in Wichita, Kansas.

Gene talks about the instant replay debate at Mania and some of the guests. Marla Maples talks. She says imagine her at Mania with the other stars. She says "talk about high society, wow". And that's it.

Haku and The Barbarian vs Dale Wolfe and Randy Hunter

Dale back elbows Haku then Haku lariats him. The Rockers do an inset promo. Shawn says the biggest match of the year is coming. Shawn says their opponents will get a frontal lobotomy at Mania. Marty says the odds are stacked against them but they will pull through.

Dale takes a double boot and headbutt. Barb chokeslams Dale then lariats him. Randy gets some shots in on Haku then Haku eye pokes him. Vince says Randy and Haku having matching tights. Haku chops him. Haku leapfrogs him then Randy runs into Barb's suplex. Barb backbreakers him. Randy takes an atomic drop + superkick combo and is pinned. 

Thoughts: Barb and Haku usually do good squashes and this was no exception. Randy was a little scrappy here before being put down. This was Barb and Haku's first Superstars match as a team. 

WWF Event Center

Greg Valentine says he is no dummy. He said he signed the match to wrestle Earthquake and thinks Hart wants him out of wrestling. Greg says Quake will feel the wrath of Greg Valentine. Jimmy Hart and Earthquake do a promo. Hart said he walked down the aisle as Greg's manager at Wrestlemania 6 but will walk down the ring as his enemy at Wrestlemania 7. Quake says Greg will feel the quake and says he made a mistake.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says Power and Glory stuck their nose where it doesn't belong and will knock it out at Wrestlemania VII. Hawk says there's power here and they could care less about glory. Hawk says they are a problem for them and thinks they can't solve it.

Next week has a special interview with Hulk Hogan.

Overall thoughts: Like last week, Wrestlemania VII is the main focus here. It should be but the matches are kind of set already and there's no real new developments. To me, WM7 is a two match show - Jake/Martel and Warrior/Macho. I can't say I care much about the rest as there's no great storylines behind anything else except Hulk/Sarge. I wouldn't recommend this one but I didn't mind it.

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