Sunday, July 7, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/6/2024 Season 4, Episode 43

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/6/2024 Season 4, Episode 43

Last week's show is here:

The Fab Four come out without The Carlson Twins. Lana isn't happy about Penelope Pink having to wrestle Tiki Chamorro. Lana says they want The Beast. Lana says Pink will take her frustrations out on Tiki.

Tiki Chamorro vs Penelope Pink

Tiki takes Pink down by the arm then foot pushes her into the buckles. Pink is sent into the buckles then Pink eye pokes Tiki. 

Pink gori specials her into the buckles then gordbusters her. Pink hits a basement dropkick and loses a hair extension. Tiki crucifixes her then dropkicks her. Tiki slingshot sunset flips her then Pink knees her. Tiki step up enzugiri's her then hits lariats.

Tiki headbutts her then headbutts her off the ropes. Tiki 619's her. Vickie Lynn McCoy grabs Tiki, Pink nails McCoy on accident then Pink gets the win.

Tiki is beaten up by The Fab Four after. The Tonga Twins then make the save and everyone has a fun fight in the ring. The refs all try to break the fight up.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Tiki being the underdog as usual vs Pink. The brawl after wasn't too crazy but I liked it.

David McClane interviews The Tonga Twins and Tiki. Tiki says it feels great to win and says the win is also for the people of Guam. McClane says that The Fab Four are barred from ringside in the Miami's Sweet Heat vs Tonga Twins match.

Ice Cold vs Lil' J-Boogie

J armlocks her and is hammerlocked on the mat. Ice crabs her then J side headlocks her. J hiptosses her and takes a boot. Ice facebusters her. Ice meteoras her in the corner and bangs her head off the mat. J hits boots out of the corner then J dropkicks her.

J crossbodies her for 2. Ice hits a backcracker then J step up enzugiri's her. J running leg lariats her and wins.

It wasn't that good as expected. J is not one their top girls and her offense does not look good.

J does breakdancing after.

Animal Instinct (Goldie Collins and Katarina Jinx) vs Team Spirit (Pep Reilly and Sasha Sparks)

Golide gets on the mic and says it's an honor for the fans to see them. Goldie said they were surprised to see they were wrestling Pep and Sasha tonight. She said she's familiar with training toy breeds. Jinx says they understand the art of playing with one's food. She said it doesn't take much to knock them off their feet and take them down. Jinx says they can smell Team Spirit's fear.

Sasha and Goldie go at it. Goldie pie faces her and takes a boot. Sasha walks up the ropes and armdrags her. Sasha dropkicks her. Pep cartwheel back splashes Goldie then basement dropkicks her for 2. Goldie shoulders her over then sends her into Jinx's boot.

Jinx hits the mouse trap facebuster and sends Pep into the buckles. Goldie perfectplexes Pep for 2. Goldie boots Pep in the corner then Jinx does too. Pep jawbreakers Jinx. Sasha hits back elbows on Goldie then up kick enzugiri's her from the mat. Goldie is double tripped. Pep takes a flipping neckbreaker while on Goldie's shoulders and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was an average match here with no botches or major highlights. Jinx was good on the mic before the match here. 

We see clips of Samantha Smart talking to The Disciplinarian. She has Elon Musk on her phone contacts. She says everyone has had enough of Dis' behavior. She says the outbursts are eroding the team's foundation. She asks if she will get herself together and watch the team crumble under her rage. Smart said she expects her to be in the match next week. She says if her attitude comes with her, she will be forced to replace her.

Top Tier does a promo. They said they aren't done with Ariel Sky. They say Sky can't sweat with them. Coach says they are always Top Tier and can't be duplicated.

Miami's Sweet Heat vs The Tonga Twins

The Fab Four come out despite everyone but The Carlson's being banned from ringside. Dave says The Fab Four didn't get the message. The crowd chants, "kick them out". Dave says they are right and says we will kick them out. Dave says everyone but The Carlson's are banned from ringside.

Lindsay (blonde) and Kaoz (red shoe laces) go at it. Lori side headlocks Kaoz then Kaoz shoulders her over. Lori (black hair) gets pounded on by her opponents. Lori takes a double team for 2. Lori legsweeps Kona (green shoe laces) then legdrops her leg.

Kona stomps Lindsay then Lindsay takes a t-gimmick slam. Lindsay pounds on Kaoz's leg and pulls it over the bottom rope. Lori legdrops Kaoz's leg. Lindsay chinlocks Kaoz. Lindsay is dropped chest first on the mat.

Kona comes in and hits lariats on Lori. She slaps her, superkicks her and samoan drops her. Lindsay lariats Kaoz. MSH take suplexes. MSH take stereo hip attacks then the ref takes a hip attack on accident. The Fab Four come out and MSH are disqualified.

Tiki then comes out with a kendo stick and hits McCoy with it. The heels then leave.

Thoughts: The match was fine but the finish was lame especially since The Fab Four were already banned from ringside. Look, these two teams are WOW's better teams and I don't mind seeing them wrestle each other, but at some point, WOW does have to move past this match-up.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. Nothing really stood out here on the one and the finish to the main wasn't that good. I'm sure there will be some follow-up to what happened in the main next week but that doesn't really help us this week. I like The Tonga Twins vs Miami's Sweet Heat but the company is relying on that match-up a little too much.

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