Sunday, July 7, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/7/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/7/2024

Last week's show is here:

Stuka Jr., Hijo de Stuka Jr and Fugaz vs Villano III Jr, Hijo de Villano III and Stigma


SJ = Stuka Jr., HS = Hio de Stuka Jr., V3J = Villano III Jr., HV = Hijo del Villano III

1st Fall - Stig and SJ go at it. Stig flying headscissors him and SJ kicks him away. HS and HV (no tattoos) go at it. HV kips up out of a wristlock and takes him down. HS spinning headscissors him from the mat. HV front facelocks him then HS takes a triple team in the corner. V3J nails his partner off the top on accident. Fug side headlocks V3J then hiptosses him. Fug armdrags V3J off his shoulders. HV dropkicks Stig out. SJ flying headscissors a Villano then is top rope dropkicked by Stig.

Stig takes a double chop outside then Fug hits a tope outside. The Stuka do stereo ddt's and get stereo pins to win the fall. 

2nd Fall - HV is hiptossed in from the ramp. V3J and Fug go at it. Fug hiptosses him then dropkicks him out. Fug flying headscissors Stig then walks up the buckles and springboard hurricanrana's HV.

V3J thesz presses Fug and hits mounted punches. HV flying corner lariats Fug. The Villanos are tripped off the top buckles then the faces stomp on them. The Villanos try to cover Stig while he's getting stomped and they get stomped for it. Stig takes a spin kick and is thrown on SJ's knees.

HV takes a flipping neckbreaker from SJ then takes a magic killer + a springboard dropkick. HV is thrown on the ramp  and HS rips at his mask. The Villanos and Stig all hit tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. HV hits a tope and V3J cannonballs off the ramp. Stig canadian destroyers SJ and pins him to win the fall.

3rd Fall - SJ shoulders over Stig. HS stomps Stig. Stig 2nd rope double stomps SJ then superkicks HS. Fug takes a pop-up powerbomb then HV springboard dropkicks Fug. V3J splashes Fug off the top for 2. HV flips over Hs' back then springboard headscissors him. HV is double stomped by his opponents then he pop-up dropkicks SJ. Fug is catapulted into a HV 2nd rope dropkick.

HS chops HV and HV chops back. HS jumping knees him. HS takes a running throw by three people into the ring. Stig springboard splashes HS. Stig dropkicks Fug out then topes him. V3J racks HS then HV does a double jump moonsault. The Villanos get pins and win the fall and match.

Thoughts: I don't know who the faces were here but I was fine with it otherwise. The Villanos looked good as usual and we got some creative moves here.

Felino & Felino Jr. vs Hijo de Octagón & Octagón

FS = Felino Sr, FJ = Felino Jr., Hijo = Hijo de Octagon, OS = Octagon Sr.

1st Fall - FJ and Hijo go at it. FJ takes Hijo down then camel clutches him. FJ ties up his legs and Hijo goes for the armbar. FJ does a nice Japanese armdrag on Hijo. Hijo armdags him. They legsweep each other and stand off.

OS and FS go at it. FS offers a handshake.OS armdrags him a couple of times then OS is double teamed. OS takes a double back elbow out. FJ catches Hijo's hurricanrana and powerbombs him. FJ pins Hijo. OS takes a spinebuster and a top rope FS elbow drop. The Felino's win the fall.

2nd Fall - FJ spin kicks Hijo then chops. Hijo takes a double team. OS is tripped and takes a basement dropkick. Hijo flying headscissors FJ then superkicks FS. FJ kicks him over. OS offers a handshake to FJ then punches him. OS crucifixes FJ and pins him. Hijo does la escalera on FS and submits him. The Octagon's win the fall. 

3rd Fall - OS hiptosses FS then armdrags FJ. OS hiptosses both. He arm throws FS and tags out. OS and FS go at it. OS walks up the buckles then dropkicks FJ. He then springboard headscissors HS. Hijo is popped up an dropkicks FS. He dropkicsks FJ out and tope con hilos him. OC la esalera's FS but FS reverses it on him and taps him out. The Felino's win the match.

Thoughts: Octagon Sr. was really limited here and did what he could. Hijo de Octagon took up a lot of work here. It was a shorter one and maybe that was for the better. It was watchable at least.

Gran Guerrero, Hechicero, Volador Jr. vs Akuma, Flip Gordon, Máscara Dorada

MD = Mascara Dorada

1st Fall - Akuma and Hech go at it. Akuma wristlocks him, Hech rolls him back to escape it. Akuma trips him and pulls his arms back. Hech knee drops Akuma's leg and they roll each other into pin attempts. Akuma bow and arrows him then Hech knee drops the arm. They end up doing a stand off and push each other.

Flip and Gran go at it. Vol nails Flip from behind. Flip is tripped and takes a double boot. MD is rolled into the air and takes a double kick. Hech chops Akuma then Hech step up knees Akuma in the corner. Vol superkicks Akuma.

Flip is popped up into a kick from Vol. Flip takes a triple boot. MD takes a spinning hammerlock backbreaker. Akuma and Hech trade chops. Gran package powerbombs Akuma and pins him. Flip is flapjacked then Hech tapes him out with a double arm submission to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Akuma is bridged on the ropes and Hech is popped up into a buttdrop on him. Hech stomps on Akuma. Flip then takes the same move. Flip gets his legs split. Hech ankle locks Flip then Flip is held for shots from Hech. Flip gets out and MD armdrags Gran. Akuma hits a double dropkick then Flip hits a tope outside. Gran takes a 450 and is pinned then Akuma pins Vol with a muscle buster. Akuma's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol and Akuma fight. Akuma dropkicks him. akuma avoids a double team and pushes Gran into Hech. Akuma armdrags Gran. Flip and Hech get in. Flip asai moonsaults him then ddt's him. Flip kips down and up then kicks Gran in th gut. Flip springboard dropkicks Gran. Gran goes up and over Vol then 2nd rope flipping neckbreakers him. MD flying headscissors Hech. MD flips over Vol then jumps off of Hech to headscissor Vol. MD headscissors Hech while on his shoulders.

MD flips off of Gran then satelitte headscissotes him out. MD tornillos out onto Gran. Hech headscissors drops Akuma and pins him and Vol pins Flip. Hechicero's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was acceptable. Nothing too great here though and we really didn't see anyone's best stuff in this.

Overall thoughts: All three matches were fine here and it was an okay show overall. There was nothing that great on it and we sadly didn't get to see the mini's cibernetico which looked great on paper. The Villanos match was probably the best thing on here.

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