Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Houston Wrestling 12/28/1978 - Ken Patera vs The Spoiler

Houston Wrestling 12/28/1978 - Ken Patera vs The Spoiler

"Right now it doesn't matter who is the strongest man in the world, because Ken Patera can't grow enough muscle between his ears to fight off the nerving effects of the clawhold" - The announcer
JJ's cigar goes flying
This went to a 15 minute draw, which they gave away by creating a 15 minute time limit. Not a great one by any means. It was rather slow, the crowd wasn't too loud and the work was just not there. There was nothing that bad, but they didn't connect that well on multiple strikes and Ken oversold for just about everything. There wasn't much story to it aside from Patera and JJ Dillion cheating early on and then later it became them trying to avoid the claw. JJ got involved and got chased multiple times and it was cool to see his cigar fly when he finally got caught and that was one of the few highlights along with Spoiler throwing bombs on Patera in the corner(as seen above) and I really did like the Spoiler winding up before attempting the claw.

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