Friday, November 29, 2013

WWF Boston Garden 4/26/1986 - Ted Arcidi vs Big John Studd

WWF Boston Garden 4/26/1986 - $15,000 for Arcidi if he slams Studd - Ted Arcidi vs Big John Studd

I always want to spell Studd as Stuff. Big John Stuff has a decent ring to it, right?

"Come on up here Arcidi, let's see who's strong now." - Studd
This one has a 45 minute time limit on it. That's a scary thought.

"He was in Vienna, Austria a little a while ago and wrestled a German champion. He absolutely destroyed him." - Lord Alfred Hayes  | "He did, he'll never be asked to come there again." - Gorilla Monsoon

They went to a double countout here after 8 minutes of an awful match. The first half of the match consisted of a test of strength and the second half was all about clubbing forearms to the chest. Horrible match here with no exciting points at all.

WCW Worldwide 5/25/1996 - Eddie Guerrero vs Steve Doll

WCW Worldwide 5/25/1996 - Eddie Guerrero vs Steve Doll

"Look at his head and his haircut, look at that. Now you don't know who his mom named him after. Eddy Munster. I know that for a fact. He looks exactly like Eddy Munster." - Bobby Heenan

"Eddie! Eddie!" - The crowd | "Munster! Munster!" - Bobby Heenan

Thoughts: Eddie got a quick win in only about 2-3 minutes with a frogsplash. There was absolutely nothing to comment on here as it was way too short and mostly a waste of time. This could have been pretty good with about 5 more minutes.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

WCW Worldwide 5/11/1996 - Men at Work vs Manny Fernandez and Bart Sawyer

WCW Worldwide 5/11/1996 - Men at Work vs Manny Fernandez and Bart Sawyer

From -

"Do these men work on a construction crew or is it destruction?" - Bobby Heenan
"They're checking the blueprints now." - Bobby Heenan
"These Men at Work have been punching the clock for a long time together now." - Tony Schiavone | "What's with this hardware jargon you used? Punching the clock. Can't you say they've been together a while." - Bobby Heenan | "They've been nailed together quite a while." - Tony Schiavone | "Nailed together?" - Bobby Heenan | "Fine, riveted together." - Tony S.

"And down he goes to the roadside area." - Tony S.

"It's the Human Cement Mixer." - Tony | "Slam off the ropes." - Bobby
Men at Work got the win with the Cement Mixer. Funny match here. Tony was going nuts with hardware references and driving Heenan crazy. The crowds didn't care but the producers didn't care as they edited in cheers and boos anyway. Both teams were kind of akward here and this wasn't very good.

WCW Pro 9/10/1994 - Scott Studd vs The Gambler

WCW Pro 9/10/1994 - Scott Studd vs The Gambler

I think Scott Studd is Scotty Riggs.

"If you leave an opening, the Gambler will throw up one of those Joker's he's got underneath his sleeves." - Larry Zbyszko
"I'm rooting for The Gambler." - Larry Z | "I've got a secret meeting with Colonel Parker later. I guess it's not a secret anymore." - Larry Z

"Took his nose off!" - Larry Z

"The Gambler's gonna fold 'em. One by one, I'm gonna beat them." - The Gambler
The Gambler beat Scott Studd with a high lariat. This was really nothing special. This was totally an opener of a match and had no real highlights besides the ending lariat. They just worked a lot of arm locks and stuff with this having a slow pace to it. The announcers were too focused on the upcoming Fall Brawl to care and as usual, Larry was mostly focused on himself.

WWF MSG 2/20/1989 - Big John Studd vs Akeem

WWE MSG 2/20/1989 - Big John Studd vs Akeem

Nothing good can come of this one, but I'm up for it anyway.

"A couple of real real giants going to be locking horns here at Madison Square Garden." - Ron Trongard | "This is one match we waited a long, long time for." - Lord Alfred Hayes | "You got that right." - Ron Trongard
"Akeem is making gestures all over the place, relative to....relative to just about anything... the time of day, the type of mood, his type of boots, his type of trunks, the length of his hair." - Ron Trongard

"Studd, a very very cool man inside the ring...GOD, how does he do it?" - Lord Alfred Hayes
"Whoa! Saliva! Going 15 or 20 feet into the air." - Ron Trongard

I'm making the same face myself, Slick.

This went to a double countout at around 8 minutes or so when both men were fighting and were counted out. The execution was pretty bad and the shots were very plodding and light but I expected a lot worse. The crowd was forgiving here and Akeem kind of amused me as a goof here. This was mostly all about clubbing forearms and awful John Studd clotheslines before the finish. Slick's dancing and hilarious facial expression above were the highlights here. The commentary was horra-awful but the match could have been worse.