WWE Speed 12/11/2024
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-speed-1242024.html
#1 Contender's Tournament First Round - Michin vs Ivy Nile
Ivy misses a dropkick and Mich rolls her up for 2. Ivy boots her in the gut then Mich cradles her. Mich dropkicks her and hits a forearm in the corner. Ivy flying kicks her then germans her for 2.
Mich backrolls her for 2. Ivy rolls her up for 2. Ivy hits short arm shoulderblocks for 2. Ivy is caught on a crossbody and Mich fallaway slams her for 2. Ivy gutwrench suplexes her for 2. Ivy misses a flying kick and takes a john woo. Mich twerks for some reason and pele kicks her. Mich cannonballs her and hits soul foot. Mich then wins at 2:39.
Thoughts: It was short as usual and wasn't anything too special. They didn't botch anything but there was nothing real memorable about it. Mich got the win here as expected.
Overall thoughts: There was only one new match as usual and it was nothing you needed to see. I wouldn't recommend this one though it's not like it was a bad way to spend 2 minutes.
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