Monday, December 16, 2024

TNA Xplosion 12/6/2024

TNA Xplosion 12/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

As usual, I am only covering the new content here.

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Paige Prinzivalli is today's guest. She's one of TNA's ref. Paige started as a wrestler in 2017. She said she emailed Santana Garrett and started going to wrestling school. She said she had tryouts and it lead to her being a ref. Gia says Paige has an aura about her and may have been a princess in a past life.

Gia says she hangs out with Rapunzel. Paige says she hangs out with Ariel and Elsa. Paige says she does events for charity. She says she also teaches high school math. Not much else of note is said before the interview ends.

Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) vs Jada Stone and Maggie Moore

Jody runs around the ring as usual during her entrance. Jody wristlocks Jada. Jada backflips to get out and side headlocks her. Jody side headlock takeover her then Jada does the same. Jada legsweeps her and they stand off.

Jada limbos out of a lariat and headscissors her. Jada is flipped and is hiptossed. Jody says, "that was sick" and they fist bump. Dani and Moore get in. They do a double knuckle lock.

Dani gets the edge on a wristlock. Moore does a leapfrog then is shouldered over. Dani armlocks her. Moore back elbows her and pounds on her. Dani then hits forearms. Jada kicks Dani in the back from the apro nand Moore hip attacks Dani for 2.

Moore boots Dani in the corner and Jada foot chokes Dani. Dani slingshot suplexes Moore. Jody and Jada get in. Jody hits shots on both opponents. She lariats Jada over then exploders Moore. Jody kicks Jada in the gut then pump kicks her. Jody germans Jada after hitting double knees to the back of the neck on the ropes.

Jody sitout slams Jada for 2. Dani hits a stiff german on Moore then lariats her over the top. Moore takes a nice bump outside. Jody then ropes both opponents outside. Jody throws Jada into a sitout powerbomb from Dani. Jada is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short but good little tag match here. The jobbers looked just as good as the favorites in this one. Jada really is about ready to be a TNA wrestler and with her continuing to get matches here, it seems like she will eventually be signed. Moore already is signed. Moore took a nice bump over the top and the finish looked good in this one. I enjoyed this.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new interview and one new match here as often is the case. The match was good but not must see. You don't really need to see this, but there's worse ways to spend 15 minutes.

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