WOW Women of Wrestling 12/14/2024 Season 5, Episode 14
Last week's show is here:
We see footage from earlier. Chainsaw gives Pep Riley a flower backstage and pats her on the head. Pep thanks her.
Top Tier comes out. Coach says they are the greatest team in wrestling. She says they will wrestle in any combination, championship or not. Kandi tries to interrupt and Coach pulls the mic away. Coach says to bring out their next opponents.
Lil J-Boogie, Tiki Chamorro and Pep Riley come out.
J walks out with her arm in a sling. McLane asked her what happened. She says she can't wrestle. She said she got jacked. She asked to let Tiki and Pep tag against Top Tier. McLane says Coach just said she didn't care what the match was. McLane asks her if they will accept the challenge and Coach accepts. J-Boogie will be on commentary for this.
Tiki Chamorro and Pep Riley vs Top Tier (Gloria Glitter and Kandi Krush)
Pep and Kandi go at it. Kandi pushes her into the buckles. Pep crucifixes her for 2. Pep double boots her out of the corner and 2nd rope diving crossbodies her. Tiki takes down Glitter by the hair and slams her. Tiki pushes Glitter into the buckles and hits a botched 619. J says she got injured teaching breakdancing.
Glitter codebreakers Tiki. Kandi bangs Tiki's head off the buckles and throws her down backwards. Kandi rainmakers Tiki for 2. Tiki takes a double backdrop for 2. Glitter does the stair stepper on Tiki's back and sliding lariats her in the back of the head.
Glitter camel clutches her. Tiki shoulders Kandi over. Pep 2nd rope thesz presses Kandi and hits punches. Pep dropkicks her and hits a cartwheel back elbow. Pep sunset flips Kandi for 2. Glitter breaks the pin up and Kandi hits an olympic slam on Pep to win.
Thoughts: The faces had some rough moments on offense here. The heels did what they were supposed to through en route to victory. It was an average match.
We get a video on Ashley Blaze. We see her playing basketball. She says she grew up playing sports and it came natural to her. She says being an athlete is hard. She says she tore her ACL and meniscus. She says she can do it all and says she's dang good at it. She says she knows what she brings to the table and wants to show the girls she's not playing around. She says she's here for gold. She says tough love to girls who stand in her way. She says she's coming for victory.
Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Genesis vs Ashley Blaze
Blaze waistlocks and hammerlocks her. Blaze puts a side headlock on. Blaze armdrags her off the ropes. Gen legdrops her over the back of the neck for 2. Gen grabs her leg and foot chokes Blaze. Gen legdrops the leg and then leglocks it. Blaze gets a hold on but is shoulderblocked soon after.
Gen ddt's the leg. Gen pulls the leg around the ropes. Gen puts Blaze's leg on her shoulder and drops down. Blaze hits chest forearms and dropkicks her in the back. Blaze walks up the buckles and moonsaults Gen for 2.
Gen pulls Blaze's kneebrace off. Gen corkscrew kicks her and pins her.
Thoughts: Gen worked the leg all match long here then hit a corkscrew kick to win. I would have liked a finish involving the leg instead. Blaze mostly sold here. Gen won as expected. It was just average.
Gen gets on the mic. She says that's another one that bites the dust for a blaze that got burned out. She says Blaze was a good contender but said they made a mistake in making her Gen's qualifying match. Gen says there's only one match between her and the WOW Title and all she has to do is get them out of the ring.
We get a video on Xena Phoenix with some phoenix graphics. They say she comes from Albania and trained her whole life as a grappler. They say the armbar is her most effective move. We see clips of her qualifying for the title battle royal. They say she's here to win gold.
Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Xena Phoenix vs "Vicious" Veronica Varoom
VV is tripped to start. Xena trips her again and pulls on the arm. Xena armbars her and VV ropebreaks. Xena suplexes her for 2. VV hits corner spears and snapmares her. VV bangs Xena's head off the mat with a headscissors.
Xena's head is banged off the mat and VV camel clutches her. VV gives her a noogie. VV cornber splashes her and bangs her head off the buckles. Xena thesz presses her and VV blocks her shots. Xena armdrags her then hip throws her. Xena rolls her into a fireman's carry and throws her down. Xena then submits her with an armbar.
Thoughts: It was a really limited and basic match with no one doing anything too crazy here. Both these girls are pretty green and they worked as such.
Animal Instinct talk in the back. Goldie says Jones and Betty have the titles they want. Goldie says the titles will look better on them than Jones and Betty. Jinx says people ask her why they team together. She says the differences between dogs and cats are what make them so good. Jinx says they have an animal instinct. Goldie says they know that the two hillbillies in Jones and Betty share something too.
Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty talk in the locker room. Betty says they have a match against "Catdog" tonight. Jones says Animal Instinct have good potential in the future but this will be a walk in the park. Betty says they will run them over like road kill.
Next week has Foxxy Fierce vs Reina Del Rey in a Championship Battle Royal Qualifier.
WOW Tag Titles - Big Rigs and Bourbon (Big Rig Betty and Jessie Jones) (c) vs Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins)
Goldie and Jones go at it. Jones full-nelsons her and hammerlocks her. Jones snapmares her. Goldie puts her in a hammerlock and Jones works the arm. Goldie pulls the hair and Jones pulls back. Jones trips Goldie and bangs her head off the mat.
Goldie takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. Betty snapmares Jinx and superkicks her in the face for 2. Jinx is double teamed. Jinx pulls Jones hair then Goldie pulls Jones' hair and pounds on her from the apron.
Jinx drives Jones' head into the mat with her leg. Goldie headbusters Jones for 2. Jones sits on the 2nd rope. Goldie hits forearms and pulls her up for more.
Jinx spin kicks Jones in the face for 2. Jinx hits boots on Jones and foot chokes her. Jones throws Jinx out. Betty gets in and lariats Goldie. She back elbows her and lariats Jinx over. Betty backsplashes both in the corner. Jones and Betty do stereo corner hip attacks. Miami's Sweet Heat runs in and beats up the faces. Jones and Betty win via DQ.
Thoughts: It was okay enough but nothing too great. The finish furthered the storyline but wasn't the most exciting way to end the match. Some of Jinx's kicks didn't look good here. Jones and Betty aren't quite Holly and Betty.
MSH fights the faces after and both get thrown out.
Overall thoughts: I do think they are putting out better wrestling shows as a whole lately with more non-wrestling segments, but the in-ring action is down. The new girls are just not as skilled wrestling wise as some of last years girls are and until that gets fixed, the matches are going to suffer. The show was fine overall but there was nothing great on this one wrestling wise. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 overall and wouldn't recommend it.
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