WOW Women of Wrestling 12/7/2024 Season 5, Episode 13
Last week's show is here:
Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty come out. Jones said she told Dave McClane when he stripped her of the title that she'd be back but now she has a partner who will put the work in with her. Betty says her and Jones go way back, before Holly was even in born. She says there's nobody who can take the titles away from them. The Fab Four come out. Lana says after Pink wins tonight and wins the WOW Title, she says Miami's Sweet Heat will become the 5x WOW tag champs. She says Jones and Betty will be a blip on their radar. Jones says Pink maybe can win tonight since she's not her opponent.
The announcers wonder if Holly Swag is a trojan horse.
Torment does a subtitled promo. He says she wants to qualify for the battle royale for the title. She says the WOW Title is the most important in wrestling. She says she wants to win the title and show it off on her waist.
Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Fury vs Santana Garrett
Fury side headlocks her then SG headlock takeovers her. SG side headlocks her. Fury wristlocks her. SG uses the ropes to flip out of it. SG rolls out of a lariat and headscissors Fury over. SG does a jack knife pin for 2. Fury chops SG in the head for 2.
SG is thrown into the 2nd rope and Fury running knees her on it. Fury then rides on her on the 2nd rope. Fury knees her. Dave says he talked to The Beast and he agreed with her decision. SG sunset flips Fury for 2 then Fury sky highs her for 2.
Fury chinlocks her. SG throws her over and boots her out of the corner. SG handspring back elbows her. SG suplexes her for 2. SG pulls on the neck and Fury ropebreaks.
Fury rolls up SG for 2. SG does headflip and forearms SG. SG does a handstand hurricanrana on the ropes. SG superkicks Fury and pins her.
Thoughts: I didn't think it was anything special. It wasn't awful but was just pretty average. SG did her usual athletic offense here. Fury's offense was too loose in this one and didn't look like it hurt much.
Dave McClane comes in the ring after. He says SG is in the battle royal for the WOW Title now. She says this is the first time she has felt like she's back. She says she has been through a lot and still struggles, but she's doing this for herself, her dad and all the girls in the back. She says she's one step closer to becoming the WOW champ.
Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Tormenta vs Siren the Voodoo Doll
Miranda Mirage is with Siren which is new.
Tor hits forearms on Siren and spinning forearms her. Tor step up enzugiri's her. Tor 2nd rope diving armdrags her and shotgun dropkicks her. Tor is distracted by Miranda then Siren hits Tor from behind. Siren sits on Tor's back then ties up her legs. Siren hits a northern lights suplex for 2.
Tor backcrackers Siren. Tor lariats Siren. Siren bubba bombs Tor for 2. Siren corner cannonballs her. Siren then misses a corner cannonball. Tore tope con hilos Siren and Miranda outside. Tor hits a top rope meteora on Siren and wins.
Thoughts: Siren's offense wasn't good at all here. This was a shorter match with Tor taking offense, making her comeback and winning. It wasn't that good and Tor was expected to win this one.
We go to the back and see The Fab Four. Penelope Pink thinks she should be #1 contender and doesn't want to have to qualify for the battle royale. Lana says Pink will qualify and win. Miami's Sweet Heat say they want the tag titles back. Laurie says it's Holly's fault for hitting her in the head. All the girls argue. Lana tells everyone to calm down and says she has a plan.
Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Gigi Gianni vs Holly Swag
This is a rare heel vs heel match. Gigi takes her down off the lock-up and armdrags her. Gigi armlocks her. Holly hits chest forearms and armdrags her but Gigi holds on and armdrags her off of it. Gigi armlocks her.
Holly pulls Gigi's arm down over the ropes and clubs on Gigi's back. Holly snapmares her and running knees her for 2. BK Rhythm trips Holly on the apron then Gigi baseball slides Holly.
Gigi walks on Holly. Gigi bangs Holly's head off the mat. Holly is on the 2nd rope and Gigi backcrackers her. Gigi chokes Holly on the ropes. Holly tries a 2nd rope crossbody but is powerslammed for 2. They trade forearms on their knees. Holly and Gigi facebuster each other at the same time.
BK throws a chain in. Both girls try to grab it and fight over it. The ref grabs it. Holly hits Gigi with the sock filled with rocks and pins her.
Thoughts: It was the best match of the night so far and was something different with two heels going at it. The finish was okay here and worked.
Lana Starr gets on the mic after. She says everyone will be talking about Hollywood Swag. She says she's no Hollywood but Hollyhood. She says she's half bougie and half ghetto.
Top Tier come out to talk. Coach says finally Dave has taken advantage of having a legacy coach and her knowledge at WOW. She has she has some coach tips like never stop training if you want to keep winning. Her next one is to play to your strengths and says not everyone can be a Campanelli who is good at everything. Her last tip is to know when to apply more pressure. She says the job isn't done when the bell rings. She says they had to make sure the lesson was learned with Diamante and The Dojo Defenders last week. She says maybe with these tips, you can beat the greatest team in the world - Top Tier.
Lana Starr and Holly Swag talk in the back. Penelope Pink comes in. She says it's time to go for the main and pushes Holly down as she goes to follow them. Holly says you don't have to tell her twice and she drinks champagne as they leave.
Genesis fights Ashley Blaze in a Battle Royal Qualifier next week.
Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Penelope Pink vs Roxxy Fierce
They lock up. Pink backs her up in the corner and piefaces her. Pink has lost a bunch of weight. Pink side headlocks her and is thrown off. Rox jack knife pins her for 2. Pink boots her in the gut then Rox lariats her. Rox armdrags her then trips her into the 2nd rope. Rox hip attacks her on the ropes. Rox corner splashes Pink for 2.
Rox misses a corner splash. Pink sweeps her then running knees her in the corner. Pink sits on Rox on the ropes. Lana pulls Rox against the ropes. Pink crossbodies Rox against the middle rope for 2.
Pink rakes Rox's back. Rox drives Pink into the corner. Pink boots her then 2nd rope blockbusters her for 2. They fight on the buckles and Rox superplexes her. Rox shoulderblocks her, lariats her and back elbows her. Rox backdrops her for 2. Rox hits a nice belly to belly suplex for 2.
Pink jawbreakers her then lariats her. Rox sit out gordbusters Pink for 2 when Lana puts Pink's foot on the ropes. Rox thinks she has it won and the ref tells her no. Rox puts Pink on her shoulder. Lana distracts the ref and Pink hits pretty in pink to win.
Thoughts: I was surprised by this one. This ended up being pretty good. Rox's comeback was really good in this one and she brought the fight to Pink. She hit her offense well in this one and looked far better than I expected. Pink might have won this one but Rox really stepped up here and upped her stock.
Overall thoughts: The main was good here and easily the best thing on this show. I was really surprised by Roxxy Fierce's performance and thought she did a good job. Gigi vs Holly was a rare heel vs heel match and wasn't bad. I also was fine with the Top Tier promo. This one was all about the battle royal qualifying matches and we still have a lot to go. I thought it was a good show overall and this season continues to show that WOW has really upped their game in Season 5, though the wrestlers aren't quite as talented as Season 4's were. I liked this one and I'd give it a 6 out of 10.
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