Sunday, December 8, 2024

WWE NXT Deadline 2024 12/7/2024

WWE NXT Deadline 2024 12/7/2024

We are in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Vic Joseph and Booker T are on commentary.

We see wrestlers hanging out around the city.

#1 Contenders Men's Iron Survivor Challenge - Wes Lee vs Je'Von Evans vs Nathan Frazer vs Ethan Page vs Mystery Opponent

Eddy Thorpe was supposed to be in this but is being replaced. Wes and Evans are first in. Evans sunset flips Wes to start. Evas hits a nice dropkick and chops. Evans flying forearms him and running ssp's him for 2. Wes superkicks him in the back then backdrops him. Wes hits corner spears. Wes hits punches to the spine. Evans hits punches and Wes does a seated springboard headscissors. Wes double stomps Evans' back.

Wes topes Evans outside. Wes 2nd rope corkscrew swantons him for 2. Evans forearms him over and does a spinning backdrop. Wes blocks an os cutter then Evans stunners him. Evans is tripped while on the 2nd rope. Wes pins him with his feet on the ropes and Evans heads to the penalty box.

Nathan Frazer is next in. He running forearms Wes then asai moonsaults into a ddt on him. NF hits a frogsplash off the top for 2. NF goes up and over Wes in the corner then flatliners him into the buckles. Wes koppo kicks him outside.

Wes dropkicks NF into the rails. Evans is out of the box and tope con hilos NF and Wes over the post. NF spinning enzugiri's Evans then Evans corkscrew kicks NF off the ropes. Evans side slams Wes for 2. Evans and Wes fight on the buckles. Wes is knocked to the outside. NF slingblades Wes for 2. NF lariats Evans over the top and Wes hurricanrana's Evans into the apron edge. 

NF hits a hard tope outside on both opponents. They fight outside. Ethan Page enters the match at 10 minutes.Page pump kicks Evans and NF then lariats Wes. NF cradles Page and pins him. NF and Wes are tied at 1 point each. Page heads to the penalty box.

Page refuses to get in the box and Evans pushes him in. Wes rolls up NF for 2. NF lariats Wes, forcing a ddt on Evans. NF twisting neckbreakers Wes then hits a phoenix splash. Page then rolls up NF as he goes for a pin and pins him. We now have a 3 way tie for first with 1 point each. NF heads to the penalty box.

Evans spin kicks Page. Wes springboard kicks Page. Evans is on Page's shoulders, Wes topes him and Evans is flipped onto the floor. Wes suicide dives both opponents and top rope frogsplashes Page for 2. NF is out of the penalty box. 

Everyone hits kicks on each other then we have a 4 person high kick spot. Oba Femi is the mystery 5th contender. Oba's looking big. He running Evans, Page and Wes. NF comes off the 2nd rope and eats an Oba euro. Evans springboard forearms Oba, springboards again and takes a euro from Oba. Oba pins Evans. We have a 4-way tie for first at with everyone but Evans. Evans heads to the penalty box.

Oba backbreakers Wes. Oba backdrop throws Wes. NF springboards and is caught with a sitout powerbomb from Oba. Page breaks the pin up and argues with the ref about it. Oba grabs Page and threatens him against the penalty box. He then bangs his head off of it. Evans' time in the penalty box is over but he can't get out due to Page.

NF sends Oba into the post. Evans swantons onto Oba and NF off the box. Evans springboard cutters Wes and pins him. We have a 5-way tie for first and Wes Lee heads to the box. Oba and Evans stare down. Oba hits headbutts. Evans hits a big forearm. NF dropkicks Oba. Oba is double teamed in the corner. Oba puts NF and Evans on his shoulders and Wes superkicks Oba. Oba takes kicks from Wes, Evans and NF. Oba drops Evans with a forearm then Oba taks a double superkick. Oba powers up and double lariats Wes and NF.

Oba pop-up powerbombs Evans. Page rolls up Oba from behind and pins him. Page is now in the lead with 2 falls. Oba heads to the penalty box. NF superkics Page, Page falls on Evans. Evans crucifixes Page and pins him. Page heads to the box. Evans and Page are in the lead with 2 points. Page doesn't want to get in the box with Oba.

Oba throws Page into the box walls. Page tries to escape. Oba bangs PAge's head off the walls of it and hits punches. Page's face is put against the door. Oba throws Wes over the top to the outside. Evans topes Oba. Oba throws Evans into the box.

Wes pump kicks Oba. NF enzugiri's Oba. Oba hits a double chokeslams on Wes and NF. Oba pins both for 2 points. Oba gets in the lead with 3 points. Evans springboard cutters Oba but the time runs out. Oba Femi wins with the 25 minute time limit expired.

It was a good match. Oba was a nice surprise entrant in this and an upgrade over Eddy Thorpe. I just wish it had gotten more time as the match was entertaining. I had no real complaints about this one. They kept it moving. There were some fun spots. Oba getting payback on Page was fun and Oba was booked strong.  I really liked this.

Lexis King is outside. He said he didn't qualify for the ISC and isn't even on the Deadline card. He ays he's here because the city has a place in his heart. It's a pit in the bottom of his heart where his life changed forever - it's where he was left out on the side of the road in the cold. He says he's not chasing ghosts, he's trying to prove to everyone that he's not the same, he's different. He says he will exceed beyond anything his dad did. He said now he struggles more than ever. He says it's a fight worth fighting for. He says nothing feels better than the warm air of satisfaction.

Zaria and The NQCC are getting ready in the back. The ring has been cleared for the NXT Underground match. They say fans are coming down to be the lumberjacks but those people are too thin for that to be the case.

NXT Underground Match - Lola Vice vs Jaida Parker 

Lola kicks JP to start and hits mounted shots. JP spinebusters her. Lola pump kicks her back out of the ring. Lola jumps off the ring onto her. Lola's back is driven into the apron edge. JP slams Lola. Lola triangles her and JP slams her out of it.

Lola hits punches and kicks. JP spinning back elbows her. Lola ankle locks her. JP grabs one of the people outside and Lola kicks the gut. Lola hits spin kicks and superkicks her over to the body. Lola urakens the post when JP moves.

Lola's hand is banged off the apron. JP knees drops Lola's arm. JP takes off Lola's glove and stomps on it. JP hits punches and knocks her down. JP mounts her and bangs Lola's hand off the mat. JP knee drops the arm.

JP ties a belt around Lola's arm and pulls her into the post. JP wraps the belt around the post and polls. Lola lariats her with the belt. JP headbutts her then samoan drops her. JP gets on the apron and butt drops Lola's arm on the steps. JP tries to pin her but there's no pins. JP knee drops the arm. 

JP sits on her shoulder and armlocks her. JP grabs a brick. Lola spin kicks her and puts her in a grounded choke. JP tries to grab the brick and Lola kicks it away. Lola suplexes her. JP germans Lola. Lola urakens her with the injured hand and gator rolls her into a choke. JP is out and Lola wins.

: I liked the hand/arm work here. The butt drop to the hand on the steps was a neat spot. I'm not a big fan of this match type but they did a good job with it. I guess the brick is Jaida's trademark weapon now (like Triple H's sledgehammer).

Nathan Frazer and Axiom talk in the back. NF's nose bled earlier during his match and it's all taped out. NF looks tired. Ax tells NF to do what he can and says he will do most of the work. NF says they got this.

NXT Tag Titles - Nathan Frazer and Axiom (C) vs No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Tavion Heights)

NF's ribs are taped up. NF side headlocks Borne. Borne shoulders him over. NF goes out of the ring as he's still in pai nfrom earlier. Tav and Ax go at it. Tav rolls Ax as they mat wrestle. Tav does a nice suplex on Ax.

Ax bridges out of a wristlock and dropkicks Tav. Ax snapmares Borne and spin kicks him. Borne is held in an octopus and NF running kicks him. Tav hits corner spears on NF's injured ribs in the corner. NF headscissors Tav out. OTM has come out to watch. Ax topes Borne outside and NF topes Tav outside. Ax hits another tope. NF tries to but he's too hurt. Tav has words for OTM. NF takes a belly to belly suplex over the top onto OTM outside. What a throw that was. 

Tav hits mounted forearms on NF. Borne powerslams NF for 2. Borne chinlocks NF. Borne picks up NF like a fallaway slam but spins him down. NF flatliners Tav into the buckle . NF comes off the 2nd rope and takes a belly to belly suplex. Tav dominators NF for 2.

Ax hits superkicks and forearms on both opponents when he gets in. Ax lariats Tav, making him ddt Borne. Ax PK's Tav for 2. Tav slams Ax out of a powerbomb. Tav rolls Ax into a death valley driver for 2. Ax sends Borne out onto Tav.

NF springboard 450's Tav for 2. Tav release germans NF off the top. NF takes a dropkick + powerbomb combo for 2. Ax flying knees Tav. Ax springboards into a Borne dropkick. Borne gets up top and is knee'd in the face by NF. Ax hits a top rope spanish fly on Borne. NF hits a phoenix splash on Borne for 2. Ax golden ratio kicks Tav.

Ax top rope dropkicks NF. Borne lariats Ax. Tav hits an AA on NF on the apron. Ax takes a ddt + TKO combo. Ax canadian destroyers Tav. Ax cradles Borne and pins him.

It went longer than it needed to and they did overdo it some. It was the longest match we've gotten to see Tav and Borne do to date. They did a good job here and matched up well with Fraxiom. The crowd wasn't as good as they could have been for this and the heat for it would have been better at Full Sail. It was a good match. NF sold a lot early and played up his injuries. I thought they could have done more work on NF's injured ribs/stomach though then had Ax do a better hot tag in. It was an important match for Tav and Borne who have shown that they can be trusted in a bigger match like this. I'm hoping they run with them a little and see where they can go as a team.

Je'Von Evans is interviewed. He said he only needed 2 seconds to win. He says the Iron Survivor was fire. He says he can still go and grabs one of the people from the Underground match. Wes Lee comes up to him. Wes says they all lost to Oba and Evans is acting cool. He asks if he's stupid or dumb. Evans said he had a fire performance tonight. Wes says one day Evans will be just like him. Evans says he'd rather not then Wes drops him with a great punch. Security then breaks it up.

NXT Title - Trick Williams (c) vs Ridge Holland

Ridge hits euros on Trick and overhead suplexes him. Trick uppercuts him then hits punches. Trick hits a punch flurry in the corner. Ridge throat thrusts him and euros him. Trick dropkicks Ridge then spears him. Trick hits mounted forearms.

Ridge lariats Trick from behind. Trick hits shots on Ridge and flying lariats him. Trick hiptosses Ridge over the top. Ridge short arm clotheslines Trick on the floor. Trick hits headbutts then Ridge is sent into the post.

Ridge's head is banged off the buckles and Trick jumping neckbreakers him. Trick catapults Ridge's throat into the bottom rope. Trick slams Ridge. Trick hits a mcgillicutter on Ridge for 2. Trick backdrops Ridge. 

Trick corner splashes Ridge then misses one. Ridge pulls Trick down over his knee. Ridge stomps on Trick. Ridge overhead suplexes Trick. Ridge drops Trick on the ropes throat first then neckbreakers him for 2.

Trick is put in tree of woe and Ridge pulls his neck. Ridge crossbodies him as he hangs. Ridge neckbreakers Trick for 2. Trick ddt's him. Trick hits punches and leg lariats. Trick flapjacks him. Ridge crossfaces him. Trick rock bottoms Ridge.

Ridge powerbombs Trick and hits an air raid crash for 2. Ridge misses a top rope move and Trick corkscrew facekicks him for 2. They pump kick each other at the same time and both get 2 counts on pin attempts. Ridge sends Trick into the steps.

They get on the commentary table. Ridge is back body dropped to the floor. Trick gets his head tied up in the ropes on a missed charge. The ref tries to help Trick as he gets choked. Trick then frees himself. Ridge does a lifting ddt on Trick for 2. Trick spinning facekicks Ridge then flying knees him for the win.

Thoughts: "Work the neck" matches are a bit harder to spot because almost every wrestling move affects the neck. This got more time than it needed and was a pretty average match. The crowd wasn't super into it and there was just not a lot of exciting moments. They also used a lot of smoke and mirrors here with the ropes and the posts being used. They did about as good as they could have done with this with their skill levels and would have been better if it was shorter. It was just an okay match.

Ethan Page is at a table in the back. He's down about losing. He says it took him 4 matches to become NXT champ. He said he turned NXT into N-X-Me. He says he dropped the ball again and asks where Oba Femi came from. He says it took him 18 years to get here. He says it took him so long to get to the mountain top and now he has no clue how to get back there. He says he can't do this.

Ava is interviewed. She said Page had a good performance tonight. She says Oba being in the match tonight changed things and said Evans and Wes should finish what they started on NXT. She says New Years Evil will be live from LA this year. Tiffany Stratton comes in. She says this is her hometown and she's Miss MITB, so she can go anywhere she wants. She says she heard the iron survivor faces Perez for the title. She says maybe it will be Tiffy time when that match happens.

NXT on Tuesday has Tatum and Gigi vs Nyx and Jacy and an appearance from Oba Femi

#1 Contenders Women's Iron Survivor Challenge - Sol Ruca vs Stephanie Vaquer vs Zaria vs Giulia vs Wren Sinclair

G = Giulia

Wren rolls up G then G rolls her up. They test strength. Wren rolls G up for 2 and they trade pin attempts. G side headlock takeovers her. They trade backslides and Wren backs off, looking shocked.

Wren side headlocks her. G hammerlocks her. G shoulders her over. G does a flying octopus to Wren and Wren drops her out of it. Sol Ruca enters the match at 5 minutes. She springboard doubld dropkicks her opponents.

Sol superkicks Wren. Sol spins G around and drops her on her chest. Sol slams Wren onto G. Wren does cattle mutilation to Sol. G crossfaces both opponents at once. G slepeers Wren.

We get a double jawbreaker spot. Wren armbars Sol. Wren leglocks G then Sol headscissors Wren while she does it. G then cobra twists Sol while she headscissors Wren. Wren basement dropkicks Sol.

Wren shoulders over Sol then bangs her head off the mat. G knees Wren in the gut. Sol kicks Wren. Wren rolls up G for 2. G northern lights bombs Wren and pins her. G is in the lead with 1 point. Wren goes to the penalty box Sol rolls up G. G and Sol forearm each other over.

Zaria comes out at 10 minutes. She lariats G and pump kicks Sol. Zar hits a double corner splash then a double suplex. G headbutts Zar then Sol hits a double sol snatcher. G and Z both rolls oiut of the ring though.

Wren gets in from the penalty box. Sol hits a sol snatcher on Wren and pins her. Sol and G are tied for the lead at 1 point each and Wren heads back to the box. Zar electric chairs Sol and bangs her head off the box and post. Sol tries to german Zar off the apron.

Zar takes double powerbomb through the commentary table from Sol and G. G bridging neckbreakers Sol on the floor. Wren sees all 3 girls down. She can't lift Sol and Zar up. She grabs G then Wren rolls out of the ring. G dropkicks Wren off the apron. 

Sol flying space tiger drops out onto G and Sol. I'm not sure if a girl has ever done that before. Wren lariats Sol. Sol ties up Wren in the ropes. Sol sweeping kicks G from the mat. Stephanie Vaquer (comes in at 15 minutes).

SV springboard crossbodies Sol and superkicks Wren. SV hits soul foot on Sol. SV corner meteora's Sol for 2. SV dragon screws Wren down. SV and G stare down. Zar pulls SV out and sends her into the box. Zar lariats G over. Zar germans Wren. Sol springboards and catches a Zar spear.

G gets on Zar's back for a sleeper. SV then gets on G's back while she's on Zar's back. Zar then cannonballs with G on her into Steph in the corner. Zar F-5's G and pins her. Zaria, Sol and Giulia are all tied at 1 point each. G heads to the penalty box.

Zar takes a double lariat over the top. SV rolls up Sol. Wren rolls up SV. Sol double rolls SV and Wren up. Sol facebusters SV. Zar hits a top rope moonsault on Sol and Wren for 2. G flying headscissors Zar. G hits a ddt + reverse ddt combo on Wren and Sol. G hits a top rope double dropkick + senton on Sol, Zar and Wren. G hits a glorious driver on Wren and SV breaks up the pin.

SV and G stare down. SV and G hit headbutts on Zar and Sol. They then dropkicks both. SV and G headbutt each other at the same time. SV backdrops G then bangs her head off the mat with a headscissors. G top rope double underhook suplexes SV. Sol springboard splashes G. Zar deadlift germans Sol. Zar spears the post when Wren moves. SV then rolls up Wren and pins her. Everyone but Wren has a point and is tied for the lead. Wren goes to the box and throws a fit. 

Sol cutters G then rolls up SV. Sols is tripped int othe ropes and SV misses a 619. Sol springboard 450 double lariats G and SV. Wren exists the box with 40 seconds to go. Sol puts Wren on her shoulders and Wren rolls up Sol. We now have a 5-way tie for the lead at 1 point. Sol heads to the box with 30 seconds left.

Wren cradles SV then Zar hits a double spear on Wren and SV. Zar hits an F-5 on Wren and G pumping knees Zar. G gets the pin and is in the lead with 2 points with seconds left. SV goes for the pin but only gets 2. The 25 minute time limit expires and G wins.

I didn't like Giulia sneaking out the win here. It didn't get a big reaction and didn't really fit the character she has. I was really hoping for some kind of overtime or tiebreaker as we hadn't done had that yet but it was not to be. It was a good match. Wren was the job girl as expected, taking almost all the pins here but at least she got one pin in. Zaria had a good showing. They teased Steph vs Giulia hard here. Sol got a couple of nice spots in as well. I wouldn't have started this one off with Giulia and Wren though. I would have started it out with Sol and maybe SV. I've complained in the past about women getting main event spots unfairly but this was not one of those situations and they did a good job with this main. 

Giulia gets a bunch of confetti for the win.

Overall thoughts: The two ISC matches delivered as expected and helped carry the show. I liked the tag title match and NXT Underground was alright. Ridge/Trick was not great as expected but it made sense. It was a really good show overall though a bit long. I'd give this one a 7 out of 10 and thought the women's ISC and maybe the tag title are worth a look.


  1. "women getting main event spots unfairly" Umm... considering the women's division has carried NXT for months and the female talent overall just seem stronger than the male talent at the moment they don't main event enough. Tonight, them closing just made too much sense because there was no way they were going to sell Trick Williams vs Ridge Holland as the main event.

    1. Oh I'm fine with NXT doing it right now. But there's definitely been some instances in the past where I didn't think they deserved the spot they got.
