AEW Collision 12/7/2024
Last week's show is here:
This show is on at the same time as NXT Deadline 2024.
Continental Classic Gold League Match - Darby Allin vs Komander
Darby side headlock takeovers him. Kom goes up and over him and is put in another side headlock. Darby springboard armdrags him and Kom flips out. Darby chinlocks him then sharpshooters him. Darby la magistrals him for 2. Darby is pulled out and Kom moonsaults him off the top outside. Kom walks up the buckles and does a phoenix splash. Kom chinlocks him. Kom superkicks him out and dives on him outside off the buckles. Kom misses an ssp off the apron and is pushed into the steps. Kom is put in a chair. Kom moves and Darby tope con hilos the chair and dents it.
We go to PiP break and return. Kom is sent into the rails. Darby back elbows the rails when Kom moves an takes a flying kick for 2. They bang heads and both go down. Darby slaps him and hits a code red for 2. Darby is on the buckles, Kom runs up the buckles and does a top rope spanish fly for 2.
Kom is laying on the top rope and Darby coffin drops him while he lays. Darby then tope con hilos him. Kom poisonrana's Darby. Kom monkey flips him onto the apron. Darby lands on the apron on his knee. Kom tope con hilos him. Kom misses a rope walk ssp. Darby ties his legs up and pins Kom.
Thoughts: They did too much here and it was a dangerous match. The selling was not good in this one. This was all flying. Darby's monkey flip onto the apron landing looked really painful and the top rope spanish fly meant nothing.
Renee interviews Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita. Powerhouse Hobbs walks in. Don wants to shake hands. Hobbs says Don forgot his number, emails and forgot to check up on him. Hobbs says he wants Takeshita's International Title. He says he's taking everything from everyone and it starts with that. Don says Hobbs deserves a shot but they have to go to Japan and Portugal and they will get back to him. Don tries to leave and Hobbs grabs him, telling him to get back to him.
International Women's Cup Semifinal - Willow Nightingale vs Serena Deeb
Deeb is wearing a shirt that says "Nobody Cares" with an arrow pointing up at her face. Deeb wristlocks her. Willow waistlock takedowns her. Deeb takes her down by the arm. Willow shoulders her over. Deeb misses an armdrag and is rolled up. Deeb jack knife's her for 2.
Willow misses a butt drop then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Willow hits corner lariats. Deeb neckbreakers her over the middle rope. Deeb boots Willow out.
We go to PiP break, full break and return. Willow hits a back rack drop on Deeb. Willow lariats her and facekicks her. Willow spinebusters her for 2. Deeb hits chops and lariats and knocks her down. Deeb rebound germans her. Deeb hits a pepsi twist for 2.
Willow hits an oklahoma stampede for 2. Willow misses a corner cannonball. Deeb dragon screws Willow as she sits on the 2nd rope. Deeb hits a detox for 2. Willow pounces Deeb. Willow hits a doctor bomb and wins.
Thoughts: It was average. Deeb didn't even really work the submissions here like she usually does. I thought it was obvious Willow was winning this one and Deeb never wins any of her bigger matches.
Renee interviews Thunder Rosa. She says she beat May and Mina the last time she faced both of them. She says she should face the winner of the match between Mina and May. She then talks in Spanish from some piece of paper for some reason. She says she will scratch, claw and fight until she gets the title again.
The Death Riders comes out to talk minus Claudio. Mox says there's a lot of people who don't want to be world champ, but just think and say they do. He says they aren't ready to make the sacrifices and put themselves in harm's way. He says Jay White is one of them.
He says he respects Jay but says he's a child and doesn't know what it takes to be champ. He says Adam Page is miserable and will play himself out of the game before he even sniffs a title. He says OC was not the one and did not have what it took to get the job done. He says he regrets letting OC leave New Jersey with his skull in-tact.
Mox says he means what he says. He says he will take OC off the board for good if he p!sses him off one more time. Orange Cassidy then comes out. OC says he can live without being champ but can't live with Mox as the AEW champ. He says he won't stop until Mox is not the AEW champ. He says he only stops if Mox kills him. OC throws the mic and his sunglasses at him. OC throws his jacket at Yuta and his shirt at Pac. Shafir then hits OC with the suitcase. OC then gets stomped on by The Riders.
OC is thrown out. Pac and Yuta carry OC to the back.
We go to break and return. FTR do a promo. Cash says they have done everything to be the best in the last 10 years. He says Hurricane Helene hit and changed everything. Cash says they fight for the fallen now. Dax says Jan 1st will be big as Dynamite will be on Max and TBS. Dax says they are raising money.
We then see The Death Riders with OC. OC is held and a funnel is put in his mouth. Mox goes to pour some chemical in his mouth. FTR break it up with a pipe and ask Mox if Mox wants to go. Mox's crew then leaves.
Continental Classic Blue League Match - Kyle Fletcher vs Kazuchika Okada
They lock up. Kyle wristlocks him. Okada trips him. Kyle bangs Okada's arm off his shoulder. Kyle chinlocks him. Okada side headlocks him. Kyle side headlocks him. Kyle clean breaks him on the ropes. Okada dirty breaks him with a forearms. Kyle slams him then stomps on him.
Okada facekicks him. Okada sliding kicks him out. Okada ddt's him on the floor. Okada hits euros outside. We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms. Okada running back elbows him. Okada ddt's him for 2.
Kyle half and half suplexes him. Okada flapjacks him. Okada over the back neckbreakers him on the knee. Okada slams him. Okada top rope elbow drops him. Okada hits a dropkick and Kyle goes out. Kyle half and half suplexes him on the floor.
Kyle sitout powerbombs Okada in the ring for 2. Kyle corner forearms him then Okada spinning lariats him. Kyle superkicks Okada and Okada shotgun dropkicks him. Kyle is nearly pushed into the ref. Kyle low blows Okada then brainbusters him for the win.
Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. It was a longer and slower match. The finish got messed up as the ref didn't get hit and the spot didn't look good. Okada losing was a surprise though.
The Beast Mortos vs Aaron Solo
Jake Roberts is not with Mort as usually is the case. Solo knees Mort in the corner and Mort shoulders him over. Solo spin kicks him. Mort backbreakers him then powerbomb backbreakers him. Mort spinning lariats him and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Mort winning as expected.
Top Flight are in the back with Renee. Leila wants to know what happened in the battle royale. She says they are supposed to be a team but Lio and Andretti don't understand it. Andretti says they threw Dante and Darius out but it's a battle royale and it's every man for themselves. Darius says he's aware but wants to know why he kept Lio around. Darius wants to know why it became a team instead of a 4 person group. Lio says they kept losing and says they want to chase the title. Dante says they didn't have to do this and calls them stupid. They argue. Leila says if they want to fight, they won't do it here. Andretti says they need to settle this in the ring.
Thoughts: I still maintain that Andretti and Darius were a better team than Dante and Darius are. I think they tried to shoehorn Andretti in when Dante returned and it seems like they want to move on to other ideas.
Mina Shirakawa vs Emi Sakura
Mina points at Thunder Rosa in the crowd. Emi whips Mina with her jacket and hair throws her. Emi hits chops and Mina flying neckbreakers her. Mina kicks her in the back.
Mina hits kicks to the chest. Emi hits more chops. Mina spin kicks her. Emi knocks her down for 2 and Mina shimmy's. Mina chest kicks Emi down. Emi slaps her and hits more chops. Mina hits chest kicks. Emi bites the shin and arm.
We go to PiP break and return. Emi dropkicks Mina. Mina kicks her off the ropes then springboard enzugiri's her. They blow a spot and Mina kicks her for it. Emi does a twisting neckbreaker. Emi hits a double underhook backbreaker. Emi hits chops. Mina spinning forearms her. Mina 2nd rope diving slingblades her for 2.
Emi pushes the ref in the way of Mina and takes a uraken over the ref. Mina rolls over the ref's back onto Emi then diving slingblades her off the buckles to win.
Thoughts: It didn't look good on paper and it wasn't. Emi didn't bring much to the table at all here.
Mina drinks champagne after. We then get a video on Mariah May and Mina Shirakawa.
We see a Mark Briscoe and Daniel Garcia interview with Renee from last night. Mark says he has 0 wins 2 years in a row now in The Continental Classic. He says he's just not applying himself and plans to on Collision. DG says he likes that Mark stays positives and gets back up when he goes down. He says he does the same thing and will have to knock him down. He says he will give him everything he has and hopes Mark does the same.
Continental Classic Blue League Match - Mark Briscoe vs Daniel Garcia
DG side headlocks him then headscissors him. They stand off. DG legsweeps him and crucifixes him. They stand off and shake hands. They back each other up in the corner. DG rakes Mark's face and Mark is surprised by it. Mark boots and chops him. Mark throws DG out then dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark tope con hilos him through the ropes.
Mark backdrops DG on the apron. DG flying knees Mark off the apron. Mark is thrown into the rails. DG is thrown into the rails then facekicked. DG puts Mark in a chair outside and hits punches. DG dropkicks Mark against the rail.
We go to PiP break and return. Mark forearms DG off the 2nd rope. Mark mongolian chops him. They fight on the buckles on the outside and both fall down to the floor. They trade forearms. DG lariats him.
DG hits a corner lariat then Mark pulls him out of the ring. Mark elbow drops him off the apron. Mark hits a running lariat for 2. Mark exploders him and fisherman busters him. Mark rolling death valley drivers him. DG superplexes him and holds on then hits a piledriver for 2.
Mark hits a top rope froggy bow for 2. DG rolls him up for 2. DG hits chops and backdrops him. mark hits a burning hammer for the win.
Thoughts: I thought it was an average match. I just didn't think they matched up that well together and I didn't think it was super interesting. It also ended up getting more time than it really needed.
Overall thoughts: It was a pretty average night of wrestling. I didn't think anything was that great here. Mina vs Emi was ugly at times. We had a couple of new storyline developments with The OC vs Mox feud continuing on with FTR now involved, Hobbs wanting a shot at Takeshita and Top Flight fighting each other. I thought the show was a bit long and really wouldn't recommend it. I would give it a 4 out of 10.
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