Monday, December 16, 2024

NWA Powerrr 1/2/2024

NWA Powerrr 1/2/2024

Alex Misery vs Joe Alonzo

Joe piefaces him and shoves him off the lock-up. Alex wristlocks him. Joe rolls and cartwheels through a wristlock then throws him over by the arm. Alex spinning back elbows him then hits a twisting brainbuster for 2. Alex step up knees him in the corner. Alex spinning roundhouse kicks him.

Joe sends Alex into the buckles then tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes. Joe clips him for 2. Joe hits a forearm then snap suplexes him for 2. Joe dropkicks him. Alex back elbows him and neckbreakers him. Alex hits a dropkick and a TKO for 2. Alex misses a top rope springboard moonsault. Joe springboard double axe handles him. Joe hits a full-nelson facebuster and pins him.

Thoughts: Alex looked good as usual here. It was a shorter match that needed some more time. Alex doesn't normally win and I wasn't shocked that he lost here. Alex had some nice looking offense.

Miss Starr and an unknown woman are interviewed by Kyle Davis. She says she is the business and is born to be NWA Women's champ. Kyle asks if we will get info on the girl with her named Chelsea. Star says she doesn't have time and just needed someone to be her assistant.  

Storm Thomas vs. Anthony Catena vs. "Magic" Jake Dumas

Jake offers Storm some alcohol then spits it at AC. He then misses a superkick on AC. Storm armdrags Jake and suplexes him. AC hits shots on Storm and corner splashes him. Storm's throat is pulled down over the top. AC slingshot swantons Storm.

Jake atomic drops AC then AC flying forearms him. Storm lariats both over. Storm spinebusters AC then hits a sky high on Jake for 2. Jake blocks  vader bomb from Storm. AC hits a nice top rope diving elbow drop on Jake for 2.

AC is thrown over the top to the floor. Jake tombstones Storm and wins.

Thoughts: It had the usual issues that three-ways do and wasn't that good. Catena had a nice top rope elbow drop during this one. It was quite as action packed as you would think.

Kyle Davis brings out Bobby Fulton. They talk about Austin Idol. Bobby says he wants to bury the hatchet with Idol and says he wants the celebrate the big night with him. He  says you have to give the devil his due sometimes. Austin Idol comes out. Fulton says he wants to ignore past problems as it's Austin Idol Night here. 

Idol says it's a pleasure to be here and gets interrupted by Nicole Graham and Billy Corgan walking out. Nicole is related to Eddie Graham. Idol says Nicole looks stunning. Billy says he wants to honor Idol for 50 years in wrestling. He gives him a plaque. He says Idol started with The Graham Family 51 years ago. Idol is given the plaque.

Idol says it's been 50 years in the business and is mad that Billy gave him a "cheap @ss plaque that he probably picked up at Walmart". Idol says Billy is the big iconic rock star. He says they aren't in Sarasota, but Suckasota. He says Billy should be giving him a diamond rolex watch. Idol calls him a cheapskate and calls him, "Broke Billy". Kyle says he's being told they are out of time and have to go. Idol says it's his time and we cut away.

Thoughts: This was an okay segment putting over Idol as a heel. It's not a good look though when the promoter is being called cheap.

Knox and Murdoch are interviewed by Kyle Davis in the back. Murdoch says he's tired of it all. He says he's tired of politicians telling him to hate someone because of what they think and he's tired of people going to the grocery store, spending $100 and only getting 2 meals out of it. He says it doesn't excuse anything he did though. He says he apologized and this is Murdoch you get from now on.

Knox talks nonsense and says he's left alone with his thoughts. He says he remembers going through a table. He says he's proud of The Country Gentlemen for putting him through a table and tell them good job. He says any fans of them should not watch because it's going to be horrific with them in the match tonight. He says he likes them and might buy them a beer after they get back form the hospital.

NWA World Tag Team Title Match - Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage & Damage) (c) vs. The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky)

Damage has the tattoos and Carnage doesn't. Ball is looking really heavy here. Ball and Carnage lock up and they let go. Carnage knees and clubs on Ball. Damage hits some shots on Ball and Ball hits a double shoulderblock. Ball headbutts Damage then Damage takes a double shoulderblock. Carnage takes one as well. Jay chops and forearms Damage. Ball slams Damage then falling headbutts him. Jay elbow drops Damage.

Jay chases Aron Stevens around and into the ring. Damage lariats him from behind. Jay takes corner attacks and a lariat from Damage for 2. Carnage snapmares and trap holds Jay. Jay suplexes Carnage. Ball gets in and shoulders over and splashes Carnage. Aron Stevens gets on the apron. Ball goes for him then Carnage dropkicks Ball. Carnage picks up the pin.

I was surprised to see this end on a dropkick. You don't see that often these days. It was a shorter match here. It wasn't bad or anything but there just wasn't much time to make this great.

Overall thoughts: It was so-so. There was nothing must see here and nothing too interesting. The main and the opener was fine but nothing you would go seek out. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend this one.

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