Friday, December 6, 2024

TNA Impact 12/5/2024

TNA Impact 12/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

Winner gets an X-Division Title Shot - Trent Seven vs Ace Austin vs KUSHIDA vs Leon Slater vs JDC

Everyone fights to start. Kush lariats Leon then hiptoss cartwheel dropkicks Ace. Kush hits kicks on Trent then Trent ddt's him. Leon flying kicks Trent. JDC stops a Leon dive. Ace dropkicks JDC. Leon hits forearms on Trent outside and Ace fosbury flops both.

Ace superkicks Kush from the apron and kicks JDC from it. Ace springboards into a Trent punch. Trent slams Ace then JDC knee drops Ace. JDC hits shots on Ace then chops Leon over. Leon takes corner attacks then JDC rolls up Trent for 2.

Leon rewind kicks JDC then twisting brainbusters him for 2. Ace os cutters Kush for 2. Kush rolling armbars Ace off the top rope then Leon frogsplashes Kush. Leon corkscrew dives over the post on Ace and Kush.

Leon gets crotched up top. Trent and JDC are in the corner. Ace stands on them and superplexes Leon. Trent then powerbombs JDC when Ace tries to pin Leon.

Kush pele kicks Trent then Ace spinning high kicks Kush. Ace takes a back body drop over the top rope. Leon handsprings and is kicked by Kush. Kush hits a fisherman buster called back to the future on Leon to win.

It was an entertaining match. The selling wasn't great or anything but they kept it exciting, it didn't go too long and we got some cool spots.

Gia interviews Tasha Steelz. She says she's a former champ like Jordynne Grace. She says Grace a thorn in her side who can't mind her own business. She says she will take the thorn out tonight. She says they have been doing the same song and dance tonight and she ends it tonight. She says they will ride through Pettyville and do some sight-seeing. She says Grace has only been there for a visit but will have a permanent residency there. She says she will make her way towards the Knockouts title and says Grace won't be in her way anymore.

John Skyler talks. He says greetings to the fans in South Carolina, forgetting it's North Carolina. He says they should be embarrassed to live here anyway. He says Sami Callihan is an unwashed dirty pig like the fans. He says PCO dresses up like a child. He says Halloween is over, PCO. He says they should come out here and get embarrassed by these good hands.

The Good Hands vs PCO and Sami Callihan

Sami lariats Hotch and chops him over. Sami hiptoss throws him. PCO rams Hotch out of the ring. John locks up with PCO and is pulled down. Sami's neck is pulled down over the top rope and John slingshot spears him. Sami is pounded on in the corner. Hotch slingshot rolls into a cutter on Sami.

John headbutts Sami in the gut then gets lariated over. PCO and Hotch get in. PCO hits shots then back body drops him. PCO double lariats his opponents. PCO corner lariats Hotch then double ddt's his opponents. PCO is back body dropped to the outside on both opponents.

PCO goes up top and Sami flips him onto Hotch. PCO then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was short and suite. We got a couple of fun PCO spots here and those helped this. The Good Hands were good foils for PCO here.

The lights go out and we see the number 23 on the screen. The lights then come back on.

Nic Nemeth does a promo. He says 2024 was a heck of a year for him. First Class interrupt. AJ says he agrees it was a great year for Nic, but it's been the best year of his (AJ's) career. He says he's in the best shape of his career. He says he wants to go into 2025 10lbs heavier with the TNA title. Nic says he will fight anyone anytime. AJ says Nic hasn't tried to defend the title once against the man who can knock him down with one punch. Nic says he will fight anyone anytime as they stare down.

Santino Marella comes in. AJ says him and Nic should face each other in Atlanta. Santino makes the match for Final Resolution. AJ says that's the best decision Santino has ever made. He says it'll be the best box office match TNA has ever seen. Nic says he doesn't think Santino's badge is real.

Thoughts: I like AJ Francis and I know I'm one of the few who does. He's big, he can talk and he's good at making you hate him. I don't mind him getting a title shot but this was a weak way to do it.

TNA Tag Titles - The Hardy Boyz vs The System (Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards)

Eddie and Jeff go at it. Jeff dropkicks him in the knee and dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Matt 2nd rope elbows Eddie's arm. Eddie eye rakes Matt. Matt hiptosses Brian. Bryan takes a double back elbow and a combo from The Hardy's for 2.

Matt bangs Brian's head off the buckles then pulls him down backwards for 2. Brian goes out and is thrown in. Brian clips Matt as he tries to get back in then he stomps on him.

We go to PiP break and return. Eddie elbow drops Matt's leg then twists his foot. Matt hits a side effect on Brian. Jeff gets tagged in and he beats up on Eddie. He legdrops Eddie in the gut and basement dropkicks him. Jeff elbow drops him for 2. Jeff hits whisper in the wind on his opponents.

Eddie and Jeff trade then Brian spears Jeff for 2. Eddie is pushed into Brian. Eddie takes a twist of fate into a neckbreaker. Jeff splashes Eddie for 2. Jeff dives on his opponents off the apron. The Hardy's grab a table. Alisha Edwards hits The Hardy's with a kendo stick as they try to send The System through tables. The Hardy's win by DQ.

Thoughts: The crowd was into this and they were having a decent match so it's a shame this had to end this way. I liked this one and thought they did a good job with it.

The fight continues and Brian low blows Matt. Jeff takes a t-gimmick onto Matt through a table.

Dani Luna and Jody Threat talk in the back. Dani says they wanted to be taken seriously when they started teaming. They say they got the two blondes and the chihuahua running around like they run the place. Dani says she will take on Heather By Elegance next week and says she will show why they are the tag champs and why it won't change anytime soon.

Santino Marella comes out. He says what we just saw was unacceptable. He says he has the solution - The Hardy Boys vs The System in a tables match at Final Resolution.

PCO yells to Sami about the 23 in the back. They go up to Jake Something and Hammerstone .Sami asks if they are 23. Hammer says he doesn't know what he's talking about. Sami says he doesn't believe them and says he talk to Santino to make the match official between them. Hammer then mocks him. 

Jordynne Grace vs Tasha Steelz

JG waistlocks her. TS wristlocks her. JG hammerlocks her then side headlocks her. JG side headlock takeovers her. TS headscissors her. We see Rosemary watching in the rafters.

TS side headlocks her. JG blocks a sunset flip JG gordbuster throws her. JG delay suplexes her and headbutts her. JG is stuck on the 2nd rope and gets superkicked. TS then step up double stomps her.

We go to break and return. TS stomps on JG in the corner. 

TS throws JG off the top but it looked like JG cuttered her on the landing. TS chinlocks her. JG is thrown backwards into the buckles. TS step up enzugiri's her. JG has her in the tombstone position and throws her backwards.

JG and TS trade shots. JG slams her and spinning backfists her. JG hits a vertebreaker for 2. JG rams Tasha's neck into the buckles. JG is stuck on the 2nd rope then misses a vader bomb. TS hits a shiranui for 2.

TS tries to cutter her but JG gets a pin attempt out of it. JG rolling death valley drivers her for 2. JG lariats her for 2. Alisha Edwards comes out. JG is distracted and rolled up. TS superkicks JG.

Alisha gets on the apron and distracts JG. TS then pins JG with her feet on the ropes.

I didn't like this. It went long. TS kicked out of a vertebreaker for no reason and the match just wasn't that interesting.

JG takes down Alisha after and pounds on her. TS and Alisha then get the advantage and beat up on JG. Masha Slamovich then makes the save.

Frankie Kazarian & The Northern Armory (Josh Alexander, Judas Icarus & Travis Williams) vs. Eric Young, Jonathan Gresham, Mike Santana & Steve Maclin

JG = Jonathan Gresham

Joe Hendry comes out to do commentary for this. Everyone fights to start and most of them go out to fight. Three refs break it up and try to restore order. The belly then officially rings.

JG and Travis go at it. JG backs him up on the ropes. They trade chops and JG suplexes him. JG rolls Josh up for 2 and kicks the arm. JG does an octopus on him. Josh forearms JG. JG hits boots and chops on Judas. Steve gets in and chops Judas. Steve hits a uranage backbreaker. Travis and Judas are both in tree of woe and Steve does his crosshairs spear on Travis. Steve forearms Judas on the outside.

Steve tries to get back in and takes a springboard legdrop from Kaz. Kaz running back elbows Steve. Steve cradles him for 2 then is lariated. Steve is beat up by the heels in the corner.

Travis and Josh hit shots on Steve in the corner. Josh backdrops Steve. Judas snapmares Steve and kicks him in the back. Kaz lariats Steve. JG gets in and rolls up Kaz for 2. JG rolls up Kaz for 2. JG does a nice pin on Kaz for 2. Kaz backcrackers him.

JG dropkicks Kaz. Eric dropkicks and slams Josh. Eric goes up top and is knocked down fast by Judas. Josh hits mounted shots on Eric. Eric hits punches on Kaz. Eric is grabbed by Judas on the apron and Josh kneedrops Eric.

Eric is pounded on by the heels outside. Kaz suplexes Eric. Eric sunset flips Kaz and they double lariat each other at the same time. Mike finally gets in and gets the edge on the heels. Travis step up enzugiri's Judas on accident. Mike backrolls and hits a double cutter on Judas and Travis.

Steve topes Josh. Mike is popped up into a german. Mike hits a double lariat. JG armdrags Judas and Travis. JG headscissors Travis into a pin attempt. Josh forearms JG down for 2. Everyone starts getting a move in. JG is caught with a spinning tombstone off an asai moonsault from Josh for 2. 

JG hurricanrana's Josh for 2. JG does an octopus on him. Kaz then comes in and hits JG with his Call Your Shot trophy and Josh pins JG.

Thoughts: It was fine but not great and the line-up for it was a bit weak. It was a fast paced match. We didn't see much of Mike Santana in this one at all.

Overall thoughts: It was a very average Impact. The main was okay but not exactly star-studded. The Hardy's match was going well but then ended via DQ. I liked the opener. I didn't care for Grace/Steelz. I don't mind AJ Francis getting a title shot but just having him ask for it wasn't the most exciting way to go about it. I can't believe they have another PLE next week. 2 weeks between shows is not enough time at all. I would give this a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.

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