Stardom 12/1/2024 - 14th Goddesses of Stardom Tag League in Joetsu (Goddesses of Stardom Tag League 2024 Day 15)
Day 14 is here:
STARS (Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) vs. Matoi Hamabe & Ranna Yagami
Ran and Matoi attack before the bell. Mayu takes a double dropkick. Mtoi slams her and Ran kicks her in the back for 2. Matoi hits forearms then Mayu dropkicks her. Matoi takes a facebuster into a baseball slide. Mayu kicks Matoi in the back.
Momo corner dropkicks Matoi for 2. Momo slams Matoi twice. Matoi hits chest forearms on Mayu. Mayu slaps her. Matoi dropkicks her out of the corner. Ran is tagged in and dropkicks Mayu. She hits kicks to the body. Ran does a flying knee to both opponents in the corner. Mayu spin kicks her and dropkicks her against the ropes.
Momo springboard dropkicks Ran then 619's her. Momo ties up Ran's arms in an abdominal stretch and Matoi breaks it. Matoi dropkicks Momo and Ran high kicks Momo. Matoi shoulder throws Momo then Ran leg lariats Momo for 2. Momo 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Ran for 2. Momo twisting underhook suplexes Ran for 2. Momo superkicks Ran then Ran bodyscissors her into a surprise pin. Ran pins Momo.
Thoughts: It was a fine opener. They kept it moving and we got a surprise result out of it. Matoi continues to look decent and isn't botching anything at all.
Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Yuna Mizumori) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Rian & Waka Tsukiyama)
Rian and Yuna go at it. Rian has her hair tied up today. Yuna trips her and Rian double stomps her for 2. Yuna tries a pin on her and Rian hits low dropkicks. Yuna shoulders her over. Yuna takes a double hip attack on the ropes Yuna slams Rian.
Yuna has Rian on her back and Aya hits kicks on Rian while she's there. Rian hits chest forearms on Yuna. Yuna fires back then backbreakers Rian. Yuna legdrops her for 2. Rian is sent into the buckles. Rian cutters Yuna then running dropkicks her. Waka dropkicks Yuna then corner hip attacks her.
Waka dropkicks Aya then hits hip attacks on both opponents. Waka and Yuna trade chest forearms. Waka flatliners Yuna from the 2nd rope. Yuna lariats Waka for 2.
Aya gets in and spinning heel kicks Waka in the corner. Aya running dropkicks Waka then slams her. Aya triangles her and Rian breaks it up. Aya takes a double back elbow, a Waka shotei and a Rian crossbody. Waka butt drops Aya for 2.
Yuna forearms Waka over. Yuna and Aya take stereo dropkicks. Waka hits a straightjacket bomb on Aya for 2. Aya triangles Waka. Aya misses a high kick and Waka rolls her up tiger suplex style for 2. Yuna hits a nice lariat on Waka. Aya rolling triangles Waka and submits her.
Thoughts: Rian did some more stuff than usual but it didn't look tht good. Aya got the upset win on Waka in this one. It went a little longer than it needed to and wasn't great.
Waka slaps away Aya's hand after and Aya stomps on her.
Natsupoi vs. Rina vs. Mei Seira
Rina takes a double boot to start. Mei and Poi run the ropes. Mei double trips her opponents, basement dropkicks Poi then Rina hits a double basement dropkick. Rina hair throws Poi and Mei. Rina stands on them in the corner.
Rina throws Mei out. Rina puts her foot against Poi's head on the ropes. Rina dropkicks Poi against the ropes for 2. Poi chest forearms Rina and Rina fires back. Poi spin kicks Rina then Rina does an octopus on her. Mei then pulls on Rina's hair while she does the move.
Mei springboard double dropkicks her opponents. Rina hip throws Mei. Mei suplexes Rina. Poi superkicks Rina then Mei la magistrals Poi for 2. Mei springboards into a superkick from Poi then takes a headhunter. Poi jack knife pins her for 2. Mei dropkicks Rina.
Poi release germans Rina. Rina facekicks Mei on the ropes and suplexes her for 2. Poi hits a double crossbody on both opponents for 2. Rina tries a pin on Poit for 2. Mei takes a superkick + facekick combo and Rina sto's Poi. Rina reverse suplexes Poi for 2. Poi ranhei's Rina for the win.
Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to. Two girls would fight for a bit then a 3rd wrestler would interrupt. It was fast paced and it was fine overall. I thought the three did work well with each other.
Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Cosmic Angels (Sayaka Kurara & Tam Nakano) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Maika)
Saya chest forearms Hana on the ropes. Hana takes a double team sequence form her opponents that ends in her getting double stomped. Hana slams Saya. Maika shoulders throws Saya then Maika and Hana hit a double running boot.
Hana slams Saya. Saya hits chest forearms on Maika and is forearmed over. Saya dropkicks Maika. Tam comes in and top rope crossbodies Maika. Maika lariats Tam on the ropes. Tam cartwheels through a double lariat then hits a double dropkick.
Maika and Tam trade forearms. Maika powerslams her. Hana shoulders Tam over and rams her into the buckles. Hana corner splashes Tam then knee drops her for 2. Tam cutters Hana then cartwheel double knee drops her. Saya hits dropkicks on Hana. Tam and Saya are knocked off the buckles.
Hana samoan drops Saya then splashes her for 2. Tam spin kicks Hana then Saya grounded sleepers Hana. Hana blocks Saya's spear then Hana takes a double spear for 2.
Saya shiranui's Hana for 2. Saya and Tam take stereo suplexes. Hana backdrops Saya for 2. Saya jack knife pins Hana for 2. Saya takes a double torture rack drop. Hana hits doi fives on Saya and wins.
Thoughts: It was okay. They made the most of the time they had. We didn't get a ton of Tam and Maika in this one as it was mostly all Hana vs Saya.
Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Block A Match - God's Eye (Hina & Lady C) vs. Neo Genesis (Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki)
Suzu and C start us off. Suzu snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Hina takes a double driveby kick on the apron. Suzu and Kid then do stereo standing moonsaults for 2. C shoulders over Suzu and tags out.
Hina dropkicks Suzu for 2. Hina hip throws Kid and Suzu. Suzu rolling spears Hina. Hina dumps Kid off of her shoulder. C tags in and shoulders over Kid. C adominal stretches both opponents at once. Kid springboard twisting crossbodies C.
C takes a double basement dropkick in the corner. Kid then takes a double neckbreaker. C does a weird backdrop on Kid for 2. Kid forearms C on the ropes then takes a facekick on the ropes. C uranages Kid. Suzu takes a botched 3D. Kid does a headlock + headscissors takeover and jumping kicks C.
C hits a forearm flurry on Kid. Kid then cross-legged brainbusters her. Kid top rope 180 splashes C. C running facekicks Kid. Kid meteora's C in the back of the neck then top rope moonsaults her for the win.
Thoughts: C had an okay showing here. We didn't a lot of Suzu in this one. It was a little btter than I expected but was average.
Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Neo Genesis (AZM & Miyu Amasaki) vs. HATE (Konami & Saya Kamitani)
The faces are attacked before the bell and thrown out. AZM is thrown into the seats and then gets beaten up on the stage. AZM has to run in to beat the count then she hits a double spear. Miyu and AZM hit stereo basement dropkicks. AZM is pulled crotch first into the post and Saya bangs her leg off the post.
AZM takes facekicks on the ropes. Saya foot chokes AZM and snapmares her. Saya chinlocks AZM. Kon basement dropkicks AZM in the face and Saya double stomps AZM for 2. Kon rakes on AZM's face then hits chest kicks in the corner.
Kon boots AZM around. AZM dropkicks Kon. Miyu comes in and flying back elbows Kon. Miyu tornado ddt's Kon off of Saya. Kon high kicks AZM down. Saya flying knees Miyu in the corner then running knees her for 2. Miyu ddt's Saya off a spinebuster attempt then puts her in a scholar collar. Kon breaks it up.
Saya is tripped into Kon in the corner. AZM dropkicks Saya in the corner then Miyu does the same. Miyu 2nd rope diving facebusters Saya. Saya pump kicks Miyu for 2. Miyu cradles Saya off a ki krusher attempt. Miyu then rolls her up for 2. Saya spin kicks Miyu then Miyu uses the ropes to tornado ddt her.
Kon and AZM go at it. Kon PK's her then suplexes her for 2. Kon armbars AZM then triangle lancers her. AZM ropebreaks. They trade forearms. AZM suplexes Kon. Saya northern lights suplexes AZM then Kon germans AZM for 2. Miyu hits a double pendulum ddt then AZM top rope dropkicks Kon.
AZM armlocks Kon. AZM top rope double stomps Kon for 2. AZM goes for a move on Kon and is pump kicked by Saya. Kon is dropkicked into Saya then AZM bridges Kon for 2. Saya double spinning heel kicks both opponents then does a springboard plancha on both outside.
AZM takes a double boot for 2. Kon high kicks AZM then triangle lancers her. Kon tries to headkick her but is legswept and rolled up for 2. AZM germans Kon for 2. Kon germans AZM for 2. Kon high kicks AZM For 2. Kon triangle lancers AZM again and we go to a 20 minute draw.
Thoughts: It was a fast paced match the whole through with non-stop action. Miyu did a good job here and hung in with everyone well. The one complaint I had about this is that AZM kept surviving Kon's triangle lancer. I always took that to be a move that could score wins and here, it wasn't treated like that. It was obvious it was going to draw as it kept going on with no real end in sight.
The heels stomp on AZM and Miyu after.
Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Block A Match - STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe & Thekla)
Han dropkicks Thek twice and Thek goes out to stall. Momo hits Han from behind and gets some shots in. Han takes a double suplex. The heels foot slap Han around then Thek running boots Han for 2. Momo boots Han around and tries to pin her by kneeling on her throat.
Momo kicks Han's back then stomps her. Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Momo. Saya comes in and hits chops on Momo. Saya running back elbows Momo then elbow drops her. Momo dropkicks Saya in the corner then chest kicks her hard there. Saya suplexes her. Momo chickewings Saya then high kicks her. Saya lariats her. Han dropkicks Thek and hits forearms. Han forearm flurries her.
Thek hits a big forearms on her. Thek headkicks Han on the ropes then suplexes her. Han takes corner attacks then Thek buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Han uppercuts Thek then Thek hits a big spear.
Han rolls Thek up for 2. Then takes a double team drop from her opponents. Han then cuty specials Thek for 2. Han top rope crossbodies Saya outside when the heels move. Thek whips Han and Saya with a belt in front of the ref.
Thek sends Han into the seats. Thek forearms Momo when Han ducks. Thek pulls Han out and Han pulls Thek down from trying to gt back in. Han ends up beating the count in and gets the win by countout.
Thoughts: It went 12:47. The match wasn't anything too special with basic heel stuff. Han had a nice cuty special here and each team ended up hitting each other at some point during this when their opponents moved. It was a very average match.
Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Block B Match - God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Ruaka)
Syu gets hit before she event gets in the ring then Saki does as well. Saki gets sent into the post and Syu is beaten up in the crowd. Tora stomps on Saki in the ring. Saki 2nd rope diving facebusters Tora. Syu gets in and hits a PK on Tora for 2. Syu tkes a double shoulderblock then a double flapjack. Syu then takes sentons from both opponents for 2.
Tora splash Syu for 2. Ruaka shoulders Syu over and tries to pin her with a foot on the chest. Ruaka shoulders Syu over. Syu codebreakers Ruaka and tags out. Saki boots Ruaka over then hits chest kicks in the corner. Saki 2nd rope double knee drops Ruaka for 2.
Saki and Ruaka trade forearms. Ruaka suplexes Saki. Tora gets in and shoulders Saki over. Saki step up enzugiri's her. Syu dropkicks Tora then ddt's her for 2. Tora back body drops Syu then takes a kick to the bar. Syu armbars Tora and Saki christo's Ruaka at the same time.
Syu takes corner lariats. Tora samoan drops Syu then sentons her for 2. Tora and Syu trade forearms. Syu hits knees to Tora's gut. Tora lariats her on the ropes and Ruaka crossbodies Syu on the ropes. Tora cannonballs Syu on the ropes for 2.
Ruaka tries to throw Tora down on Syu but Syu moves. Tora takes kicks from Saki and Syu for 2. Syu armlocks both of Tora's arms then armbars her. Syu hits chest kicks on Tora then pumping knees her. Syu running knees Tora for 2. Syu buzzsaw kicks Tora and Ruaka breaks it up with a box in front of the ref. The ref doesn't care about Tora using the weapon.
Tora lariats Syu for 2. Syu takes a double south of heaven chokeslam for 2. The ref gets distracted. Konami germans and head kicks Syu. Tora top rope swantons Syu for the win.
Thoughts: It was average. The heels cheated in front of the ref and the ref didn't care much at all. Saki was all serious here at least.
Tora throws an ice pack at Syu after. The heels then stomp Syu and Saki. Tora talks tracks after. Maika and Hanako come out and put a stop to things. Maika grabs Tora by the throat and is shoved. Hanan and Saya Iida then come out and talk. Starlight Kid and Suzu Suzuki also come out. Ruaka talks on the mic and Tora hits Maika with the mic. Kid and Suzu then close the show.
Overall thoughts: It was a pretty average show with most of the matches being fast-paced affairs. There was nothing great or must see on this though nothing was awful. I'd give this a 5 out of 10 and would not recommend it.
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