New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/6/2024 World Tag League 2024 Day 14
Day 13 is here:
They say the card has been changed due to Henare and Newman getting injured. Henare and Khan's tag titles are vacated and now the match with them vs The Young Bucks is cancelled.
Tetsuya Naito and Hiromu Takahashi vs Shoma Kato and Katsuya Murashima
KM = Katsuya Murashima, HT = Hiromu Takahashi
The rookies attack with dropkicks to start then double shoulder Naito over. KM hiptosses Naito for 2. Naito neckbreakers KM on the knee. HT double axe handles KM then chops him in the corner.
Naito camel clutches KM then HT tries pins on KM. KM misses a dropkick on Naito then hits one. Kato flying forearms HT. Kato slams HT for 2.
HT back elbows Kato and Kato takes a double basement dropkick. HT crabs Kato then Naito does the same to KM. The young lions then tap out and Naito/HT win.
Thoughts: It was a shorter opener with HT and Naito winning as expected. The young lions got a little offense in but were put down as expected.
Alex Zayne, Ryusuke Taguchi, Hirooki Goto and YOSHI-HASH vs Sanada, Chase Owens, Kenta and Gabe Kidd
RT = Ryusuke Taguchi
Everyone goes outside to start. Yoshi is rammed into th rail. Gabe slaps and headbutts Goto. Gabe hits forearms and chops on Goto. Gabe takes a double shoulderblock. Sanada is suplexed onto Gabe. Chase is beaten up on by the faces and Kenta takes a 4 person back club.
Alex is sent into the rails and Goto's head is banged off seats. Sanada hits Yoshi with a bottle then rakes his back. Kenta and Chase spank RT. Yoshi is rammed into the rails by the heels. Chase short arm lariats Yoshi.
Yoshi hits forearms on Chase and takes a spinning back elbow. Yoshi dropkicks Chase in the knee. Chase hiptosses Alex then Alex cinnamon twists him. Alex flipping legdrops Chase on the neck.
Alex is sent into RT's butt in the corner and RT doesn't know it. RT hip attacks Chase then takes a pumping knee. Kenta atomic drops RT off the hip attack and RT atomic drops RT. Kenta lariats RT over.
Chase running knees RT and Kenta gets a 2 count on RT. Kenta hits chest kicks on RT then RT ankle locks Kenta. Alex ankle locks Chase at the same time.
RT blocks Kenta's low blow. RT does bad eye pokes on him and Kenta low blows hi mas he falls. Kenta the cradles RT for the win.
Thoughts: It was a really average match here. They wasted a bunch of time fighting outside and then Taguchi did a bunch of comedy We didn't see much of Goto or Gabe here.
Kenoh of Pro Wrestling NOAH comes out and talks to Kenta. Kenoh challenges Kenta to Noah's The New Year show.
Shingo Takagi, Yota Tsuji and BUSHI vs Jeff Cobb, Great O' Khan and Jakob Austin Young
Yota came out in a mask that they said was related to some kind of Japanese vinegar. Bushi came out in a Kamen Rider mask that I think. Yota's wearing the mask in the match.
Yota trips Cobb and splashes him for 2. Yota is caught off the 2nd rope and slammed. Cobb takes off Yota's mask. Cobb puts the mask on and Bushi takes it off. Bushi is caught off the buckles and hurricanrana's Cobb off of it. Cobb shoulders Bushi over. Cobb standing moonsaults Bushi.
Khan uppercuts Bushi then sits on his neck in the corner. Jake tries to take off Bushi's mask. Bushi dropkicks Jake in the knee then rewind kicks Cobb. Shingo comes in and hits a chop and punch combo on Cobb.
Shingo overhead suplexes Cobb for 2. Cobb overhead suplexes Shingo. Jake leg lariats Shingo then hits corner euros. Shingo hits a nice punch and a ddt on Jake. Jake takes corner attacks then a facebuster + wheelbarrow german for 2. Bushi topes Cobb into the rail. Jake crucifixes then enzugiri's Shingo. Shingo pop-up death valley drivers Jake. Shingo running lariats Jake. Shingo then pins him with a made in Japan.
Thoughts: The first part of this was them screwing around with the mask and took me out of it. It was a midcard match with nobody doing too crazy here and it was pretty average.
Tiger Mask, Shota Umino and Tomoaki Honma vs Ryohei Oiwa, Zack Sabre Jr and Kosei Fujita
Shota and Zack go at it. They trade euros. Shota forearms him and takes a pele kick to the arm. Shota armdrags him. Zack headscissors him. Honma and Oiwa go at it.
They trade forearms and Oiwa shoulders him over. Oiwa misses an elbow drop and Honma misses a falling headbutt. Kosei gets in and armlocks Honma. Shota breaks it up. Zack comes in and twists Honma's neck with his feet. Zack then headscissors him. Zack then also ends up doing a leg lock to Tiger and Shota while doing this.
Oiwa headscissors Honma. Honma suplexes Oiwa. Tiger is held from chops from Kosei then Tiger back body drops Kosei over the top onto Zack. Tiger does an octopus on Oiwa and Oiwa ropebreaks. Honma flying headbutts Oiwa and everyone charges in to hit a move. Shota tornado ddt's Zack.
Tiger crucifixes Oiwa for 2. Tiger rolls up Oiwa for 2 then Oiwa sleepers him. Oiwa spinning lariats him and wins.
Thoughts: I wasn't real into this. It had a slower pace to it and they did a poor job of timing it. They rushed the finishing section in this one and this didn't do anything for anyone.
Zack and Shota have words after.
We get a video from The House of Black. Brody King talks and says he wants to turn David Finlay's dynasty into a carcass. He says The War Dogs are all bark and this dog bites.
Gedo then gets in the ring and is talking to Finlay on the phone. Gedo tells Finlay that Brody is challenging him. Finlay says sending videos to get his point across isn't his style. He says he was surprised by who answered his open challenge. He says Brody isn't a king and a king doesn't take orders from a billionaire's son. He says he will send Brody back to the billionaire's son in a box and tells him to take his best shot. He says he will see him at the Tokyo Dome. Gedo says he will make sure it happens. He then explains it Japanese. Gedo says he needs a rebel, Brody King needs a rebel and the world needs a rebel.
World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Taichi and TAKA Michinoku vs The Natural Classics (Tome and Stevie Filip)
The Filip's attack before the bell. Tai is sent into the rails and Taka is as well. They all fight outside. Tai hits a hurricanrana when they get back in. Tome hits shots on Taka then is eye poked. Taka crossfaces Tome and Stevie breaks it. Taka then puts Stevie in the facelock and Tome breaks it.
Taka takes a double boot. Taka is beaten up in the corner. Tome slams Taka then legdrops him for 2. Taka takes a running boot and avoids a kneeling springboard swanton. Taka is sent into the rails outside.
Taka running boots both opponents. Tai is taged in. Tai facekicks Stevie then enzugiri's Tome. Tai running facekicks Stevie and tries to pin the wrong man. Tai side kicks Tome and still can't figure out which one he should pin.
Tai and Tome trade. Tome chokes him then spinebusters him for 2. Tome hits forearms on Tai. Tai buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Tome spinning lariats Tai. Tai running lariats Stevie. Taka superkicks Tome then pumping knees Stevie in the corner. Taka running knees Stevie.
Taka rolls up Stevie for then running knees him. Taka backslides him for 2 then puts him in just facelock. Tai stretch plums Tome at the same time.
Stevie final cuts Taka. Tome hits an air raid crash on Taka. Stevie hits a phoenix splash double knee drop on Taka for 2. Tai takes a headkick + drop. Taka takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker is pinned.
Thoughts: It was a really generic and average match that wasn't that good. They botched the one big spot they had here with Stevie doing a phoenix splash knee drop on Taka that could not have felt good.
World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - TMDK (Shane Haste and Mikey Nicholls) vs Boltin Oleg and Toru Yano
Oleg takes down Shane and goes for karelin's lift. Oleg slams Shane then Shane takes a double shoulderblock. Oleg stomps on Shane. Oleg gets sent into the rails outside. Mikey works on Oleg's arm. Oleg's arm is yanked over the top rope then it is pulled around the post.
Shane throws Oleg down by the arm and kicks him in the back. Oleg takes double short arm shoulders and Oleg hits a double dropkick. Yano rolls up Mikey then slaps him in the head. Yano belly to belly suplexes him.
Mikey ddt's Yano. Shane hits a dropkick on Yano then corner cannonballs him. Yano pulls Shane down by the hair. Oleg shoulders over Shane and karelin's lifts him. Oleg corner splashes Shane then vader bombs him for 2.
Oleg takes corner lariats then takes a high/low for 2. Mikey sliding lariats Oleg. Shane pumping knees Oleg for 2. Oleg takes a uranage + powerbomb combo for 2. Yano sends Mikey into the rails. Oleg hits an F-5 on Shane. Oleg finlay rolls Shane and pins him.
Thoughts: It was another average match. They didn't get much time and no one did anything out of the ordinary here. Yano added nothing to this one.
World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Hiroshi Tanahashi & Jado vs House Of Torture (EVIL & Ren Narita)
Tana boots the heels out of the corner and hits a double 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Evil takes a double back elbow then Tana and Jado play air guitar. Ren throws Tana into the rails. Jado gets his legs split. Ren stomps on Jado's knee. Evil stomps on Jado in the corner and chokes him with tape.
Ren hits forearms on Jado. Jado fires up. Ren chokes him then Jado lariats him over. Tana comes in and flying forearms Ren. Tana slams Ren then 2nd rope swantons him for 2. Ren russian legsweeps Tana. The heels stomp on Tana. Tana takes corner attacks. Evil fisherman suplexes Tana for 2. Evil hits darkness falls on Tana for 2. Tana hits a twist and shout.
Tana dragon screws Evil then does it to Togo over the ropes as well. Tana dragon screws Evil then cloverleafs him. Jado crossfaces Ren at the same time. Tana slingblades Evil. Tana misses a high fly flow.
Tana slaps Evil. Togo chairs Tana then Evil lariats Tana. Ren chairs Tana and Jado. Evil sharpshooters Tana. Tana then taps out.
Thoughts: It was the usual House of Torture match here with them cheating to victory. It was really average and not very interesting.
Ren facebusters Tana after and Evil hits everything is evil on him. Evil talks trash to Tana on the mic.
Because House of Torture won, we have a 3-way final tie for the B Block now and a match has to be held for it tonight.
World Tag League 2024 Block B Decision Match - House of Torture (EVIL and Ren Narita) vs Tetsuya Naito and Hiromu Takahashi vs Bolten Oleg and Toru Yano
HoT attacks he other teams to start. Togo gets in the ring and attacks everyone even though he's not in it. Hot bring out handcuffs. Yano is handcuffed to the rails and Naito is handcuffed to the turnbuckle connector.
Evil foot chokes HT on the ropes. Ren suplexes HT for 2. Evil eye rakes HT. HT is sent into the exposed buckle. HT Tries to fight back on HoT. The young lions run to the back to try and free Yano and Naito from the handcuffs.
Evil chops HT on the rails. HT is chopped over the rails. Shingo is at commentary and is just watching all of this instead of helping his buddies. HT almost gets counted out then he takes a double suplex. Ren crabs HT. The young lions return and can't find the handcuff keys then they run to the back again. Bushi comes out and beats up Dick Togo. Togo drops the keys and gets Naito out of the cuffs. Bushi does not help Oleg and Yano out though. Naito hits attacks on the heels.
Naito neckbreakers Evil. The refs then come down and help out Oleg and Yano. Togo trips Naito. Naito gets stomped on by Evil and Ren. Yano and Oleg finally get in. The heels take a double suplex. Oleg karelin's lifts Ren. Yano is pushed into the ref then Togo helps beat up on Yano.
Togo chops Yano in the crotch. Ren flying knee presses Oleg. Yano takes a magic killer. HT is tripped into the ropes. Togo throws salt in HT's eyes and Naito breaks the pin up. HT crossbodies Ren and Evil. HT runs around the ring and crossbodies Ren and Togo.
Naito handcuffs Ren and Evil is handcuffed to the turnbuckle connector. Togo is handcuffed to the rails as well. Yano rolls up HT by surprise for 2. Oleg double shoulders Naito and HT over. HT goes into the exposed buckle then is catapulted into an Oleg belly to belly suplex.
HT crucifixes Oleg and oleg rolls through it. HT hits kicks on Oleg then Oleg hits a finlay roll for 2. Yano rolls up Naito for 2. Yano is sent into the exposed buckle. Oleg F-5's HT.
Oleg takes a superkick from HT and Naito does a tornado ddt into a pin on Oleg. Naito wins.
Thoughts: This was an absolute joke with the heels blatantly cheating and the ref not caring. Worse was that Shingo was at commentary and did nothing about it as his partners got screwed. Bushi also took forever to come out to help and Yota never even bothered. The ref allowed the match to go on with 2 people being handcuffed and then allowed it to continue when HoT were handcuffed as well. This was just a total farce that was everything I don't like about NJPW these days.
Naito talks on the mic after. Gabe Kidd and Sanada then come out as they won Block A and will meet Naito and Hiromu in the finals tomorrow. Gabe points at them and HT waves. Gabe and Sanada then leave. Naito then talks on the mic after.
Overall thoughts: It was a bad show. The extra WTL block deciding match was a total HoT farce as usual. There were no great matches on this one and injuries messed up the card. I don't even feel like anyone tried super hard here. We also got 2 random new match announcements in Kenoh vs Kenta for a NOAH show and Brody King vs David Finlay. This was one of the worst shows of the whole tour and was really tough to get through. I'd give this one a 3 out of 10 and would not recommend it.
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