Sunday, August 4, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/4/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

La Fuerza Poblana (Pegasso & Stigma) & Flip Gordon vs. El Triangulo (El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.) & El Sagrado

HDV = El Hijo del Villano III, V3J = Villano III Jr.

1st Fall - HDV and Stig start us off. HDV snapmares him and pulls his arms back. Stig armdrags him and HDV headscissors takedowns him. Stig is pulled down by the leg and is put in a surfboard. HDV and Stig stand off.

Stig is thrown down by the arm. Stig trips him then they trade armdrags and stand off. V3J and Peg go at it. V3J waistlocks takedowns him then front facelocks him. V3J fireman's takeovers him. Peg is put in an armbar then he armdrags him off the casadora. V3J armdrags him and they stand off.

Flip and Sag fight. Flip flying headscissors him out then topes him. Stig springboard crossbodies V3J. PEg is popped up and uses the ropes to double armdrag The Villano's. Peg hits a canadian destroyer and pins V3J. Stig top rope splashes HDV and pins him. Stigma's team wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Peg armdrags Sag out then The Villano's stomp on him. Flip and Stig do springboard dropkicks on The Villano's. Flip is caught on a dive by The Villano's and thrown onto Sag's boots. The heels beat up the faces.

V3J powerbombs Peg. HDV hits a double jump moonsault on Stig. V3J does his seated springboard moonsault. The Villanos get pins and win the fall.

3rd Fall - Peg takes a 3v1. V3J is flipped into Peg in the corner. Flip is triple teamed and fights back. Flip superkicks Sag out then topes him. Stig and Peg do headscissors on The Villano's then tope them outside. Flip sunset flips Sag but Sag doesn't go down. Sag elbow drops Flip for 2.

Flip springboard kicks Sag then 2nd rope superplexes him. Stig and V3J hit stereo splashes off the top for 2. Stig and HDV get nearfalls en stereo. Peg takes a superkick then Stig takes down HDV. HDV goes over the top. V3J moonsaults out on Peg then Stig topes HDV into the front row.

Flip corkscrew os cutters Sag for 2. Sag low blows Flip and pins him. Sagrado's team wins the fall and match.

It was an entertaining match as expected here. It was fast paced and they put some effort into it. I would have liked it to go a bit longer through as they were doing well. I think everyone but Sagrado did a dive here.

Ultimo Guerrero vs Star Black


1st Fall - Star gets nailed on the ramp as he enters. UG whips him with a piece of clothing. UG back elbows Star then rips the mask. They go outside and Star's head is banged off the wall. Star is bulldogged in the ring. UG pop up drops him and superkicks him.

UG hits chops and misses a corner charge. Star headflips around the ring and dropkicks UG out. Star topes UG. They shoulderblock battle. Star flying lariats him. Star grabs UG's legs and UG pins him with a small package.

2nd Fall - Star goes up and over in the corner then hits armdrags. Star handspring backflip reverse topes UG. Star tope con hilos UG outside. Star hits chops on UG then hurricanrana's him for 2. UG is on the buckles and 2nd rope gordbusters him for 2. UG blocks a top rope hurricanrana with a powerbomb off the 2nd rope. UG gets a 2 count on the pin attempt. Star 2nd rope moonsaults and UG gets his knees up. UG pins him and wins the fall and match 2 falls to 0.

Thoughts: They did too much here. Star took a pair of top rope moves and was still going at it. It was disappointing it only went 2 falls.

UG talks on the mic after and makes a title challenge I think.

Hechicero, Mistico & Valiente vs. Atlantis Jr., Euforia & Magnus

1st Fall - Mag beats up Mist on the ramp before this starts. Mag rips his mask and Hech/Euforia fight outside. Atlantis foot chokes Val. Hech is pushed into the post and Mag tries to take off Mist's mask. Euf goes for Hech's mask.

Mist is triple teamed and takes a double back elbow. Mag double underhook backbreakers Mist and pins him to win the fall. (What a lame fall)

2nd Fall - Atlantis back elbows Val. Mag pulls Mist's arms back behind him. Euf beats up Hech in the seats. Mag lariats Mist and goes for his mask. Mag rips Mist's mask. Val takes a double suplex and Euf facekicks Hech. Atlantis superkicks Hech.

Euf corner lariats Hech. Euf sits on Hech's neck on the ropes. Mist and Mag fight on the ramp and Mag low blows him. Euf corner lariats Val and Mist is thrown in. Mist flying headscissors Mag then Euf boots Mist.

Mist takes a double boot. Mist does a double armdrag off the ropes on the heels then headscissors Mag out. Mist tornillos Mag outside. Val taps Atlantis out with an armbar then Hech taps out Euf with a submission. Hech stomps Euf after and punches him. 

3rd Fall - Mist and Mag trade chest slaps. Euf and Hech chop each other. Hech step up knees Euf in the corner then Hech 2nd rope dropkicks Atlantis out. Val and Atlantis fight. Val flips over him then armdrags him. Val 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's Mag. Val springboards and armdrags Euf off of it.

Mist and Mag go at it. Mist flying headscissors him then rips up Mag's mask. Mist corkscrew armdrags Mag off the buckles then topes him outside. Val dropkicks Euf out and hits a hard tope on Hech. This was stupid as he had to have seen Hech there. Mag pops up Mist and low blows him. Magnus is DQ'd. Mistico's team wins the fall and match.

Euf pulls off Hech's mask after as Hech beats up Val. Euf grabs Val's mask too. Euf gets on the mic and has words for both.

Thoughts: This was a really weird match. The first two falls were brawls for the most part then they wrestled in the 3rd fall. Val openly tope'd his own partner and Magnus purposely blew the match with a low blow on Mist in front of the ref. The finish to the first fall was bad too as Mist got pinned with a double underhook backbreaker. They did push the Euf/Hech/Val feud here but that was the only redeeming part of this one.

Overall thoughts: The first match was good and it all went downhill from there. We had a singles match go two straight falls and then a weird main with Magnus getting intentionally DQ'd. I would not recommend this.

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