Sunday, August 4, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/4/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 10

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/4/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 10

Day 9 is here:

Be-Bop Tag Team (Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano) & Shoma Kato vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Francesco Akira & Great-O-Khan)

Akira headlock takeovers Kato and is headscissored. Akira side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Kato dropkicks him then tags in Yano. Yano takes off a turnbuckle then Akira dropkicks the buckle into him. Akira stomps on him.

Khan hits mongolian chops on Yano then sits on his neck in the corner. CN tags himself in. CN forearms Yano then takes an atomic drop. Tana flying forearms CN when he gets in. Tana dragon screws CN and Akira. Tana dragon scrws Khan over the middle ropes. Tana 2nd rope swantons him for 2.

CN running facekicks him. Kato flying forearms Akira then throws him. Akira crabs Kato. Tana breaks it up. Khan mongolian chops Tana. Kato rolls up Akira. Akira sitout gordbusters him then meteora's him in the back of the head to win.

Thoughts: It was a short opener and it wasn't much of anything before it ended. 

Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee)

Gabe beats up Shota in the seats as Shota makes his entreance. Honma also gets beaten up out there. Shota is sent into the rails.

In the ring, Honma knocks over Gabe and hiptosses Jake. Jake slams him. Gabe beats up Shota in the crowd again and bangs his head off the chairs. Jake pulls on Honma's face and Gabe sends Shota into the rails.

Honma hits chops on Gabe. Gabe bites him then Honma flying headbutts him. Shota hits shots on Gabe and dropkicks Jake. Shota dropkicks Jake in the knee. Shota fisherman suplexes Gabe. Shota and Gabe trade forearms. Shota drops him with a forearm. Gabe slaps Shota then bites him.

Jake slams Shota. Shota hits upkicks and Jake works on him. Shota hits forearms on the ropes then Jake back elbows him. Shota hits a big dropkick. Honma hits chops on Jake. He facebusters him then misses a falling headbutt.

Jake hits kicks on Honma then backdrops him for 2. Shota pushes Gabe into the rails outside. Honma forearms Jake then Jake takes a Shota exploder. Honma falling headbutts Jake then Honma flying headbutts Jake for 2 while he's down. Honma cradles Jake for 2 then Jake high kicks him. Jake guillotine chokes him and Honma taps.

It was an okay tag here. They previewed Gabe vs Shota and Honma put up a good fight with Jake. They made it seem like Honma might even get the upset.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. Just 5 Guys (SANADA & TAKA Michinoku)

Sanada and Shingo go at it. They lock up and clean break. Sanada wristlocks him. Shingo rolls of it and wristlocks him. Sanada side headlocks him. Taka gets in. Taka hits knees on Shingo. They trade chops and Taka eye pokes him. Taka takes a lariat on the ropes then a baseball slide from Naito.

Sanada is sent into the rails. Naito back elbows and baseball slides Taka. Naito neckbreakers Taka. Taka misdirection pump kicks him. Taka dropkicks Shingo. Sanada takes a sleeper from Shingo. Shingo dragon sleepers him then armdrags him. Sanada hurricanrana's him.

Taka takes a back elbow from Shingo then he pump kicks him. Taka superkicks Shingo then running knees him. Taka rolls him up and puts him in just facelock. Shingo lariats him. Sanada is atomic dropped by Naito and Shingo running shoulders him. Shinog running lariats Taka and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one here and wasn't much before it ended.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - David Finlay vs. Oleg Boltin

Oleg rolls him on the mat form the waistlock. Oleg shoves him over then side headlocks him. Oleg shoulders him over a couple more times. Oleg goes for karelin's lift and DF slides out. DF spits at him and makes Oleg chase him around the ring. DF sends Oleg into the rails and throws him backwards over the rail.

DF stomps Oleg then pulls on his face. DF stands on Oleg's gut then backbreakers him. DF does a half-camel clutch. DF suplexes him for 2. DF takes a side drop from Oleg. Oleg hits forearms on DF. He forearm and stomp flurries him in the corner. Oleg chops him down.

Oleg throws DF hard into the buckles. Oleg shoulders him over and splashes him for 2. Oleg karelin's lifts him. DF gets his knees up on Oleg's vader bomb. DF uranage backbreakers him for 2.

Oleg back body drops him then belly to belly suplexes him. Oleg hits a vader bomb for 2. They trade forearms and DF running lariats him for 2. DF finlay rolls him for 2 then Oleg germans him for 2. DF rolls him up then Oleg finlay rolls him. DF hits a powerbomb then hits overkill for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match and easily one of Finlay's better outings. It didn't go too long so he didn't get exposed. He did most of the selling here so he didn't get to do alll the offense that doesn't fit him and there wasn't any shenanigans with weapons and ref bumps.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - El Phantasmo vs. Yuya Uemura

ELP shoulders him over. Yuya hiptosses him then armdrags him. Yuya armlocks him. Yuya shoulders him over then hiptosses him. Yuya armdrags and armlocks him. ELP hits chops and forearms. Yuya chops back. ELP suplexes him into the buckles. ELP slams him and 2nd rope elbow drops his neck.

ELP slaps him around then shoulder throws him. They trade chops in the corner and Yuya elbow drops the arm. ELP flying headscissors him then topes him into the rails. ELP high kicks him over the rails then top rope dives him over the rails. ELP springboard sentons him and asai moonsaults him.

Yuya rolling armbars him then ELP ankle locks him. Yuya double underhook suplexes him into an armbar attempt. Yuya misses a top rope dive. ELP tornado ddt's him and burning hammers him. ELP top rope splashes him.

ELP step up enzugiri's him and backdrops him. Yuya no sells it and germans him.Yuya hits a nice dropkick. ELP rolls him into a pin attempt. Yuya dragon suplexes him for 2. ELP then crucifixes him to win.

I didn't like the burning hammer not meaning anything. There was no reason for that. It was good otherwise with Yuya working the arm. The finish could have been better as the crucifix didn't really flow with what they were doing. 

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Jeff Cobb vs. HENARE

They shoulder and forearm battle. Cobb flying shoulders him. Cobb hits corner spears then flying corner spears him. Henare corner lariats him and flurries on him. Henare sentons him. Cobb karelin's lifts him. Cobb hits shots to the back and surfs on his back.

Henare hits leg kicks. Cobb forearms him. Henare 2nd rope twisting kicks him. Henare sits on the top buckle and is dropkicked. Cobb 2nd rope superplexes him. Cobb standing moonsaults him. Cobb spin cycle backdrops him. Cobb catches him in the corner and spinebusters him. Cobb pounds him into the mat with a lariat.

Henare step up knees him in the corner. Henare PK's him then berzerker bombs him. Cobb germans him then Henare does a slam for 2. They run the ropes and Cobb lariats him. Henare spin kicks him then headbutts him. Cobb hits an F-5 then does a tour of the islands slam to win.

It boring and slow. It just wasn't the shooting match you would hope for here with people trading big bombs in a brief match. They stretched it out and it just didn't work. The crowd wasn't that into it either which should have made them realize they needed to step on the gas.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Hirooki Goto vs. Konosuke Takeshita

They trade forearms and KT flying lariats him. KT ddt's him in the aisle. KT ddt's him on the apron. KT boots him while he's down. They trade forearms and chops. Goto is knocked down with a forearm. Kt boots him out of the corner then Goto hits a hard lariat. Goto spinning heel kicks him in the corner then backdrops him.

KT hits a hurricanrana then tope con hilos him. They trade corner attacks. KT flying knees him then Goto ushigoroshi's him. They trade forearms then KT blue thunders him for 2.

They trade forearms on the buckles. Goto hits a code red off the buckles for 2. KT hits a package tombstone then a wheelbarrow german. Goto flips him with a lariat. Goto hits a GTW for 2. KT brainbusters him.  Goto hits a side pendulum slam for 2. Goto headbutts him when KT goes for the forearm. Goto slices him on the knee and wins.

Thoughts: I thought it was okay but not great. It was a little slower than it should have been and Goto sold forearms too much.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Ren Narita vs. Yota Tsuji

Yota get nailed as he enters the ring. Ren boots him and bangs his head off the apron. Ren bangs Yota's leg off the post and sends him into the rails. Yota's leg is tied up in the rails and kicked. They go into the crowd and Yota is sent into the chairs. Yota's leg is banged off the floor.

Ren stomps on his leg in the ring and suplexes him for 2. Yota hits forearms on him. Ren blocks a flying headscissors and high crabs him. Yota tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Yota shoulders him over and splashes him for 2.

Ren eye rakes him and takes a gutbuster. Ren exploders him then flying kicks him in the corner. Ren underhook suplexes him then leglocks him. Yota rolls him up and crabs him. Yota goes for the marlow crash and is stopped.

Yota hits his combination ending in a curbstomp. Ren rolls him into a leglock. Yota headbutts him then does a swinging drop on him off of his shoulders. Yota is sent into the ref then Ren flying kneepresses him.

Ren misses a weapon shot and Yota superkicks him. Yota hits a hard knee to the chest then takes a low blow. Ren double jump kneepresses him. Yota hits forearms. They choke each other and Yota hits something like an orange crush. Yota is sent into the exposed buckles. Ren clips him. Yota gets out of a facebuster and knees him. Yota hits a big spear and wins.

Thoughts: They were having an unoffensive match then we had to do the usual HoT BS which brought things down. I'm not really surprised and it was a nothing main event as expected.

Overall thoughts: It was okay but not a great night at the G1. Cobb/Henare was very disappointing. The expectations for Goto/Takeshita were maybe too high but it was still okay. I liked ELP/Yuya and Finlay/Oleg wasn't that bad. I liked the Jake Lee tag too.

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