Monday, August 5, 2024

WWE Speed 8/2/2024

WWE Speed 8/2/2024

The last show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament 1st Round - Pete Dunne vs Julius Creed

Pete runs at him and is thrown over. JC belly to belly suplexes him then release germans him for 2. JC lifts him by the gut and throws him. Pete step up enzugiri's him then rebound germans him. pete double stands JC's hands and buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Pete basement dropkicks JC for 2.

Pete armbars JC. JC hits a stiff deadlift powerbomb out of the triangle choke. They trade forearms on their knees. JC jumping knees him then slides into a knee from Pete. Pete goes up top, JC jumps to the top and superplexes him for 2.

JC lifts him for a powerbomb. Pete grabs the arm and splits the fingers. Pete hits a bitter end and wins at 2:25.

Thoughts: It was one of the better Speed matches we have seen. They made the most of their time here and stiffed each other good.

Overall thoughts: There was only one match as usual here. It was good for what it was but not not must see stuff.

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